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>Gay British Lance Corporal James Wharton said his fellow soldier, Prince Harry, came to his defense when six other soldiers verbally harassed him and threatened to beat him.

>Wharton when to Harry, who was his tank commander, to report the 2008 incident, according to the Daily Mail.

>"I told him, 'I think I'm going to be murdered by the infantry.'I climbed into the turret and talked Harry through exactly what had happened," Wharton wrote. "He had a complete look of bewilderment on his face. I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. He said, 'Right, I'm going to sort this shit out once and for all.' He climbed out of the tank and I poked my head out of the turret a few moments later to see him having a go."

>Harry confronted the other soldiers and then reported the incident to a senior officer.
>>717501 (OP)
Le sauce

Oh wow, an officer doing his job?

>le sauce

fuck the fuck right off
Pinkwashing some kind of war in Afghanistan with the royal family?
>Letting the media shove this meaningless drivel down your throat so you're distracted from all the actual things that are happening.
>I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes

What a fucking pussy. I never cried when I got bullied for being gay. And that was when I was a hormonal teenager. A grown ass man shouldn't cry when shit like this happens. He should have not mentioned that part.
Reddit doesn't even say le anymore, it's our thing now, embrace it le faggot.
That's because teens don't 'accidentally' throw grenades in your tent.
How many times were full grown men with combat training and heavy weaponry threatening to beat or kill you for being a faggot?


Didn't think so.
>>717501 (OP)
Pretty cool. I'd suck Harry's cock for that.
I seriously, in all honesty, still wouldn't fucking cry. I'd handle it like a man. A goddamn grown man in the military. Fucking crying because somebody threatened you? Then running and telling? That's unbelievable to me. He handled it like a fucking bitch.
The Prince is in armoUr? What the shit. I thought he was AH-64 crew.

news to me.
Yeah he should have fought them and ruined his career.
He does what the fuck he wants
>being a soldier
>crying because someone might harm you

What the fuck is this pussy doing in the army? He is in there literally to kill and risk being killed, harden the fuck up or don't join.

Plus I see he's written a book--so it's probably just some bullshit he cooked up to sell it.
>Plus I see he's written a book--so it's probably just some bullshit he cooked up to sell it.

Urgh that's fucking vile. I bet he had it planned before he even got out.
the risk should be from those they were sent to fight, shouldn't it?
>Der Schwul
>>717501 (OP)
No Place for him in the Army
He was in infantry for a while, then Armour
He's a helicopter gunner now
what a bro :D
>>717501 (OP)
What a diamond geezer. I'd suck his dick anyway because he's fit, but I'd do it more for that man.


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