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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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Pride was yesterday in Pittsburgh. I will show pictures and tell you what I did. You can do the same if you want. Or maybe talk about what your plans are for pride if you havn't had a pride celebration yet.
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I decided I wanted to do something interested. The past two years I've either worn a two piece swim suit or underwear so I continued the trend by wearing just underwear and shoes (I did take a dress with me just in case).

I had a friend write certain words on me:
Tranny across my face.
Freak on my back.
Shemale on my left leg.
Autogynophile on my right leg.
Transvestite on my left arm.
Faggot on my stomach.
Label Me on my chest.
A trans symbol on between my shoulder blades.
Trap on the right side of my neck.

I took a marker and expected people to use it to take me up on my Label Me mark.
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These are some before pride pictures in my room.
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It's always fun to ride the bus downtown on Pride day. Always lots of very visible queers.
you're a fucking idiot.
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I didn't take many pictures at pride, but a lot of people took my picture or took a picture of me with them.

I got a very positive reaction.
See if you had told me that when I was writing these things on myself, I would have added Fucking Idiot someplace. I think just under my breasts would be a good spot for it.
I wish I could pass as well as you do....
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Someone with a video recorder even wanted to follow me around for a little while.

At one point I went to a different part of downtown, where an arts festival was happening. A lot of people gave me a lot of fun looks. One woman covered the eyes of a little girl she was with.
damn, you're so edgy. you should be a spokesperson for the lgbt community
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I understand sarcasm!

I explained to people who asked, a lot of people gave me a lot of labels growing up. Those experiences stuck with me. For a long time I hated myself and a part of me still hates myself. I think that's not uncommon for a lot of queer people.
Watch out she's gonna write EDGY on her ass
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Eventually, people understood that they could write on me. A lot of people did. they wrote a lot of positive things like beautiful, unique, perfect. they wrote some things like Queer, queen, fabulous, delicious.
I just don't understand the lgbt community. Why dress like a slut to promote your message? Why not just wear a tshirt with those labels?

You're so provocative. I bet all the breeders are sitting around the water cooler today discussing your deep message.
>>760256 (OP)
What does this accomplish?
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It was fun to scissor this beautiful person in the middle of liberty avenue.
Well you sure proved their prejudice wrong by dressing like a slut and sexualizing yourself, indicating that the whole thing is nothing but a fetish, even somewhere else than in the pride festival area which made people understandably upset especially if they had kids. Great job
Being a complete tool.
And Hodor.

Especially Hodor.

The message is Hodor.

In all honesty I find the fat lady in the background to be far more provocative than the girl in bikini.
>had the opportunity to meet 2 great drag queens (Latrice Royale and Detox Icunt) at pride
>would have had to go alone
>ended up having a bunch of anxiety the day before and stayed home all weekend instead
feels bad
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I'm not trying to talk to any straight people. The only people who go to Pride are either queer or allies.

It started a lot of conversation about these words. What they mean, how they are used, how they affect people.
this shit is filthy.

the only message I take from this is that trannies are fucked in the head.
>Someone with a video recorder even wanted to follow me around for a little while.

>Embracing chasers
>implying that scissoring is easy just like that even for two grills

The expression of the bald man is interesting.

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Here's some pictures from this morning.

Growing up, learning to not hate myself, I had to find other words, other ways of looking at myself. I had to define myself in positive ways, but those experiences as being treated as worthless because I'm a faggot or a tranny, the feelings from those experiences don't just go away.
I think black people did something similar to promote equality..

oh wait, no they didn't.
I think you just look like a twat with that shit written all over yourself.

I agree. Because they must spend so much energy on so many different things, what energy they've have left is little. So when they try to behave in public, they're even worse than...

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I knew /lgbt/ would hate this stuff. But what are you going to say that I havn't already heard? That I'm an autogynohpile, freak, idiot? I've heard it already.
You're just an attention whore. Why didn't you write that on you?
You'd probably hear a lot less of that if you didn't dress up like a cheap whore and parade around town.
I went to portland pride. Was fun.
Clever what you did OP :3
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I did think about writing Whore, but I've never gotten paid for sex.
They tried by having this play called "Hoodlums shooting things at Cornell U".

