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Russians beat the crap out of LGBT activists and throw rotten eggs at them while they protest laws banning "gay propaganda" and other such things.

How does this make you feel?
Not surprised, Russia seems pretty determined to turn their joyless shithole of a country into an even more miserable place.
butt sex and penis surgery makes countries happier?
It makes their people happier.
>>990548 (OP)
Good. Having an unpopular sexual orientation isn't an accomplishment worth celebrating They're cancerous faggots to the community.
Couldn't care less, gays can just move out of Russia if they don't like it. Russian authorities don't want gays, that's their decision.


Lol, keep telling yourself that gay = happy sunshine land.
speak for yourself, it would make me unhappy
How daft are you? If you take away your silly oversimplified explanation, you'd see that happy land is where people can do whatever they want. Basic rule of thumb with parenting is that if you tell a child not to do something, they're going to do it at some point. Whether its right there on the spot or if its an adulthood afterword and a series of lashing out. People do not like to be told what to do.
I like the picture book feel of the article
>>990548 (OP)
>How does this make you feel?
I couldn't give a fuck, it doesn't concern me in any way shape or form, why would anyone other than a Russian homosexual care about this. Empathy is a usless non-emotion, it serves no purpose.

Basic rule of law states that if you do something you're told not to do you're going to get tazed and thrown in a cell.
>Empathy is a usless non-emotion, it serves no purpose.
4chan, everybody!
why dont you have empathy for all the children youre traumatizing and confusing?

You're right on not caring but you went full fedora with the empathy thing
Give me one good reason why I should spend my time worrying about other people and their problems, particularly if said people live in a backwards shit hole thousands of miles away from me and will never have any positive/negative effect on my life. I have my own shit to worry about.

Dude, nobody's faulting you for not caring, that's your take on it. People are laughing at you for saying empathy is useless.
>What someone else does with their bodies or on the privacy of their homes make me unhappy
are you sure you don't come from /v/?
Instead of laughing like a chimp, maybe you could back your point up. What purpose does empathy serve.
i ain't traumatizing nobody, i'm setting Derek and Tanner and Hunter free from the shit their WASPy family fed them!
or if the law is retarded the people are going to change it. It happened in a shitload of countries, Russia is just 20 years late.
>implying lgbt want to fuck a dude in their own home
the laws are against spreading gay propraganda and promoting sex changes for children. you know, kind of like whats happening in the US right now? stop pretending anyone cares about your bedroom. its obvious that gays want their filth to be portrayed as normal every day life and for little kids to be blank slates that can choose their gender or their sexuality. you all are worse than the feminists who shout MUH UTERUS
>>990548 (OP)
>How does this make you feel?

Like we should have nuked Russia.
>Empathy is a usless non-emotion, it serves no purpose.

You are genuinely autistic.
>Empathy is a usless non-emotion, it serves no purpose.

Serial killer detected.
Empathy in action, right here.

This is one of the few times I sincerely hope that there is a benevolent deity of some sort and that they send a natural disaster to Russia to wash away their hatred and ignorance.
> its obvious that gays want their filth to be portrayed as normal every day life
>implying heteros don't want their filth to be portrayed as normal
only thing is that they already have it
>little kids to be blank slates that can choose their gender or their sexuality
that would be great, a lot of confusion can be prevented this way.
> mentioning feminists
what does it has to do with anything?

Nope. The absence of empathy is one of the primary symtoms of autism.
Not to mention sociopaths, psychopaths, and schizophrenics.

I'm not looking for an argument.

Empathy allows us to connect with other people by comparing and identifying with the emotions of other people. We're a social species, and it helps us get along with other people more easily.
sure is 'privacy of my own bedroom' around here
Thankfully I am none of those things and am perfectly healthy

It holds us back as a species, just look at any successful business man, lawyer, politician, head of state (the list goes on), they didn't get there by being empathic.
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Note "not looking for an argument".

As long as we have emotion we'll always have empathy, and given that just about anything with a brain has emotions, well.....................
holds us back from what?
Having a differing point of view or set or moral values doesn't mean I have a mental disorder. Out of all the boards on 4chan I thought /lgbt/ would recognise this fact.

Living happy successful lives, unaffected by people we don't know or situations that don't concern us
>using autism as a generic, all-purpose insult
go back to middle school
Not the guy you're responding to, but I also hate "autism" used as an insult or general answer to any question thrown at a person.

Guess what? He's actually right. A lack of empathy actually is an indicator of autism. It honestly, truly, and without any exaggeration, would be very surprising if this dude did not lie somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Yeeeesss, but then we wouldn't have a society, no empathy means no one wanting to work together cooperatively. It means we would be nothing more than single individuals scraping by and barely surviving in the wild. Only coming together long enough to mate. Less than half of such offspring would survive because mothers would not care enough to raise them all.

We would not come together, to build families, to build communities, to build OBJECTS. No tools means no crafting, no crafting means no technology, and no technology means no fucking computers for asshats like you to preach about how oh so edgy you are.
>but then we wouldn't have a society, no empathy means no one wanting to work together cooperatively.
That is just ridiculous, I couldn't bring myself to read anymore of your post. People are quite happy to work with people they hate if everyone benefits, and hate is a far stronger emotion than indifference. Ridiculous.
>Thankfully I am none of those things and am perfectly healthy

Sure you are.

>It holds us back as a species,

It is what defines us as a species.

>just look at any successful business man, lawyer, politician, head of state (the list goes on), they didn't get there by being empathic.

