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  • File : 1315565614.jpg-(45 KB, 417x600, 7119899_jpg_133561a1.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)06:53 No.2067405  
    Does /lit/ like her?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)06:56 No.2067408
    I don't recognize this woman. Is she a writer? I could drop my load on her pale face. Her smile suggests that she would enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)06:59 No.2067413
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:04 No.2067418
    I have no idea who this is, but what the hell is she wearing on her head?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:05 No.2067422
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    Fake locks?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:05 No.2067423
    >harry potter glasses
    >ugly duck man face
    >horrible multi-colored fake hair extensions
    >bra visible
    >"EDGY" combination of professional and adolescent styles

    I am displeased.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:07 No.2067426
    If you pooped on her face it wouldn't make any difference
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:09 No.2067428
    >harry potter glasses
    Can be removed
    >ugly duck man face
    That only makes her more attractive
    >horrible multi-colored fake hair extensions
    Don't mind
    >bra visible
    >"EDGY" combination of professional and adolescent styles
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:11 No.2067429
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    I would like to remove my statement regarding placing my semen of this woman's(?) *face*.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:11 No.2067430
    Yes, we are two separate people and our tastes in women are not the same. OMFG breakthrough.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:11 No.2067431
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    >She is a self-identified bisexual and has suffered from eating disorders.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:13 No.2067434
    >eating disorders
    >still fat

    And of course she's bisexual. She'd be stupid to limit her choices to only one gender. She has to take anything she can get.

    >By the way, OP, that's a 'no.'
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:18 No.2067437
    There is no such thing as gender
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:18 No.2067438
    I'd have to actually see a sample of her writing to offer an actual opinion, but she writes about eating disorders and gross shit I don't care about so I probably won't bother (and I'd be judging her on translated works, as I don't know Finnish).

    I don't like what I see though.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:30 No.2067445
    I've never heard of her, but her work sounds very interesting. Thanks for the heads up, OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:36 No.2067453
    Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:37 No.2067456
    I remember the time when women dressed like that were actual whores. I have more respect for those than women like OP's pic
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:40 No.2067459

    You remember a time when women who wore slacks and dress shirts were whores?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:53 No.2067466
    Ohoho alright champ. I'm sure every biologist that ever lived can agree with you on that.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:56 No.2067470
    But they do

    Go back to your feminist sociology 'academia'
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:56 No.2067471
    Gender has nothing to do with biology.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:56 No.2067472
    Oh God that horrible face, and what's with the mall goth hair? The fact that she didn't grow out of that at 13 suggests she is extremely immature.

    Tell that to my dick, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:57 No.2067474
    Biology is a tool of oppression used to butress dominant ideologies.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:58 No.2067475
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    A tit is a tit.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:58 No.2067476
    >ask /lit/'s opinion of an author
    >most criticise her appearance
    >some say they want to fuck her some say she's ugly
    >very little discussion of her merit as an author

    My God, it's like being back on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)07:59 No.2067477
    5/10 you had me going there for a second
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:00 No.2067478
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    >merit as an author
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:01 No.2067479
    ITT: /lit/ confusing gender with sex, again.

    Jesus, come on you guys. Take an introductory sociology course or something, jeez.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:02 No.2067480

    4chan is full of misogynists, and /lit/ is no exception. This kind of thing happens whenever women authors are brought up, but particularly contemporary feminist writers.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:02 No.2067481

    I had to laugh.


    I don't think I'd ever read anything by someone who looks like this. Call my judgmental, but I don't think she's tearing up the literary world with her wowing command of language.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:03 No.2067482
    'You did nothing against the opinions until you have attacked the person' (Joseph de Maistre)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:05 No.2067487
    >introductory to sociology
    >professors tell you gender is different from sex

    Chemistry major here, that's fucking retarded. (I'm referring to both the notion that gender isn't a scientific term and ever wasting tuition on a course in sociology.)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:05 No.2067489

    What a person looks like has nothing to do with their writing.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:07 No.2067490

    >hard science major
    >closed minded, arrogant asshole

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:07 No.2067491
    You're pretty wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:07 No.2067494

    Okay then. Draw a correlation between a physical trait and a characteristic of writing. Be specific.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:07 No.2067495
    if someone looks like the spawn of Hot Topic they probably adhere to really shitty, manufactured "counter-culture" values.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:08 No.2067497
    I don't do pseudo-science.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:10 No.2067499
    She buys multicoloured hair from a fucking a shop.

