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Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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>that one straight person you had a hopeless crush on

Tell me about him/her.
He's 10 years older than me
I'm not good at judging ages.
That one grade school best friend... he was popular, smart, athletic, everything a popular guy should be... and actually nice.

He hung out with me, the outsider, and was honestly kind. I really appreciated it and he was my first crush and that continued for years.

Nothing could ever come of it because I was a boy back then, but whatever, thats life.

I still chat with him occasionally... he's gonna be starting medschool in a year or two ._.
Why are you so gay


Keep this shit ontopic.
>new guy in university course
>looked like David Tennant
>could not take my eyes off of him
>he tries to strike up a conversation with me (ME!) and asks what the course is like
>tongue tied as fuck and mumble some bullshit
>he forces a smile and walks away
>see him regularly because of same classes
>conversations from then on always feel forced
>fuck, why can't i be all cool and interesting around him?
>sort of mention that I was in a gay club at the weekend, making out that i was dragged there by a gay friend
>"hah! you'd never fucking catch me in a place like that! would rather go home fucking sober!"
>conversations still forced but still get excited whenever I'm put in his group for projects
>never see each other again
>never had that sort of instant attraction since
He also hates Jews.
Wasn't really a crush (I think so) but he was the first guy I was attracted to (it was in high school) and I still think he's attractive.

He is dirty blond, about my (average) height, we were somewhat friends. We has a few classes together and often talked together in class or during the breaks but apart from that we never really connected, we were too different to be friendlier than that. We also had P.E. together, I always looked discretely at him in the locker room, he wasn't ripped or really athletic but he still had a good body. He always had a smile, a lovely smile.

I also had a dream about him yesterday, it's really weird, I really don't feel any "love" for him but I guess since he's the one who made me realize I'm gay he kind of left a mark.
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What can I say. I am ubermensch.
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>>583448 (OP)

> cute as fuck
> big cock

That's about it. I was young and foolish. I can't even stand the guy now.

Your turn Straight Guy.
Best friend of mine. Every girlfriend he ever had has treated him like shit. I always do my best to cheer him up and say that there's more fish in the sea. I'd really want to be that fish but since that's never going to happen... I'm determined to be the best friend anyone could need.

And he's way too good for me anyways.

I'm more sort of the guy that gay guys have a crush on unfortunately.
>that one
More like three, at different times

Yeah but THAT one. If you had 3 THAT ones, then tell me about them.
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Then honest answer is THAT guy is you. Except you're not straight so it's not relevant to the thread.

Fuck you, bitch!
>dfw he'll eventually get married and have children
>dfw you'll become low priority
it's romantic in a very tragic way.
This has been bugging me for a while now.
What the fuck is CIS scum?
Don't pay any mind to it. Keep yourself innocent.
Ask /pol/.

"cis" gendered is a word that many people tuned into the trans community use as a term to describe everyone who is not trans. As in, those that are happy with the sex they were born as.

Cis scum is just tumblr.
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cisgendered is the opposite of transgendered. Your gender identity DOES match the gender you were born as. In other words it's a funny maymay only for us cool gays.

I'll be anything for u bb.
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That is the cutest, hotter and most racist gay love story ever told.
>elementary school, be friends with guy, we're both poor so we got along, school was filled with rich kids.
>didn't see him again till 9th grade
>hungout smoked pot/cigs became best friends
>end of 9th become bicurious, have a fwb with a senior guy, though he graduated so I was left horny as fuck with no one to play with
>after playing smoking/playin video games all night with best friend I crash on his bed, he kept playing
>I wake up, feel something touching my ass, half asleep still I go to push it away with my hand
>feel his rock hard cock
>wide awake, I lay there listening to his breathing trying to see if he's awake or not.
>breathing very slow/deep, seems he's asleep, he's motionless
>i'm rock hard now and and start grinding my ass on his cock
>feels so great
>suddenly his breathing changes and he flips over, kinda making a slight snoring sound..
>thought bout jerking/sucking him, was too scared that if he was asleep he'd awake and freak out.
>since then nothing happened. its been years now, we still talk.. here n there...
>I just wish I knew if he was awake or asleep.
>would suck that cock in an instant.
>>583448 (OP)
>>583448 (OP)
>that one straight person you had a hopeless crush on
>past tense implications