Actually, the ability to empathise is key to being a successful politician. The same broadly goes for lawyers, although they also need the ability to only empathise with a chosen side and ignore the opposition. In business its' 50/50 - some businessmen are hugely successful because of their ruthless lack of empathy, but others are hugely successful because they have a great deal of empathy (empathy is pretty key to knowing what clients and customers want and need, what will make your workforce most productive, etc); the ruthless ones are at constant risk of getting buttfucked to oblivion.

It's not that gay = happy fucktard, it's that when the government oppresses personal choice = miserable clusterfuck.
>It is what defines us as a species.
So someone lacking empathy is "less human"? Is that right?

Everything you said in the last paragraph is debatable, Politicians feign any emotion that suits them, its the polar opposite than being empathic actually.
understanding what emotion is needed to fit what bill is... oh god, why do you have to be told this
>>990548 (OP)

Deinvest from Russia. Don't trade with them, don't have anything to do with them. Same for all other countries that are backward and uncivilized.
>So someone lacking empathy is "less human"? Is that right?

No, just mentally ill.

And feigning emotion or not has nothing to do with empathy.
Actually, I would say being able to tactfully feign emotion indicates empathy more than anything else.
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Damn I hate guys like you who come off as so pretentious, but are in fact the most ignorant in the room.
First of all you should care because they are of the LGBT community, and since you're posting on, well, /lgbt/, I'm going to go ahead and guess that you're apart of it too.
So fucking support them and what not you fucking prick.
Secondly you should care as another human being. To see harmless, innocent people get beat simply for their sexual preference, even by police, is pretty fucked up. A law was actually passed recently in Russia banning even the adoption of children by same sex couples.
And for you to just go "pft. not my problem fuck them lol" is low as fuck and it makes me sick.
All I can say is good luck in life and get that fucking /b/ shit out of here, faggot.
>>990548 (OP)
LGBT activists are shit-heads. Fuck them and their cancerous infestation on the world, especially Europe.

>No empathy means no working together.


So, because animals working in packs must have empathy to do so, then empathy is not the defining human characteristic as some anon pointed above?

I guess its all >muh feelings
>>990548 (OP)
It reminds me of what everyone on 4chan would be out doing if there were no laws in the U.S.

Another country, another people, another culture.

They can do whatever the fuck they want and if you don't like it, well, deal with it.
This probably the most ultra edgy thread I've seen today. Go home /pol/, nobody likes you.
I'm gay, I'm not and wouldn't want to be associated with "lgbt community".
You're straight, and just because you're proud of being a piece of shit doesn't mean that you've ever been right about anything.
so youre saying blacks are mentally ill? they have lower empathy then any other race
>not saging this thread

You're both retarded. Fuck off and let this thread die.
>You're straight
Wow well that's a relief, all these years I've been living a lie, thanks for clearing that up for me.
Shitheads like you are the reason people like me don't want to be associated with or don't support the "lgbt agenda".
any homophobes lurking on /lgbt/, just a little help:
you're gay
you can't change it, try to go with it
you're welcome
But niggers are mentally ill though.
I did sage earlier, and just because you sage doesn't prove that you're gay, or that you don't agree with this bullshit.

You're just acting like because I called out some fucking piece of shit pretending to be gay I lost the game, epic fail, memes, doubles.

I like threads like this on /lgbt/. It proves just what sort of people actually post here. That's why I insulted the mod so much, to piss him off in his righteous Christianity that he was allow the dogshit to flourish as revenge for me speaking the truth, and let anyone reading this board see that it's just like all of 4chan...straight, nazi, retarded, and full of shit.
You're just a straight person just telling ANOTHER lie because that's what you people do though.

Dude, you're wrecking that strawman.
It isn't the defining human characteristic, as it is evident in certain pack animals, but it is certainly a defining characteristic of our species. Much of our success as a species is a result of empathy.

>I'm gay
>I'm not .. associated with "lgbt community"
Yes you are. What does that have to do with anything anyway? These are people protesting peacefully against laws that are being implemented in the country they are from, and for it they are beaten up. You think that's okay because you don't like pride parades or something?

We are dealing with it. Part of that is discussing it. Its not like we're marching to war. Yes, other countries are allowed to have their own laws, but their citizens should be allowed to protest those laws peacefully without being beaten up. Your line of reasoning seems to suggest that dictatorships are fine because anyone that doesn't like it can just go somewhere else...
>Yes you are
By default yes, but I do my best to distance my self from that association.

>You think that's okay
I never said that, I said I don't care about them, not my business, it doesn't and will never effect me.
There's nothing to "wreck" even if you're joking.

Please just stop. These kinds of threads are stupid as hell and invite the shittiest kind of people. By acting like a typical tumblrist and/or SJW you're only giving them the reaction they want. You really aren't winning.
>pretending to be gay
My bf is going to be so disappointed when he finds out.
Stop being retarded.

Why did this board have to turn into a shithole for attention whores? Why do such stupid people flock here? What happened to this place being a bastion of reasonable discussion with occasional shitposting?