Given the latest 40 years, the race hustlers such as Jackson won.

Why do you hate Hodor?
You're an obnoxious fag.
yeah me too

as a dude

ftm here

this guy passes for shit
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So growing up being called a faggot, having my father call me a freak when I came out to him, those were because of how I dress now? Besides, maybe I am a cheap whore.
>Look at me, I'm special, I was bullied I'm very deep person. What, lgbt rights? What do you mean I'm provocative and will only make matters worse by being a massive attention whore? Nah, just keep giving me attention silly bois ^^
It's people like you why I hate trannies and think they shouldn't be part of lgbt at all

Duuuuude! I'd never seek the services of a whore dressed like that.


At least you're honest.

Just like Hodor.
class act OP
>>760256 (OP)
You're disgusting
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I wonder what it feels like to be trans identified and intentionally misgender people.
wait, does OP still have a dick?

show us bare ass/dick please

Y U H8 Hodor in pantyhose?
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I know.
Hey lets all write obscene things and walk around town naked doing gay stuff that'll get society to accept us!

And you people wonder why you get so much hate...
thats why we have to do things like this
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The issue of my genitals didn't come up until almost the end of pride. I think it's because people were really getting drunk.

Why would you purposely perpetuate the negativity? I thought pride was supposed to be about how we're not different from other people and to celebrate that fact. Not an excuse to frottage in the street like some sort of sex addict weirdo.
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I don't take you seriously, that's why
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I'm not like other people. I am a sex addict weirdo.
Yeah, tell'em!
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I really am curious. I'd have a conversation about it.
What is your rate OP?
Yeah, too drunk to be polite towards the Hodor.


Is that the mark of Nurgle? I didn't know that Nurgle cultist was sex addicts.
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Oh so when you don't take someone seriously is a good time to misgender them. That's completely awful to me.

/lgbt/, enjoy living in the 20th century.
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Holy shit.
This is amusing.
I mean, yay you; you walked through Pittsburgh in what's basically a bathing suit.
And everyone's getting all butthurt about it.

>The only people who go to Pride are either queer or allies.
That's WRONG. There's always the protesters.
>be me inna SF Pride, 2010
>see some biblethumper up on a fucking table yelling at people through a bullhorn
>disinterested black lady cop standing by looking bored as fuck
>wonder why she's posted right there
>some punk type walks past all nonchalant
>suddenly reaches up from behind through the guy's legs and gropes him HARD
>slips away from the cop and vanishes into the crowd
>everyone's laughing their tits off (some drag queens even literally)
>biblethumper is redder than my momma's tomatoes, yelling about rape and shit

I'm going back again this year.
Gonna wear my NRA shirt.
I'll probably make people madder than you did.
Do you have skype? I'd love to talk to you.
Sure my skype is laviofthelake. I'm not logged in right now though. What do you want to talk about?
I was sarcastic. The real trans are struggling for years. You're just a fly-by-nighter. Your two-mode haircut, undies and general impression of that trans scene from that last Harry Potter-movie doesn't impress me.
Well stop doing this in the name of acceptance - you won't be accepted if you yourself say you're a weirdo.

You're making the rest of us look bad.
You don't even look like you take yourself seriously, though you have the attentionwhoring of most mentally unstable women down to a t at least.
It's the 21st actually.
Come on, get with the times.
If you're gonna act all holier than thou you gotta be flawless or else you just look like a whiner.
OP you need to get a fucking grip on your life, and stop perpetuating the horrible stereotypes that society has about /lgbt/ people as some strange compensation for being called names in your younger years; as though perpetuating these stereotypes somehow defeats them, which it doesn't.
Of course, I'm not trans enough. Do you really think that or is it just an easy justification for the things you said? Do you really think there is a right and wrong way to be trans? There isn't.

