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Can we please have a shit straight people say/do thread?

>I'd turn lesbian for X actress/pop star!
No, no, no. Stop saying that. Don't lump in real lesbians with drunk college girls who give guys boners. It also implies we can turn straight, which ends badly for us.
>If you don't like X male singer, you must be a lesbian.
Sorry, I doubt Ken doll's dick is that irresistible. Just because you're so desperate to ride it doesn't mean you can lump every woman who disagrees with us.
>Who's the guy/girl in the relationship?
We're the same sex. Your gender roles do not apply.
>But, you're gay! How can you not support (insert liberal policy here.)
I'm a faggot, not a political crusader. I deal with what's my problem and fuck all the rest.
>Gay marriage is the biggest civil rights battle ever!
Thanks for supporting that, but what about my possibility of being fired or denied for a home for acknowledging my girlfriend's existence?
>Can we watch?

Add your own below!
they have sex with the opposite gender. Disgusting.
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>>806033 (OP)
get the sand out of your vagina and come back when you aren't insufferable.
>Oh... so you're gay? You're not gonna, like, try to have sex with me, are you?

I don't even.
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>conflate "yaoi" with BL and actual gay comics
>tease me for liking the few things that actually represent me as a gay guy
>make fun of me for liking slash while liking straight porn and shitty ass romantic subplots
This thread makes me feel lucky that I have a compassionate straight best friend.
>thinking Yaoi and Bara are the same thing.
I'm sorry, bro. The Seme/Uke stereotype is a cancer.
I don't think they're the same thing. Yaoi is totally different from bara which is totally different from BL.

The seme/uke thing is basically an extension of the roles seen in straight shit.

If you think my pic is seme/uke BS, read comics
I meant your friends thinking they're same. My bad.

But scanlations online tend to be lumped into Yaoi for being guy/guy, so I haven't seen much Bara. Recs are welcome.
I don't read bara but "Negative-kun to Positive-kun" is a cute thing. "Star-like Words" is smut but still nice. If you like Magi or Tiger & Bunny I can rec you some doujins or fics. Same with TimKon, though there's like 3 total
>Stop pushing your lifestyle / agenda

Really, this is the only one that irks me. I could tolerate any other ignorant comment. Same-sex couples merely holding hands or exhibiting other public displays of affection aren't doing anything differently from any straight couple.
Ugh, I (not joking) wish the straight (cis too I guess) agenda would just shut up. They're always trying to recruit me to their weird sexuality. Honestly, shit's just gross
well they have to explain to their kid
Oh no!
Yes, because they don't explain straight relationships to their kid.

Seriously, how stupid do they think kids are?
Fuckin straight people.
>>806033 (OP)
>We're the same sex. Your gender roles do not apply.

Tell that to the people who identify as "tops" or "bottoms".
In specific ways they're dumb as shit.
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>>806033 (OP)

>"Little faggot. I bet you wanna suck my dick, dont you, little queer.
>..... ye-....if you want me to, I'll do it....


Sometimes I add stuff like "please dont beat me up/dont tell anyone" or whatever else boosts their ego enough to feed me their cock. Bullies are so misunderstood, if you just give them a chance. Of course you still have to sulk in public if you want a re-match.
so you dont care
you're as bad as /pol/
>prostate massages make you gay

Nothing can make you gay except for your body chemistry during fetal development.
>Boys are stupid. I think I'll just become a lesbian like you
Are you implying that I "became" this way because I couldn't deal with men? Are you implying that lesbian relationships are "easier" by virtue of involving two women?
>You know, I'm kind of bicurious...
I don't care. I'm not a guinea pig. Go experiment on someone else
>How do lesbians have sex?
If you have to ask this, then I have to question whether or not you've ever had an orgasm/given your girlfriend an orgasm.
>You're too pretty to be a lesbian
You're too stupid to be a breeder, but alas, you are.
>You're just going through a phase
I've been going through this phase since puberty for over ten years now.
Pretty sure I'm gay because I hated my mother.
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>implying having clue about prenatal development of reproductive, neurological or endocrine elements.

By all means, share your magic girlifying homone gene fact with us from the point of formation to 'I like dicks' and see if you can do it without some mysterious lapse where it magically orients nerve matter to distinguish male and female. Its been nearly two weeks since Ive shut this idea down for the 1,733rd time.