You're fucking shameful, not just because of the points you're trying to make, but because of how you're structuring your arguments. Your shitty little ellipses at the end reek of tumblrscum, you're responding to three posts at once in the desperate hope that one of them will respond so you can keep arguing and proving yourself right in your own head, and you're just generally being a piece of shit. I'm fucking tired of people like you shitting up /lgbt/- get out, and don't come back.
>What happened to this place being a bastion of reasonable discussion
This board is a containment board, nothing more nothing less.
>What happened to this place being a bastion of reasonable discussion with occasional shitposting?
if gays and trannies were reasonable, they wouldnt stick their dicks in poop holes or chop off their wieners
I'd honestly think Russia has been going in the right direction lately when it comes to this. Like another person said, I'd rather have a country bent on conserving its traditional cultural identity than it being "super happy atheist multicultural liberal communist" land.

This was never a "bastion board for reasonable discussion". The moment m00t created this board, it got fagged up and shitted on by like >>991176 and >>991118.
Shitheads like you aren't helping either. Go back to /pol/. Get the fuck out of here.
Not the dude you're responding to, but if the kind of posts he's making is what will contribute to the ruination of the /lgbt/ that you want and contribute in some degree to your own personal misery, dude should be given a medal. :)
*I honestly think
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>Why do such stupid people flock here?
>What happened to reasonable discussion?
>tumblrscum! 4chan4lyfe lol
>you're desperate lol

Holy fuck dude, I think it's you who should leave.
That's a shame. Its not something especially central to my life, but I still care. Hopefully not caring about other people simply because they aren't in your life isn't something that will stick with you.

>Couldn't care less, gays can just move out of Russia if they don't like it. Russian authorities don't want gays, that's their decision.
Was this you?
Surely the authorities should respect their people somewhat?
The way you (or similar posters) have posted in this threads makes it sound less like "not caring" and more like "pretty happy with the way its going".
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>>990548 (OP)
i'm a homosexual man and quite frankly I get it.
Putin is making a case against America and the west, and he has the support of the Russian people.
The Russian senate even went as far as to call us a modern "sodom and Gomorra" and while I don't much care for religion I understand the sentiment.
They simply want to preserve the monogamous, nuclear family model as well as their homogenous culture and race.
Fuck LGBT, fuck you flamers, dykes, and bi-sluts.
I'm a homosexual and I refuse to be part of the leftist agenda.
You can get thrown in the fucking ovens for all I care.
That wasn't me who posted that. I am not happy that that is happening, I am also not upset about it either, I genuinely do not care about what happens in a country so far removed from my own.
What? That's the first post I made in this thread. Having some kind of sympathy for people that I don't know but have things in common with makes me "tumblrscum"? I don't even use tumblr, but your hatred for their userbase sounds a little dumb. Yeah, sorry for responding to arguments and not just telling people they don't belong here and need to leave.
>I'd honestly think Russia has been going in the right direction lately when it comes to this. Like another person said, I'd rather have a country bent on conserving its traditional cultural identity
why is that mutually exclusive with giving gay people the rights they deserve or at least not bottling them when they state their sexuality in public
"ok"? that's your big counterargument?
>What happened to this place being a bastion of reasonable discussion with occasional shitposting?

I was here the second it was created, this board has never been that ever. It's just like the rest of 4chan and always has been, a place for nazi Christians to feel like nazi Christians can be computer geeks too.

Claiming this board was ever that proves that you're a troll, because anyone that's been here since the beginning knows that only a moron would say what you've said, and this board hasn't been here this long. Most people posting here have been here since it was created.

4chan claims to be the home of free speech and exchange of ideas and rebelliousness etc., but then all edgy anarchist conservative Christian drug addicts, pedophiles, criminals and bullies and autists claim that.
How would you intend to live your life in that environment as a homosexual? Just stay celibate?

This guy pretty muched summed up my stance on this whole thing perfectly.
*pretty much

guess that's what I get for staying up two days
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>How does this make you feel?

Sad, until I saw this picture...ᶫᵒᶫ
I was here, you cunt. Obviously you weren't. For two weeks, this place was great outside of the "NEW BOARD /pol/ INITIATION" shitposting. Then Princess of the Crystal and other attention whores showed up, and now the fucking core of this board has become idiots. This entire place is full of people who are fucked in the head.

>lel fucked in the head just like trannies

Don't even try. That's the kind of bullshit that proves my point. Get out.
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No I'd keep my sexuality in the bed-room, which is what I already do.
So.. can we agree that the /lgbt/ mods are absolute shit? If this board is supposed to be a "bastion", why do both die-hard, ultra retarded extremists from both sides allowed to spew their poison so freely? At least things aren't that bad in /v/ or other boards.
a) that doesn't answer the question of "why is having traditional monogamous nuclear families mutually exclusive with not bottling/locking up/kicking the shit out of folks who aren't that", and b) oh, so you're both scumbags? okay.
I'm not reading all your stupid bullshit when you start it with a lie as obvious as, "I was here since the beginning, and this board used to be good."
What's communist about equal rights?

I really dislike the way terms are blurred and misused in America.
Everyone can understand sentiment of both sides of an opposition. But that doesn't make it right.
In fact you being homosexual and then turning against the homosexuals confuses me even more, but you don't live in Russia huh? So it's easy for you to spout shit like that.
I dunno if you're just stupid or trying to be an edgy tripfag, but whatever dude.
So you'd stay celibate, like I suggested. How do you get anyone else into the bedroom without taking your sexuality out of the bedroom?
why should you be expected to keep your sexuality in the bedroom when no one else is
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>mfw /pol/ thread
Every thread on here is a potential /pol/ thread, stop pretending any different.
>b-but we're better than them, r-right guys
What are you even arguing about in this thread? It seems you're angry that some people care that some Russian gay people are being beaten shitless for wanting equal rights. That makes these people "fucked in the head"? There hasn't even been an ounce of social justice bullshit in this thread.
>if people from my community arent doing the way i am or want to then theyre shitty, bad, digusting people

Question, are you ultra retarded or mega retarded?
They are expected to keep it in the bedroom though?
>>990548 (OP)
That's what you get if you leave an entire country to gopniks and bydlos.
Do you think these people are protesting for the right to fuck in the streets? They aren't, just so you know. Nobody is expecting that. Straight people are absolutely not expected to not talk about their sexuality, or not openly show affection for their partners in public.

