Hey, gay peopleIf you are attracted to men, why do so many of you act like women, dressing up as them and that kind of stuff?Doesn't it make more sense to act manly to attract other gays?Most of the lesbians are masculine as well. Why?
Because life isn't all about attracting a mate. It's just how they like to dress.
OP is promptly set upon by a horde of raging femmes and stabbed with their steely stillettos
>>753709 (OP)>why do so many of you act like women, dressing up as them and that kind of stuff?Because why the fuck wouldn't you wanna do that?!
>>753723Um because that's what MtFs do, not gay men I guess? I mean if you want to be a woman, doesn't that make you a tranny?
because faggots will be faggots
>>753728Occasionally dressing up as something doesn't mean you see yourself as that or want to be that fulltime.Do you actually want to be everything you ever dressed up for for halloween?
>>753743Well, I do yes but that's beside the point. Gay guys I know who act and dress like women fucking mystify me. Not "in drag", just effeminate style. It's like, if you don't want to be a guy sweetheart, get on some 'mones already.
>>753743>Do you actually want to be everything you ever dressed up for for halloween?Yes.
straight acting gays are the worsthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgostSzE_ic
>>753748There are many shades of guy.
Homosexuality is an epigenetic condition caused by abnormal fetal brain development. Brain scans of homosexual males indicate feminine brain structure, homosexual women show male structure. There are varying degrees of this phenomenon, which confuses us most. You can have full on androphilic MtF transgenders on one end of the spectrum, to effeminate/masculine heterosexual males/females and masculine/feminine homosexual males/females on the other. This is probably do to differences in hormonal concentrations and development windows in the fetal brain. Gynephilic MtF transgenders do not have female brain patterns, they usually suffer from a psychological condition called autogynephilia. In short, gay men are basically women, to varying degrees, only pumped full of testosterone which increases their sex drive and aggression. Lesbians are men with high estrogen levels.This is WAY over simplified, but this is what the research shows on a macro level.
>>753785>this is what the research showsA link to substantiate this claim would generally be appropriate. My understanding is there are structural differences between the gay brain and the trans brain.
>>753791It's a bunch of conjecture and speculation presented as fact>Gynephilic MtF transgenders do not have female brain patterns, they usually suffer from a psychological condition called autogynephilia. that in particular is a bunch of BS. No studies have been done on the subject of the brain patterns of gynephilic vs androphilic transsexual people and the idea of autogynephilia as an explanation for trans feelings is an utterly discredited 'theory' made by a misogynist retard who didn't understand that by his definitions something like 90% of all normal women would have it.
My experiences have been that the masculine ones want a feminine partner and vice versa. Dressing in the relative extreme to one side or the other flags you thusly. I also know people who are into androgynous looking individuals and almost crossdressing serves that purpose
ITT: OP thinks men need to be manly or else they're not men, and assumes that being gay means you are attracted to only one shade of male. Have you never met hetero guys who had different tastes in women? Some like tomboys, some like more feminine girls, some like girls who are athletic, etc.
>>753749>Donatello>blue mask
>>753817So they are putting on a costume to attract a mate then, not really embracing gender fluidity? Because that sounds really sad to me.
>>753827>implying Leonardo>lack of twin swordsYou sure there, m8?
I don't understand it either, OP. I like my men manly, and I've never had any interest in crossdressing, although I do wish mens clothes had as much variety as womens clothes.
>>753843oh god
>>753842gender fluidity is sad.
>>7538061) Trannys can't claim misogyny, we can't discriminate against you because you're a woman if you're not a woman. If anything, we're mistransgenderists.2)Autogynephilia is not BS. I know because I used to have it. Thank God (don't actually belive in God, but I like the expression) that I had a real psychologist and not some "do what ever you want" feel good hippy willing to allow me to mutilate myself.3) "normal women" So, you subscribe to notions of cisnormality? Is that how you got kicked off of Tumbler and wound up on 4chan? Fight the patriarchy "sister!"
>>753862Pretending to be something you aren't is much more sad in my book.
>>753867enjoy trying to transition at 45 you stupid twat
>>753868precisely. The gender binary pretending to be a gender fluid is quite pitiful
>>753871Yup, I'm repressed. Once I started having sex the feelings went away. You only want to be female because they have easier lives and get more attention. Besides, /fit/ made me realize how awesome it is to pick up heavy things, I would never give that up.
