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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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where do i find a boyfriend?
No where. Not on this planet, nor in this lifetime.
oh ok thx for the support
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What the fuck is that thing in OP's image?
In your lucid dreams.
how do i get to space
i'm poor i can't even afford clothing i wear potato sacks
i had a dream about baby sacrifices last night is this a sign
yes. baby sacrifice dreams are a sign that you will one day find a boyfriend, get married and raise a family with him, but eventually everything you have, including your children will be lost, most likely in a freak jam factory explosion
oh boy, another overweight, schizotypical fucktard that just rolled in from tumblr.

Don't let the door hit you on the way >>>/out/
You mean, you aren't attracted to his rose garland clipart?
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I-I wanna kiss your chest and fall asleep with my head resting on it ;_;
How to Leave the Planet:

1) Phone NASA. Their phone number is (713) 4833111. Explain that it is very important that you get away as soon as possible.

2) If they do not cooperate, phone any friend you may have in the White House—(202) 4561414—to have a word on your behalf with the guys at NASA.

3) If you don't have any friends in the White House, phone the Kremlin (ask the overseas operator for 01070952959051). They don't have any friends there either (at least, none to speak of), but they do seem to have a little influence, so you may as well try.

4) If that also fails, phone the pope for guidance. His telephone number is 0113966982, and I gather his switchboard is infallible.

5) If all these attempts fail, flag down a passing flying saucer and explain that it is vitally important you get away before your phone bill arrives.
omg you have cancer
2 raw 4 u
then who's chest will i rest my head on?
69 but in head rest position.
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Fine then we'll switch. I don't mind.

...more? pretty please?

you fat piece of shit
that is disgusting
Someone give him a hamburger please!
i'm literally flirting with the pope on the phone right now
thank you so much
i've found my boyfriend
>>719234 (OP)
LGBT meet ups
literally anywhere

just go outside and socialize more often, bro
... Christ and I thought I was skinny

Thank you skeleton
Me too. This guy takes it to the extreme.

Still, since he is light it'd be easier to scoop him up for cuddles.
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my feels
can we like hold hands or something
your face is so fucking ugly it's funny
You look like you'd be a really annoying flamer
i literally never leave my house sooo like
i've tried craigslist and that didn't work out so well
i've never tried okcupid before though? i'm going to check that out, thank you for the suggestions
that one hurt
*hair flip*
>This guy takes it to the extreme.
i'm in my bmi range thing for my height, soooo
How tall are you, friend.
Are you from Sweden?
BFG detected?

no seriously son, eat a sandwich or SOMETHING, you aint no skelington, you a MAN, men got more meat then that.
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i like u
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i live in ohio
its a giant cornfield
i don't think i look THAT thin....?
i'm in my healthy bmi range thing
sooo like
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I think you'd look cuter if you didn't have all the piercings and ear thingy(?).
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obama help me i am being cyebr bullied
thx i think
And the scene-mullet.
So, a picture of your butt will really help :)
This as well. Funny blue hair is for Japanese cartoons.
Other than that, not bad.
so like whats with all the shitty little stock images surrounding you
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loves it
its flat as fuck
i'm rly self conscious about it i don't like my body sooo like


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06/09/13(Sun)20:48 No.719504
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)20:48 No.719504
>>719234 (OP)
LGBT meet ups
literally anywhere

just go outside and socialize more often, bro