Gay people are expected to hide those things about them, and there's a faction of gay people that seem to see that as reasonable too.
>They are expected to keep it in the bedroom?
yeah, here's an example of heterosexuality being kept in the bedroom. a russian example, even: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH63RGNoYz4
>Do you think these people are protesting for the right to fuck in the streets?

Probably, given what pride parades seem to consist of.
>why is that mutually exclusive with giving gay people the rights they deserve or at least not bottling them when they state their sexuality in public
because "gay rights" is actually code for "we should be able to teach 5 year olds about poop sex and cutting off wieners and how gender doesnt exist and how you can be a woman with a penis and how bug chasing is actually due to homophobia"
Lots of people have a problem with public displays of affection regardless of who is doing it.

News at ten: Sex sells. Also, I don't own a TV so this is just another thing I don't care about.
>Lots of people have a problem with public displays of affection regardless of who is doing it.
hahahaha oh is that what your problem is? i guess i should have figured, fucking 4chan
>News at ten: Sex sells. Also, I don't own a TV so this is just another thing I don't care about.
all irrelevant to the point being made, which is no, straight people are not expected to keep their sexuality in the bedroom at all, and that example as well as a million billion others proves as much.
See but heterosexuality has a net positive on society. It's all about what's good for the peoples community, none of this ">muh freedumbs" garbage.
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>implying kids are taught about sex at that age

That kid excuse man, everytime.
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They just want to be able to hold hands in public without being arrested.
ummm, pretty sure its just people acting on their urges just like the gay community. Stop equating gay people with social justice bullshit.

>Lots of people have a problem with public displays of affection regardless of who is doing it.
So? People still do it. You'll be hard pressed to find someone that has a problem with a straight couple holding hands in public.

I've been to loads of pride parades and never seen anyone fuck in public. Folsom isn't a pride parade, just so you know.
>hahahaha oh is that what your problem is?
Your point being?

>straight people are not expected to keep their sexuality in the bedroom
Maybe not in your leftist utopian paradise, but yeah, most people I know don't want to see or enjoy seeing people slobbering all over each other.
I'm sure you've heard the phrase "get a room" before.
>holding hands
>slobbering all over each other
You're an idiot.
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Too bad.
But if you read the responses to my posts you can clearly see that it is you and your constituents equating gay people with social justice bullshit, which is what I'm saying im opposed to.
It's not just that either. It's not JUST that they want to have all the same rights straight people have. It's also that any idiot can see that Putin isn't going to stop with this.

He's just incrementally reintroducing traditional Christian values into Russia. First it's forbidding gay adoption. Then gay "propaganda." Next it will be having gay sex. Then it will be gay and breathing oxygen. Soon Russia will be raping and murdering all of the gays like God intended.

He's doing it as a way of fostering good feelings between Islamic countries and his own for foreign policy reasons. Muslims are much more tolerant of Christians that ACT just like Muslims than they are of civilized Christians, etc. He's hoping to secure a future war ally and cement preferential trade agreements with Iran and other Islamic countries. He's hoping that since asian countries are relatively neutral on the subject of religion, that if he does this it won't foster any significant ill will with them, and that if they can at least look past their cultural differences or better yet if homophobia can spread to them then he can form a Russian-Asian-Islamic coalition against western countries.
>holding hands
Actually your the idiot if you think that is what I was referring to when I mentioned public displays of affection
>Your point being?
my point is that it seems like every non-straight dude with BIG PROBLEMS with gay pride or gay rights or whatever the fuck also has giant problems with any sort of affection, passion or exuberance being expressed because they are socially awkward dorks
>Maybe not in your leftist utopian paradise, but yeah, most people I know don't want to see or enjoy seeing people slobbering all over each other.
well, nutless nerds like yourself aside, the point is that society at large tolerates all manner of mardi gras, carnival, bike week at myrtle beach, st. patrick's day parades, beer commercials and all manners of other sexual advertising, and a million billion other examples... so long as they are examples of HETEROSEXUAL sexuality.

thus your claim of heterosexual people being expected to keep their sexuality in the bedroom is a total fucking lie, even in Russia as my beer commercial example proves. :)
I have never been so embarrassed.
Why is it too bad? Have you been to western europe? Major US cities? Nobody even blinks at a gay couple holding hands, or any couple, for that matter. Would you prefer for this to not be the case?
Would it shock you if I told you that hyperbolic arguments don't apply to me.
You originally said it in response to myself, and I was never talking about anything vulgar, all I said was "openly show affection".
It was brought up originally in the context that straight people are allowed to take their sexuality out of the bedroom while gay people aren't (in Russia or wherever, we're talking attitudes more than laws). You took this as meaning making out with people, but the reality is that holding hands falls in the same category. A man holding hands with a woman is a clear display of heterosexuality that isn't frowned upon. A man holding hands with a man is an entirely reasonable display of homosexuality that is frowned upon by many and gets called stuff like "shoving it down our throats" and the like. Its an inequality that I don't like, but for some reason some gays (on the internet) seem to feel its correct. Whatever, I don't even know where this topic is going anymore.

