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What is your strangest or wildest fetish, /lgbt/?
I'm not really a footfag, but I love when guys have smelly feet. It just gets my blood boiling for some reason.
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laundered, slightly felted cashmere, leather thats been a little ruined, and washed, distended silk
I love watching transwomen perform autofellatio.
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catering to other peoples fetishes.
Blood play and erotic asphyxiation, mostly erotic asphyxiation.
myoelectrical stimulation, knifeplay, and getting drugged
Being "milked"
>>445750 (OP)

i'm really into the idea of a thin 35 year old lesbian woman with dark brown hair, and green eyes turning me into her servant/fuck toy

>tfw autogynephile
Yes, getting drugged too oh god yes.
oh yeah, and she's have to have a fairly successful career in something where she needs to wear blazers
Handcuffs, cock worship, unprotected sex and the pleasure of being cummed inside.
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You're pretty cool, Nana: I looked up. saw erotic asphyxiation, and knew I had forgotten something, too.
Bondage, pegging, latex, leather, ropes mainly.

Sniper, is that you?
I know who I'm picking for the /lgbt deadpool...
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Being made into a meat toilet.
Well, I'm a gay guy who is attracted to virtually any kind of genitalia as long as it's attached to (a person presenting themselves well as) a guy. Does that count?
Being beaten into submission, tied up, drugged, and raped.

Thanks, manga.
Virtually any genitalia, or lack thereof, rather.
Knifeplay, diaperplay, rape play.
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Nope, that's normal. Not even a fetish, really, you're just attracted to masculinity.
Well of course, but with how often attraction to men seems to be based around the cock, I figured it must count for something.
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It's stuff like this which makes me think /pol/ is right about everything.
How so?
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Hehe, I seem to have many things like this I enjoy. General bdsm and things like that is hot. I'm a lewd girl.

I would oblige. Maybe not the beating part... but I'll drug you, tie you up, and rape you.
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Suicide, Autosexuality, Breeding, Beast, psychological dominance, furry, vore, some fairly specific inanimate objects, and cuddling/cutesy garbage.

Pretty much whatever kinds of horrible porn you can stir up.
I just don't like blood or lasting physical damage.
Getting beaten up is a "whatever". I think I just get off on the fantasy of being totally helpless and at the mercy of another person's lust.

I don't mean in the chains and leather ooo baby, flog me harder, sort of way. I mean tears rolling down cheeks, legitimately afraid.
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No, I totally understand. I never got the whips and chains and leather thing.

You would wake up tied up and gagged and completely at my mercy. Also, I said nothing about not hitting you while you were tied up.
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Picture related
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Voyeurism. Not "watching my partner fap/schlick on camera" stuff, but the proper "they actually don't know I am watching them" voyeurism. Sort of like catching a cute trap with his door slightly ajar, he's trying on some new clothes, staring at himself long and hard in the mirror, before he settles onto the bed, masturbating himself in the mirror, all the while, I am peering from behind the door, he is blissfully unaware I am watching, my own dick in my hand, jerking it.

Of course, later on, I could see him in the house/street/etc and I could grin knowing I've seen him, and he's unaware I have.
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>mfw there's a picture of me floating around the internet in panties thanks to forgetting webcam was on
Haha, cute.
Superficial biting, enough to leave welts and bruising but not enough to break skin, specifically of the superior fibers of the trapezius muscles. Bruises made by digging fingertips, especially on the hips, ribs, upper arms, and ankles--it's a matter of appreciating the marks after the lovemaking's done and the dude's gone for the night. Conversely, gentle treatment in the midst of all the biting, bruising, and (one certainly hopes) vicious pounding, is also greatly desired. Specifically combing fingers through hair, not pulling, and lightly kneading pretty much everywhere. "Okay, ow, you're causing me legit pain here and you're stronger than me so it's not like I can make you stop, but oh hey you're doing something nice and being all sweet and gentle for a sec. Cool. You don't actually suck, guy, good for you."

A dude who'll let me dig my nails into his buttcheek and leave scratches while I'm sucking him off is highly desired as well. And the trust from either party for the participation in such activities is, in and of itself, quite hot. Trust-boner. Awyiss.
Vanilla as fuck
Bondage, but without the traditional bondage aesthetic. Less black leather.
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My fetish is emotional intimacy and holding hands.
Lolis (real and the anime kind, though I have no intention of acting on my urges), feet, traps and bestiality.
Light, consensual bondage. Not in a master/slave sense, and less leather and more metal.

furry and diapers
boyfriend likes furry shit too and the diapers part is kind of fucked so i leave it out
Sadly most guys don't take care of theirs and have ugly feet.
>though I have no intention of acting on my urges

beta as fuck
Licking hot fudge off of my partner is the bomb. Also, fat fetish,big hands, and business suits.

