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I've heard that Autistics have a much higher rate of being LGBT than the general population. Just wondering- who here is autistic?
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Assburgers reporting in.
Well, people with autism tend to be prone to asexuality.
>I've heard

[citation needed]
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Stop. I know exactly how this thread is going to go down. A bunch of people who haven't been diagnosed by a doctor will come flooding in saying they have autism.

As the father of a child with actual fucking autism, I would like to ask those people to stop delegitemising my son's disorder so that you can feel like a 'special snowflake'. Autism is probably not something you have, and definitely not something you want.

My son is in the third goddamn grade and he doesn't talk to other kids yet. He needs special help in school. It kills me inside imagining the problems he'll have later in life trying to hold down a job, a serious relationship, or hell, just getting into college.

So please, stop.
Trips confirms it.
Oldfag.. do you know where you are?
I actually thought I was autistic at one point. Self-diagnosed asperger's. What else could explain my social inabilities?

Then I gave it more thought and turns out my verbally abusive parents and being bullied for generally being quirky, eccentric, and effeminate, had serious long term scarring effects on my socialization. Also, socially isolated for the first five years of my life couldn't have helped.

So uh... whatever. Bi MtF here.
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Please, tell me more about how 35 is old.

Not OP, but I found this a while ago.


That said I knew an bisex autistic guy who was essentially what you'd call a stud.
you're pretty smug for someone with retarded jizz

>not sure if trolling
>>705979 (OP)
>I've heard that

yes, i and i heard that storks bring babies and there's an easter bunny.

stfu with your bigot talk
I hear that Princess of the Crystal bitch is aspie as fuck.
>>705979 (OP)

In my experience autists tend to be huge, often omnivorous sluts or completely neutered.
Obviously I'm speaking generally, but from what I've seen that appears to be the only variety.

This is coming from an aspie.
Lesbian professionally diagnosed with Asperger's here.

>tfw uk welfare system getting changed and have to go in for a working ability assessment soon
>>705979 (OP)
I'm quite neurotypical. I just want to know the source on this "I've heard".
Concerning what I've seen them post on this board I'd have to agree.

How did you get disability? I only got fucking JSA.
I probably actually do have autism to be honest.... My mom actually told me a few weeks ago that growing up most of my teachers wanted me to get checked/tested for it. But she said that she didn't want me to for whatever reason. Also conversing was insanely hard for me and in all honesty I have no friends outside casual acquaintances. Now that I look at it, it actually does explain my highly obsessive personality and can really stay track on one thing. I can't really get myself to go over to get tested since the fear of something honestly being wrong with me.

Btw I sadly never talked to anyone or made friends all throughout school.... This sounds silly as fuck but the thing that helped me most out is 'dating advice' and self improvement videos since I love objectives.
Does he have any after school activities or see anyone to help him with his disorder?
>>705979 (OP)
>Just wondering- who here is autistic?
Obvious. You, OP. But you need to hope. :p

I suppose because I never leave the house they figure I can't even look for a job.

Shit. I quit my last job because of my condition, how was that not enough?
Fuck the Job Centre.
>tend to be prone to asexuality

A ton of people make this assumption, but it's not necessarily true. I was professionally diagnosed with Asperger's before I was 3 years old, so everyone around me expected me to grow up to be Rainman or some shit. My mom was actually relieved when I came out to her last year because she spent my entire childhood worrying that I was never going to experience love. She told some of my relatives and family friends, and they still don't believe her.

The thing is, I think that people who place somewhere on the autism spectrum in general will be more likely to not hide "social deviancies" like homosexuality, transgenderism, and so forth, because they're inherently less likely to pick up on the social cues that neurotypical people do. The asexuality assumption simply comes from the fact that autistic people don't express things like affection and lust in the same way as other people.
Look what you need to make absolute sure of is that he has at least a few friends before middle school, if not it is going to be a living hell and he will be seen as the weird kid. I know that because that was me, he might tell you he made some friends or whatever you'll want to try and be close contact with teachers and really try and find a medium to bond with him. If he doesn't have friends going in to middle school then mid way through the year switch schools for him. Since the other kids will take note and he would befriended by kids at the new school. I genuinely do want to help your kid out if possible.... Since I'll be honest most of my life I've been fucking miserable and only until less than a year ago I developed any social skills or norms.
This is well-intentioned but terrible advice. You can't force your kid on other kids that blatantly and expect them to ever learn anything about socializing on their own. I can't say what approach will be guaranteed to work, because I don't know >>706013 or their kid. I'd typically say to put the kid into situations that foster natural friendships. The cardinal rule for kids with autism spectrum disorders is to make sure they spend ample time around "normal" kids so they at least have the opportunity to learn by imitation. Incubating them and treating them like glass won't do them any favors in the long run.