    There's no way in hell she's got too many poignant things to say.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:10 No.2067500
    I'm not being close-minded, the word gender has specific implications toward reproductive organs. I know you hyper-liberals like to complain about anything and everything, but you can't change the definition of a word to suit your own agenda. No scientist would ever tell you that gender isn't directly related if not synonymous to sex.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:10 No.2067501


    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:11 No.2067502

    Draw a correlation between a physical trait and a characteristic of writing. Be specific.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:11 No.2067503
    See >>2067482
    Separating the individual from the opinion he or she wrote makes all criticism impossible.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:12 No.2067505

    Again, I don't care what closed-minded scientists think.

    In the realm of sociology and literary criticism, y'know, where people actually think, gender and sex are two very distinct terms.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:13 No.2067506
    Mad cuz the only thing s/he can do with their degree is spout gibberish for a living.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:13 No.2067507
    You don't think someone's worldview would somewhat reflect in their outward appearance?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:14 No.2067508
    >x doesn't influence y if you can't point out a specific case of such an influence that occurs in ALL such purported influences

    This is a general thing, and we're not talking about physical characteristics like how her face looks or how big her fucking feet are, we're talking about choices she consciously chooses to make being representative of her personality and values, which are the backbone of an author's writing.

    Why are you retarded. You are so retarded that I think you must be a troll and I am done with this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:14 No.2067509

    Get out of here capsguy. You're a misogynist no one cares what you think.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:14 No.2067510
    >impling anyone said that her physical raits made her a bad writer

    It's not because she's ugly that I know she's a bad writer, it's because she dresses like someone whose AIM account is darkxxangelxxlostxxsoul that I know she's a bad writer.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:14 No.2067511
    I'm not capsguy, I'm just an angry guy writing in caps.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:15 No.2067512

    While it is not untrue, there are exceptions.

    But the face, she can't do anything about (well, she could, but I wouldn't want to read from some conceited plastic surgery gal/guy)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:16 No.2067513

    Maybe. But I don't think you could discern them.


    >This is a general thing

    I agree. You're making broad, retarded generalization based on your own preconceptions. I'm glad we got that all settled.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:16 No.2067514
    >Being interested in unveiling nothing but what is factually true
    >calls it 'close minded'

    Planes don't stay in the air because of prayers or anti-plane discrimination laws.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:16 No.2067515
    Wait, I mean
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:17 No.2067516

    I think he meant pshysical, as in her face/body etc.

    I'd rather read from an ugly person than from a plastic surgery user any day.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:17 No.2067517
    I see those who have no publications to their name critiquing someone who has one multiple awards for theirs

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:17 No.2067518

    Alright. You guys go build planes then, and stop trying to act like you have valid opinions on stuff that concerns the mind.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:17 No.2067519

    If it was a guy in skinny jeans and an MCR shirt we'd say the same thing. If you choose to look like a faggot it speaks volumes as to who you are and therefore how you write.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:19 No.2067520
    You are criticizing her style (which I agree is as hideous and attention seeking as it gets), then, not looks per se.


    >Everything that can be used to disprove my claims is pseudo-science

    Also, to the biological determinists (the actual ones and the wannabes that find it so very edgy): please, do yourself a favour and acknowledge the fact that you are discussing an individual, not a large group. Generalizations are not the most logical choice in such circumstances. Also, realizing that someone is entitled to their own opinion does not hurt. Really.

    Take it easy, folks, 'twould be a shame to die of a heart attack by thirty.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:19 No.2067521

    Tolstoy dressed like a homeless peasant. He certainly didn't write like one.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:19 No.2067522
    >doesn't concern the mind

    Sociology majors actually believe this
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:20 No.2067523
    Philosophers and social scientists have created a difference between the words 'sex' and 'gender' in order to discuss the physiological (sex) and social realities (gender) of being a man or woman. However, the two words did originally mean the same thing, were interchangeable, and can still be used correctly in this sense. Example: 'gender-reassignment' and 'sex-change' mean the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:20 No.2067525

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:21 No.2067529

    >While it is not untrue, there are exceptions
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:21 No.2067530
    Stop acting like you have valid opinions on...anything. Eg, saying that E=MC2 is a gendered equation or looking for evidence of rape in Beethoven symphonies.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:22 No.2067532
    The best literature (including poetry) is made by starving people. They have nothing left to lose anyway and write for the hell of it, not for attention.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:23 No.2067534

    Are you having a converstion with that poster or with the one in your head?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:23 No.2067535

    Well that's a rather easy out, wouldn't you say? "I'm right except for those times I'm not right, but those are just exceptions to me being right"
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:24 No.2067536
    >Also, realizing that someone is entitled to their own opinion does not hurt. Really.

