A unique 'problem' for cismen who identify in the glbtqia spectrum is the "Gay Death". Gay Death happens at a certain age where you change from a young and still hot male to one of the 'older creepers' or some kind of weird fetish for younger men with daddy issues (or something along those lines). It may not seem like a problem until you hit that age or look, but when it hits you, there is an obvious change in how gay culture will perceive you and this thread is about that.The only personal experience I have with this is my friend Gaynon. He turned 32 this year and watching peoples reactions when he tells people his age is a little disheartening. He's a genuinely nice person and decently attractive, but I feel even if someone like him were to approach me and I found out his age, I'd be a little turned off. Is it because we feel the need to stay young and hot because thats where all the gay fun happens? Or do we have a stigma with the behavior of "older gays"? And does this extend to the lesbian and transgender population?
>>998260 (OP)This same myth is prevalent in the Het community, too. It's got nothing to do with Gay or Het, it has to do with being an older man.We're seen as creeps and perverts no matter what; but if you think all the fun stuff happens only when you're young, you'll be in for a nice surprise when you get older.
32 doesn't seem that old. maybe he could just find a group more his age to socialize with.
closeted people and fatsos turn into the weird creepers, other gays settle down and stop the social scenethe social scene is retarded FYI
>>998260 (OP)I was talking to a gay friend and he told me about the gay death because he's nearing his 30's, I was actually really surprised to hear it because he's quite attractive.That being said, isn't that true for heterosexual couples as well? Or just truth for anybody who is looking for a young, attractive partner themselves?
Aging out of gay culture isn't necessarily a bad thing.I'm 25 and I can't stand most of the self-obsessed assholes I meet.
wouldn't the gay death be comparable to, say, women over 40 who are either seen as milfs or their age just flips hetero cis males off?
>>998280Almost 100% sure the problem here is that older people are generally unattractive to younger people. The solution, as we've seen with hetero couples, is to start dating in an equal age pool. It's not technically gay death because you still have a dating pool of other men in the same predicament. The issue becomes more vivid when you realize these are men who want to be with younger men still. But again, the same issue occurs with hetero couples. Look at all the rich old men with sexy young ladies as trophy wives until they die and leave their fortune to them.tl;dr: Happens to everybody on the spectrum. Solution is to start dating men of the same age/get married/just stay with somebody you love for a long time.
I doesn't extend to the lesbian population because most lesbians are in long-term relationships by that time. They're not still running around, fucking anything that moves like horny college students. Old people who act like young people and/or try to have casual sex with young people are seen as creepy. It doesn't matter what sexual orientation you are, people just think it's sad and weird that you haven't grown the fuck up yet.
Many old men turn creepy when they age. People don't like to think 60 year olds are sexual. I know gay seniors are discriminated against in nursing homes though
>>998278The group he socializes with is a bunch of us in our early 20s. He's in graduate school and stuff, but he doesn't seem like a "typical 30 year old" (whatever that is). >>998322What is it about older people acting young that turns people off generally? Granted, I see it kinda weird too when I see those 40-50 year olds at clubs eye humping everyone else and the gogo boys. But growing up in the gay culture a certain way I don't think theres much other option. I can't think of a time where a small population of older gays created a new way of living after the 'gay death' other than running a fasion blog or something.>>998304That is, honestly, exactly how I view it.
>>998385>What is it about older people acting young that turns people off generally?Because they haven't grown up. When you're young and have no responsibilities, it's ok to do nothing but party and fuck. However, once you reach a certain age, society expects you to take on some responsibility and move on with the part of your life that involves more than just pissing away your money on strippers and booze. You're expected to become a productive member of society and find a partner to take care of you so that taxpayers don't have to when your unhealthy lifestyle catches up with you. No one looks at the sad 40-year-old guy who lives like a 20-year-old and says "I want to be that guy!" Most people want to progress in live, not linger in their own stagnant pool of youthful debauchery.
If you're talking about older guys looking for younger guys, yeah I kind of agree it's a bit creepy.But being a 50+ guy myself, I understand this and generally look for someone around my age since they will have the same life experiences, physical condition and sexual stamina that I have. Yeah, there's pluses and minuses but certainly not as much as if I was chasing a 20-year old.I've had 20-somethings hook up with me. I know right from the beginning it won't be something long term because of all the differences between us. But that doesn't mean I can't find someone around my age who I can still have a good time with.
>>998862As 21 year old dating a 57 year old, there's nothing creepy about it. It's all a matter of perspective. It isn't fair to assume that it is because every older and younger guy has different interests at heart. For example, I've had guys from early 30s to 70s hit on me and I find the early 30s guy just as creepy as the 70 year old. Why? My age, just to fuck and they come off as complete creep. I've dated an older guy in his 50s and he was one of the best relationships I've ever had. Lasted for two years.I find it stupid and shallow as hell when people my age or younger have a mentality like this, even more when they have no fucking experience whatsoever on it.
>>998260 (OP)Since when the fuck is 32 old?
