Every now and then I remind myself that I'm gay, like when I decided to download Psycho Beach Party. And sometimes because of that I want to get out and meet gay people.I can't seem to find a place with a suitable dresscode though. Almost everywhere I look, wants you to be shirtless, wearing leather, bubbles or nothing at all. Now considering I'm not after sex I don't think it's for me.Are there any places where gay people meet, talk about art, politics and value of a life unlived. If there is truly gay culture, then let it be actual culture. Instead of the size of a mans dick, let it be about the power of our creativity. And hopefully I can find someone who can talk about how to create the ideal society, the future of RPGs and videogames and still understand I'm going to watch Psycho Beach Party because it has a scantily clad Nicholas Brendon in it and at the end of the day sometimes stupidly handsome guys improve my mood after dealing with miscreants and fools the whole day long.
>>1003944 (OP)Oh, honey, but there is a time-honored niche carved out specifically for the pretentious underage queens like you in "gay culture": the trash can.The emphasis goes on the word "pretentious".
Whoops! Were you looking for:Berlin in the 1930's?
They exist, you just have to go to where they are. The fashion industry, art, comedy, some fantasy, acting, these are all areas where gays are extremely common and on the forefront of culture, and they are scattered elsewhere too. But you have to get a job like their's, because they spend most of their time working like everyone who accomplishes things does, and rarely go to the club or blog on the internet.You're blaming the lack of "culture" in the bar scene because trying to get laid isn't "culture" to you if it's gay. But I'm sure you think straight people who spend all their free time trying to get laid is "culture."And no, there aren't a whole lot of gay people who engage in a bunch of what you've taken to calling "culture"...that is, sitting around talking about all sorts of shit you don't get paid for. But guess what, there aren't a lot of straight people who do that either. Most straight people spend their working hours working in Kenny's Shoes or Safeway and then go out and try to get laid, or go home and nag their wife/husband. Only just a few, like 5%, do something else. But straight people make up about 96% of all people. Gays only make up about 3% of what's left, and I'm assuming you only mean gay men so it's really more like 2%. Now imagine if only 5% of that 2% of people without "cultured" jobs were out there?Now stop pretending to be gay and go watch MLP again you pretentious straight autist.
>>1003944 (OP)> I want a culture built on sexual interests to not have anything to do with sexual interestshow about you find a culture that actually has something to do with your interests?
Man it's almost like 98% of the people you meet are incompatible unless you just wanna fuck, just like straight dating because that's how humans work or something
>>1003992> Guuu! Whaa!! Someone wants to deviate from the hedonistic popular gay culture! Let's call them names!
yes there is a place like that, it's called /lgbt/ on a site called 4chan, Ithink you will really like it.
>>1004134oh and just complementing what I said here, I know what you are talking about OP but sadly this place doesn't exist, if we want to talk about a fantasy book with a good protagonist, that happens to be gay, for example we won't be able to becauseA) this place doesn't existB)the book doesn't exist either or if it does you will never know it since it won't get publicityYou live in an alien world OP get used to it.
>>1003944 (OP)>Are there any places where gay people meet, talk about art, politics and value of a life unlived.It's called university.
The glitter is the best part wtf OP
soon you will learn that a fedora can't suck your dick
>>1004166I actually found a gay art exhibition. So I'm going to spend a day or two of sleeping well, taking care of myself and then I'll gather my best art and go there.I think I'm done with /LGBT/ for now though and going back to my previous project. Finding handsome young guys, becoming friends with them and training them in the art of conversation.This place has a dreadful flaw, it has lesbians in it. Lesbians are amongst the cruellest, sadistic creatures I know, especially towards each other. I am basing this partially on the hordes of lesbians my lesbian roommate brings home, the cruel little games they play with each other and interviews. This place is also a reflection of the gay community which has just as much discrimination, bigotry and stupidity as straight society.But I am pleased to make your acquaintance Anon, even briefly. If it matters, you made me smile and I appreciate that. Although I would have to tell you, I'm not really that interested in discussing books with gay protagonists. I just want to hang out with people and not have to hide parts of myself.But I would rather hang out with intellectually stimulating people, and hide my appreciation of the male physique, then hang out here and hide my brain.
>>1004397>This place has a dreadful flaw, it has lesbians in it.>This place is also a reflection of the gay community which has just as much discrimination, bigotry and stupidity as straight society.I don't think anyone should give you the benefit of the doubt that you're making a joke here.
>>1004441the former is a joke inspired by >>1003992, but the latter is funny cause it's absolutely true.The gay community, is just as bad as the straight community. It has no greater respect for diversity then the straight community, nor is it more tolerant. Gays bash on bi's, different races will discriminate against eachother.No better, no worse.
>>1004489Few gays believe that bi people shouldn't be allowed to exist, or that trans people should be able to exist, or that people of other races shouldn't be able to exist.That is almost exclusively a straight problem.But I am one of those few gays that think you shouldn't be able to exist. Not JUST because you're straight though. For many many many reasons.
>>1004509 Oh I'm not straight. But you're kidding yourself if you think the lgbt community is free of bigotry. And is this how you face the honest truth? By wishing that the speaker did not exist? Such bloodlust!
>>1003944 (OP)Since most people are laying into OP, I'd just like to throw in that I agree with OP and want to hug him and discuss the future of vidya.
>>1004549Oh you are straight. And I'm actually a part of the lgbt community and I know for a fact it's got a lot less bigotry in it than your straight community.And this is how you shitpost? By shitposting, and then when it's shit, doing it again and again?
>>1004648My collection of gay porn says differently. But besides the (quite irrelevant) question of my sexuality do you realize what you're saying?LGBT people are just that, people. Do you think people magically stop discriminating against other people just because like to take it up the bum? Do people start developing colour blindness as a side effect of scissoring? The gay movement, has been about gaining equality with the rest of the population. To not be seen as weirdos or perverts. It is not, to my recollection it is not an imaginary super race that believes that all men are equal and we should all judge eachother based on our personalities.The only difference between the LGBT and straight community is that they sometimes choose different targets and the straight community has more means to discriminate. >>1004644Well, if you must ^^. I've noticed that year after year, we get more and more MMO's. I was afraid of this ever since they announced Guild Wars 2 but, we're in an MMO era. Personally I don't think much of MMOs, I prefer Co-Op RPGs which are build for less people, less grinding and more fun. What do you think about these developments?