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I'm a normal straight girl, age 22, raised by an extremely conservative asian family. Though I'm ashamed to admit it, I consider myself pretty ignorant when it comes to sexuality. Anyways...

I just found out from a friend that the guy I've been in love with for four years was kicked out his house last night. Apparently his mom found out that he has been seeing a therapist because he's depressed and was considering suicide (shock), and the reason he was depressed is because he wishes he was born a girl (!!! big shock). I don't understand this at all, he's never shown any signs of being gay... he even has a girlfriend. He also acts very typically male, he's confident and jokes around a lot, is loud with his friends, it makes no sense to me, but I admit I have no experience in these issues whatsoever. I care about him more than anything in the world, the thought that he's suffering over something like this is heartbreaking to me but I just don't understand WHY this would cause him to suffer, it's completely alien to me!

Gay men (and women?) and transsexuals of /lgbt/: please explain these concepts to me... I promise I will do my best to be open-minded and understanding.
Hm...This seems to be a classic case of a person who "was born into the wrong body". People who go through these things usually hide their true self "in the closet" from other people
Yeah sounds like a case of transgenderism.

It's a hard thing to explain, some people have good ways of saying it but those people are not me.

Don't be surprised if 'he' becomes 'she' though, also it's perfectly normal for some trans women to be in to girls, around 60% of trans women ID gay (in to girls) or bisexual.

I was loud and joked around a lot whilst acting masculine before i came out too.
you guys are retarded, shes asking to try and explain not diagnose her friend

retards the lot of you
Example of what you guys just did.

>Holy shit my friend is a transexual, help me understand?
>Hmm sounds like a typical case of transexuality.

Err, she seemed to think they were gay actually, read OP again.

Also are you explaining it? No? then either explain it or don't shitpost.
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imagine if you brought home a watermelon.

This watermelon is big and has the right squiggly lines on it's skin to make you think "man this is going to be a juicy one". But when you cut it open, it's a yellow water melon, and every one goes "oh fuck no yuck throw it out".

That's your friend, the watermelon with the juicy body who just wants to be accepted.
>>1062785 (OP)
>He also acts very typically male, he's confident and jokes around a lot, is loud with his friends
Acts is the key word.
Acting like a manly man is not difficult at all, I did it for a few years and was even proud of myself, thinking things like "shit guys, I'm a better man than any of you and I'm just pretending".
Then of course it all comes tumbling down.

> never shown any signs of being gay.
Well if she likes girls she's pretty gay m8.
>>1062785 (OP)
Opposite-sex neurology.


Also, she probably hid everything due to the potentially negative tumult this sort of thing causes in one's family social circles.

Keep in mind that some transsexuals are even Navy Seals before they transition. Many tend to overcompensate with extra, or at least stereotypical, manliness to facilitate denial and make it harder for the secret to be discovered. Of course, over a long period of time, this level of repression is extremely mentally unhealthy, and oftentimes leads to suicide ideation.
>family and social circles
I'm not very religious or spiritual, so I don't usually understand concepts of "meaning" in normal human functions. How can you be "meant" to be a girl or boy when you're born, or born into the wrong body? I'm sorry if that seems like a rude or silly question....

>sounds like a case of transgenderism
I don't know what that is... can you explain what transgenderism means to me?

Don't fight... it makes me feel bad for being so ignorant and needing to create this thread...


He's a guy with a girlfriend, not a girl who also likes girls... was my post confusing? Sorry...
>He's a guy with a girlfriend, not a girl who also likes girls... was my post confusing? Sorry...

If he is actually a she/transexual than she is a lesbian. Most people say MtF's (Male to Female) can't be lesbians because they were born male to troll.
>>1062785 (OP)
>he's never shown any signs of being gay
Well, that's not exactly the same thing as gender dysphoria.
Transgenderism is like a catch all which includes transsexuals.

Anywho, right what >>1062847
was saying is *IF* this is exactly as you have described, it sounds like your friend is transgender/transsexual, not at all a gay guy. Gay guys do not wish they were born girls, They're men who like men.

Anyway, with transgender/ transsexuals the pronouns/ gender you should refer to them by is the one they prefer, or the one opposite to their birth assigned gender (in this case, that is male, so your friend would be a girl/ use 'she/her' etc.) which is why trans women who like girls are referred to as 'gay'

Is this helping at all?
>>1062785 (OP)
even though this is so ignorant it feels like bait...

He's transgender, his mind essentially thinks he's completely female. So transition, changing the body to match that, helps and helps with the depression.

Being transgender has nothing to do with sexuality, doesn't make your friend gay or straight, into men or women.

The acting typical male is very common. It is an act put on by a closeted individual, someone who doesn't tell others how they really feel, to try and convince others that they really are as they tell them they are. If you really look their is usually little hints at the seems.

One reason it causes depression is because it involves living in a way one does not like and being told they are someone they either do not want to be or really aren't. It is quite depressing.
>even though this is so ignorant it feels like bait...

this, provide picture with timestamp to confirm asian background and throw in a bible
I've only clicked on the first three links (skipped the mediafire one...), still reading...

But.. what is transgender and transsexual, are those terms the same or do they have different meanings. Do they refer to people who are hermaphroditic or do they refer to people who want to be the opposite sex? There have been a lot of times where I thought to myself that I wished I was a boy... but never to the point where I would be depressed or think about hurting myself...
again feels so ignorant that its bait.

your personal feelings don't mean that others only feel like you. Some people with gender dysphoria kill themselves right off and others transition and some just stay closeted forever

intersex, being born with sex that isn't strictly male or female is not the same as transgender nor is it mutually exclusive either
Transgender supposedly includes transvestites as well (guys who dress like girls or vice versa) whereas transsexuals are in an extremely simplistic and slightly incorrect way 'people who want to be the opposite sex'
The ignorance of it doesn't actually seem baiting to me, i know of plenty of people who knew literally fuck all about trans people, especially from conservative backgrounds [spoiler]For ages, i was one of them[/spoiler]

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