>But if you read the responses to my posts you can clearly see that it is you and your constituents equating gay people with social justice bullshit
Not really sure what posts you're talking about in particular. I don't think a legitimate desire to be treated equally to other people is the same as the tumblrcore bollocks we occasionally see.
>St. Patricks day
>celebration of hetrosexuality
And here I am thinking that it is a celebration of Religious Nationalism.
yeah, saying that you're probably not a big fan of street parties or activism and shit if you're wetting your pants over "public displays of affection" is a real stretch
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The acceptance of homosexuality into mainstream culture was caused by the jews. Jews are conniving creatures who use their power, influence, and money to push the communist agenda. How else can you explain that roughly 3.5% of the population has such major influence in the media?
It's not "allies" its not "muh vocal minority" its an outside force entirely. The west is a gelatinous sac of degeneracy, I don't understand why you would defend it.
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seen here: women celebrating religious nationalism
>>990548 (OP)

> encouraging social constraints on outrageous displays of sexually aberrant behavior
> bad

Being gay isn't a choice.

Being a simpering faggot who won't stop advocating his decadent lifestyle in public is a choice.

Unbridled, mincing faggotry is the issue here, not homosexuality.
Why should we be treated equally, if we are not in fact equal?
Wait, you're gay right? You dislike something that has a positive effect on your life because "the Jews did it"?

You're a cutey.
Well there is a time and a place, street parties fall under that category I suppose

That was an advertising campaign for Aer Lingus dumbfuck. Sex sells durrrrr

>Soon Russia will be raping and murdering all of the gays like God intended.

Based on reports of bug chasing and rampant BDSM within the gay community, this sounds like something you people might enjoy.
I think everyone should have equal rights. If we aren't equal then what we do with those rights won't be equal, but those differences should come from within, rather from preconceived notions of worth.

Other way around, non-acceptance of homosexuality was caused by the Jews. Your silly christian morals are the degenerate ones.
Why don't you guys just stop being gay degenerates?

love /pol/


Not asking you to stop being gay.

Just stop being gay degenerates.
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It may have a temporary positive effect for me, but for society itself I think it's deadly.
>you're a cutey
>Sex sells durrrrr
He's using it as an example of how pretty explicit use of heterosexuality is seen as normal, but gay men doing the same thing is seen as somehow overly sexual or "shoving it down our throats" or inappropriate etc etc
Okay, well aside from "the Jews did it" or similar, what is the deadly effect that it will have or is having on society?

This is true. It's funny how few people realise that homophobia has its roots in ancient Judaism.
No, he was using it as an example of how he seems to thing St. Patricks day is a celebration of hetrosexuality, This isn't from any St. PAtrick day parade, its not even in Ireland ffs
How do you know that those women aren't all lesbian?
b-but I know many gay jews
How do you explain that?
Okay, remove "St. Patrick's day" from his previous response and see if its any less legitimate. Its kind of picking at irrelevancies.
>That was an advertising campaign for Aer Lingus dumbfuck.
yeah wow how could anybody fail to identify an advertising campaign for a tiny as fuck airline that nobody outside of the UK would likely be familiar with
>Sex sells durrrr
i love this tolerance for sex-heavy heterosexual content being tolerated for the purpose of capitalism but the second some dude wants to kiss another dude in public because they're into each other, it's decadence
yeah, no. many civilizations had laws against faggotry before christianity even existed. most disliked it by default. faggotry isnt looked down upon for no reason, its a symptom of a diseased mind. thats why you all have poop sex and cut your wieners off. lgbt = mental illness
Are you dumb? No wait you are because you didn't get the point. Heterosexuality is just as much being shoved down people's throats as homosexuality. How often do you see commercials and advertisements or marketing in general do that with homosexuality.

>"stupid fucking faggots always forcing their gay shit"
>"why cant they be heteronormative!"
>he doesnt realize that these same faggots get those heteronormative ideals shoved their throats constantly at all times
>more so than vice versa
>This isn't from any St. PAtrick day parade,
there's no reason to think that, actually
>its not even in Ireland ffs
so do you think St. Patrick's Day celebrations are limited to Ireland, orrrrr
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The jews that we know today are in power because they were the tax collectors during the dark ages, their beak nose evolved from a need to sniff coinage.
Jews of today=/=jews 2500 years ago
>Your silly christian morals are the degenerate ones.
You serious? Do you really think im a christian or that I represent christian morals?
How do you know all the men in a gay pride parade aren't straight?


Oh also:
>its not even in Ireland ffs
St. Patrick's day is celebrated in many countries. It is celebrated in England more than St George's day.
>there is no reason to think that
Apart from the facts, it was an advertising campaign for an Irish airline company
You gotta /pol/ harder, that's no one is failling for your edgy teenage tier bait.
Dude, its cuter when its less silly.
an Irish airline company wouldn't advertise during St. Patrick's Day?
>gay people
>cutting their dicks off
>not thinking dicks are the best things ever
Do your research, friend.
It wasn't part of any St. Patrick's day parade, keep clutching at straws buddy, its a totally irrelevant point anyway.

