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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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/a/ here. Sorry the other boards are trying to troll you into oblivion.

We would like to give you guys our support and show our approval.
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But girls can't love girls!
>>45834 (OP)
Thanks /a/, you're a true friend
it's the purest form of love
>>45834 (OP)
>implying /a/ wasnt the first gay board

Stop lying, everyone knows you hate 3D girls
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>implying 4chan wasn't gay from the very beginning
Oh finally a board I can safely hit on /a/ without being called a faggot and a traitor.

How can there be love without a penis?

Penises create the feeling of love.
/a/-kun is so kawaii
>>45834 (OP)
if by the other boards you mean /pol/, /b/, and possibly /v/ then yes

noone else is immature enough to do such a thing
>only board that likes lgbt is /a/

This. I like this new board but I feel like it wont stop the homolust all over this website
this is why lesbian couples keep dildo shrines
/a/ thanks.

/pol/ kikes are up in arms, of course, the sky is always falling for them.
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always knew a was full of faggots, all that moe finally melted your brains huh?
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LGBT people are significantly more moe and likable than the rest of the 3D population.
They can, but it´s against the laws of nature.

Akari x Chitose

It won't.
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lol, no it isn't.
Board hopper here. I want muh gays and muh traps back. Seriously close this board they are all dissappearing.
/v/ hates minorities except for gays and furries
no it isn't

i think you meant the laws of *physics*
Interesting how they removed that line from the movie eh?
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Boy love is more pure.
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/a/non showin some love
whoa I forgot what board I was on because of all the tabs I have open and I saw this thread and was like "what the hell I thought I was on /a/ why is someone posting saying they're from /a/"

but then I realized I was on the new board and it made sense. so yeah.

I support gay people, I guess. and i'm from /a/

Breeders are disgusting.
Queer tactic number: 687

Undermine the legitimate accusations of a post by highlighting it's grammatical errors; using this as a basis to assert the necessity of the queer agenda.
so is it just /pol/ being retards or what?
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say that to my face fucker not online see what happens
/pol/ is always being retards
i keep confusing the place for /v/
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Fuck yeah, Utena.
we LGBTA now
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While you're here /a/, why is there not more bara in anime?
Thanks /a/!
inb4 kaworu
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Allow me to contribute with a picture relevant to the current situation of this board

Also Kurisu is totally bi
She'd a Ruka

But then who wouldn't
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I-I'm sorry Anon!

Please don't be mad.

Cum just makes love so much more pure and there is nothing more pure than impregnating your boyfriend.
It only appeals to gay men and gay men don't watch anime.
Because Japanese women are all secretly lesbians, and being muscular and manly is apparently code for gay in Japan.

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15% /co/
25% /a/
25% /v/
25% /cm/
10% /pol/
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Speak for yourself, asshole.
>and gay men don't watch anime.

I do.

Anime is my favourite hobby.
Oh I didn't know that, I'll stop watching it then.
yes we fucking do
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I meant in Japan.
fucking delete /lgbt/ and /a/
and get rid of all the scum of 4chan
I meant in Japan... sorry... please don't hate me
Do you even go on /a/.

But now you can get gays and traps 24/7.

I still wish this board was nsfw though.
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Evangelion > Madoka

Deal with it.
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>get rid of the best board on the chains
No such thing, OP.

You speak for yourself and no one else, faggot.
>>45834 (OP)
Speak for yourself. I want this shit off before the Trial period ends. Have your fun now.
20% /a/
5% /jp/

We're all little girls, after all.
/a/ was like one of the first boards on 4chan, and it's Moot's favorite board.

You're the scum. I bet you came for le epic /b/ memes XDD
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Fuck that. LBGT, like any other aspect of 3D does not sit right with me. OP isn't truly from /a/, nor does he speak for the entire board (he can kill himself out of /a/ permanently if he thinks he does)

LBGTs can do whatever the fuck they want, I can tolerate and do not mind because it has nothing to do with me. I even have some sympathy towards the community.

But do I outright support them? No. Do I outright dislike them? No.
>fucking delete /lgbt/ and /a/

Implying /a/ isn't one of the best boards.
Isn't it past your bedtime /pol/?
/a/ is just waiting for yaoi stories, don't fall for the trap

>delete /a/

>delete the origin

No matter what you think about 4chan
Always remember, we own you. You are all just areas of Brit/a/nnia

You are on a weeaboo website, made for the purpose of discussing weeaboo interests

Deal with it normalfag, or go back to facebook
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No Lesbian can smile this bright.
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W- well okay then. Now s- stop l- looking at me like that
>implying gays and weaboos will magically cease to exist if /a/ and /lgbt/ are deleted

you spend too much time on the internet,its become the real world for you
fujoshi pls
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/v/ here
You guys are alright in my book if you can take all our endlessly spammed "homosexuality in videogames" threads off our hands

No true
We like blacks who can play fightan games well
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>don't fall for the trap
..what do gay men in Japan do instead of watching anime?
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I'm gay and I watch anime. I'm a hardcore fan. Really do appreciate anime because with chronic pain and chronic migraines I can't consistently do much else as a hobby; at least enjoyably. Thank you Japanese mangaka and otakus for helpin' me get along in life. I'd recommend anyone who is physically and mentally able to, to just stay a casual fan and try to live life fully while you're still able to! Just sayin' try to leave time for other things.