Curse you SWG.
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Ask him out you turd
Got to know him in high-school. He and his twin-brother were kinda nerdy but pretty cool.
We were both kinda outsiders though he always follows his brother around, acting the way he acted, never being himself.
I was pretty nerdy myself so we got along great. Me, him & his brother...
He was raised in a very conservative part of America so he firmly says, and probably is, that he's straight. I keep getting a feeling he's bi, but I can't confirm.
I always try to hang out with him without his brother, but he's so socially awkward that he has a hard time leaving his house without his dominant brother.
He helped me go trough a bunch of hard times, just listening and not trying to fix shit. And that's just what I needed.

Skip to a couple of months ago.
Me and him, alone, on a bus to Gothenburg to buy clothes for me. I needed something and I kinda pulled him along. One hour on the bus. Just me and him, back in the bus. Alone among strangers.
And I sit right next to him. A little closer than I had to.
I lean onto his shoulder as a part of us both comforting each other over something.
First he tells me that I really fit in flat hair. (I just got a perm)
I is happy.
A few seconds later he tells me I smell nice.
Now I start thinking he might like me or something. But... he's straight.
He's always "noooo" eve when I flirt as a joke or even suggest anything lewd in any situation.
But... Was he just being nice to me since I was going trough some stuff?
Or is it something else?

First time truly alone and he tells me, not only that I look pretty, but that I smell nice?
What straight guy says I smell nice? Seriously.

Was he coming out of his shell, now that we were alone?
Or just being nice?

Maybe he was comfortable being himself without his brother around?
At this point I can't wake up without imagining him sleeping next to me before I truly wake up.

Any help here? Anyone with a killer gaydar?
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I remember that thread. That was a good thread.
I never thought that he might be coming out of his shell until I wrote that.

I have to ask him how he feels. Fuck the rules, I have to know.

Many strange boners were had.
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Indeed. Some of them smelled of baked potatoes.

>I have to ask him how he feels. Fuck the rules, I have to know.

Basically that. Do it.
I made progress today. We talked about stuff. Lewd stuff.

Was that before or after you two had sex?
As a straight guy, Would you mind if one of your best friends just asked; "do you like me? Becasue I like you."
And then forgets to tripfagging..
Not 100% sure, but i think he was "coming out of the shell", probably because no big dominant bro around. I've never seen a straight guy, even the nicest one, say something like "you smell nice".

>He's always "noooo" eve when I flirt as a joke or even suggest anything lewd in any situation

I did this with my crush when i was in the closet, even if I hoped in lewd moments.

Try hanging out ONLY with him more, and then you can, I don't know, watch gay porn together or just confess that you're gay/bi.

Good luck :)
Before. The sex was amazing. It also happened in another dimension, on another planet, between two completely different people, who in fact don't exist.
Oh god...
So many feels right now.

I would hang out with him more but he lives across the country.

fucking shit, I never really thought about all this until i wrote it all down. Shit, It's not all hopeless.
My heart is fucking racing right now.
C-can I post the opposite?

>Meet qtp2t tomboyish girl at work
>that's probably a horrible fucking understatement because she never wore make-up, had all the mannerisms of a male, and frequently punched me in her poor but adorable attempt to me more masculine.
>she becomes my best fem-bro but I really can't help but feel immensely attracted to her
>even get a little jealous when I find out she slept with the new girl.
>eventually drift apart when I find another job

She was the ultimate 'cannot have' and a really good friend too. I hope she's doing well.

I've had it done before, but they weren't necessarily my best friend. I was flattered a little, though a little concerened that I had to delicately break my heart which is never nice nor easy.

But then I'm more open minded towards it. Try and be careful when you ask him and don't be too upfront - ask him on his terms (shyly, awkwardly even).
>ask him on his terms (shyly, awkwardly even).
Only way I know how boss.