If youre going to assert this as fact, you had damn well be prepared to support it when Im on. Because Im not going to settlle for links to Discover magazines tl;dr articles that I recall better than the author who wrote their pablum, knowing it always ends in "maybe?who knows?"after trying to sell three pages of pop sci horseshit.

I'll even give you a head start: identical twins of different preferences. Go.
NOTHING is as bad as /pol/.

/b/, on it's worst day ever, pales compared to the cesspit of mental and spiritual excreta that is /polfront/.
>>806033 (OP)
I think I'd let someone watch me have sex...do people enjoy watching two guys have sex? I feel like there's nobody but other (voyeuristic) gay guys into that. Like, straight people don't I'm pretty sure. Maybe that one girl I dated who was super into yaoi...
SRS pls go
I'm gay because I hate your mother.
Your mom is the fagmaker.
Dude I know these triplets, two guys and a girl, and one of the guys looks just like a girl. the other is more traditionally masculine.
>implying topping or bottoming is gender specific
I like to watch period. But especially gay men.
straight girls like it. not just fujoshi
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>not straight girls
I mean, straight girls in general.

And you'd be surprised. A lot of fujoshi are lesbians irl
>Implying all straight girls have to be fujoshi
>All my friends hate the term fujoshi
Fujoshi and fudanshi are fine in japanese contexts. English contexts? nah
How did this thread came from talking about stupid shit straight people say, to snowflakes talking about stupid jap shit?
Why are you complaining about stupid jap shit on 4chan, of all places?
>A lot of fujoshi are lesbians
> Its been nearly two weeks since Ive shut this idea down for the 1,733rd time.
>you had damn well be prepared to support it when Im on
>Im not going to settlle for links
Better watch out, we've got a special snowflake coming through.

Its a good thing you're on /lgbt/ because you're a massive faggot.
str8 pepl always call me fagget

You failed to present even the remote suggestion of evidence. Run for the ad homs and ran like a pussy.

And your time is up.
>>806033 (OP)
>We're the same sex. Your gender roles do not apply.
Don't kid yourself; they do more often than not.
>>806033 (OP)
>>I'd turn lesbian for X actress/pop star!
That's probably true in a lot of cases though.
> I've always wanted a gay best friend

Would appreciate a good response for this actually. My mind wants to say a lot
Good thing that the world is so much larger than just Japan and England.
You people just need to chill out about this stuff before you grate the last of your teeth away.
>>806033 (OP)
Wow, it sounds like you suck.
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>be home from college for winter break
>go to new years party with high school friends
>it's late, almost everyone has gone to bed
>just me and my straight male friend awake
>still pretty drunk
>"So anon..."
>he hesitates, you can tell he's very uncomfortable
>"do you like, find me attractive?"
>I look at him with an eyebrow raised
>"Do you really want to know?"
>talk about something else
"If I wanted to, you'd let me."
Two people can't love each other because some soccer mom doesn't want to talk to her ugly child?
Why kind of annoys me is that it's bad if I'm TOO gay. I mean, I will fully admit that I am effeminate as fuck. Apparently sucking cock is fine, being effeminate is not. Also get shit from other gay people for it too.
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That's really not difficult.

>Hey Jimmy, you know how some guys like girls and vice versa in a romantic way?
>Well, sometimes guys like guys and girls like girls
>same sex couples cant do heavy petting in public just because it's a public place? muh feels

It is always the ugliest guys who insist on saying this. ALWAYS.
If Reagan could do it, so can they

>Also get shit from other gay people for it too.

As you should.
Opinion invalidated forever. Please euthanize yourself.
Yeah, we should all be ourselves guys! Unless you're the yourself we don't like, then no.

I'm a girly ass dude, fuck off
A lot of this stuff seems like hyperreactive bitching and I'm not sure I would put up with too much of it.

The 'gay agenda' nonsense is really the only bit that would really get under my skin, but I'm still able to brush it aside for the sake of listening to and respecting different points of view.
I mean ... not-Japan contexts. also... I meant the language
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>I love my gays!
>We should go shopping!
>What do you think of these shoes?
>OMG you don't watch Glee?
>This is my friend ______, he's gay.
>OMG you guys are so qt together! Can I take your picture? [already getting her phone's camera ready]
>OMG I should totally introduce you to [literally the only other gay guy I know]! You guys would be perfect together [even though you've never met and he's the polar opposite of your type]!

[misogyny intensifies]

>Yeah, we should all be ourselves guys!

I have never in my life said that.
Some people just have different tastes in real life than they do IRL.