Yeah, gay men over 30 are total creeps
>>999026Where can I find guys THAT white? In the uk?
If you're not immature than "gay death" doesn't happen. Straight people go through the same thing. Um, older gay guys in their 30s, 40s, 50s can be smoking.Only losers die.
As a guy who prefers older men, Gay death is totally unfair, and it's built on the thinking that the body is the only thing that matters.But I like guys who can make me think and broaden my horizons, and it's made me happy to be with guys with bald spots, beer bellies, and even AARP cards.Not everyone over 30 is wise and mature and thought-provoking, but I've had better luck finding it in older guys than people who are closer to my age. Maybe I'm just a spaz who can only be adored by guys who can't afford to choose. I don't know, what do you guys think?
>>998260 (OP)Why don't people just stay with others of the same age?If they don't try desperately to stick to young guys, they wouldn't appear as creeps.Do they really expect people of the same fucking age to reject them because of their own age?
My bf is 20 years older than me
>>998938daddy issues detected
>>999332More daddy issues detected
>>999352Even more daddy issues detected
>>998260 (OP)>He turned 32jeez that is old to you people?
32 old? Oh wow.
I think it applies to straight people too. I'm pretty sure anyone past 30 find it harder to get laid or get dates.
>>998322>I doesn't extend to the lesbian populationWho cares. I mean, seriously.I'm straight and I'm supposed to want to look at you fuck n' shit but here I am reading up on old homo problems. Then suddenly a wild lesbian appears and proudly boasts how bland they are.Les, why can't you be funny and interesting like your brother gayman? If it wasn't for butch manmorphs we'd forget you even exist.
>>999396I knew there was some short, negative thing that could be said about me, I just wasn't sure what.
>>999396>>999400stop pathologizing everything you fascist nazi christian fuck.
>>999445Nope. it works like this, the mark is around your early 30s. Before than women have it easier, then it's men.It's because men are drawn to aesthetics and women to financial 'security' n' shit. Source of gay death might as well be just that: men can't make themselves to pursue old saggy people even if they're old and saggy themselves. Boner does not work that way.Evolutionarily it could be explained by the way the female reproductive system works - men attracted to older people don't get to pass on their genes. This can easily carry over to gays.
>>998260 (OP)Ah, the self-centredness of youth!
>>999386>>999396>>999400When large parts of society judge gays it's so awesome that the gay community is so accepting.Yeah, I'm 20 and have a relationship with a 49-year-old, I hope it's okay for you.>Is it because we feel the need to stay youngThat goes for ALL people, nobody wants to go closer to death.And some older gay men come off as creeps because they are desperate for a partner.>>998322Oh shut up, lesbro, society loves you.Don't forget to have a kid and make sure he's nogenderdemisexual.
>>998276What is Het? I've heard it mentioned a few times, but generally as an insult.
>>999386>>999396>>999400>hurr durr daddie izzues im so le kool amirite gays xD>>999621>And some older gay men come off as creeps because they are desperate for a partner.Exactly. It's not just older gay men either. But leave it to ronery 4chan virgins to not understand that that and other factors come into play. Being old can have all or none to do with it.
It makes me happy that you fags prevent each other from living long fulfilling lives.
Anyone who is bothered by this obviously isn't tuned into reality. The aging process is happening to all of us right now. Sooner or later, we have to make concessions to our appearances, health, etc. Besides, not everybody is a superficial prick. I've dated guys as old as 45, and that was in my mid twenties. I'm approaching 30 now, but I guess I'm not too worried about making concessions in terms of my appearance since I've never placed much emphasis on it. I mean, if guys are going to fixate on that one detail, then they're clearly not serious enough for me to be dating them in the first place.
The problem with these 30+ year olds is that they hit on guys who are between 18 and their early 20s. They don't really "die", they just need to lower their standards and stick with their own age group like fucking everyone else.
33 here, already feeling it at my age. I don't know what you can do, try social activities rather than gay clubs. I lie about my age, and being 30 is still better than looking over 35. Imo theres no sense being unhappy with someone, so don't be scared of being single.
>>1000302yea that's not really preferential for us though, since a lot of kids your age have no interest or knowledge regarding sex.
>>1000320If that's the case, then you shouldn't have any problem fucking each other and I don't see what the problem is.
>>1000202Speaking of which, this makes me happy too cause then I'll keep the awesome, great ones and at the same time have people my age keeping whying as to why I didn't go out with them.Win-win if you ask me.
>>1000332Personally speaking, i like twinks, so its harder to find that type as they get older. I also exclusively date asian twinks.Im pretty much shit of luck unless i move to China or some shit after the age of 38.
>>1000157heteroxexual, are you stupid?
>>998475i'm far from gay death myself but this bothers me; it's not like i'm planning on acting 20 forever, but why can't that choice be made independently, not because running out of options?