Alright. I'm going to ask him as soon as my finals are done and I can go to him. In about 2 weeks. Shit.

I hope I haven't waited to long. the bus ride was a 2 months ago or something. Damnit.

Right. It's getting late here in Sweden so I'm going to bed. I've learn't much by just writing this shit down and the help you've given me, even online and little in quantity, has helped me loads.

Shit he might like me. The thought of the possibility makes me happier than anything. I will ask him and then i'll know for sure and can either be happy or try to move on.

Thank you so damn much. Even though it's not an enitre thread of help, you have helped.

and again. So many feels. It was years ago I felt so many feels about this.

Thank you so fucking much.

I'll return in the morning and if things go well when I tell him, I'll talk about it here as well probably.

You make a thread after you ask him - I wanna know. Or look out for my trip and tell me or keep me updated.
In any case I'll let all legbutts know If I will fly or crash.

Exited and nervous now. I'll probably just be all giddy when i try to sleep. Again, thank you.

No worries, glad I could help in the small way I did.
No problems anon, we're all in the same shit after all.
Keep us informed!
Pretty much the same. In my eyes he was pretty much the perfect person, and he always gave me attention even if I didn't fit into his other group of friends. He wasn't the most scholarly guy, but he just had this strong grip on life that always put him in the happiest mood. By far, the kindest, funniest, hottest boy I've met in my life.

That sense of humor most of all, goddamn. Genuinely laughing with someone is the best way to connect with them. I could go on for the rest of the night about him probably.
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>be naive 17 year old at first job in a restaurant
>still lost somewhere deep in Narnia
>supervisor is 19, somewhat of a tomboy
>we end up working as a pair for awhile
>crush starts and continually grows to ridiculous proportions over two years
>accidentally told her she had 'beautiful eyes' once when I was drunk
>would have done absolutely anything for her
>find out she's dating another coworker, so hide it as best as possible
>her boyfriend is a cocaine dealer
>I even end up trying cocaine from him a few times just to get closer to her
>find out more about her over this time
>she's screwing her life up, getting in bad debt, sleeping around
>bad family situation, no one ever cared about her
>she ends up cheating on her boyfriend
>he gets furious with her
>she quits even though she needed the money
>I never see her again

I fell so hard that I kept like pining for her for the entire year after and looking for her car everywhere. It was ridiculous.
And I wouldn't be surprised if I was the only person who ever cared about her. Her father was abusive, her mom didn't talk to her, and she slept with guys who she hardly knew.
I kept feeling like if only she liked me too, I could've helped turn her life around. Oh well.
>>583448 (OP)

oh I wish...
wishing for a straight crush? i'd rather save myself the gloom and longing stares
You hate spanish speakers.
There was this one guy from high school who was lanky, awkward, and had a face like a frog, but had an awesome sense of humour and a lovely voice who I had a crush on.

Shame that he was straight as all hell because he had terrible luck with the girls and had an amazing fucking dick, shit was like 8 inches and was real fucking thick too.

He got real drunk at prom and let me suck it, but I never did get the chance to let him top me as he stopped speaking to me after that.
I meant I wish it was over. By now I get really really scared, it will never go away and I will always keep comparing other guys (not that I know any) to the perfect picture of him in my mind..
My ex dumped me for her crush on her straight best friend. Not sure how to feel about that.
High school, senior year. He was a musician in a school jazz band, very talented. Brown hair, soft hazel eyes that just exuded gentleness and kindness. He never raised his voice and spoke in a soft voice.

He was a Christian though, which bummed the hell out of me but one night he took me to a church service and let me spend the night in his room since it went late and all the public transportation was closed down.

Lord knows I was tempted to slide into his bed and hoped instead that he would slip into mine but the next day the fantasy died. He's married now but some days I like to think about what could have been...
>dirty blond hair that shines like gold in the sun
>the smoothest skin i just want to touch all day
>perfect green eyes, piercing from far away and a landscape i get lost in every time, up close
>ottermode swimmer body, unf
>most adorable high pitched laugh, always a treat when i can make him crack a smile

why am i writing this
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He was my best friend from ages 8-15. We went our separate ways after that, but I loved him with all my heart as a friend. I ended up getting a really random call while I was lifeguarding one night when I was 17 or so. It was winter, and there'd been a fresh snowfall; he invited me to head up north with him and his family and go skiing, like we used to back in the day. He'd been through some rough times and made some mistakes, and he was trying to start over a bit or something.

