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4chan now supports de-pagination/infinite scroll. Just click "All Pages" in the page navigation (to the right of Catalog), or select "Always use infinite scroll" in the [Settings] menu (note, you must have the inline extension enabled to use this feature). The inline extension also now supports enabling the thread auto-updater by default. Just select "Auto-update by default" in [Settings], and threads will always auto-update when you load them. Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:28 No. 718697 Just wanted to say, I never met a gay person before. Very curious about you guys and how you lived When I come here it turns out you are mentally fucked in the head, inferior in every way you keep complaining about everything and everybody how nothing is every your fault. You keep wondering why people hate you ? Take a look in the mirror, you are responsible for your own misery That being said, I fucking hate gay people. >>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:30 No. 718712 You should try being mite original next time. >>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:31 No. 718716 >>>/pol/ >>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:31 No. 718721 >>718712 >More* >>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:34 No. 718732 >>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:34 No. 718734 >>718712 Sorry, I am not trying to troll or anything. >>718716 I visit /int/>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:34 No. 718736 Okey dokey! Well this isn't the board for you then, as it's full of gays and other such weirdos, maybe /r9k/, /b/, or /pol/ would be more suited to your tastes. Hope this was helpful! >>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:37 No. 718753 >>718736 It wasn't , I allready have my place.>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:37 No. 718761 >>718753 Which is where?>>
Anonymous 06/09/13(Sun)18:39 No. 718769 >>718761 /int/- futaba + yotsuba - All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. <div class="qcDiv"><img src="//" alt="Quantcast" class="qcImg"></div>