>>999621>shut up, lesbro, society loves youIs this the "oppression olympics" now? The question wasn't "why are people creeped out by gay men" the question was "why are people creeped out by OLD gay men." The answer is, "because they're old and pretending to be young.">Don't forget to have a kid and make sure he's nognderdemisexualOnly if you make sure to adopt a kid and whore it out to all your friends at NAMBLA.
>>1002091>Only if you make sure to adopt a kid and whore it out to all your friends at NAMBLA.#rekt
>>999459OP asked if it extended to the lesbian population. I answered his question. No, it doesn't. >Then suddenly a wild lesbian appears and proudly boasts how bland they are.You mean boasting about not spreading AIDS to the younger gay generation just because we can't get over our Peter Pan syndrome? You're right. So boring. Why can't we be more exciting like gay men?
>>1002128Seriously, can you stop this. The single largest populations of HIV infections are Bisexual Black Women and Men not gays, not lesbians. The Downlow is the biggest cause of HIV in the US at the moment.
>>1002128we were also behind making penis inspection day mandatory
>>1002136Most lesbians don't fuck bisexuals for that very reason.
>>1002159Or just don't have sex with people who have sex with blacks.
>>1002136Let's also not forget that HIV infections tend to exist in clusters. The rates of infection among a demographic can boil down to which particular individual brought a certain strain of HIV into a certain community in the first place. Gay men were some of the first people diagnosed in the U.S., but HIV may not be nearly as much of a risk if you're a gay man living in, say, Iceland or the U.K.So, what if it were the other way around, and instead of gay men being among the first to be diagnosed in the U.S., lesbians were? Would we be sitting here blaming lesbians for living some kind of deviant lifestyle? Yes, female on female sex can result in transmission, depending on roughness and level of contact. If you're pushing objects in someone's vagina, you're going to cause micro tears. If you then have oral to genital or genital to genital contact, then there's blood to blood contact.
>>1002266Lesbians tend towards monogamy far more often than gay men, so HIV probably wouldn't have spread as quickly. It wasn't just the mechanics of gay sex that caused so many gay men to contract HIV, it was the rampant promiscuity that's so prevalent within their community that really helped it spread like wildfire. The "degenerate lifestyle" had A LOT to do with it, probably moreso than the buttsex. Even straight couples have buttsex. So you people can go ahead and shit on lesbians for being "boring". It's because we're so boring that we're not dropping like flies.
>>1002405All I'm seeing in your posts are heavy generalizations. No, I don't think lesbians lean more toward monogamy than gay men. Any of the lesbians I've known were just as much horn dogs as the gay guys.If you want to go on loathing men for some reason, that's your prerogative. You just aren't convincing anyone else to join in your cause.
>>1002405Why are you so defensive and buttmad? Someone said lesbians are boring and you instantly jump to 'gay men and bisexuals are filthy degenerates' - calm your tits
It's not unusual for younger people to be surprised to learn someone who prefers to hang around people in their age range is actually significantly older.I recall some people (mostly girls) occasionally expressing concern and/or discomfort about one of my brother's older acquaintances who gravitated to a younger crowd. They weren't the type who'd refuse to befriend or date someone older. They just thought it was weird and creepy that he didn't seem to have any friends his own age.
>>1002405There's never been a confirmed case of female-female transmission of HIV. Lesbians could all be sluts and still be safe.
>>1002538>Someone says lesbians are boring>Point out that gay men often contract terrible diseases for having too much fun>WHOA WHAT THE FUCK?? THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! ONLY GAY NIGGERS GET AIDS AND LESBOS CAN GET IT TOO!!I'd have to say that you're the ones being defensive.
My socials teacher in senior year was gay and in his sixties with a salt-and-pepper beard, and honestly nobody thought he was a creep.Looking back at pics of him from about ten years ago, he had kind of been in that stage. He had a soul patch, gelled back and dyed his hair blond, oh godThe "gay death" isn't getting old, it's trying to pretend you're still 20 long after most straight people have accepted and graciously adapted to middle age and then seniority.If anything, we thought he was a badass (the TSA would detain him regularly, because he made so many trips to Lebanon to visit his husband's family).
>>1002705You realize it's possible to just scroll of a few posts and see that no one responded in the way you say they are. No CAPS at all. But you keep arguing with your strawman.
>>1002513>No, I don't think lesbians lean more than monogamy than gay menIt's nice that you think that, but here are the stats:http://www.truthwinsout.org/blog/2011/09/18653/Based on a study from the journal Family Process. The whole article is about how monogamy is becoming MORE prevalent in the gay community, but half of all gay men are still non-monogamous compared to only 8% of lesbians.
>>1002734I know that no one responded with caps. It was an exaggeration intended to paraphrase all the butthurt over me mentioning AIDS.
>>1002705>you're the onesWell, I guess two wrongs make a right then.I never said I condoned making generalizations about anyone's race, but I'm sure you're going to pigeon hole me in with those idiots on the sole merit that I called you out for making generalizations. I think you're all equally full of shit. Is that better?