I was doing it to start conversations with fellow queers. I wasn't looking for acceptance.

I was saying /lgbt/ is in the past.

>be 11/12
>get picked on for being ugly
>purposely be as ugly as possible
>that'll teach them

I was a retard and so is OP
If mutually attracted to each other, I'd love some dirty camsex.
No, 414 is right. Fuck off and take your drag queens and over the top rainbow-shitting gay dudes and extremely militant midandrist lesbian entourage with you, so the rest of us can work on actual fucking acceptance.
I don't have a web cam.
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>pride costumes
You're smalltime.
I wonder what I look like to you.

You obviously feel very strongly towards me. You've been posting as much as me in my thread.
>only I deserve acceptance
>people should only dress the way I do
you suck and are part of the reason everyone hates pride parades
gg, faget
Yes, I feel a lot of loathing towards you. Happy?
Someone yelled at me from a car window the other day to fuck off. I was wearing very socially acceptable clothing at the time too.

Where should I fuck off too? The gutter? I already drink water from drains.
Dude, you seem to think we're all one person.

Anyway, you look like a bad crossdresser. In fact, I know crossdressers who put more effort into passing than you do.
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Empirical data, check'em!
Cry more
Unpassable, right. well i'm not trying to pass for anything other than myself so I think i'm doing ok for that.
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Go back to Tumblr
It's actually never acceptable to fuck another person in the middle of the street. What the hell do you think gives you the right to pull that sort of shit especially using the guise of a human rights movement. It's not empowering it's just a bullshit excuse to do whatever the hell you want.
You're obviously lying, lol.

Well, judging by impression I would've thought you were a much easier cumshot target. Something to think about.
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>gay murrige coman
>we get to sweep people like OP back under the stove where they belong
>gays' faces when
Marginalizing trans was the best decision we ever made.


Shame parades are a disgrace.
We're not all retards

I'm as baffled by OP as you are

Please, remember that a lot of cisgays act like retards at pride parades too
What the fuck is Hodor?
Hodor Hodor

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While your point is well made and probably true, you're pretty much saying "but I'm a GOOD black;" you yourself may be allright, but your group's stereotype overshadows that.

The weird gays are now "weird people." Weird trans are just "trans." I imagine it has to do with the relative sizes of the groups, and I feel for you in that you have to accept all comers just to have the population to do anything. But try to rein in your retards.
Is this an epic meme?
>throwing away your dignity
>disgracing yourself and the groups you're supposed to championing
>thinking "lgbt acceptance" is synonymous with totally scrapping every social more and moral convention

If I knew how- would be nice to have some support on this one. Help us reign them in by destroying threads like these, for example. It's a small start, but what can we do?

Also, to a great many people the weird gays are still just the gays, just saying

It's from Game of Thrones.
(ASOIAF for the bookfags.)
idk if it has to do with group sizes.
I think white, gender-conforming, gay men are starting to get all the rights they want (marriage wow congrats), so they are shitting on the rest of lgbt they way white, gender-conforming, straight men always have
I read the whole thread and still don't know wether you're a man or a women this is fucking confusing
You scissoring a cross dresser doesn't help either
>you're pretty much saying "but I'm a GOOD black;" you yourself may be allright, but your group's stereotype overshadows that.

The exact same thing is true for gays.

Lost my shit
What's the point of doing this? I thought the point of parades was for acceptance, and I don't see how this is going to make you more accepted, as an individual or as a trans person.
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Nice assumption.
So gay acceptance is merely about choosing to sleep with the same sex, and everything else is irrelevant/degrading?

Sounds awful boring.
It's alright, once furries start having their parades you guys won't be the freaks anymore
This. People like OP seem to confuse acceptance by their in-group with acceptance in a general sense

>If we accept each other you should accept us too
I can only hope

I'm a gay dude in a woman's body, and I still feel more normal and generally acceptable than furries

I guess technically I'm just a human otherkin
>Dignity and morality are "boring"

The merchants have taught you well.
I'd rather be happy being myself than pretend to be a straight person.
>So gay acceptance is merely about choosing to sleep with the same sex
What the fuck else is it supposed to be about?
>But try to rein in your retards.
what does that even mean? How exactly are we going to stop people from doing stupid things or having stupid ideas. I'm just here trying to live my life.