But again, like I said, I don't know this particular child or the severity of their autism. That's an assumption I just can't make. All I can really say is to give them structure and foster a hobby that brings them around other kids somehow. Extracurricular shit and whatnot.

4chan is an animu discussion website.
35 year olds in animu are considered to be old men.
There is no test for high functioning autism. Autism has two basic outcomes. Inability to 'downgrade' to the level of communication our society requires. Complete 'downgrade'/coping with how our society communicates. Your son is number one. He has refused to give up his direction communicate with 'source'. Those people delegitemizing your son are number two. They have given up all direction communication with 'source' & every little bit of racial memory we carry around in our 'junk' DNA.


Can you communicate telepathically? Does anybody you know communicate that way? Yes, one person does. Your son. Google crystal children. Your son is gonna be fine. He is like that for a specific reason. He is HERE for a specific reason. He doesn't talk because he's talking to other 'people'. In comparison to them you & everyone around you are like cave drawings.

I'm sorry to say that it's not gonna make sense to you for a long time but stick with it. Keep googling. There is lots you can do to 'help' your son. Mostly it has to do with helping yourself.

Half of children born today will be 'autistic'. They are not the one's lacking in anything. We are. The old people are. Our old rigid stupid civilization is.
I'm a gay autistic FTM (professionally diagnosed, if that really needs to be said). For a long time I thought I was asexual instead of gay, though. My interest in other guys really did seem to be entirely romantic, but recently I realized that it just seemed that way because I don't express my sexuality in the same way non-autistic people do.

And you shouldn't use that puzzle piece shit, OP, they're a horrible fucking organization.
I don't think I am autistic now, but I'm pretty sure I was as a kid. I flipped the fuck out when the wrong people touched me, had anger issues, couldn't empathize at all for a long time, was generally oblivious of social standards, was 1-2 years ahead of the rest of my peers in terms of education level but lagged about the same amount in terms of socialization etc. Now I'm just eccentric and own it, I learned most of the social stuff, but it can still exhaust me physically. Oh and I have synesthesia, which is neat.

Bi/ace mtf.
Well it beats the fuck out of being alone, trust me on that... If doesn't make friends by then the other kids that go to the middleschool will talk about him and then outcast him. A fresh start would be the better Idea, I just simply don't want to see someone go through the shit I went through is all.....
I think the number of autistic people who browse 4chan is higher than average.


Asperger's is informally referred to as autism.
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oh boy time for /x/
Autistic people may not actually be diseased or broken or whatever, but that doesn't mean we're motherfucking space elves. Come off it.
>space elves

How absurd. We all know autistic people are clearly Snow elves.
>crystal children
Haha fucking thanks anon.... That really made my day after the realization that in all honesty I probably am autistic.

Ignore him/her/it, it's either ludicrously deluded or rusing the lot of us. Either way, it's better on /x/.
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>Snow Elves

We don't talk about the Snow Elves, Luthandriel.

Is it normal for autists to get lonely?

I don't really have any drive to be around other people and I just find it stressful. I wish I could be more self sufficient so I wouldn't have to depend on other people.


>tfw no bf
I'll be honest, I never got lonely until I was about 16 then things started kicking in and I read/saw the lives others were living and what I was and still kind of feel like am missing out of. And dude you wouldn't or didn't feel like some displacement or anything when or if you sat alone or in the library for lunch?

Btw sad story.... A girl and her friends once offered me to sit by them and I did for a few weeks. Then suddenly a super cute gay guy sat next to the people I sat by and I never sat by them again because of the nervousness and etc. Ugh I just wish I could go back and help younger me out so much...
my mom tried to get me diagnosed with just about every trendy disorder possibly so officially i do but its probably bullshit
What I'm trying to tell you is your advice might not actually change anything. If you're constantly hovering around your kid in inappropriate situations, they're gonna be seen as that weird kid whose parent never leaves them alone.

When I read other people talking about their relationships online I just know it'd only cause me anxiety and am glad I don't have to deal with that. I never went to school that much but I like it when people leave me alone and wish they'd fuck off when they approach me tbh.