>>1002789>pigeon hole me in with those idiotsWe're on an anonymous image board. It's hard to distinguish you from "those idiots". And those generalizations were true. See here >>1002768
>>998260 (OP)>24>tfw already deadthere's times when I debate suicide because I have never been on a date, or had any sort of romantic relationship, and now that boat has sailed. The only ones looking for guys like me are the ones with grandchildren my age.
>>1002892At least someone wants you, bro.>TFW no older man bf to expand my tastes and help me grow.
>>1003117>At least someone wants you, bro.they don't want me.They want someone my age, but not me.
>>1002172>mfw when i'm part of that 21%I can live with that.Also, I like how this thread heavily deviated from the OP.
>>1002091You are ignorant.Okay, me, too, but you're probably a butch whore.
So what is mind fucking you young guys so much? That some older gays:1-act like 20yo's (understandable)2-want to date 20yo's (is it that you have an older guy hitting on you? or that you have an unattractive and/or socially awkward older guy hitting on you?)3-didn't whither away and die at 30 (will you volunteer for the gas chamber on your 30th birthday?)Do you deny the fact that there are younger guys that do like older men? Should we stop dating and start taking female hormones to turn off our sex drive just so we don't offend those that don't?
>>999466>fascist nazi christian fuckHoly shit kill yourself
The problem for fags is that the"community" is focused on young mostly "white" attractive males.if you stray outside of that group, then you are unwanted and lack any group to be with. Gay meeting is based on this community. How does an older gay meet people? He cannot go to bars or whatever. Grindr is for kids.It sucks. Hope that you can avoid the worst parts of it, kids. Especially guys without much experience. I am 29. Years into gay death. Kissless virgin. No hope.there is a bit of a silver lining though. no one cares about suicide (they actually encourage "trolls" to die; it is only a tragedy is you are younger than 24) and there is no one to disappoint when you are alone.
>>1010599One more year and your an official wizard. Very impressive makes me wish someone makes WIZARD trophies for people who actually pull it off.
>>1010599>The problem for fags is that the"community" is focused on young mostly "white" attractive males.Nah.>If you stray outside of that group, then you are unwanted and lack any group to be with. 1000% full of shit. If that's the case, explain to me why I've gotten so many messages on Growlr from lots of guys letting me me I'm hot/cute and they wanna meet up or chat? And I'm a young Mexican.>Gay meeting is based on this community.Yeah, the shallow as shit ones.>How does an older gay meet people? He cannot go to bars or whatever.Actually, they can and they do. They use almost the same tactics that young gays use. >It sucks. Hope that you can avoid the worst parts of it, kids.READ UP FAGGOTS, THIS IS FOR EVERYONE. Yeah it does, and what my retarded peers don't understand some of you will NOT be able to grow out of liking younger guys. You just can't. If you're one of those guys who can still be attracted to your peers or those outside your age range as you and your peers age, you're in great shape. Everyone else, prepare to transform yourself into that creep you so readily hate on. You've come full circle and you deserve it wholeheartedly.
>>99944537 het male here. My mother's mother married a 20 year older man. My mother's sister married a 25-something year older man.Now, should I set my sights on someone in the same age as me, maybe divorced with two kids and don't want any more kids (I want kids of my own someday), and try to pretend that the risk of her popping out a downie has increased significantly? Or should I stick to the family tradition and set my sights on someone 15-20 years younger? Decisions, decisions...So as long as the younger doesn't fetishise the age difference and vice versa (we're persons, I think that this pic illustrates it beautiful), go for it.
19 year old male. I happen to like older guys, at least up until their mid 30s. I don't want some vapid bitch, no matter his age.
As a 30 year old male... I don't want anything before 25.They may have nice bodies but god damn a lot of them are stupid. I tried dating a 21 year old 2 year ago but that got real boring real quick.I think people should stick to people roughly their own age.
Oh, the ignorance of youth.Gay death is more than a dating issue. It is a complete expulsion from the so-called "community." Everything gay is youth centric. There are not enough old gays for anyone to care. It goes as far as ads for AIDS medication.The only time old gays are used at all is to make stupid marriage arguments. And in those cases the fags are presumed to be sexless.>>1012506>As a 30 year old male... I don't want anything before 25.Sour grapes. You want only people post gay death because that it all you can get.>>1011423>And I'm a young and white (mexicans are mostly white) so I prove that it is not true>>1011992So you are mentally defective. That is nothing to be proud of.
> tfw 28 and virgem> tfw you will never have crazy teen sex> tfw you will never have crazy 20s sex> tfw you will die alone
>>1012668you can choose an hero and beat everyone.do not let them win. choose to go out on your own terms.
>>99832210/10, right on
>>1012668But if you wait two more years, you'll become a wizard !
Of course lesbian Internet warriors have to come in and start bitching about how much they hate gay men. Way to hijack/ruin a perfectly good thread. This is why there is no "lgbt community."
>>1012810Is that applicable to gays?