>"jap shit" makes us snowflakes
>"jap shit" is really popular even outside of 4chan
>you're on fucking 4chan anyway ya dingus
>You're too pretty to be a lesbian
I don't know what to feel when people say this.
>so your're a tranny but you only like women? why not just stay a man then?

all my rage
>doesnt understand filenames
>being new to 4chan
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>>806033 (OP)
go back to tumblr faggot
>you're a lesbian,because you haven't found a man like me

>How do you know you won't like [gender] if you don't try.
Double sided argument - I've seen straights say it to gays, and gays say it to straights. Still fucking lame. If I am not sexually attracted to men/women, then I am not really going to fuck one just "to find out."
Some people find effeminate males to be annoying. Isn't there some personality type you find annoying?
"We already have marriage equality. Both you and I have the right to marry a woman."

>muh stephen colbert

Watching Colbert molest Savage's jimmies was great.
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Ew! You're all faggots!
>>806033 (OP)
>Can we please have a shit straight people say/do thread?

Get out you retarded cunt. You disgust me.
Oh god ... this is so perfect. I love you anon.
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>being gay
>interacting with females in any way
That's cute.
This thing fucking spawned...
>straight guys flirting with me, pursuing me, on my nuts like flies on shit
>in bed they beg me to fuck them, want me to treat them like the little girl
>people find out
>"bawww! Anon forced himself on me! I didn't want to do it!"
I know that feel.
>a "straight" friend of mine sucked my cock once
>were hanging out, another friend accidentally mentions it, his gf is present
>goes on how he was drunk and that I made him do it and shit
>>806033 (OP)
>shit straight people say

hmm............. what an odd choice of words..........
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>You can't cut our funding you will regret this!
I'm the fucking mayor, I can cut and tax whatever the fuck I want
>There's a giant Gila Monster raging through town destroying everything!
I fucking know, I spawned it. Fuck you San Francisco, enjoy your Gila Monster
>There's a large mob led by your mother rallying outside the town hall
Fuck you mom.
>>806033 (OP)
I dunno, my straight friends do this and I kinda like it.

I'm the only bi one in a group of straight guys. But all my straight friends admit that they are secure enough in their sexuality to be able to comment when a guy is cute/good looking, so I still get gay conversations. I quite like it really. Shows how far they'd go to accomodate me.
I explained to my 5 year old sister same sex relationships recently (her dad isn't around so I'm more like a dad to her so it's not unusual for me to explain things to her).

It was really simple, basically she saw 2 guys kissing or something and didn't really understand, so she asked me about it. I just told her that she knows about mummys and daddys. Well sometimes a daddy can be with a daddy, and a mummy with a mummy, and that there is nothing wrong with that at all.

She found it almost natural, it didn't seem complex to her at all. She was just like oh, okay, then went about her day.
Yup, this a hundred times over.

I want to punch people like this over and over and over.
>My dick will turn you straight, just give it a try baby

What the fuck is SRS? I've seen it on here and /v/ every single day for the last few weeks and I have no idea what it stands for, can someone fill me in?
>>806033 (OP)
>>Can we watch?
>Not saying yes
What are you; a faggot?
Then again I'm an exhibitionist.
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>What the fuck is SRS? I've seen it on here and /v/ every single day for the last few weeks and I have no idea what it stands for, can someone fill me in?

It's a feminists called shit reddit says who are raiding /lgbt/.
>It's a group of feminists called shit reddit says who are raiding /lgbt/.
I did
Well aren't you special.
SRS is the board that gets blamed anytime anyone posts anything on 4chan that isn't full-on fucking pro-NAZI.

It's a cheap way of shutting people up when you don't like what they say, used mostly by retarded 14-year olds from /pol/.
>>806033 (OP)
>>I'd turn lesbian for X actress/pop star!
>No, no, no. Stop saying that. Don't lump in real lesbians with drunk college girls who give guys boners. It also implies we can turn straight, which ends badly for us.

