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Gay bars are fixing to get rid of Russian Vodka.

polish vodka is best vodka anyway. this is a well known fact.
>>1038806 (OP)

Boycotting Russian companies who have no power over the passing of Government legislature as a response to legislature passed by the Russian Government is retarded.
Yeah because corporations don't have any political power. It's not like they spend extortionate amounts of money on lobbyists. Nor is the Russian government incredibly corrupt and willing to listen to anyone with money. And it's not like Russia wants to keep it's export market strong to keep it's economy up.
>Yeah because corporations don't have any political power. It's not like they spend extortionate amounts of money on lobbyists.
So you're saying that the company that produces Stolichnaya Vodka, the same company which has supported and sponsored multiple LGBT pride events globally is secretly lobbying against LGBT rights in the Russian parliament? Righto.
I guess his point is that money has no power in Russia. In the US it does though, perhaps we are looking at things from a US centric viewpoint. What is his suggestion to affect change?
Vodka all tastes the same anyway. They've done studies, everyone from regular drunks to alchohol connoisseurs can't tell the difference between the stuff that's 1 dollar a gallon and the stuff that's 100 dollars a fifth when they're blindfolded.
this proves that fags and dykes are retarded

thinking putin is gonna do shit because some fag clubs arent buying some companies vodka tpo kek!LLEl
I am certainly NOT saying 'money has no power in Russia'. What I am saying is that boycotting these Russian companies will have absolutely no effect on the passing of anti-LGBT laws within Russia.

This is essentially stereotyping. LGBT members see something Russian, such as the Vodka brand they drink, identify Russia as the enemy because its government has passed anti-LGBT laws, so assume the Vodka brand's company must be anti-LGBT as well.

I feel an apt comparison is in WW1, where the Brits created the name 'Alsatian Wolf Dog' to replace the tradition name 'German Shepherd' because of anti-German sentiment. The Dog has done nothing wrong, but its name is attacked for appearing vaguely linked to the enemy.
I'm saying that if their profits are at stake, they're going to lobby harder and make them cut that shit out.
A company that is based in Russia can, with their money, influence the government. I'm not saying it's fair to the company, but it's a corporation. It doesn't have feelings. It has profit incentive.
It is about not giving money to them, it is all boycotts are practically. I don't eat at Chick-Fil-A not to make a statement, I just don't want my money going to the founder of the company to fund NOM and stuff.

You think politicians don't have a harder time if they get less tax money and the economy is doing worse there. I don't know that is how it works in the US, but maybe parliament is different there.
They can lobby as hard as they like, these anti-LGBT laws have become too highly publicized for Putin to simply take it all back and apologise.

>Today, the vodka industry is worth an estimated $6 billion, but brings in less than 5 percent of state revenue.
(2001 Quote from Russiajournal)
You perhaps underestimate just how much the Russian government makes from oil and gas exports to Europe. Having a slight drop in Vodka export revenue because some Western gay bars aren't buying it anymore will not be a problem for the Russian export economy.
Stolichnaya have publically stated that they are against anti gay legislation.

stoli-boli eh pats?
Vodka is owned by the State in Russia.
Yes, even now.
Many companies in Russia are still state-owned. This is not surprising. My case in point however was Stoli Vodka, see the article I linked here >>1038921
The company is not state owned, but is persecuted because it has Russian links.
>Not drinking whisky
the cheap stuff is shit, vodka from 30€/0.7 liters or so is basically the same stuff though.

I usually drink Russian Standard because it's cost-efficient and pretty damn good. Also I'm pretty sure I won't start boycotting russian vodka.

You can tell the difference between shit vodka and good vodka, at the very least.
it's not just the russia government, it's the russia people who voted for that government who are to blame. fuck em
look where you are.
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>russia people who voted for that government
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All I know is that the Russian people are mostly Christian or "spiritual" and I've seen the attacks on LGBT protesters - fuck the government but also fuck the people there too - they are both as bad.
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I am from Russia. You know that the Russian writing on the forums about it?
"Now I'm going to be afraid of people who do not drink vodka. Suddenly they fags!"
"Ok. We will get more"
"Fags do not drink vodka, they drink cocktails"
"fags do not want to drink vodka? what a nightmare, not that!"
"Who cares what they're boycotting. These subhumans."
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pretty much the same on 4chan then, except there's also pro-lgbt comments here.
>>1038806 (OP)
>are fixing
don't do that.
>>1038806 (OP)
don't care. russia drinks enough by itself to sustain it's alcohol industry.

It's pretty obvious that you know nothing of the Russia. The "LGBT activists" there are disgusting people who destroy memorials to the victims of oppression by the Soviets, just because they suddenly feel like they are MORE oppressed than they were, therefore they can destroy those things. They might have a point when you see lesbians being boiled to death in oil, or gay people executed in their places of work (doing things like tending historic sites) and their bodies strung up in the streets.
polish vodka is for faggots.

Svensk or death.

They're right to treat this as the joke it is. Simply not enough fags to make any serious dent by swearing off Russian vodka, nevermind that it's completely misdirected hatred.
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