>>1012651>(mexicans are mostly white)Hahaha you just went full retard.The European derived population is less than 10% and they occupy a very affluent position in Mexican society. The ones that run across the border are native Americans, with negligible white DNA if any at all.So you must be from Europe, right?
>>1011569>green guy is a sunbro>also crossdresses without shaving his legsWhy am I not surprised?Sunbros are such faggots.
gay death is for men who couldn't gather the money too give them power and maintain there Youth with it there dead on there own accord failed men ... cant be sexy with that much time under your belt you failed as a human ... its not just gay men its everyone thats why sometimes it sucks to be a man if you couldn't be alpha in your golden years and have house boys .. and have nice skin care and everything you should have with the money you had 40 years to make ... you should be alone to ponder your mistakes
>>1010599>muh white privilege!! :'(
>>1012872>Of course lesbian Internet warriors have to come in and start bitchingAs opposed to:>Of course a lesbian Internet warrior had to come in and start bitchingYou are all stupid for generalizing, everybody in here is dumb.>See, I can do it too.
>>1012893>>1012893>The European derived population is less than 10% and they occupy a very affluent position in Mexican societyMexicans would mostly be castizo and mestizo. Whities, you dumb faggot.Go die of AIDS
>>1012651Oh the self-pity of adulthood>There are not enough old gays for anyone to care.Are you blind, the world has heaps of old gay men.>The only time old gays are used at all is to make stupid marriage arguments.Because people don't get married until their late 20s, 30s.>And in those cases the fags are presumed to be sexless.Because marriage is supposed to be about love and being in a relationship.>You want only people post gay death because that it all you can get.There is no such thing as preference, huh?>So you are mentally defective. I can see how a person like you is so bitter and alone.
>>1012976Whites are people of most or all European ancestry. The castizos, as I just said, do not leave mexico. The mestizos are notorious for exaggerating the amount of white ancestry they have because they would like to be included as white. However, no one perceives them this way.Except you. Because it is crucial to your argument. So you will defend it, even though it is silly and hilarious, until your dying breath.
>>999079>that guy>whitehe is pink.
Those who deny gay death will be the ones trying to fit in with young gays. Fact.They actually think that other gays will want them around when they are old. hilarious. Gay "community" life ends at 24. So does the sex. Unless you have money or are able to take advantage of naive gay kids.>>1013025>Are you blind, the world has heaps of old gay men.gays die sooner. more disease from all of the fucking and less happiness, which is associated with earlier death.>Because people don't get married until their late 20s, 30s.No, because guys who are 20s are out fucking everyone and living lives of debauchery. Old faggots are the family friendly ones because they are not shown to be sexual.>I can see how a person like you is so bitter and alone.I am not bitter. I do not care. I blame no one.>>1013032Because it is right, you stupid faggot.Indigenous people were wiped out intentionally and incidentally. The people who remained fucked the foreigners and indigenousness became a small minority of the population. Very few people in the Americas can trace their descendants to indigenous peoples. Most are products of lots of miscegenation with the dominant culture.Where did you get your degree in Indigenous American Studies?
>>1012651>Sour grapes. You want only people post gay death because that it all you can get.I supposed you can't conceive of anyone desiring someone over the age of 24 because that's how you feel. Disgusting.>don't want to fuck people your own age>can't get with people younger than you>oh no, my life is over!I hope you're trolling. You've got some fucking nerve calling anyone else mentally defective.
>>998260 (OP)>32>oldwat21 here btw
>>1020106>I supposed you can't conceive of anyone desiring someone over the age of 24 because that's how you feel. Disgusting.No, I am merely pointing out that you cannot do it regardless of what you want to do.Gay death happens whether you want it to or not. Young people do not know that. I did not even know it. I thought that I could have a normal life. It was not to be. I am gay death'd and there is nothing that I can do about it.>I hope you're trolling. You've got some fucking nerve calling anyone else mentally defective.I am a kissless handholdless virgin. I do not want to fuck anyone and no one wants to fuck me. That works out well for everyone.
>>998260 (OP)This is probably obvious as hell, but mebbe your friend needs to find better people? While it isn't true of all places, many places have a "gay scene" outside of just bars where guys go to hook up. Straight-cis here, I confess, but my mum came out recently after she divorced my dad(he was a dickhead, but that's another story), and she was able to find a couple groups for older gay people who just wanted to meet and chill out over coffee once in a while without too much difficulty. She's 56 now, and she came out last year, btw.
>>998475Two things:1) Responsibilities means "children". Society is a bitch here: It doesn't want gays to have kids, and it scorns them for not having kids.2) An awful lot of straight guys in their 40s who act like they're in their 20s are those got responsibilities (ie kids) too early and are now having a mid-life crisis.
>>998938You give me hope.
>>1011569What the dick is going on in that pic?
>>1010599Are you me?
