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What is the best way to ask someone to suck their duck? Ideally I'd like to practice on one of my friends regularly because the thought of blowing a stranger does not appeal to me at all. I want to do it on someone I like.

Something like:
>Would you like a blowjob?
>Would you mind if I sucked your dick?
>May I please blow you?
Probably with a lead-up and a deeper explanation after.

I was thinking about asking it to one of my friends that I get stoned with all the time. Do any of you guys have experience with proposing such an arrangement to a friend you assume is straight? Looking for advice or tips on how to approach.

I understand that even asking him may be... unethical. I feel bad about challenging his sexuality that way, but as far as I know he has been experiencing a "dry spell" for more than the last year and I feel like there is an opportunity for some real fun for both of us.
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>>1039508 (OP)
>What is the best way to ask someone to suck their duck?
>ask someone to suck their duck
>suck their duck
>their duck
Chris-chan pls go.
Who examines this idea in their head and says to themselves, "Yeah, I wanna samefag a thread like this."
>>1039508 (OP)
"Hey so....if you want....I'll suck your dick. Just puttin' that out there man."
>>1039508 (OP)
Don't propose such a thing so abruptly, retard.
Bring the subject of conversation on sex, oral sex, and claim gay guys do it better since they know what to do to please a man.
Then ask him if he'd like to experiment it with you, in all innocence.
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Let the rohypnol do the talking for you.
I think I'll lead up to the question by asking if he ever had a blowjob, then asking him how it was.

I'm not going to give someone a drug they don't know about.
Get really messed up on something that is known to seriously impair judgement, alcohol being the obvious candidate. If he reacts negatively, write it off as drunken babbling.

I think the first step would be make your general same sex attraction known to him on some level so he doesn't have to deal with both the proposition and your identity at the same time. Even if he would be open to something like this, this isn't a good way to come out of the closet.

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Getting friendly
07/29/13(Mon)22:45 No.1039508
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W Getting friendly OP !!OQQHLUPbrW5 07/29/13(Mon)22:45 No.1039508
What is the best way to ask someone to suck their duck? Ideally I'd like to practice on one of my friends regularly because the thought of blowing a stranger does not appeal to me at all. I want to do it on someone I like.

Something like:
>Would you like a blowjob?
>Would you mind if I sucked your dick?
>May I please blow you?
Probably with a lead-up and a deeper explanation after.

I was thinking about asking it to one of my friends that I get stoned with all the time. Do any of you guys have experience with proposing such an arrangement to a friend you assume is straight? Looking for advice or tips on how to approach.

I understand that even asking him may be... unethical. I feel bad about challenging his sexuality that way, but as far as I know he has been experiencing a "dry spell" for more than the last year and I feel like there is an opportunity for some real fun for both of us.