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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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Last one ran its course, so here's the new one. Questions, comments, venting, etc.

How are all you gays doing on this fine Saturday?
Been playing Chivalry: Medieval War on steam.
Had some sausages
Drinking coke.
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>How are all you gays doing on this fine Saturday?

Well Sunday for me, but pretty lame.

I'm on standby for the rest of Memorial Day weekend to be called into work so I figure I should lay down and recover from my hangover.

How about yours OP?
How come even tho I realize I'm gay, I can't access my attractiveness?
Because you've had your entire life to examine your own features in detail. There's always going to be a difference between your self-image and how others perceive you. I personally have a hard time sexualizing myself because whenever I try to, I start seeing myself as a little kid, and then it just gets weird.
>>626731 (OP)
making strawberry jelly and eating crackers
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you're making me hungry. i want a smoothie but I'm too lazy to get up and make one.

Alright. Just relaxing, gonna see a friend later on.
>tfw you want to try fapping to twinks
>tfw you can never get into it and you just end up fapping to traps
I've been really interested in this guy that lives about an hour and a half from me. I decided to make plans to see him in person, not knowing how things would pan out, but it turns out he has a sister that lives in the area of my hometown, which isn't far from here. He's gonna let me know next time he's visiting her so we can meet up.

>sudden fantasies about getting boned on a blanket in the woods at night
Captcha: assulin 251
>>626731 (OP)
studying math
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Why are so many of you guys bottoms?
I am doing well. Chatting with mein Teddybär while he's working, playing some Resident Evil Revelations on PC. Raid mode multiplayer doesn't seem to be working.

And last night I made a steak for the first time and it was delicious!
I'm vers bottom ;_;
I don't know when to come out of the closet. I'm comfortable being gay, but I don't know when to tell people.
I'm still waiting for someone to ask the question that if I'm gay.
Just go to a party or a club or something and start making out with a guy. That should give them a hint.
I'm still not sure how to come out to my parents...
I've been dating someone for about 5mo's now so I kinda want to... I live with my parents still but we don't really talk or have the best of relations between each other, it's more like they feel obligated to allow me to live there while completing Uni simply cause they're my parents.
I think a lot of it is that I keep my life such a secret from them that we've grown apart even though I see them fairly often.

I dunno if it even is important, I can still have my bf hang out, we can have sex at my house, my parents never really know, it's just kind of shitty going behind their back
Plus I highly doubt my parents will even believe I'm gay, I've given like zero hints at it, from outside I would seem like a pretty straight guy.
I can't smoke any weed until after i pass this drug test for my new job

Its my birthday and im with my boyfriend
Its pretty great today
Happy birthday, you lucky shit!
Do you think they would be tolerant of your sexuality? If not, it might strain things even further.

Don't feel too pressured to come out now if you're not ready. These kinds of things take time. Do what's comfortable for you.
>tfw you lose your gay virginity
>tfw you realize you're a complete twink buttslut
>tfw that fucker left marks
>How are all you gays doing on this >fine Saturday?

Planetside 2 planned for tonight. Upgrading my computer right now.
Listening to the album "Love it! Love it!" by Nana Grizol and feeling the most intense feels possible as a result of it.
>>626731 (OP)
Been playing L4D2 for the past 24 hours, was feeling pretty down on friday so I just started playing and didn't stop. Unfortunately I have no steam friends to play it with so I had to play with random people. Gonna chill out, listen to music and then go to bed.
They're not homophobic but pretty much anything I do that somewhat goes against them they blame on drugs or alcohol since I used to smoke tons of pot lol
That image of the kid sitting there where its like "I smoked pot once.... Now I'm gay!" Would probably be taken as literal by my parents
Friend decided to make friends with someone else instead. Oh well. What's one more lonely Saturday among the countless lonely Saturdays before it.
I found a husbando last night, meanwhile my friend is acting gay again.

What does one do with indecisively gay-acting best friends?
I love how 'chilling' is an acceptable euphemism for 'sitting on my ass doing nothing'.
Dick him
what if he has a hairy butt

Shave him.
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I'm not. I like to say I'm a switch but in the end I'm pretty dom. Not even some old married pervert either
b-but he wouldn't let me if I asked

Tie him down. Then shave him.
but what if we're both weak

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I'm starting to think you don't actually want to dick him.

>lift weights
>tie him down
>shave him
I want to switch off, we're both twinks
Then it'd be kinda cute to watch you struggle with eachother
Yeah, all the girls think we're really cute when we're together, and one time we got to shoving and it was kinda pathetic tbh.
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>performing for the amusement of hags
>i shiggy diggy
>implying they're hags
It's like literally all the girls. And even one of my lesbian friends thinks it's adorable.
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adding cuteness
This is adorable
It seemed adorable to everyone on the outside, but he was an asshole to me ever since I came out in October up until like 2 weeks ago when I guess he realized maybe I'm not an obnoxious faggot. But regularly he's tsundere and I'm yandere. To put it in 4chin terms.
so what about your husbando


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