Maybe I'm just not really alone since I've always lived with my family and I have people on the internet I chat to.
Sorry you must of misinterpreted my post, what I meant was to not be constant hover mode but he also needs a close bond with his child and have his kid be completely honest and open. I had no friends or anything and I lied to my parents just to get their approval. But if I was close I would of probably been honest with them. The advice I was emphasizing and reinforcing was the school switch during middle school. That's the best scenario if it gets to that.
The spectrum is pretty wide and it varies case to case. What got me going to was when I finally decided to look at myself and truly evaluate what was wrong with me and how to correct what was abnormal or what would hurt or not further me in life.
I used to think that I could get away with not dealing with my social and physical anxieties by supplementing physical and direct interaction with text and crap. The older I get, though, the more I want to be affectionate with a guy and cuddle and shit. At the same time, though, it's still hard for me to enjoy it in the moment because I get into my own head and kind of go into a numb autopilot mode. I'm gonna keep trying, though, because practice makes perfect.
One of the things you can generally count on with an autistic kid is their desire for familiarity and structure though (to a greater degree than neurotypical kids, that is). I was pulled out of my hometown in the middle of 5th grade, and I had all sorts of social issues that I wasn't even aware of back then. Getting suddenly thrown into the deep end by being put into a totally new environment with strangers caused me to seriously regress.
But wouldn't you of had somewhat similar reactions if that were to happen to you in middleschool? Since my middleschool was strangers for a lot of classes as it was....
I think I'm just starting to get there atm, where I'm only just starting to look at my problems objectively and not making excuses for them.
Do you not mind being touched? I can't stand it, so cuddling and stuff like that is nice to fantasize about because in my imagination I can pretend not to be an aspie retard but irl I can't even handle shaking hands never mind someones arms around me or, christ forbid, getting naked together.
This I can agree with, my parents tried to get me to switch schools and I knew that'd just make things worse since at least I was familiar with the one I'd been sent to already. This was in primary school, I never even made it to highschool.
I get a lot of preemptive anxiety over physical contact, but most of it is purely mental. I have my own tactile hang-ups, and actual physical contact from me is almost always reserved for people I trust and am close to. The act itself isn't a totally overstimulating experience though, and I appreciate the fact that some people on the autism spectrum have a much harder time with that sort of thing.
High functioning autism MtF here

Diagnosed and given therapy and everything when I was a little kid
Ditto, my family/relatives always made a thing of me not wanting to hug when they said goodbye. I genuinely can't hug anyone I don't feel close to, sadly the only ones I could do that with are ex's now.....
Does therapy help? What is it like?
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They sat me down and a lady held up this card that said "Look" on it day after day until I said it

And I went to this place where I just played all day... though I couldn't understand any of the other children, but I could understand the adults. I remember hearing the radio talking about the DC sniper on my way over there.
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That's pretty bizarre sounding... Seems somewhat logical since you are then externalizing your thoughts instead of the introversion.

Also whenever I hear about dc sniper I always think about yucko the clown out in the open at a gas station taunting him.
Thanks. Cute pic too.
Nope, no autist or assburgers here.

I'm one of the most huggy and affectionate people you will meet.

I doubt I could date an autist, I'm way too affectionate for any of that.
The funny thing is that I've found in strictly sexual situations, I'm really fucking physical. Like, I will practically try to engulf you with my body. As long as I know physical contact is expected and anticipated, and I actually like you, I'll be all over your shit. In more subtle social situations though, there's more of a song and dance to it, and that throws me off.
I'm somewhat on the autist spectrum but I feel like I trained myself to be high functioning and did high studying on social interactions. I actually love affection from someone I truly like and get a sense of attachment, my uber clingy days are over. But being through loneliness and etc makes you appreciate the people you do have and that being said I genuinely would never betray or be dishonest someone I loved or cared for.
My boyfriend insists that I'm very "unfiltered" in my talking and that I think aloud, and that I'd very awkward, especially over the phone. Are these autistic traits? I did score highly on an Autism Quotient quiz years ago.
I'm notoriously awful with phones. I also don't have much of a filter, but that's a conscious thing on my part. I guess you could say it's not that I don't HAVE filters, I just choose to ignore them sometimes and exploit the resulting awkwardness for laughs.
So am I and I'm autistic. Only with people I'm very close too, though. There are also only certain places and ways that it feels unpleasant for me to be touched, so it isn't like I can't also have that affection reciprocated. We're all different.
*close to, my bad
I'm pretty sure I'm not autistic but I am pretty shy when I first meet people, but I can force myself to not be.