As for my Homosexuality, I am homosexual and I came out in fucking high school, to my parents, family and friends. It took about 1 day for the entire school to know about it and talk shit behind my back. I went through a lot of BS and found out who my real friends were fast. I can count the number of male homosexuals who had the courage to come out in my inner city public school on 2 fingers. I've been there, I've done that. I've moved on and I'm currently in a 5 year relationship with my loving boyfriend thank you very much. ^^
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Wrong, trans female with boy is the most pure.

This is true. I'm from /pol/ and /lgbt/ is pretty tsundere for us. It's like /a/ and /v/ all over again.
/v/ a shit
Contribute to society
>Claims he's from /pol/
>Uses tsundere
Shut the fuck up you aren't from /pol/ weeaboo
How horrifying.
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I don't think you know what tsundere means. Getting annoyed that your new board is being spammed by subhuman /pol/ troglodytes isn't "tsundere".
>LGBT hates loli
>implying /a/ could get along with something that hates them to the very core

Don't be deluded. He panders to nearly every board. It's common knowledge that he barely watches anime or gives a fuck these days.

He's said /sp/ is the GOAT. That /diy/ has been the best board for the last few years, that he's alright with /pol/ being 4chan's version of Fox News (which I'm sure they loved). This is only in the last year, in posts on /q/. I'm sure I've missed many more notable mentions too.
If your post is representative for /v/… AWESOME!
Why would gay men watch cartoons about sexualized little girls?
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yurishit pls
/a/ here. I do hope i can redirect all gay shit here. Fucking traps and homofaggots don;t belong on /a/ anymore. Thanks for making this board a thing.
Hi guys, I'm really into /y/. You'd never guess it by looking at me.

Gay male here. Sup.
>not SRS shit
Kill yourself Klonie.
/a/ pls

Well it means as much as this thread.
/v/'s fanbase is too wide to have representatives.
No anon, you are the sexualized little girls.
But we're sfw, /a/.
>Contribute to society

I fucking lost my shit.

I'll forever be a useless shut-in homofag.
there's some good shit. like ghost in the shell, lain, mushishi, and some others.
>>45834 (OP)
Don't go speaking for an entire board faggot. You must mean your support and approval, don't put words in an entire board's mouth.
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Also, pic related; It's me watching Rebirth of evangelion
>Why would gay men watch cartoons about sexualized little girls?

Fun things are fun.
>"homosexuality in videogames"
That never happened outside of the Mass Effect threads.
Feminist threads on the hand
>>45834 (OP)
/b/ here
we're not exactly sorry, but we do feel slight pangs of nausea that we assume must be guilt.
So yeah, we feel guilty for all the pedo threads. this is the closest you'll get to an apology, and it's only because i kind of like this board and kind of hate pedophiles.
Such a good feeling the off-topic shitposters of /a/(usually faggots and trap enables) will be spending their time here. Heads up /lgbt/, keep them.
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I meant /a/, baka.

Klonie is a cool guy.

Except I am. Everyone from /pol/ is an oldfag. We're all just angry and bitter because we've finally been forced to participate in the world in some capacity and hate everything about it.

All the misanthropy found in the old 4chan finally matured into a complex hatred of everything in the world, from the banking system to the cultural degeneration present in western media. And despite this, many of us are still fags at heart.

If you don't believe me, try posting a trap thread on /pol/. Not now obviously, but sometime in the future. You'd be surprised how many positive responses you'll see.
I am? Doushio~
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They're both good.
>Pairing a victim with her rapist

What about bis? I'm still here babe
This. Thank you, /lgbt/. I hope you house the mentally ill faggots and fujoshi for as long as possible.

I want to be a little girl in peace. Don't even get me started on the 'transgender' fakers. They're fucking disgusting. I hope they all die.
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Fuck you, 2D traps and 2D homolust is always /a/ related.

If it starts veering into 3DPD territory then redirect here.
Ya'll motherfuckas need meditation

I mean like serious just accept the evils in the world level stuff
Seems pragmatic.
another /a/non here, don't listen to them, we just want to take advantage of your board of your board so we can be the little girl and play pretend with /v/-kun.

I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
I think you are from /pol/ faggot.
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The vast majority of /a/ is pretty accepting of the LGBT community. Who cares if there are a few /pol/-crossboarding outliers, doesn't change the fact that most of /a/ is open to this kind of stuff.
Hey, I exclusively browse /b/ (except for random visits to other boards like this) and I have no wish to troll this board.
In fact, I welcome it; partly because it'll hopefully take at least a little of the shitposting away from /b/ and partly because i think it's just a good idea in general.