Except there are some people that people would go gay for. Stop pretending homosexuality is a super secret club.
>>806033 (OP)
>I'd turn lesbian for X actress/pop star!
Actually turning from hetero to homo or bi? Yeah, I'd agree that it's horseshit, but there is such a thing as situational homosexuality or bisexuality.
>raiding /lgbt/
>implying it isnt their foothold on 4chan

one of the 3 srs mods is here ffs
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>shit straight people say/do thread
>>806033 (OP)
>I enjoy being a straight white cis male and having all the privilege in the world

Fuck off m8
You realize when people say "X makes you Y" they mean "X indicates Y" right?
To be fair, when you make a thread with the words "shit X says" you're kind of asking for it.
I have a friend that constantly introduces me with 'This is _____, she's a lesbian!'
Just...why? It makes me seem like I'm as much of an attention whore as she is.
Buy Samejima-kun & Sasahara-kun. No Bara, but it is the best BL you will ever read. It is the holy grail of BL.
"So, you're a lesbian, huh? That's just because you haven't had a real man. I bet I could turn you."
Why don't you idiots just be like me? I've been a friendless shut in for nearly 6 years now, I don't have to deal with any of the shit you're posting about.
Unless you secretly enjoy the attention?
Truly, you sir are a pleb and a fool.
We all know that feel.
>"Are you sure you're gay?"
>bites lip like she's constipated
>tries to stroke my arm like I'm part dog
Straight chicks are always godawful at flirting from what I've seen.

for fuck's sake
>I've never felt that special.

You have to make it sound very sarcastic though, otherwise they won't get it.
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>You're like the straightest gay guy I know

>I love gay guys, but I hate faggots

>Louis C.K. & South Park said "faggot" doesn't mean gay people anymore, so I can say, "Suck a dick, faggot" and it shouldn't be offensive
>But, you're gay! How can you not support (insert liberal policy here.)
Every strait liberal who finds out i support gun rights stops talking to me.

It funny because my republican friends don't give two shit about me being gay

it was really eye opening

None of that is true.

SRS is just a group which calls out oppressive behaviour on Reddit.

Some SRS members also post here because they are queer allies who want to make /lgbt/ a safe place for lesbians, gay, bisexuals, trans, womyn and feminists.
>i support gun rights

time to kill yourself faggot you're everything that's wrong with the world
Well fuck him for raising the question, but I think you handled it decently well.
the biggest blunder the republican party has made is alienating their gay voters, i seriously think ubamia wouldnt have been voted in otherwise
SRS pls go

Don't try to convice us you're not psychotic tumblrtrash
SRS is as harmless as they are idiotic. If you aren't laughing your ass off at all the hooplah they start then you're taking a bunch of angry teenage women too seriously.
honest questions srs,
1) what justifies such reckless hatred?
b) instead of bullying nerds and settling your leaders personal grudges, why not put your energies into something positive?
>Identical Twins of different preferences.

Looks like someone doesn't know what the penetrance factor is.
>Thinking SRS will ever do anything constructive

You're missing the point
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>oppressive behavior on Reddit
>they are queer allies
>womyn and feminists
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The liberals hate me because I like guns, the stormfags hate me because I don't hate blacks, the fags hate me because I'm bi, the libertarians hate me because I think libertarian economics are bunk, the feminists hate me because I have a dick, the misogynists hate me because I don't hate women, the communists hate me because I laugh at communism.
Such is life.
Fuck 'em all.
typical /pol/ sh*tlords
what do you want?
>>806033 (OP)
>Can we watch?

I don't think you'd find any straight guy/girl asking me and my boyfriend that

I still don't get why guys are so obsessed with lesbians
typical dyke feminist
What about the conservatives?
Fuck any group of people who stand by their label.

What do you think a "stormfag" is?
It's b8, everyone go home.
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Is it summer already?
Actual things I've heard
>When you have sex is it like having sex with a mirror
>When you have children, you'll understand
>So, you don't like breasts at all
>Whose the pitcher, and whose the catcher?
>You mean you don't find celebrity X attractive?
>What do you think of Glee/Ellen/The New Normal?
>Why do you hate muh religious beliefs

I'm just a dude who likes other dudes, that in no way is connected my taste in media/religion or anything else other then men.
Fuck off SRS.
kill yourself :D
>Hey man, stop feeling up my dick!
Quit oppressing me, CIS scum.
>Some SRS members also post here because they are queer allies who want to make /lgbt/ a safe place

If they really are doing that, then they need to stop. Our Janitors (who are FROM 4chan) take care of us just fine. We don't need retardditers.
SRS think like this >>821327

That's what I hate them to the core.
>>806033 (OP)
"I can't wait to enjoy my longer life expectancy, lower depression rates, and higher income than gay people!"
>As long as you don't like girls, you're not a REAL man.
As a gay man, I just reply with "Would a straight man try to rape a lesbian?"
one time the reply was yes


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