So I accepted.

I hardly remember skiing. Most of what I remember was the time I spent recollecting our shared past...and all the time I spent wanting to tell him how I felt...

In the end, I didn't say a word. And now he's married with two kids at age 21. Sometimes, it just gets me down. I'm not sure I'd change it if I could, but I always feel like I could have done more to set him straight. But I was scared of my feelings and I didn't try to stay in touch and so, here we are; him a painful memory to me, me an unfamiliar voice with a hazy past at the other end of a phone call.
>college dorm roomate
>we get to be really good friends
>hes really attractive, funny, nice
>introduce him to vydia
>we play vydia almost all day in the winter times
>do stuff together all the time
>people joke about us of being gay together
>laugh it off but really wish it was true
>he actually is really anti-gay cus religion, but I was able to change his mind after a while
>he ends of up getting addicted to vydia and starts getting bad grades
>we get an apartment downtown, he starts going out all the time
>he knocks up some girl
>looks like hes guna marry her
>I knew he was 100% straight but it just made me depressed for a couple weeks knowing we'll never be
>I graduate and move away
>he flunked out of college
>now hes living with his parents still
>don't know what the fuck happened to him
>fantasies of him being my stay at home dad and me being the breadwinner
>I just want to give him all my moneys and live with him forever.
>its been a year since I've seen him and still can't get over him.
Sophomore year of high school, beautiful foreign girl in my psych class. Talk to her a bit and chit chat, but not enough to really be considered friends. See her keep glancing at me several times throughout class, and convince myself she's secretly gay and likes me too. Long story short it ended in me getting crushed. She was actually everything I wanted and still want in a girl.
I know that feel
I checked up on my crush from late elementary/early middle school

>tfw she's ugly
>tfw she's beta as fuck
>tfw she has shitape boyfriend
>tfw she pregnant
>that one straight person you had a hopeless crush on

None, I'm only into hard butches. All I've met have been gay or bisexual.
it hurts even more that he's still attractive (albeit his appeal is a tad marred by his douchebag-esque style) and he definitely still has a huge dick -.-
>hard butch
>anything but angry, misandrist, and gay
>Be 17yo Bi male
>have male friend who is 18
>always talking on Skype IM about "girl issues', and life in general until late at night
>Start crushing on him
>One day we're at a piss-up with our group of friends
>He gets drunk and starts feeling up some of our friends as a joke
>He's never like that sober
>They are embarrassed and try to get away but they don't call him a homo since he's the alpha of the group
>One time while he cuddles one of the guys he asks me if I'm jealous
>Smirk at him grumpily to avert any thought that I might answer "yes"
>Later we all watch a movie
>I'm sitting against the end of the couch
>He lies down on the couch with his hair in my face
>Dat smell
>"How does my hair smell anon?"
>"Like old hair gel."
>True but I still got hard
>He laughs
>Lies in that position while he shows me songs on his iphone
>Feel warm inside
>Sits up when our other friends notice

Thought there might be something there before I realised he was a selfish two-faced dbag.
I love older guys and my first crush was my year 9 art teacher.

>square jaw
>silver hair
>blue eyes

Stunning. Also my current boss (or boss's boss really) is very handsome, but I just admire from afar as we don't have anything to do with each other and he's married with kids anyway.
You've never met a butch, I see. The one I'm hanging out with has a male fuckbuddy and sucks cock monthly. I don't give a shit as long as she takes a shower and brushes her teeth before I lick her sweet abs and bite her lips.

It's Friday, get off 4chan, and go to a fucking gay bar and open your mind.
My closest friend. She's my roommate and the best friend I have ever had. We both have boyfriends, me for three years and her's for 3 months now. I've always been attracted to her. I prefer women, but I like men and am very much in love with my boyfriend.