And frankly, the shitstorm this caused is sad. Oh no somebody was over the top at a pride parade. You people flipping your shit over what other people do is exactly as pathetic
>pretend to be a straight person
Holy shit, where do I start with you.
Dignity and pride are NOT solely heterosexual qualities.
Straight people act like immature retards all the time too you know.
It's a PERSONAL thing.
God damn. You got some serious self-hate going on if you think being semi-decent is "straight-acting" or some shit.

And yes, I AM mad.
This is what I imagine OP is like

>Jenn here. Ugh. My mom just walked in on me during a past life regression. I was crawling around the floor slowly. She asked me what I was doing and I told her that she wouldn’t understand. She kept pressing and I told her I was experiencing past life regression. I told her about how I was a tortoise in my past life and about my tortoise memories. I ended up coming out as otherkin to her and had to explain what that meant. She got angry and told me to “grow up” and fill out some job applications online. I don’t even know why she would tell me to fill out job applications when I’m going to be moving soon. I can’t wait to move. I am so sick of living with a bigotted alcoholic mother who is afraid of what she doesn’t understand.
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It means exactly what it is supposed to mean.
It means come down on those of your people who act out.
>"I'm trans and OP is a nasty slut."
>"Wow way to set us back OP."
>"This is why we can't have nice things."
Even if you don't mean it, you gotta put on the show.
It means damage control.

You assume that everyone who isn't cisgendered and doesn't fit traditional gender roles must be okay with public lewd displays at public events that are supposed to be about pride.

How insulting.
>Hello. Thanks for providing an otherkin community here. I feel like it's something I really need, even though I'm posting anon. Now, I believe myself a trainkin... I have the 'spirit' of a train and I feel like my soul may be connected to a train. I know they are not living beings, but most methods of transport, especially public transportation can and do develop their own personalities.
Has anyone figured out OP's gender yet? I'm confused
It could either be an ugly mtf, an ugly ftm, an ugly lesbo, or just an ugly straight girl...

They should add this to the millennium math rewards list
It's a botched attempt at MtF
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>How exactly are we going to stop people from doing stupid things or having stupid ideas.

You can't. But what's wrong with letting them know what they're doing is stupid and detrimental and explaining why?

>I'm just here trying to live my life.

You went to an event that is seen to represent a large community.

>Oh no somebody was over the top at a pride parade. You people flipping your shit over what other people do is exactly as pathetic.

Yeah, people voicing their opinions and disagreeing with you is so pathetic. We should all just lower our standards and stop trying to inform people that they do not live in a vacuum.
I wonder if you think I'm the one in the vacuum. I think a lot of people in this thread who assume there is a right way to be and that queers or anyone who doesn't follow it is a bad thing are the ones trying to hide away. I'm well aware that my life is not considered normal by the culture I live in.
OP, may I ask how you heard about this board and how many times you've browsed it in the past?
It seems like you couldn't have been very familiar with it if you didn't expect significant negative reactions to this thread.
I've been coming to /lgbt/ since less than a week after it started. I've posted here a lot, but havn't been posting as much in the past month. I knew I'd get a lot of negative reactions from the 20th century crowd. I wanted to post this thread anyway. I thought at least some people I talked to on skype would be interested. If nothing else, it confirms for me that /lgbt/ really is made up of a largely negative group of people. I had so many positive reactions at pride. So many people thought it was awesome what I was doing.
Yeah I admit OP seems narrow sighted in her pride celebration methods, but that's uncalled for.