    I'm the Chemistry major from before. You can't have an opinion on a word with a specific definition. Regardless of what your politically driven Sociology major told you, a word (gender) conforms to its definition.

    If you think women are mistreated or disrespected by society, fine. But don't go around saying that gender doesn't refer to reproductive organs. It does.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:24 No.2067537
    Behold, feminism at work:

    >Luce Irigaray wrongly regards E=mc2 as a "sexed equation" because she argues that "it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us". They also take issue with the assertion that fluid mechanics is unfairly neglected because it deals with "feminine" fluids in contrast to "masculine" rigid mechanics.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:24 No.2067538

    Tolstoy was a rich aristocrat. He just dressed that way.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:24 No.2067540

    Yea, make a broad generalisation about why a certain segment of the population writes, why don't you?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:25 No.2067541
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    OP must be kicking him/herself for referring to her writing specifically.

    Then again, 'tis not like it would stop /lit/ from discussing the size, kind and shape of chips on their shoulders.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:25 No.2067543

    Sweet Jesus Christ Almighty, people!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:25 No.2067544

    >still thinks definitions are prescriptivist

    You're not helping the whole "closed-minded scientist" thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:26 No.2067546
    ITT: pseudointellectuals literally arguing about semantics

    i mean really
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:27 No.2067547


    It's early.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:27 No.2067548

    No, that's a retard using feminism as an excuse to act retarded.

    There is a juge that thinks that the show 24 is proof that torture works. Does that mean the justice system is stupid? No, just this guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:28 No.2067549
    The problem is that the only thing these people can do with their useless degrees and skills is go on to peddle more inane gibberish.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:29 No.2067551
    >social scientists

    What authority do they have to change the definiton of a scientific term? If you tried to convince a scientist that the animal he or she was observing didn't "really" have a gender you'd be laughed at, and rightly so. For shit's sake, I don't understand why sociologists think they have any actual credibility, particularly enough to change thousands of years of accepted science and insist that we've been misuing a term that we brought into use in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:29 No.2067552
    >the meaning of gender

    important shit guise

    definitely worth raging over
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:30 No.2067555
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    Hey guys, what's going on here?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:30 No.2067556
    I am not the poster from before - in fact, this was my first post in this topic. Neither am I feminist, or a sociology major. Also, I was not discussing the definition of gender.

    Calling other posters out on biological determinism does not automatically mean an attempt to change the said definition... though by the way, what would you say of the undifferentiated gender? Or the androgynous? The binary system does not even begin to cover those, though it might help describe them.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:31 No.2067558

    But some animals do have gender. Most don't, but there you go.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:32 No.2067560
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    So, firstly, you expect a woman who writes about anxiety disorder, violence in lesbian relationships and sex slavery (from wiki, I've never read her) to dress like a woman who works in wal-mart. Secondly, you think this actully makes a difference to how she writes.

    You are the most reactionary bunch of people I've ever encountered. I find it very hard to believe that you're not all eighty years old.

    "Who does she think she is with her purple hair? In my day people had a bit of respect for themselves".

    /lit/ is genuinely a disappointing board sometimes. I only console myself that you're not actually the future of intellectualism (who are probably doing something more worthwhile) - you're the chaff that falls into this collecting bin.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:34 No.2067562
    >you're not allowed to make glib and deliberately shallow assessments of people on 4chan

    okay Mrs Krabappel
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:34 No.2067563
    She buys her hair from a fucking shop, man.

    She buys coloured hair from a fucking shop.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:34 No.2067564

    Don't think of gender as something you 'are'. Think of it as traits you have/perform. A lot of people are a mix of both genders.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:34 No.2067565

    But you're on /lit/ too...
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:34 No.2067566
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    Prove me that a woman like her can write something like this.

    Spoiler: you can't, because her looks and sexuality makes it impossible
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:34 No.2067567
    >butthert libral dyke detected
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:38 No.2067570

    Thank goodness for that!

