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    1.23 MB Prole !XDERDXUpqQ 03/05/11(Sat)22:19 No.1605730  
    I don't know how many of you remember the Zine Writers Guild that used to exist on this board, but out of a certain sense of nostalgia and restlessness, I've decided to create a successor publication to it.

    “What an Awful Zine is an online magazine of web culture and occasionally interesting written content published monthly. You send your writing to us and we publish it”

    Circulation will be Monthly, the publication being released via mediafire link at the end of each month.
    Interested browsers wanting to send any poetry/fiction/non-fiction pieces they've written for publication can e-mail it to publication is intended to act as a showcase of writers on /lit/ and the internet in general. The publication is completely non-profit, writers will always maintain copyright control of their work.

    So far, everything I've mentioned has been a near-clone of the original ZWG publication. However, What an Awful Zine also has several differences from the previous publication:
    1) It is not a 4chan-only publication. This means material from outside of /lit/ may be incorporated
    2) While the publication still deals primarily with submitted written content, it may occasionally include other material for the sake of diversity
    3) The Publication will always include a monthly copyright-expired or non-copyright essay shamelessly swindled for the sake of content. Readers can recommend future essays for the publication to use
    4) What an Awful Zine is NOT associated with the Zine Writers Guild in any direct or meaningful way

    I'll stick around for a half hour or so to answer questions and comments. After that, you'll need to e-mail me (
    >> ♥onionring♥ !Rrxa7zePwI 03/05/11(Sat)22:22 No.1605736
    you need a better name me think
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)22:23 No.1605740
    Get this the fuck out of my /lit/
    >> Imam Oreo !!peQoYBwPn7U 03/05/11(Sat)22:25 No.1605744
    The other one crashed and burned because no one fucking liked it or read it. This one will be no different
    >> Deep&Edgy !pSkjEcB9sQ 03/05/11(Sat)22:26 No.1605746
    what an awful name
    >> Prole !XDERDXUpqQ 03/05/11(Sat)22:26 No.1605747
    Meh, I kind of found it funny myself. Bit of a knock-off of the "Sordid Zine" publication I'd been browsing prior to the decision to remake
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)22:29 No.1605754
         File1299382194.jpg-(9 KB, 247x248, 1257869832622.jpg)
    9 KB

    >he listens/responds to tripcunts
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)22:30 No.1605755
    Kind of close to Somewhat Awful

    Anyways, submissions to the email in your post right?
    >> DeadSunshine !!3DODQ2wnTJt 03/05/11(Sat)22:30 No.1605756
    Just publishing stuff that people give to you is a bad idea. You need an editor with a A strong vision if you expect people to read the thing.
    >> Prole !XDERDXUpqQ 03/05/11(Sat)22:31 No.1605760
    Hmm, we had a decent readership and were maintaining a consistent number of submissions at the time of closure. Of course it wasn't anywhere near as big as any of us hoped for, but it did exist. Its too easy to write things off as impossible if you're not even going to try, y'know?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)22:32 No.1605764
    You going to have a website for this?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/11(Sat)22:36 No.1605769

    If someone called 'onionring' tells you you need a new name, I think you can safely assume you're on the right track.

    Incidentally, it always makes me think that somehow the sweat in your obese and repugnant anal cleft stinks of shallots.
    >> ♥onionring♥ !Rrxa7zePwI 03/05/11(Sat)22:37 No.1605774
    im 95 lbs
    >> Prole !XDERDXUpqQ 03/05/11(Sat)22:37 No.1605775
    Fair enough, but in order for anything to be successful the publication needs_submissions first. It really depends on how many we get to determine how critical an editor can be

    Yeah, to the e-mail.
    Poetry/fiction/non-fiction writing of basically any length :3

    Possibly in the future, but I don't really see any pressing need presently. I'm going to be posting often enough to be able to communicate with the board, and I don't really want to go through the hassle of dealing with a webpage right now. If issue 1 goes through successfully, I'll program a webpage myself for issue 2. Sound decent?

    Also, legions of trips browsing /lit/

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