Nope, Romans had rules against freemen taking it up the butt, but homosexuality was considered completely fine aside from that. There are a whole bunch of Chinese emperors who had homosexual relationships, as well as Egyptian pharaohs.

Being anti-homosexuality comes from Jewish beliefs, that were spread throughout the world by the British Empire (which is know to have been run by the jews). Face it, you are turning your back on your European heritage by not engaging in homosexual behavior, all to please your dead degenerate jew god.
i was more just pointing out that there is no real indication of whether it took place during st patrick's day or not, not saying that it did take place during st. patrick's day.

i am now noticing the photoshopped faces in the crowd, too

If you think that homosexuality is wrong, you have Abrahamic morals. I was being nice by not assuming that you are a mudslime or a jew, but now I'm pretty sure you are a jew spreading wicked lies to keep us from attaining the greatness of our ancestors.


You'll like this. It provides an accurate explanation of the history and throws in a good dose of the "most efficient way to advance the human race" stuff that /pol/ loves so much.

>Judaism placed controls on sexual activity. It could no longer dominate religion and social life. It was to be sanctified — which in Hebrew means "separated" — from the world and placed in the home, in the bed of husband and wife. Judaism's restricting of sexual behavior was one of the essential elements that enabled society to progress. Along with ethical monotheism, the revolution begun by the Torah when it declared war on the sexual practices of the world wrought the most far-reaching changes in history.
>So someone lacking empathy is "less human"? Is that right?

Essentially, yes.

Are you retarded?
rome and egypt werent the only nations on the planet. ancient civilizations had faggotry because they sprung up out of nomadic tribes and so the diseases of civilization, such as faggotry or laziness, werent around. once people had experience with faggotry, they started noticing how detrimental faggotry was, and thats why many nations, like ancient greece, had strict anti-faggot laws even before christianity. this happened globally, and sometimes there were periods of rampant faggotry due to societal decay, like what is happening in america right now. the fact is, every civilization on planet has noticed negative pattern emerging from faggotry, its no coincidence and its no conspiracy. you dont see them outlawing vaginal sex do you? people hate faggotry because it has noticeable negatives associated with it. they didnt think it up randomly in their sleep.

So if it happened to you, you wouldn't want anyone else to care?

What groups are you talking about? I mentioned Greece, Rome, China and Egypt, there are many more examples, Mesopotamian cultures embraced homosexuality, as did Native Americans. Give an example of Greek antifaggotry laws, the first one was Constantine banning male brothels, and it culminated in Justinian banning it completely, both of them were Christfags spreading their jew religion.

Antifaggotry comes from one source, the jews, who hated sex in general because they are all so ugly. You keep spreading the jews lies, I hope you are a jew and are fulfilling your duties, I can't believe that someone would be dense enough to not realize that he has been brainwashed.
I wouldn't expect anyone to care, no, why would I assume that anyone would? I am not that selfish that I think I can have an army of SJW's at my beck and call when shit doesn't go my way.
> You can't argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
>Nope, Romans had rules against freemen taking it up the butt, but homosexuality was considered completely fine aside from that.
This is false. Rome had rules against homosexuality unless the homosexual act was a little femme boy used for sexual slavery.
>they disagree with me
>I can't logically defend my position
>I know, I'll call them stupid
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Homosexuality was universally accepted in ancient Greece, albeit that different city states had a variety of views about what forms of homosexuality were acceptable and what was taboo.

If you want to make the argument that you want to make, you should really concentrate on the one significant difference between homosexuality in historic non-Abrahamic societies and homosexuality today: Exclusivity. The one thing we have today that would have scandalised ancient Greeks, Romans, Vikings, etc, is homosexual exclusivity - people who only have sex and romantic relationships that is homosexual. The lack of bisexuality would be shocking to them.

Homosexual sex with an adult male slave or a homosexual prostitute was fine too.

And even the rules they had against citizens having sex with each other, weren't much used or especially punitive.

Nope, prisoners of war were often placed into sex slavery.

>tfw you will never rape a Gallic warrior
To be fair, the Jews have the anti-male brothel thing in the scripture to block the tangential worship of ancient gods in the Semitic region, and the Mediterranean region in general, through catamites and (what we call today) transgender priestesses.

It's the same reason why they're not allowed to get tattoos, as that denotes certain forms of Ba'al worship.

Seriously, anyone calling tattoos and homosexuality/transgenderism "degenerative" is a Jew puppet. I find it funny, however, that they say the Jews are responsible for these things.

No, they're responsible for making them seem ridiculous and repulsive to the plebs to facilitate the spread of their religious doctrine from one culture to the next.
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>>990548 (OP)

feels pretty good.
people shouldnt go around and flaunt their sexuality.

>inb4 >>>/pol/
Could also have an antisocial personality disorder
>I find it funny, however, that they say the Jews are responsible for these things.
Jews ARE responsible. They promote homosexuality/trannies/etc. for the goyim, but if a Jew is any of this stuff or even if they marry a non-Jew, their parents and community would be enraged and disown them.
But.. gay propaganda takes away children's choice
>Serial killer
>just plain mental
>less than human
>not gay
>antisocial personality disorder

Wow /lgbt/ I feel so accepted and tolerated.

Are you people really that insecure that you need to attack my state of mind and sexuality just because I have an opinion that's different than yours? Whatever you think about me and my opinions, you guys' stance on it all is pretty hypocritical.

Only the ultra-orthodox.

And why excluse Christians from blame?