I used to be like that, but every other thing I said would get me in trouble, even though I was telling the truth.
Since then I've learned what to say and what not too, but I still get it wrong or slip up at times.

And phones are devilish machines. It's bad enough talking to people and not knowing what they're thinking when they're right in front of you.

I find phones kind of comforting, since I don't have to look at someones face and not be able to work out what they're thinking.
I'm okay with actually having phone conversations, but I hate making phone calls because I don't have any surefire guarantee of who's going to pick up on the other end.
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No the absolute fucking worst thing for me is leaving voicemails. I usually have a gameplan that I think about for 20 or so minutes and then when it comes to the call the gameplan is completely forgotten and it is the most awkward and awful results. But at my last job they thought I did it to be funny but my bizarre voicemail happens by accident.....
>this problem, but with 90% of conversations in general
I love affection, I'm all about sensual experiences so touching/getting touched by my lover is like gulping down a pile of chocolate even when it's not sexual.
Sadly I have Autism Spectrum Disorder and bisexual. A closeted bisexual due to African-American parents.
I have NLD and I'm a closeted bisexual. Got a lot of anxiety problems tied to it and that's one of the main reasons why I don't think I'm coming out any time soon.
I was diagnosed with low-functioning autism at the age of three. I've had a shitload of doctors, therapists and helpers throughout my life to learn the most basic communication methods. While it worked (I hide it well now), there's been some severe setbacks. I don't have any major talents since I was so focused on being normal and actually talking when prompted. I feel that other people my age are way beyond me because they had a childhood where kids weren't obliged to be friends with them (part of the reason I have bad paranoia today). I still have to muster up strength to do small talk, talk on a phone or just get out of the car. I don't know if I'll be on par in anything in the near future. Shit fucking sucks.

Oh, and I'm a closeted bisexual male. The only person outside of some friends that I've ever come out to is my mom, and she said "That's what you think you are?" I don't want to come out to anyone else.
I was diagnosed with asperger's in my teens by a psych who literally talked to me for 20 minutes before diagnosing me. Then about 4 years later, I see someone who specializes in autism and they tell me it was a misdiagnosis. Now I'm living a normal life, and I chalk acting like an aspie up to teenage anxiety and social stress/introversion.
>I don't have any major talents since I was so focused on being normal
Fuck, I know how that is. It's depressing as hell to acknowledge that most people excel in only one area at best, and that the thing I've dedicated a huge chunk of my life to mastering is acting non-autistic. Seems doubtful that I'll ever be able reach anything near that level of skill when it comes to shit that actually matters to me.
I think I have avoidant personality disorder but I don't know if getting diagnosed will help
>>705979 (OP)
I was diagnosed with aspergers a few years ago. I've improved greatly since then however.

I wish I could tell you what helped me overcome my problems but I can't remember. The change happened gradually.

I now how you feel anon. Despite being an asexual, I love the touch of other people. But unfortunately that's a hard itch to scratch. Most women I date want to have a more sexual relationship than I actually want, and it's awkward to ask a more platonic friend if they want to engage in intimate but nonsexual contact.
mfw gays get more intimate nonsexual contact with women then I do. wtf man that is just not fair no offense to you gays. Its just that I am tired of sex only. Its bad bring up cuddling IF it happens always ALWAYS devolves into at LEAST cuddle fucking. I swear to god shitty lays and gays exist just to fuck over people like me who want something other then sex.

I wouldn't mind it so much if it was easy to bring up my asexuality, but it generally isn't. I've only revealed it to two women I dated, and it ended with them flipping their shit because they either thought I was telling them I'm gay, or they thought I was telling them I thought they were disgusting.

There is literally no way to comfortably tell someone "I love you, and I'm attracted to you, but not sexually".

And the only other option is trying to be intimate nonsexual with a friend... but how weird is it for a friend to ask another friend "can I touch and hold you"?

There is no winning option, anon. I've accepted it.

nahh, you might as well just guess and make up your own disorders, it's more fun that way.
Truth. Dated someone with confirmed A.S. She was a freak in bed. 9/10 would bang again. Though wouldn't date again.

This is true. Also under the new DSM-V Asperger's isn't even it's own thing anymore. It's classified under Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Or you're probably just creepy about it. I've had no problem just cuddling with female friends of mine. Or getting cuddly after/before sex. Or you're going for the wrong type of woman.
Aspergers reportin' in. I was asex for many years, now I think I'm more pan. But it's all pretty much semantics since I'm a virgin.
Ah guess am stuck with fucking...which is problematic considering I can't figure out a way to top my triumph so I am not even really motivated. Fuck I just can't win.

ah must be my taste in women then which is atrocious much to my pain and misery.