Keep the criticism to her actions.
But those people are like you and think like you. It's preaching to the choir. You only gained acceptance with people who already do. It's just group polarization.
..I'm not her, you spastic.
I don't usually say this, but you have a fine-ass back

Those shoulder blades are exciting, completely serious.
Know who this is, I would totally support how awesome and brave you are and everything if it wasn't for the fact that you think it's perfectly acceptable to exclude or dismiss others on a whim. It sort of undercuts the whole "challenging social attitudes" aspect of this. If you don't give a shit about social rejection why bother with all this identity/label shit. If you think people have a right to do reject you for any reason, why are you being so provocative about it? You're going from the stereotypical self loathing trans person who justifies the bad sort of shit that happens to them and others like to them to this. It doesn't make sense.

Figures you'd have an opinion like this.

The point of pride is to show that all kinds of different people are LGBT. Not to prove we're "Normal". There's nothing inherently better about normal.

oh no, the middle line of my post no longer applies! :(
>closeted, nerdy gay male /v/irgins flailing around getting mad at everything. nobody is allowed to have fun and slut it up. straight people certainly don't do that, no way. no fun allowed.

hahaha whatever. loosen up.

our pride is always in october for some reason. i feel so left out ;_;
>There's nothing inherently better about normal.
It gets you accepted
Am I alone in seeing all this otherkin shit and thinking 'maybe trans people are equally retarded and I'm not a dude at all, just a delusional piece of work'?

As normal. Which means people who aren't or don't want to be normal won't get accepted. You're under more pressure to conform when you're LGBT because it's an inherently "Weird" thing in of itself, and being out of mainstream society as many people are can make you even more different.

We should be celebrating that fact. There are better ways to fight for acceptance.
>Because you can't be colorfully diverse and non-conformist without overtly sexuality and lewd public displays

You can get either female hormones or male hormones which is why hormone imbalance can happen and make you trans. Being a real otherkin would require having an abnormal amount of cat hormones inside of you, which doesn't happen because there is 0 cat hormones in humans in the first place and no way for them to get there or be passed down to children.
> It doesn't make sense.
like most of your tl;dr posts, including this one.
That's fucking stupid. If you want the general public to accept LBGT, you don't do it by acting like a sexual deviant and perpetuating stereotypes.
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>I knew I'd get a lot of negative reactions from the 20th century crowd.
>implying people born before 2000
>as in people who aren't fucking under 13
Shit nigger get it together.

And of course people told you it was cool at Pride; it's Pride, and praise is cheap.
Nobody was angry enough to come up to you and tell you to put on some clothes and try to not be an embarrassment, because confrontation is punished, but the shitty looks you got? That was us.
>There are better ways to fight for acceptance.

We both agree on this perspective. Acting out the way you are on the 'tinychat' thread isn't one of them either.
>how awesome and brave you are

She did something in a crowd of likeminded people at an event where that kind dress and behavior has become commonplace! SO BRAVE. I can almost feel my rights being legislated. ;_;
How the fuck do you get tested for hormones without coming across as a retard.

>What if I get tested and they find estrogen as far as the horizon reaches
Crazy people will never be accepted. That's why you prove you're normal. That's why being gay is becoming accepted but being a zoophile isn't.
lmao this
dont let all the negative comments here and other places start to tear your down. you dont have to prove to anyone that you are trans. it's a self definition.
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what the shit. you are not doing the trans community any good running around the city naked with words sharpied on your body, in fact it only makes the trans community look like a bunch of fetish crazy crack heads. and in case being naked wasn't obnoxious enough you go around scissoring on a public street because, obviously, that's somehow going to be a new break through on your human rights campaign.

Congratulations! You are the reason that trans people are dubbed as mentally unstable and autogynephiles. Give yourself a round of applause.
You don't. You get tested for the symptoms it causes.

