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Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)21:38 No. 719831 are u high >>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)21:39 No. 719837 >>719831 Not at the moment.>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)21:40 No. 719844 >>719831 This. Also, I'd be happy to learn a language from a significant other, but not a secret one.>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)21:40 No. 719845 If I went the entire relationship drunk I might think this is a good idea >>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)21:45 No. 719875 >>719844 It's not a secret if Three people can speak it! It would be romantic <333>>719845 This is also an option! ^^>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)21:48 No. 719900 >>719875 It would be a bit of a cultural dead-end. If I wanted to be overly crufty and obfuscated in a cute way with my partner, we'd just send each other Perl scripts to run in bash.>>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)21:51 No. 719930 >>719900 Im not quite sure what the second sentence means, but I guarantee it wouldn't be a cultural dead - end because when you create a language a whole culture is also created. It would be truly original. (I.e, J.R.R Tolkien, lord of the rings)>>
:l !!xCUWd5pP6RU 06/09/13(Sun)22:08 No. 720051 Honestly, I would be completely okay with a secret language like that. However, I'd probably just used it to tell my bf how much I want him to fuck me and make my asshole a giant void in public without people understanding me and just assuming I'm from some weird country they've never heard of. But, hey, at least I'll be using it a good amount of the time. >>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)22:09 No. 720061 > elbereth.jpg Go back to dead Tolkien.>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)22:10 No. 720067 >>720051 In my language there are over 10,000 ways to say "gaping anus".>>
:l !!xCUWd5pP6RU 06/09/13(Sun)22:12 No. 720086 >>720067 Wow, you should teach me this language so that I can say "gaping anus" in every mood, structure, and tense in the language.>>
bingo 06/09/13(Sun)22:14 No. 720099 >>720067 And let me guess, its a language spoken entirely bu thrusting your dick into a hole?>>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)22:14 No. 720102 >>720051 Somethink like "J'ervak ve akre jem mork ir" Well, at least I know of one person who would be willing to learn it.>>720061 Im not even sure what you are trying to say.>>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)22:17 No. 720120 >>720099 Fortunately, humans have developed a broad range of vocal sounds, so we need not use a percussive noise such as the entering and exiting of a penis through a hole.>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)22:19 No. 720130 >>720102 J. R. R. Tolkien invented the language you posted in your OP image.>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)22:21 No. 720139 As long as it's better than English.. lol nothing's worse than this goddamned language. >>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)22:25 No. 720175 >>720130 Oh, really? I didn't know. -- I'm quite aware of this, after all I did find the picture and post it as an example of a constructed language. But thank you for informing me of my own doings.>>
:l !!xCUWd5pP6RU 06/09/13(Sun)22:31 No. 720226 >>720102 Your language looks like it was a influenced by French a little bit by me just seeing the structure and the word "J'ervak". Is my guess correct?>>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)22:36 No. 720253 >>720226 It has been influenced by a few languages actually, but yes, like french "Je suis" Je or J' means I or me>>
_shark_ 06/09/13(Sun)22:36 No. 720257 >>720226 yo, did that jock come in yet? cos my tank i ordered did.>>
:l !!xCUWd5pP6RU 06/09/13(Sun)22:43 No. 720308 >>720257 I don't believe so. We haven't gotten a packaged on the front porch yet. By the way, how's the tank? Looking fab-fab on you?>>720253 Oh, are you able to name a few?>>
>>720257 Actually, quick question: that stuff just comes on the front porch, doesn't it?>>
!WIENERVge2 06/09/13(Sun)22:45 No. 720322 The list of languages I want to learn is already rather long, around a dozen or so. And with those I could speak with a good three quarters of the world and be able to have the shared cultural experiences of doing so. I've entertained the idea of constructing my own language, but the end goal for my learning languages is to broaden my social experiences, not to further cloister myself. Plus, if all you want to do is to be able to say lewd things to your lover in public, you could do so with a real language with the added bonus of the potential of being caught by a speaker of said language. And that makes it so much hotter. >>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)22:48 No. 720344 >>720308 Yes, well, I tried to make my language very efficient. So i used verb structures similar to japanese because "desu" is incredibly simple. Also, i used a simple verbal conjugation similar to Latin, but much simpler. The sounds of my language have been influenced by french, russian, and other northern languages. There are also some English loan words, but i keep those to a minimum or alter them so they don't appear english.>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)22:50 No. 720358 >>719900 >we'd just send each other Perl scripts to run in bash. W-will you go out with me?>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)22:51 No. 720369 >>720308 >>720318 yeh bb it looks super cute on me. and it'll come on the porch in a package that says SIU. it'll be on its way. your state is probably just further away from NYC than mine.>>
:l !!xCUWd5pP6RU 06/09/13(Sun)22:54 No. 720386 >>720344 Ah, minor verb conjugation is always nice; after learning Spanish, the bane of my existence has always be conjugating a verb. Is your language like Japanese in that it's SOV, or is it the per-usual SVO? Also, any case systems that you feel like were needed just because I see your language is influenced by Latin and some Russian.>>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)22:55 No. 720390 >>720322 Speaking "lewdly to my lover" Was never my intention. However this language is in fact meant to create a barrier between myself and the rest of society. I want it to become a cultural barrier of sorts, so that i might have my own unique and incredibly individual way of understanding things, saying things and appreciating things. People underestimate the power of a language, its more than just letters and sounds. You cannot create just a language, you end up creating a world.>>
>>720369 You'll have to show this cuteness later. :3>>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)23:00 No. 720442 >>720386 Its normally SVO, however it is flexible and could be understood as SOV. Yeah depending on the function of the word you can use a different inflection at the ending, but they are much simpler than latin>>
:l !!xCUWd5pP6RU 06/09/13(Sun)23:01 No. 720453 >>720322 I speak Spanish, and already speak to him in it. I am also learning Japanese through my boyfriend too. I just find the concept of a secret language just something nice and beyond the scope I've done at the moment with languages.>>
_shark_ 06/09/13(Sun)23:03 No. 720467 >>720453 you on tc/m?>>
Ethrieshe 06/09/13(Sun)23:06 No. 720502 >>720453 You should try it! it is really fun, very personal, and almost intimate. It is a slow process, but it always gives you something to think about and be creative with. Flesemae keel vem lankes!- futaba + yotsuba - All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. <div class="qcDiv"><img src="//" alt="Quantcast" class="qcImg"></div>