At least I'm not a scumbag though.
>not liking shota

I do but not to the same degree as I do delicious lolis.
>big hands
iktf. Big feet drive me wild as well.
>tfw you take a hot guy home
>remove his shoes and socks
>feet are ugly as fuck
>lose boner immediately
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I'm gay and I've got a total hand fetish.

I want to tie or cuff a guy's wrists really tight, lick the sweat off his palms, suck on his fingers.
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>>445750 (OP)
Oh god a disability fetish
I get off on quadriplegics, amputees, paraplegics, blind people, people with no teeth, incontinence, wheelchairs...
My girlfriend pooping her pants/underwear for me intentionally.
Or my girlfriend making me really mad to the point where I rape her.
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Guys with long hair that is taken care of. I can't help being a little attracted to guys with greasy hair though too, but I will judge them.
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I wanna be a shape shifter.A sexy one!

And here I thought I was weird for getting off on aspies and autistics.
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>>445750 (OP)
I hate how the BDSM community tries to call themselves a pansexual community. It's just a big joke. Evey BDSM event I've ever gone to was super heteronormative.
Dated a full-on aspie guy for a while, broke up. Very next person I flirted with turned out to be an aspie girl. Friends think this is my fetish now. Its really not.

>implying the BDSM community isn't a hotbed of lesbian experimentation
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My fetishes are emotional intimacy and diapers. Other than that i'm fairly open to anything except hardcore BDSM and any sort of blood/pain play.
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This is basically my biggest fetish to have this done to me, but it's not like I can just tell that to any potential partner without sounding sane. I'm really into physical abuse, hitting and biting, bruises and bite marks, that sort of thing. It's also hard to find good porn like this without the cheesy setups and shiny leather.

Gah, stop it.
You don't have to make it sound insane, just tell your partner you like it rough. Maybe later say that you like it really rough. If you get in a good relationship you could get into detail.

Seriously, any other guys with a hand kink?
I like hands, but I like feet more.

I think the right kind of bf could teach me how to have a foot fetish.

What do you like doing with feet?
Yeah, you're right. I'd still love to find a super sadistic guy and just offer myself to him for a night still, with or without any kind of relationship.

I guess I do, especially veiny hands, or veiny anything, unf.
That would be so hot. I'd be so afraid - and aroused.
I guess so, something about tendons and long fingers that I really like.
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I love sucking on toes/foot worship and tickling.
My thing for hands is an extension of my foot fetish more than anything else.

I love how the veins on my hands are sticking out more, ever since I started lifting with more frequency.
Yep, I used to think about getting myself purposefully in that situation in real life, but I quickly realised how idiotic that is.
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I used to have have a friend who thought I was weird because I stared at his beautiful veiny arms/hands so much, sigh.
Act first, think later. If I had the chance I'd take it, haha. You gotta do some stupid shit now and then to get some nice experiences.

I wish you were my friend. I wouldn't find it weird, I'd just find it arousing.

I need to get a little sun, though. It doesn't come easy to me.
I wish, just don't want to come out of it with a slit throat though and HIV.
Haha, me too.
>>445750 (OP)

Gang banged while crossdressing
im crazy into the gangbang idea but im ftm and pretty picky so its never gonna happen

I'm sorry, didn't you get the memo?
/pol/ is always right
We have a lot in common!

You disgusting sick fuck
It's shit like this that gives the lgbt community a bad name

Well I'm straight (or at least my claims to bi are just crossdressing and fapping to trap hentai) so really the entire "gangbanged while crossdressing" is pretty hardcore
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This is why I stick to manga. There's plenty of comics out there of femmy guys doing something stupid and then getting raped as a result. It's fun to fantasize about, thinking of myself in his position, what I would do, etc., because it's not real and nobody actually gets hurt. I think my fascination with it stems from (unfortunately) being molested by a neighbor kid growing up, and from this one time where I was 14 and a friend of my older brother wrestled me to the ground to the point I was so exhausted I couldn't fight back anymore. Then he rolled me onto my stomach, pinned my arms under me, grabbed the back of my hair, and pretend to dry hump me. I was sooo mad at the time, but in retrospect, it was hot.