No it's not, it's a medical condition not a fucking choice. Otherwise being otherkin or transethnic would be a real thing. I
Just because OP makes us look crazy doesn't mean we're not.
>they have different opinions, they must be basement dwellers

such excellent points
also see: >>760650
to address your stupid assumption that criticism of this shit means "we want to be more like straight people"
>this thread
>gosh these politicians aren't giving us the rights we want
>it's probably the fault of the people who are fighting for the same rights I am but in a different way!
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>tfw you suck another 4channers dick

mmmmmmmm hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm
Makes sense to me.
>It cheapens the message when you aren't actually taking a risk in acting out. You aren't taking a risk because you already don't care what anyone else says or thinks about you. You have no pride to hurt, and as such you can take no pride in your actions.

Just because you failed high-school English doesn't mean everything you don't understand doesn't mean anything.
The crazy who knows he is crazy is less crazy than the crazy who does not know he is crazy.
I know. I am a ftm and I know that trans people aren't necessarily crazy but I also know this is not the kind of PR we need right now.
not necessarily. and so does not being "normal." i don't try to play straight but nobody seems to care as much as /lgbt/.

i think a lot of this is conservative, masculine dudes projecting their own anxieties and values on everyone else, rather than having some collective interest in how "the community" is treated. i don't believe most people here even have a connection to any community.

These people tend to be very angry. They don't have any real cause. They just want to say FUCK YOU to everyone but in a place where they have a police barricade shielding them from any sort of repercussions.
>>760256 (OP)

I'm marry you OP if I was sure you wouldn't turn around and accuse me off rape at one point if you got mad at me ;_:

I saw it happen to a friend once.
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Because Adam Lanza was a really great 2nd Amendment activist who did so much to fight gun control.
It's the kind of PR I need right now.
If I was a politician who's never heard of transpeople before and I see this shit happens you trust me I'm banning HRT from my country.

Being more accepted there isn't really going to happen and I shouldn't have to make the compromises being demanded of me either way.
maybe your friend is a rapist
>>760256 (OP)
>dat pink hair
>dem shoes

Lmao is the dollface?
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This here.
OP wouldn't have done this on any other day.
He'd have been arrested for public indecency.

How does nudity make you a "sexual deviant"? I'm really curious.

Trans bodies are something which are generally regarded as ugly, repulsive, unnatural. Reclaiming it in this way is actually a positive thing because it makes people take notice and forces them to actually challenge their preconceived notions.

Hiding away pretending to be normal doesn't do that. That's why it's both important to show different people can be like regular joes, but also to be loud and outspoken, because it forces them to think about something.
That doesn't change the fact that she turned around and accused him of rape after getting mad at him (for rape), would it?
going out in a swimsuit is indecent now?

I go out every day being myself. I don't hide myself. I don't have writing on my face, but I'm still all those things every day.
>it makes people take notice and forces them to actually challenge their preconceived notions.
No it does not. People who think trans are freaks are going to see this and go "Wow, I guess I was being mean!". They're going to think they're even freakier than before. This doesn't accomplish anything other than having people who already accept you compliment you for being so courageous and shit. It's going to make you FEEL good but it's not actually going to change anything. It's a form of activism based purely on making you FEEL you're helping.
Scissoring in public is indecent, more so if you're in a swimsuit
what a prude
I was in my underwear, not a swim suit!
>How does nudity make you a "sexual deviant"? I'm really curious.

Because they're doing it for a cheap thrill, often at the expense of others to sate a fetish (exhibitionism).
>Being more accepted there isn't really going to happen

Although it may not have happened with you, it does happen with others. Clearly, as it consists of reasonable interactions between more than one members.

>and I shouldn't have to make the compromises being demanded of me either way.

That's your choice. Neither do they, apparently.
if you're not straight and cis, just stay in the basement so no one has to see you
If scissoring someone you just met while wearing a swimsuit in public is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Feel good activism is the only activism most of tumblr faggots partake in.
so true
>it's probably the fault of the people who are fighting for the same rights I am but in a different way!
more precisely they think it's the result of peoples activities at one event (which is largely about being ridiculous and being able to jump outside of your day-to-day presentation; you have 364 other days a year to be uptight and boring, guys, no big loss). lol.


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