    That shit is so bad it makes my eyes bleed!

    For realz!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:38 No.2067571
    That was exactly what I meant. There are also people who do not express any (or very few) typical traits of any gender.

    That being said, the woman buys purple hair from a shop. I find it quite comical.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:39 No.2067574

    I don't know how much of an improvement that would be, but I guess wal-mart employees could sometimes look more presentable than a woman who dresses like a 13 year old mall goth kid and wears multicolored fake dreads.
    >> married oldfag !VqaXcWQC4Q 09/09/11(Fri)08:41 No.2067576
    >>you're the chaff that falls into this collecting bin
    And welcome to you, too!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:42 No.2067577

    Maybe she dresses like that for interviews to be more eye-catching and to be less recoginzable irl?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:43 No.2067580

    Can you tell english isn't my first language lol
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:43 No.2067581
    Funnily enough, 'twas Martin that came to my mind earlier, when I wanted to name examples of writers who should not be judged by their looks.

    After looking at his picture, one would expect a cook book, or some other shitty manual of gentlemanly pastimes like fishing or hunting, straight from the damn merry old England.

    By your trololologic, he would be 'unable' to write anything else because of his looks. And sexuality.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:43 No.2067583
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    Good example, considering that the author is pic related and half of /lit/ will still gladly funnel his hog.


    Guess again, fuckbag - male, non-lesbian and my butt is relatively unsinged, cheers anyway.


    How do you know? And why do you have a problem with it? I buy almost all my clothes from a shop, a fucking shop man. It's the normal way.

    Her hair, however, may be just growing out of her head. If it's not, however, then you're probably right, extensions are of the devil and this whore should be burnt.

    Jesus, it's pretty 1958 in here.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:45 No.2067587
    Uh, no. Martin looks like a fat, fantasy-escapist neckbeard.

    He looks exactly like the man who writes his unskilled prose.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:45 No.2067588
    But it is a known fact that old men with long white beards write fantasy
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:46 No.2067589
    >Implying the Anon was raging at the novelty, and not just laughing at the effect.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:47 No.2067590
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    I'm prepared to admit that I'm obviously not as stellar an intellect as I used to think, since I'm hanging around here rather than redefining the field of history or undermining the nature of the capitalist system with my rhetoric. How many of you other chancers are prepared to admit that if you're on 4chan (especially daily) then you are never going to amount to anything intellectually?

    Or will you just go back to sneering at Tao Lin for doing things that you all daren't/are too untalented for?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:49 No.2067593

    Well, I'm suffering from brain damage (for real) and I find a lot of people on 4chan to be stupider than me...
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:49 No.2067594
    I don't understand. Are people seriously trying to argue that a fat binge-eating mall goth with purple hair extensions that she wears with suitpants to display her adolescent appreciation for irony and whimsy can write good fiction?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:51 No.2067599
    Gods be good, this picture. Is it from a baww thread or something? Because, seriously, the level of pretentiousness is appropriate.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:52 No.2067601
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:52 No.2067602
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    Actually, I think that

    >She buys her hair from a fucking shop, man.

    >She buys coloured hair from a fucking shop.

    Proves that it's the concept that appals, and not the appearance.

    she's also probably more attractive than the last woman most c/lit/s fucked, assuming they ever have fucked a woman
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:55 No.2067607

    Actually, I've noticed that I've spent a lot more time on 4chan these last few months, since I had two really bad head traumas at the start of the year.

    I don't know what that proves, but my doctor tells me that we all only get a limited number of blows to the head in a lifetime, and I'm close to my limit. I think I'm one step from punchy, but I've got two degrees so I still think I'm clever. I retain enough self-awareness though to realise that I'm not as clever as I used to be 10 years ago. It's kind of tragic really.

    I may well be the spirit of /lit/
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:55 No.2067608
    She is not more attractive than the last woman I fucked, and it's only one guy that keeps posting about the hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:56 No.2067610

    At first glance I thought it was someone cosplaying as that alien from Star Wars lol
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:58 No.2067613

    Well, again, I'm going to be honest and say that she is more attractive than the last woman I fucked (my wife of too many years - sometimes I look at Anne Widdecombe and think 'yeah, I probably would, just for the novelty and to say I did it').

    Then again, for a traumatised bum with no prospects, I guess I should take it where I can.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:59 No.2067615

    Then again, if /lit/ thought this... coiffure... is becoming, no one would probably react.