>>753874Well, as someone forced to wade through gender fluid on her way to binary I will say some of us don't enjoy it, and don't intend to stay.
>>753888>You only want to be female becauseFascinating. Tell me more about myself.
>>753890I don't enjoy the human waste binary. What's this whole piss or shit thing?I'm getting surgery on tuesday to close both of my orifices and get a new one on my taint where everything comes out like a jellyfish
>>753902You should just reroute everything out the back orifice. I did, having a cloaca rules.
>>753914Are you a fucking bird otherkin?
>>753867trying too hard/10
>>753709 (OP)because sex is so much less important than self-actualization.
>>754257I agree with this, but I don't think most gay men do.
>>754296that would explain why there are quite a lot of men who file pretty neatly into the "twink" stereotype but, at the risk of falling victim to no true scotsman, comparatively few who are "genuinely" gender variant.
>>754316I mean a lot of people just dress the way they do because it makes them happy. Some people just like keeping clean and dressing nicely. I don't see what's wrong with that, honestly. If getting some is a motivator, so what?
>>754316I had to read that twice to get what you were saying
>>754257>>754316the more and more i go on /fa/ and stuff the more and more rick owens' designs just lose their impact and charm on me and just seem like one big inside joke
>>754330i wasn't passing a value judgement.
>>754364i don't know what to tell you. he's clearly very serious and passionate about what he does. he's also very talented, and the language he's using is very well established. it's possible that you don't really "get" fashion as an artistic discipline, or only superficially, or don't have any familiarity with couture or womenswear (which is the same as not getting it, honestly).
>>754385Or he could just have different tastes. Honestly I prefer CDG and Wang to Owens
>>754432there's a big difference between not wanting to wear it and perceiving it as a joke.for example, i'm not really interested in wang, and in my critical opinion he's significantly less talented than owens. see, there is a separation, i'm much meaner about it when i examine his work from a critical angle.
The effeminate gay people are usually bottoms, and since they have the misogynistic view of women as "submissive" and "weak", they try to emulate them.
>>754385i don't get fashion as an artistic discipline???? sorry??? i am familiar with his codes/personality and i really respect that he sticks with it despite the criticisms leveled against him but like i am just saying sometimes the rick owens worship of /fa/ and what not tints my vision a little bit and i think of the inside jokes/cult of personality he has.the fact that you jumped to the "you just dunt understand fashun" point is a douche move bro
>>754493it was your choice of words that caused the confusion here. owens' execution is too sharp to be a joke, no one has enough of a sense of humor for that. you might level that accusation at lazier design, like jeremy schott.
>>754457alexander wang is by no means an innovator but he's more of a style remixer. he has taste and knows how to sell a garment to a specific client and i recognize and will appreciate that.people have leveled the "they needed an artist, sent a house painter" argument on his appointment to balenciaga but the clothes he's making have some real street/commercial impact and while he will not be an innovator a la ghesquiere, he will fill the cash registers
>>754514you know what i am too tired to argue or to be look down uponi am still lusting after his fall 2012 womenswear
>>754529it's helpful to differentiate between stylist design and technical design. the former doesn't necessarily produce poor work (raf's spring couture show for dior (but not the winter one good lord), but they're extremely limited in terms of the crew that they receive; the stark contrast between hedi at dior homme and hedi at saint lauren, for example.i'm a lot more interested in technical work from people like owens, yamamoto, miyake... the only exception i can think of is kawakubo, and she really is the exception to the rule and it's hinged on her ability to retain a really strong team throughout her career.
>>754457I could see how they could see him as a joke. He's kinda repetitive IMO and tries to be out of the box but to me it just seems like he's trying way too hard. I like clothes that are both artsy and also for real human beings to wear, not just alien-like models
>>754557i don't think it's condescending to respond to an accusation of a serious designer being a joke with, "are you sure you know what you're doing?" it seems pretty appropriate, honestly.
>>754529I think Wang effectively produces practical, aesthetically pleasing pieces. Innovation isn't everything.
>>754580i really don't think you're paying attention. if nothing else, the market does not agree with your assessment, as he has an obscene sell-through that most labels could only dream of. if they're "only for alien-like models", why is he so successful at selling it to such a wide customer base?>and tries to be out of the box but to me it just seems like he's trying way too hard.no way, he's working with a well codified language that existed long before him and that he's cultivated through decades of work in the industry.>>754604yeah? so does the gap.
>>754490Definitely think this dude has a point.