"did you graduate college before I was born?" if the answer is yes the answer is noo
>>998322>Old people who act like young people and/or try to have casual sex with young people are seen as creepy. It doesn't matter what sexual orientation you are, people just think it's sad and weird that you haven't grown the fuck up yet.No, that's not it. That's what everyone wants to think it is, but it isn't. Here are the facts.1) Young people are generally attractive. They usually have tight bodies, lots of vitality and the right amount of body hair.2) Old people are generally unattractive. They sag. Bits of them get sore. They have too much hair everywhere except their heads.3) Young people find it creepy if older people openly want to fuck them, for the simple reason that those older people are (like all older people) unattractive. The idea of sex with them is repugnant - the idea of them having sex at all is repugnant. We want heterosexuals over 40 and homosexuals over 30 to be sexless.4) Older people pretend to find it creepy when other older people openly want to fuck younger people, again for the simple reason that older people are unattractive and nobody would ever fuck them out of choice (daddy issues aside). But more than that, they are also jealous - jealous that those other old people are open about what all old people feel (revulsion at the bodies of other old people, hunger for sex with younger people), and jealous that those other old people might actually get to have sex with younger people.All older people are attracted to younger people. Those who don't chase after them are simply accepting defeat, conforming to social mores and forcing themselves to put up with disgusting flabby sex with others like them.
>>1013147>Unless you are able to take advantage of naive gay kids.Thank god for that.
>>1028698Most gay dudes are attracted to men over thirty, you don't know what you're talking about
>>1028757Even the most cursory look at any gay image board, tumblr, blog, or porn site makes it clear that that isn't true.
>>1028775Nope. Look at the best actor winners at the GayVN awards, they're all in their 30s, twink porn is its own special category, you know what straight porn with 18 to 25 year old skinny blond actors s called? Nothing, that's normal porn to them, the fact that twink is its own fetish just shows that you're wrong. Men peak around 35 according to most, straight women feel the same way. Think of the who are considered the hot actors, Ryan gosling, Hugh jackman, they're all 30+, no one is drooling over Halley Joel osmont.
>>1024092You are a kiss less virgin because you are ugly or autistic or something. Stop blaming your age. Lots of gay people like older guys,,and gay men are all sluts, if we're horny we'll bang anything. Go on grindr or Craigslist or something, it's impossible to not get laid when using that.
>>1028944>no one is drooling over Halley Joel osmontThat's only because he's fat.
>>1028698Yeah this is BS. I've always been attracted to guys in their late 30s/early 40s, and that bracket has never changed, even as I'm approaching my 30s. Nubile twinks aren't attractive by default. If anything, they look indistinguishable. I find men attractive, not the signs of prepubescence and neoteny.
>>998260 (OP)>Getting old is a uniquely gay problemOkay.
as a fat, depressive and socially anxious man, i think i've had gay death since the beginning
>>998260 (OP)>No golden yearswhop whop whop?
I do not understand why guys get so upset over the concept of gay death. It does not make any sense to me. You guys should understand your future and live while you can.Listening to your elders is not a bad thing. We have no use for sex, but that does not mean that we cannot serve as a warning for what will happen when you turn 25 and reach gay old age.>>1028627>u me?Another late 20s kissless virgin who likes dick? Really?if you are, know that we are incredibly rare. Like almost unicorn rare.>>1028775>Even the most cursory look at any gay image board, tumblr, blog, or porn site makes it clear that that isn't trueExactly. I do not feel like making a chart, but the majority of gay porn is twink porn. Twink porn is 11 percent or something like that of all porn produced. Gay porn makes up 15% of porn produced. That other 4% is everything else in gay porn (including guys in their 20s).>>1028698read this one, kids. this nigga nailed it.>>1028975>You are a kiss less virgin because you are ugly or autistic or something. Stop blaming your age. Lots of gay people like older guys,,and gay men are all sluts, if we're horny we'll bang anything. Go on grindr or Craigslist or something, it's impossible to not get laid when using that.Fucking kids.I never said that I was not ugly. But age is a huge factor. Even fat guys who are 18 can get dick. Easily, too. Make a grinder profile with your age as 30 and you will get zero messages. That is how it works. No one wants to fuck old guys. A few sickies who had terrible relationships with their daddy and want a new guy to care for them are not the rule.regarding pic, I only was on grindr 4 months before deleting my profile, so maybe I could have received a message if I stayed on longer.
>>1029484>A few sickies who had terrible relationships with their daddy and want a new guy to care for them are not the rule.They are a blessing from Dionysus.
>>1029484You are not my elder, I'm only slightly obese and mildly autistic, I am not a 400. Lb monster who bangs his head against the wall 8 hours a day. If you are gay and you can't get laid, there is something seriously wrong with you. Every gay hookup site is mostly older guys. Go to any leather bar and you see nothing but old guys blowing each other. And 29 is not old.
>>1029591if you have the money to get with them.>>1029612>If you are gay and you can't get laid, there is something seriously wrong with you or you are older than 24.ftfy
>>1030046Older than 24? Really? Is it that hard to find people to have sex with if you take care of yourself?
>>1030096Not even hardcore image maintenance. I'm just talking about some regular exercise and a good diet.