Not really good advice, and I wouldn't recommend it if you guys are doing great, but once I was in a relationship that was kind of rocky. She "cut me off" because I didn't understand her feelings. I talked her into intimacy, but she still swore that we couldn't have sex until she forgave me.

Best fucking three months of my life.
That is awesome. You know one the best parts about being ace is whenever a bitch tries to pull the no sex card its...its just so laughable. And it becomes awesome if she still allows the intimacy a pure win win situation then. Sadly it has never happened to me but rather something I figured out years ago.
Know a guy whos gay and definitely shows signs of autism. Complete social retard, insane obsession with one subject (professional wrestling), keeps repeating a woofing noise...

Anyway, he took a liking to me and refused to take no for an answer. I would say he was borderline stalking me and I kept running into him way more times than coincidence would allow. He'd corner me on public transport with no escape and grill me over blocking him on facebook and why I refuse to come over to his place when his parents werent home. When I was with people he'd try to physically drag me away so he could have me for himself. When I explained that I wasn't interested he'd sort of turn off, ignore all the bits he didn't like and keep going.

He's turned it right down recently but he still turns up all the time. So yeah, teeny bit scary.

Yeah dude, you need to keep on your guard. That sounds like a serious risk of rape.

It's not so bad that rape feels like a possibility - and despite his wrestling knowledge he's really out of shape while I try to fit in 5 gym visits a week. I reckon I could take him.

Now, flat out murdering me. THAT has crossed my mind.

Yeah. Murder would certainly be a bad thing too.

Have you thought about a restraining order?
23 here
I feel secure in the knowlege that by the time I turned 17 and 364 days, that from that point forward, I would always be an oldfag.
as I turned 20 I knew at that point i was a really old fag and tried decided life was over at 22, now I am 23 and i feel like a fucking waste of flesh and I am going to sudoku soon
That's not true.
Professionally diagnosed high-functioning faget here
>anyone ever self-diagnosing themselves and not following it up with a psychiatrist
mite b time for a post-birthe abortion m8
jk im sorry for your strugglke know that it will only probabky become more difficult with time
i'm leaning towards FTM here, attracted to women. I've never had sex, and barely a relationship, and I think part of it is not wanting to do that in a female body.
anyone else have similar feelings?
yeah why are blacks so homophobic?
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Diagnosed burgers, probably FtM, attracted to females and 1 male. Definitely not asexual.

People say you can't really tell anymore and I often feel like I'm a master of social skills but I try not to trust my feels because I'm probably delusional about it. I have times when I talk with someone and think "Silly humans are so simple-minded, I SO have them figured out" which I'm pretty sure is bullshit, but I can't help but think it when everything goes according to keikaku. I have a bad habit of thinking I'm great at something when in reality I'm below average, simply because I made some progress.
Still I've come a pretty long way from being completely socially retarded to semi-normal.

>I don't have any major talents since I was so focused on being normal
Same here. Being normal is my talent.
Oh god no, I used to be like him. I don't have any advice (except maybe being extremely straightforward and literally telling him that it's stalking and you want him to fuck off) but I apologize for this guy.
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Shit rolls downhill, and nobody wants to be down at the bottom.
Every group needs some other group they can dump on.
Wait what? I have professionally diagnosed aspergers and I've never needed welfare or quit my job because of it..
I think it might have to do with the fact that other people are not your mental clones. You might notice it if you observe them for long enough.
But what does that say about you though being able to be tracked down by a full blown autist? Do you announce every where you fucking go or something....? Shit man I hope you never do a crime they would catch your ass in like 20 minutes.

Cheers. Yeah, being straightforward with him doesn't work. He either ignores it or acts as if I'm attacking him.


>But what does that say about you though being able to be tracked down by a full blown autist?

Uh...not quite sure. Is it a bad thing I should worry about?

We live in the same small town with a terminus train station being the main mode of public transport. Still, don't have a particular routine and don't use social media very often so I can't understand how I run into him on so many different trains and in the city that I'm usually travelling to. I DID have Grindr but surely it can only tell him so much?