    Also, I do not find anyone's sexual experience or lack thereof relevant to the topic. Really.

    BTW, this is probably the most absurd and unimportant conversation I had in months. Funny, in a way.

    Have a good day, /lit/, I'm going outside.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:01 No.2067619
    Sorry to hear, Anon. Really. If you do not mind me asking, how come you are so prone to such accidents?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:01 No.2067620

    >I'll go on 4chan to say I'm too good for it because that's the only thing that make me able to sleep at night in my empty bed with my empty life.

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:02 No.2067621

    >absurd and unimportant conversation I had in months.

    Actually, I think it's quite interesting to see the level of people's honesty and delusion. Does anyone really believe that /lit/ is full of the intellegentsia of the future? I see no evidence of intellectualism on this board.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:04 No.2067625

    Also, implying it's the same people that are on /lit/ all the time.

    I'm new to this board in the sense that I'm not a regular, but I still post sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:04 No.2067626
    We just read books. That doesn't make us intellectual and I'm pretty sure most of the people on this board don't think it does. Retards just yell the loudest, is all.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:05 No.2067627

    An adventurous life.

    And they're not all accidents - I used to box when I was younger, and I used to fight quite a lot as well. This year, one of the concussions was while I was scuba diving (knocked myself dizzy in a cave system), the other one was when I fell off my bike at high speed, followed by faceplant, brief unconsciousness and then almost complete amnesia and a week in bed. That was a nasty one - it was a good job I was drunk or I would probably have died.

    Not all glamorous and exciting though - a couple of years ago my fucking wife knocked me spark out (she is trained in Krav Maga, so it's not entirely embarrassing, but she's only 150cm).
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:07 No.2067631

    not this poster, but seriously, wtf? he never said he was too good, he just said this thread sucked. which it does.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:07 No.2067632

    >Also, implying it's the same people that are on /lit/ all the time.

    Oh, but it is - not just the tripfags either. There are a number of Anons who are very recognisable by their way of writing.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:09 No.2067635
    a northern european woman writer?

    Countdown until she gets the Nobel prize

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:09 No.2067636

    >not this poster,

    Yes you are. I thought you were going outside?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:09 No.2067637
    This. The people who are helpful in the OC threads usually show up in most of them and are recognizable.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:10 No.2067638

    I see. No need to explain adventures and physical activity are not always glamorous - I know what you're talking about, in fact my pastimes are similar, plus a short fuse and getting in as many brawls as I possibly can, lol. Guess I am just lucky to keep my head more or less intact. Or so damn vain I keep a high guard all the time, heh. Have a great life, Anon!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:10 No.2067639
    as an added bonus, she pushes an "alternative" "lifestyle". Definately nobel prize material.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:11 No.2067640
    and i thought you can read.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:11 No.2067641

    >Northern European

    You're adorable.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:13 No.2067643


    I feel weird about how I got my brain damage now. I've been doing Muay Thai for the last 12 years and the worse I got is a broken nose.

    I got my injury becuse of a faulty wall socket and electric shock.

    Yeah, I should just say I got like this by winning a fight. ;)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:17 No.2067647

    Unfortunately, the ones you get concussed in are often the ones you lose...

    I once got electrocuted when I was working on a building site in England. It knocked me about a metre backwards, and I felt weird for a couple of days - like I was hyped all the time, and I the world seemed brighter - a little like a concussion, actually. So I can see how this may contribute to the abuse of the ol' noggin. Unlucky dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:18 No.2067648

    You can be a shit author and win it if your swedish. A finn with an "alternative" "lifestyle" is on equal footing as a swede.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:20 No.2067650

    Ebook please? I'm actually Finnish and saw her slim paper back on sale for 9,99 €, but thought I'd use my money for better things in life. I assume her stuff is the same "ironic" and self-conscious bs than everything else these days...

    As for her appearance; only retards and high schoolers care about such things IMO.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:21 No.2067652
    The Nobel has never been relevant or meaningful for literature.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:24 No.2067654
    She's Finnish
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:25 No.2067655
    And let's not forget that Bertrand Russell won the award. Bertrand Russell won an award for literature. Lol.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:27 No.2067656

    Oh, you're so edgy and non-comformist. If I knew you IRL, I would totally let you put your pee-pee inside me.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)09:28 No.2067658
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