>>1030103Not even, I'm a fatty who eats pizza everyday and doesnt exercise and over 24 and get laid all the time, I'm in an open relationship and get a lot on the side. Bedding men is incredibly easy, this guy must be extremely ugly.
>>1030096>>1030096>Older than 24? Really? Is it that hard to find people to have sex with if you take care of yourself?Even if you are really fit and attractive, you still will have trouble because of the numbers. 24 is old. For gays, it is ancient.The thing that I do not understand is how gay death continued even after AIDS was conquered. I need to do some research into this.
>>1030275No it's not, unless you live in a college town. Do you go out at all? I'm struggling to figure out how you are getting such crazy ideas, the only thing I can think of is that you are really ugly or awkward, yet full of yourself, so you blame society for your lack of sex.
>>1010599This has to be a joke. You're saying you're a near-30 year old virgin yet you believe you are some kind of authority on gay sex life?
>>1031887>You're saying you're a near-30 year old virgin yet you believe you are some kind of authority on gay sex life?Did I claim to be an expert about sex?i am only making objective statements about aging.>>1030432Do you think that I invented this concept?> the only thing I can think of is that you are really ugly or awkward, yet full of yourself, so you blame society for your lack of sex.Yeah, it is all my fault and not a "culture" that focuses on youth. I did all of that.I am just trying to help you kids. Nothing else. You have a shelf life.Being young and ugly is not the same as being old and ugly. It just is not. Ugly matters much less than the age.
This thread makes me feel like I'm on /v/, where neckbeards complain about shit they've never played/experienced.>>1028698Aside from points 1 and 4 (arguably), you're full of shit and a half. Have you even been with an older guy?>>1030275g8 b8 m8 i gib u n 8/88>>1028599How so?
I hope I die before I get old.
>>1034823>Did I claim to be an expert about sex?>i am only making objective statements about aging.No but you sure as fuck are implying it heavily like it's the law of the universe. Virgins shouldn't be allowed to respond to sex or sex-related things.
>>1047982Eh man, even amongst normal people the fear of becoming old and unattractive exists. That's why there is marriage. But i don't honestly know if the chemical interactions that occur between normal people dating and that could potentially olead to a stable couple exist too in gay relationships>>1048002He is right, you know?
>>1048073I-I was just quoting the whoIf I survive the great NATO-Sino wars of the 2020s I'll probably last a long time.
>>1048073But he isn't, at all. Don't forget that we're on 4chan, which is still populated by no life experience virgins and/or NEETs who think they understand but in reality don't.
>>1048103>But he isn't, at allNo, I am. And if if you do any reading on the subject of how males choose mates, you would understand that.Males seek the most attractive mates possible. With fags, there are no children, so there is nothing to keep a relationship alive.Aging is not enjoyable. Fags are used up by mid-20s and have very little in regards to help coping with "gay death." Suicide is the answer, but society generally frowns upon it.>tl;dr: gay is logan's run. there is no sanctuary.>>1048002>Virgins shouldn't be allowed to respond to sex or sex-related things.and stupid children should not be allowed to enter into adult discussions. Go play vidya games, ad hominem spewing child.
The only people who suffer gay death are those that try to maintain twinkiness past 20.>or uggos lol
>>1048596So your telling me to adopt and have a gay family then......?
>>1048695> gay death is for everyone who is not me.keep thinking that.
>>1048806i'm a twink. but the difference is i'm actively trying to outgrow it -even when i have about a decade left of being as such.there are plenty of incredibly attractive older men but the difference is that they recognize that they have to take care of their body, mature, and quit clinging to trying to be "cute".>save anderson cooper.
Im 18 and find men 25+ most attractive
>>1048868onli manlay mans cans serviv.Nigga please, look at johnny weir or that unfunny annoying faggot on big bang theory. And sounds weird, but I think pee wee herman is still a cutie at age 60.
>>1048596>people shouldn't speak with authority on subjects with which they have no actual experience>ad hominem
>>1048870>I am mentally differently advantaged>i am proof that gay death does not happenAnecdotes do not disprove proved science.>>1048868underageb&It is the age factor that matters. Some can get by through lies and surgery, but not for long.Look at craigslist or grindr. Everyone will have age requirements 18-24 regardless of how old they are. Even old guys who are 30. They have no chance, but they still try for it.if you are trolling, then you are doing a very bad job of it.
>>1050143>>1048596>nobody wants me so im going to talk about something i have no experience about and claim its the correct and only outcome and talk out of my ass cause I'm full shit>hurr le durr le ur anecdotes are le shit cuz i le said so xDD ROFFLESMAOg8 b8 m8 i still gib u an 8/88Just kill yourself already. You have no use to society, the gay community and no real, worthwhile wisdom to pass down. You already hit gay death so why are you still on a young people board you creeper pedophile?>>1048545 →
Another proof that gay bear community >>>> twink community.
>>1050143>Anecdotes do not disprove proved science.Everything you've said is anecdotal but it's worth even less because you have no real experience.Every post you make is like a train wreck.