But I set up my best friend and her boyfriend so that I wouldn't fuck up my relationship or my closest friendship. She's straight as a board, but her having a boyfriend is finally helping me get rid of stupid ideas of her and I being together. And she's happy.
I've met plenty, and the ones I have either think they're men or hate them with a passion.
Although I guess hate doesn't necessarily mean dislike.

>It's Friday, get off 4chan, and go to a fucking gay bar and open your mind.
Hahahaha, no.
>liking somebody else
>preferring somebody of the same gender more
You do know that this shit is exactly why people hate bisexuals, right?
Your boyfriend deserves better.
Shut up, faggot.
I used to be in love with my best friend when I was in deep denial.

All I wanted was to be his girlfriend, I fantasised about it a lot.
I bet you cant make me.
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She contacted me on OKC and is cute as a button, gothic, romantic and deep, and we like all the same shit. And then I was like, "oh by the way I might become a girl at some point," and then she's like "well I need a man so I'm going to date my best friend's brother."

>tfw transgenderism drove away your soulmate
>liking girls

may want to rethink that
I like everybody though........
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I posted it on /soc/ before this board was born.

It still hurts.
>be me in university course
>see qt3.14
>ask him about the course
>actually want to ask him for the dick
>he acts all awkward
>nervous from then on when I talk to him
>qt mentions he was a skeezy gay club
>omg he's gay
>wait no, his friend made him go
>time to think quick, don't let him know you like him
hah! you'd never fucking catch me in a place like that! would rather go home fucking sober!
>qt1/2t looks disappointed
>maybe he really was gay
>tfw no bf
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I've been through this myself. Except the shit was glorious, now instead of being an androgynous gothic Gerard Way lookalike (back when HIM and MCR were like, the top two bands ever and emo was still a thing) with pale green eyes.

He's now a fugly skinhead with a bunch of cheap, shitty tattoos who knocked up some landwhale, and all his FB pics are like those relationship pics kids used to do on Myspace, him and her naked from the waist up pressed against eachother and kissing taken from a cameraphone held over their heads.

>mfw I saw him on FB for the first time since middle school

Glad I didn't get sucked into that shit, hahahahhaha~
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Computer Information Science majors. Fucking gross, right?
BUMP with thread theme

I'm straight, the only gay thing I do is fuck dudes. I'm just setting the scene, not hating. I don't hang with gay dudes because I grew up around straight bros in a straight small town playing straight rugby, so I guess I always identified as a straight guy.

I moved to a new school in 8th grade and hung with the rugby crowd. One of them was a teen muscle bear. I mean shit, solid, hairy motherfucker. We played league together (if you're not AU, it's like wrestling and boxing at the same time). I instantly crushed on him, and did right through school.

We hung out a lot. Years I dropped hints, and I think he got it, but nothing ever happened. We graduated, he moved away, then one summer we're all back in town and we make a weekend of it.

We're out camping and most of the crew decide they don't wanna stay out, they wanna hit the pubs instead, so they fuck off back to town, and it's just him and me left. I'm off my head, bongs and beer, so I'm full of sudden dontgiveafuckitude, and say "I'm going for a swim" and strip down to nothing and jump in the river, and I turn around and see him standing there getting undressed with a giant fucking boner, and he just strolls into the river like a boss, doesn't mention anything.

We chat for a bit about dumb shit like you do when you're off your tits, get out of the water, smoke some more, have another beer, and he's sitting there with his cock holding up his towel. So I just come out "Wanna fuck around?" and shit myself that I said it, and he says "Yeah sure" and we both stand up and my head is screaming "WTF IS GOING ON IS THIS FOR REAL?" and we grope each other up a bit, kiss hard, and then I'm blowing him and he's fucking my face and he says "shit fuck me bro for real" and I do, and it's noisy, grunting, and while I'm fucking him he blows so hard without any help he's shaking like he's having a fit or some shit.

We fucked around all night. And that was a decade ago and we never have since, but best night ever.


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