And not one to do crime so don't need to worry about being caught.
He could be using a ghost account and saved you in favorites and that tells you general locations of where you are. I'm not all out paranoid, but I like to have airplane mode on when I'm out and about. Only turn it off when I'm absolutely stationary and am not preoccupied.
I had the obligatory social security evaluation after I turned 18. The psychologist went through the generic laundry list of basic cognitive questions in about 40 minutes, I knew the whole procedure, and my collectedness threw off the whole thing. I got declined, but then I appealed it, and I didn't even end up needing a lawyer or anything. All I did was go and give this rambling, two-hour-long testimony. I lucked out in that the guy that was taking my testimony knew how to work with me because he was close friends with this high-level specialist from the University of Michigan. I'm definitely thankful for the circumstances that arose, because I know I haven't socially developed to the point where I can be self-sufficient yet. It can happen, and not just as some hypothetical "distant future" bullshit, but I'm just simply not ready yet.

That first psychologist I met with made the mistake a bunch of other people make in assuming that because I'm not Rainman-tier autismal, I'm perfectly well-adjusted. I mean, sure, I can go to classes and function on a basic level, but new skills take me a long-ass time to develop, and some of the most basic social shit like using phones causes me to have full-blown panic attacks. I haven't even left my apartment in a week. But the generic cognitive questionnaires don't cover that shit.
I've got assburgers and, yeah, I'm part of the LGBT population. I'm Transgendered.
I've heard that people on 4chan have a 98% chance of being autists.


I worked in a pretty chaotic retail environment for four years until it simply got too much.

By this time I hadn't been diagnosed, and had no real idea what was wrong with me (other than preliminary diagnoses of OCD and depression), but it was getting to the point where I was spacing out due to the stress and not concentrating and having panic attacks at the thought of it, including too that my supervisors were bitches, so I go out.

I don't regret a damned thing.
you can always let him hatefuck you with that retard autist look in his eye.

just give up, anon.

You know what? Shortly after I first met him and he privately admitted to me that he "might be slightly gay" and I wasn't so aware of his full range of autistic tendencies, I was considering fucking him just because I could.

Before putting forward this proposition, he went to put Metallica on the jukebox, started thrashing around, dropped something and bent over to pick it up, revealing the top of his flabby, sweaty, unshowered, hairy ass. Kind of went off the idea after that.
You fuck people just because the sole fact you can.....? Nigga you sleazy as fuck.

I know, I know, I was young and had just come out and wanted to make up for lost time by having as much sex as I could.
I'm sorry anon but after learning this knowledge, you can never be my pure femboi waifu.

That's okay. I'm more of a dominating, demanding type who comes home late and brings friends around without prior notification.
Diagnosed lesbian here. And no, autism is not something you can diagnose on the Internet. If you think you need help, see a shrink. [spoiler]Maybe they can deal with your Special Snowflake Disorder too. [/spoiler]
>ONLY my son has autism and no one else has ever seen a doctor or been diagnosed
go fuck yourself
Hugs, oldfag. I'm just an aspie, but my sister is more severly autistic and was like the in grade school. But now she speaks, she goes out with friends on the weekends, is a full fledged fujoshi...she'll need SSI and disablity support all her life, but it can get better.
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>mfw the asperger kid who lives down the street from me is gay and is a giant flaming faggot.

If my kid ever has aspergers I'm never telling them - all it has done for everyone I know who has aspergers is give them an excuse to act like a piece of shit and never develop those social skills because "oh no it's too hard I have aspergers"
Tell him but don't let him take pride in it. I wasn't diagnose/had any sort of suspicion until my mid teens and by then I'd learned to lie to myself that I was fine. Ended up having to see a therapist so I could actually honestly analyze myself.
My nephew is autistic, he used to be on the lower end of the spectrum and now he's functioning much better than I (mild aspie) did at his age (I think he's around 9). He's probably gonna be fine once he grows up.
He was diagnosed at 5 I think so not much time passed.
It had an opposite effect with me, before my diagnosis I used to deliberately act like a shit because "there's nothing wrong with me and everyone else is just bullying me without a reason". People would sometimes try to help me and explain me stuff but I would always perceive it as an attack.
Telling someone they have a specific disorder with specific traits is a much better explanation than "there's something wrong with you but I won't tell you what and how to fix it so you must take the blame without being able to do anything about it".
This. When I got diagnosed at 19 a light went on in my head and I finally understood why I was so shit at socializing. I've gotten so much better since then because I know what's wrong with me and how to deal with it.
>>705979 (OP)
I think that might be matter of correlation and causality, and that autism does not increase one's propensity of being LGBT.

People with autism genearlly have higher intellegence, thus begetting introspection. With this comes independent thought, and the ability to explore and acknowledge one's own sexuality in a more rational manner.


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