>>1052242"Gay death" as a concept was invented in age of AIDS. Gays actually died early.It has since become just a regular part of aging as a non-heterosexual male.http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/19/booming/a-gay-man-at-midlife-ponders-being-lonely-and-invisible.html?_r=0How can you be so ignorant of your own future?>myth created by 4everalonesNot quite. Gay death mostly affects the people who are actually able to be active in the "gay community." That is why it was orginally associated with HIV/AIDS.>kill yourself. old people are useless.You really proved that there is no ageism in gay. srsly.>>1052338are ad hominem attacks the only "argument" that your syphilis infected brain can come up with?My lack of sexual experience has nothing to do with anything. In fact, my experience with being completely alone is very relevant here.You can cite research that disproves my statements. If you can find any.
>>1053024>has nothing to do with anything.I partly agree. Even if you did have sexual experience, it would still be ridiculous for you to claiming to speak for all gay men.
>>1012923Are you denying that the kind of gays that are favorited by others aren't skinny white twinks?
>>1012651>no one is interested in anyone over 24>if they are then they're mentally defective>people who form monogamous relationships with people their own age after 24 are mentally defectivetop kek
>>1053024If for someone who has no absolutely experience with people, you sure do seem to flaunt like you know anything.Post your sources.
>>1053228Not speaking on behalf of anyone. Speaking about supposed "community" and the realities faced by old and elderly gaysI have done the research. You kids obviously have not. You believe that your gay shelf life is forever.It is much shorter.
>>1053368He did post an article about it (not that it completely verifies all of that).The concept of gay death isn't new and is actually a reality for some people from an earlier generation. It just doesn't apply to people who aren't ONLY able to make connections with other gay people in specifically gay venues where the core demographic is young adults (ie. people who aren't pathetic retards).
>>1053368Look at studies regarding gays and aloneness.Gays are more alone.Subjective studies also say that old fags (24+ years old) are very likely to say that they are not welcomed into the "gay community."This transcends "race." Normally, non-"white" males are excluded from "community," but with old age, even "whites" are left out.
>>1053422>(24+ years old)oh shut the fuck up
>>1053436Need quick proof?Go to grindr and look at ages that people list for desired partners. The average high end of the range will be around 24.Last time I checked it, it was 24.31 years when people listed an age requirement for contact.
>>1053422There are also bars/clubs that cater to older demographics, people over 24 who are interested in people their own age, etc. and proof of their existence don't require studies.People don't suddenly stop being able to socialize with other gays because they teenagers don't want them around.
>>1053456>Grindr>24+ is an "old gay"Post dropped and I'm younger than that. Next thing you'll tell me Craigslist is great source.>>1053419Okay, I'll consider the whole gay death is really a thing for older generations. I really think with avenues available nowadays to meet other people (special events, groups, sites, places, etc.), gay death shouldn't be such an issue then.That's unless the trend of twink or young faggots thinking old people are gross is still prevalent.
>>1053472The only time old gays are ever seen is for marriage arguments.Otherwise everything is young active white males. Nothing else."Gay" as a "community" is a young man's groups.This is not a terrible thing to learn. Young guys should be making the most of their lives while they can.
I love how this post specifies cis men as if trans men have no problems with relationships whatsoeverjust kidding, the word cis is retarded and I want to die
Sure is the Middle Ages in here.Oh my goodness, is 24 really that old for gay or something?Do you guys fuck 14 year olds? I mean, really, you're making it sound like you're literally going to die from AIDS and the Bubonic plague after "gay" death.
>>1053552>The only time old gays are ever seen is for marriage arguments.What does that mean? How are you defining "seen"? On the news? In public? Do you only count them as having been seen if they're acknowledged by younger people at gay bars?Are we just imagining all the older gay men marching in pride parades?
>>1054234>you guysIt's one person and (as has already been discussed) he's never had sex with anyone.
As a 26 year old gay I know so far I've not experienced "gay death" in the slightest, or even any kind of decline. I'm looking forward to being 30, I feel like I'm getting more attractive year by year.
Yeah, faggots, getting old as a gay is all cakes and bukkake parties.http://www.queerty.com/suicide-of-self-help-therapist-raises-the-gloomy-specter-of-gay-men-and-aging-20120402/http://sageatl.org/docs/perceptions.pdfYou children lack knowledge of history. gay old people lost all value when gay became open to everyone. In the olden days, old gays would run everything. parties and gay sex were controlled by the older established fags. now it is about being young.you should have paid more attention in school.>>1054986Media, gay or otherwise. Even ads for HIV meds are young guys who are full of life.>>1054992>It's one person and (as has already been discussed) he's never had sex with anyone.Srsly. this is the best argument that you have?>You cannot be right because you have never had sex. You have no idea about social science because you no dick!No one has wanted to fuck me. How is that relevant? That does not prevent me from learning, does it?
What is this faggotry?Men age with style and grace.Only women have problems growing old. Trannys are certainly doomed tho.