Finding someone who will violently dominate you in real life is nearly impossible, though, because people either shy away from the concept entirely or they come with really awkward personalities and a lot of scary baggage. There's like an unspoken line of trust that can get very quickly violated when it comes to rough play. The person you're submissive to might, you know, chain you up in a closet day, go get high in the kitchen, then come back hours later waving a broadsword in your face. And that would end the fantasy really quick.
Gay guy into others smoking.
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Transformation/light body horror stuff. Fucking sucks that there is absolutely no yaoi versions of it and all of the drawfags on /d/ are hetero scum and won't do a request
Prolly not relevant to your interests, but that sounds like a big section of the furry community. You might find some gems there.
I love this stuff. see >>450168 :D

I'm a bi-guy though. and most of my fantasies involve being a sexy dickgirl... But I can be creative.
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>being a furry
>calling diapers fucked up
Pick one.

As for me, diapers and babyplay.
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can't believe nobody bosted this yet
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Ooh, got any good recommendations? Also, damn, I've never had anything like that done to me. I did have a friend who I play 'had sex with' at about 8 or 9, I guess it's just a random fetish.

Yeah, unfortunately it's hard to find someone sadistic in bed without a generally cruel manipulative personality or even other psychological problems.
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I kind of have an MRI fetish thingy.
Gif related
Blood. I secretly fantasize about my bf and I raping and murdering a woman together, and then fucking in her blood.
>>445750 (OP)

I kind of have an MRA fetish.
Me too...
You give me hope, anon. I've yet to meet anybody like you before.
How about having someone as my own private humiliation toy? Having someone do whatever I demand of them, for my own amusement/pleasure. They never get to see me, I am just a voice on the phone, an e-mail at their computer, etc.

Once in a while, they're receive a parcel in the mail, containing an outfit, and some devices, with instructions. It could be anything from a catholic schoolgirl uniform, with no panties, to a kimono, with lacy underwear.

And I relish observing from nearby when I send them out in public, as I put my selection of toys to use, for instance, making them wear a remote controlled vibrating cockring, turning it on and off at the most inconvenient places.

Or I make them wear an earpiece, and send them somewhere where they need to focus, or remain a stoic expression (like a job interview) and all of a sudden, I start pumping sexual noises into their ear, or talking dirty.

Or even giving them orders on what to say, to humiliate and degrade them further.

Of course, if my toy does what they are told, I will come to them in the night, and make sweet love to them, whist wearing a half-mask, so they never fully know who I am.
P-please me.
Men behaving literally like dogs. Recently found out this is actually a thing. Apparently it's called "pet play". I get bad feels when I fantasize about this though because I feel like it's on the same level as fetishizing retarded people and only a notch or two above bestiality.
Puppybutts. Wagging puppybutts. And oh lord the excited-to-see-you crotch-sniffing.
This has to be exclusively an FtM thing.
The MtFs I know all speak favorably of kittenplay. Makes sense that we'd get the dogs.

My experiences haven't involved anything so far as costumes or bodypaint, or even ears/collars/tails. Lot of nuzzling and petting and wrasslin' after tennis balls and gratuitous use of "Good boy~", complete with verbal representation of tilde, yes.
Having any body but my own

Having someone who adores me and praises my body

Being able to control someone, dominate them, gag them, put them into uncomfortable places and do orgasm control

Being controlled, my orgasms controlled, unable to move, being submissive and told my body is horrible and essentially beaten/humiliated/told I'm a terrible person...and then cuddled lovingly after.

Too bad my gf is really nice. Although she probably has guessed most of my fetishes and as such has really done as much as she can I guess
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pool toys
Now that's just sick.
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>>445750 (OP)
I like being cummed into
>no hooves
I do this on Omegle, 20% of the time I fuck with them in the middle 80% i help em get things going
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Filled condoms. I don't know either.
Which hole/s?
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in the butt.
Chastity/orgasm denial.
I can't wait for finals to be over, I'm sending Sir my keys on Friday~
inu älä postaa samoi kuvii joka paikkaa
ei se ees ollu mä, käytän trippiä
mee pois jake
en ikinä
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To answer the question, I know it's a combination, but it's best for me: some odd combo of expansion, corruption, futa and cum.

I know this feel.
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lisää mut skypes
>>445750 (OP)
sucking tranny cock
Getting married to a non-op transwoman and being her man bitch for life. This ideally involves getting a vagina for her to fuck daily while I life my life as a man :D
Sure is degenerate in here.
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>mfw this post
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It's almost impossible to find anything on this that's not either
a) furry
b) female

Sometimes I even have to compromise


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