It's nothing to do with your opinion, it's your assertion that empathy is a "useless non-emotion" and "serves no purpose", which is a declaration of just all those things.
Well luckily for me I am none of those things. Now what?

Lol, it has feelings.

You were correct when you said you didn't care, but now you are the same as the people you were arguing with. You say that empathy is worthless, then you try to get people to empathize with go.

Go back to tumblr or leddit with that shit
And this is why we shouldn't let gays into the military.
Or play God.
Imagine the collateral damage you idiots, the best way for this to end is for them to win their rights, not die in your dogmatic fantasies, sure I hate bigots, but I don't wish them ill will, stop being such fucking idiots and think about what you are stating.
I am simply pointing out your hypocrisy, I genuinely don't give a shit about you or what you think of me, why is this so hard for you to comprehend?
>ITT: No one understands Russian politics

Russia has long since made it a point to punish the group that has the most dissidents against the state. Putin hardly wants to suppress ALL the gays, simply punish them for tolerating dissidents like Pussy Riot and friends, as well as establish laws that make it easier to crack down on dissidents that might be gay. Homosexuals have never been a major target before because they never challenged the power of the state and the church was too busy dealing with all the Jews. Just wait for either the Jews to start trouble or the Chechens or Georgians piss Putin off, then he'll focus on them and let the gays be.
I may not approve of all the anti-gay sentiment, but I applaud them for standing strong against the west's decadent cultural Marxism.

How many enemies can his kleptocracy make before he gets toppled?

As many as he wants, because he's still got a strong majority of supporters and is BFFs with the military. He picks his enemies very carefully and knows what he can and can't do. If you can't Mossad the Assad, you can't Boot the Put.
This kind of shit is not going to affect anyone who is LGBT, it's also going to affect any heterosexual who is perceived as LGBT.

The constant hostile environment to be heterosexual will force some teenagers to have underage sex to prove they're straight. You know how many teen pregnancies it happens from this shit?

But the male supremacists from Russia don't care, better risk having a baby than risk perceived as LGBT.

Russia is doomed anyway.
I don't care, I don't live in that hell hole.

>Implying Russia hasn't been slowly regaining it's power since Based Putin took charge.

Learn2History bro.
didn't lurk, don't care.

Russia is for Russia, if you're in Russia, you go by Russia.

if you're a Muslim and go to Russia, don't expect Russia to cater to your stupid ass needs, if you're a Jew and go to Russia, don't expect Russia to cater to your stupid ass needs, if you're American... etc.

if Russia bows to this shit, it potential allows for a whole shitstorm of undesirable people to start a fucking argument about why they can't have their way in someone else's land. and Russia wants to preserve itself.

before this whole thing came into the media, I'm sure nobody gave too much of a shit about it; however now, these protesting faggots are ruining any good image about gays there.

in a way, I think Russia is right. tolerance is like colour, it's beautiful on it's own and you can still paint a picture, but mixing them all together makes a shitty brown colour; see, western countries.
You mean Czar Putin
>spelling colour
>white is the best color

Fuck off retard.
Boycott 2014 Winter Games
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fun fact, words can be spelt differently in different countries retard.
This whole russia fiasco has really shown how toothless gay advocacy has become. Their only tactics seem to be threats of political pressure and shaming the offender, which doesn't work when the government hates you and the people on the street don't mind homosexuals being beaten up. Unless they revise their playbook, I doubt there will be much progress made on gay acceptance outside the 1st world.
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That's a pretty good title too. Either way Putin is top tier as a leader and has made major strides in saving the Russian economy post-USSR.


Exactly. Radicals like Pussy Riot and friends are the reason we can't have nice things.
>tfw tears running down my cheeks
I-I am n-not gay... it's just...

You don't have to be gay to be a complete faggot, you know.
it certainly helps though

Because you keep responding, you obviously care
Thats not how logic works honey, I'm just woefully bored and actually enjoyed this thread, again, whatever helps your sensitive soul sleep at night.
empathy is pretty much why your parents didn't cull you for being worthless
Please don't project your insecurities onto me.


Now that's an idea.
Why did you feel a need to reply to that 7 hours and 40 minutes after it had been posted?

So... gays should bomb St Basil's? That's the only way to get shit done?
But that's a good thing, russia has a poor birth rate.
>mfw it was planned from the beginning
My guess is he/she/it read it earlier in the day, went off had its dinner/done its days work, grinding its teeth all the while trying to think of a witty response and hoping that the thread wouldn't have 404'd in the meantime
>My guess is he/she/it read it earlier in the day
please dont be a bigot. just use the pronouns Ze or Zer
I'll just stick with it, I think.


If we didn't Boycott China we're not boycotting Russia. Besides, they'll just make the policies less visible and give Olympians and tourists a free pass on being gay. Putin is a PR wizard.
I can get behind that idea. I've been waiting for someone to start the Pink Panthers.
>A law was actually passed recently in Russia banning even the adoption of children by same sex couples.

I thought that was only for adoptions outside of Russia, e.g. gay couples from the US adopting Russian children (as is often the case).

If I'm wrong and it's a blanket ban though then that ruins my theory that they were just doing it to get back at the US for something or another.

Anyway, if there are any Russian LGBT activists in this thread: if I were you I'd kept it in the privacy of your own home, for now. I'm kind of conflicted because on the one hand I feel bad for those who're protesting and getting abused, but on the other hand I feel that by protesting you're bringing it on yourself. I mean, it's not impossible to be gay or bi and not advertise it to straight people, is it?
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He fights for the common man, not the subhuman trash.

You realize armed gay insurrection in Russia is pointless since the entire military backs Putin and the LGBTs there are in this mess mostly BECAUSE of militant trouble-starting LGBTs?
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>if gay boys dont have sex with other boys they will have sex with girls
>this is what LGBT actually believes

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>>990548 (OP)

Russia has been run into the ground by godless scum for long enough. Anyone stupid enough to align themselves with those sort of ideology deserves what is coming to them, which they almost certainly start by being loud and provocative in the first place.
Shut the fuck up Dante.

Don't be unfair. No-one is worse than baby-killing "muh uterus" feminists.
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whiter than jew

B-b-but they're not white!

It's like a bunch of straights pretending to be gay or something.

Fuck off Jew

I love this pic so much.
>swallowing the Jew propaganda that every culture other than Abrahamic-inspired cultures were absolutely 100% fine with homosexuality


I love you :3
>comparing autists to homos and trannies
>comparing mental disorders to other mental disorders

>What is a strawman argument?

That's not what I said. Homosexuality has existed in various permutations across many pre-Abrahamic cultures and enjoyed various levels of tolerance and prohibition. However, these cultures generally drew no distinctions between homosexuality vs heterosexuality. There were simply tops/bottoms, objects and subjects, ravishers and ravishees. Judaism changed that; it represents a distinct sexual revolution in that all sexual expression other than marital sex between a man and a woman became verbotten. Since gender then became no longer interchangeable with top/bottom positions, Judaism can almost be said to have invented the notion of homosexuality. The dangerous and most deeply ingrained male instinct, to fuck, was now to be exclusively channeled into marriage. This was a powerful method of social control, which indeed, for a long time did contribute to the flourishment of Western civilisation as it was carried forward with Christianity.

I fail to see how this is Jew propaganda given that it was the Jews who invented those Abrahamic values to begin with.
>If you think that homosexuality is wrong, you have Abrahamic morals.

This sentence obviously implies that the condemnation of homosexuality necessarily arises from Abrahamic morality, which is of course nonsense. Just because the Jewish-promoted gay rights movement would like you to believe that the forefathers of European civilization were 100% hard gay does not make it true.

Again, I'm missing the part where the Jews would like me to believe it's their fault for bringing about homophobia. Please explain your logic or admit you're just trolling.

But militants only exist because they were in this position. And since it is clear that marches and democratic campaigns (lol, democracy in Russia) won't get anywhere, what else is left except bombs and assassinations?

Also, though I never wrote that sentence and you're strawmanning again, yes, the condemnation of homosexuality must necessarily arise from Abrahamic morality. All sexual expression outside of man/woman marital sex was condemned as impure; thus, all male/male sexual behaviour must be condemned as impure.

Absolutely. It was more like 85%.
>you're strawmanning again,
>yes, the condemnation of homosexuality must necessarily arise from Abrahamic morality.

Top kek


Judaism is not supposed to be part of the equation.

It sounds like Russia's best bet there would simply be to kick every self-identifying "LGBT" citizen out of their country and never let them return.

They're moving towards that point anyway.
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If that's what it takes.

Okay, you're clearly trolling at this point, but to broaden your mind and for anyone else who may be interested, this link is quite interesting.


Its central claim that the sexual revolution wrought by Judaism was largely responsible for the success of Western civilisation is erroneous, and its assertion that there is no biological basis for homosexuality and the arguments it uses at that point are altogether unfounded - in short, it is written as a polemic and in doing so draws false conclusions - but if you can filter out the political agenda then it provides a really interesting history of how Abrahamic values have redefined the way in which we think about sexuality.

Yeah, we desperately want Putin's corruption and inhumanity to save us from liberty.
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That's what they want you to think.

Do you call anyone who points out that you contradicted yourself in one half of your sentence to the next a "troll"?

Putin looks like a creepy pedo in that pic.

It's demonstrably true.

I didn't contradict myself. I used deductive reasoning to prove my point. Unless you disagree with the premise that Judaism posits man/woman marital sex as the only divinely sanctified form of sexual expression and all other forms of sexual expression being impure and immoral, it does necessarily follow that all expressions of homosexuality, not being man/woman marital sex, must be condemned.

And again, why would this nebulous Jewish conspiracy of yours want the gay rights movement to blame them for homophobia? How would this further their agenda?
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>in that pic
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Don't know what you mean
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I know who they can start with.
>And again, why would this nebulous Jewish conspiracy of yours want the gay rights movement to blame them for homophobia? How would this further their agenda?

"Blame them"? If you "blame them", you are the outlier, sir. Judaism is insignificant in terms of numbers and, for the most part, actual influence; pay no attention to the man behind the curtain of the mass media and international politics.
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Not sure if this is Putin or FrankWolf.

Again, you haven't actually made any reasoned argument whatsoever. You've just pulled some sarcastic, wiser than thou, passive aggressive tactic to distract from the fact that what you're saying has no substance. If you are privy to some esoteric argument about the "man behind the curtain of the mass media and international politics" and his alleged agenda, then please, elucidate me and my sheeple mentality.

Why am I even doing this? You're boring me now.

Read "The Culture of Critique" if you're genuinely interested in how the analysis and dismantling of cultural norms in European civilization benefits groups with a lot to gain, such as Jews.

Just googled it. Could be worth a read. Okay, I might do, provided my Uni Library has it available.

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