Basically, any /b/tard who isn't "lel we are leejun cause i've been here all summer" 12 year old is fine with this board.

/pol/ though has like 5 threads about this board going, the amount of butthurt there is immense.
It tags along with all the check your privilege bullshit threads there. And we can't forget the trap threads
But could /lgbt/ possibly welcome some of our feminist posters too?
>everyone from /pol/ is an oldfag

/pol/ is literally like the first board /b/tards migrate to after getting tired of le epic memes.
its that true /lgbt/? because if i could i would become a loli
who wouldn't want to become a little girl?

Dude do you even /a/

It's either loves traps, loves yuri, loves shotas
And we're all the little girl
Bullshit. LBGT has nothing to do with /a/. 3D has nothing to do with 2D. Stop trying to twist shit to favour your point of view.

Real life issues and sexuality has little-nothing to do with real life, you mental cripple.
please no
I'd say there's a lot of butthurt in this thread but all you fags would like that
That would be /v/ actually.
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Only in the 2D world is homosexuality acceptable, not in the 3DPD world, so once again, you are putting words in people's mouths.
Keep telling yourself that. You faggots and mentally ill individuals have been posting off-topic shit forever on /a/.
Every single time I see Griffith, I always think "Dem dick-sucking lips".
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Friendly reminder that /co/ is often called the gayest board on 4chan, you can't hold a gay candle to us, /a/.
>we just want to take advantage of your board of your board so we can be the little girl and play pretend with /v/-kun.

Demo /a/-kun...

You and /sp/-kun would be a much cuter couple.
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Most of the good anime out there has some degree of Homosexuality in it.

Also, going to recommend Revolutionary Girl Utena to any lesbians on this board, it deals with lesbianism and feminism.
>LGBT has nothing to do with /a/

Name ten non-shonenshit anime that don't have an LGBT character of some sort in them.
It's just become too much. I now twitch every time I hear the word "privilege" in public
pick 1 you ill fuck. /a/ never liked faggots talking about their shitty IRL bloghsit about "muh parents disowned me" and other disgusting faggot shit.
>>45834 (OP)

Not from /a/, fuck off retard.
It deals with more than just lesbianism. Pretty much every character in that anime is either gay or bisexual.
so how many of you want cocks in your butt
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/pol/ leftist here. I don't hate everything in the world.

Also, I'll stand with /lgbt/ as well.
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You mean you're a normalfag scum that's out of place

World domination is imminent.
/co/ here, let me give you faggots some advice. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to harm you.
You are a fucking retard and didn't understand the show. Faggots are so retarded that they can't understand UTENA i see.
>Everyone from /pol/ is an oldfag

Nope/ /pol/ was one of my main boards during the election, and I still pop in anytime a big story is happening (like the CPAC or Dorner), and I only started going to 4chan in 2011. [spoiler]Sorry.[/spoiler]
You started this, /pol/

That's a fair point I guess

But then the same can be said for everything else

Because 2D > 3D
Every single time
Tell me what the LGBT movement has to do with anime? Nothing.

2D and 3D are not the same thing, you dumb fuck. You can be a homosexual, bisexual transgender gender-solid sublimating to gender-gas genderqueer faggot all you want. It has nothing to do with 2D.

I hope you keep your blogshit away from /a/, but I have suspicions that you already blogshit, so whatever.
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I wouldn't browse /a/ if I didn't.
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Not really. If you wish to confront the horror that is modern-day realpolitik and corrupt economics, you must necessarily have a grim sense of humor.

Honestly, harboring and stoking righteous anger is fun and productive. I've had more productive output in the last two years than I've had in my entire life. And it's all because I'm motivated to change the world.

In any case, have some more cute boys.
/pol/ rightisit here. I gope you get killed on the day of the Rope.

Nice activism bro. This kind of shit will get your shit board shut down fast.
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>delete /a/ and get rid of all the scum of 4chan
thats the most stupid post of the week
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>Tell me what the LGBT movement has to do with anime
>can't name ten anime that don't have LGBT characters in them

hmm... I wonder.
Anime is lower than the lowest gift giver
Please educate your low-IQ faggot brain.
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Domo arigato gozaimasu, amigo.

Lel, that armor sure helped him when his father slept with his favorite whore.
Do they champion being LGBT? No. Do they all walk around with flags representing their gender identity? No.

It's a non-issue in anime. Keep your real life shit out of /a/, you specious shitposter.
I don't like this board, it reminds me of /pol/ and I don't want real life shit on my chains.

I come here to escape reality after all.
LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.

Do I really have to explain this?
>/a/ hates real girls
>Goes to tranny board

This actually makes some sense
>LGBT in anime
>ever being taken seriously
Kill yourself
>/a/ poster posting on /lgbt/
>pot calling the kettle black

get your anime shit out of my gay board
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Let's all be friends. /mu/tant and /adv/isor here. This board, man. I can't tell who's a troll and who's serious, but that's probably because I'm dense.
>LGBT in anime
>ever being taken seriously

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>this thread
This is /lgbt/ not /pedo/.

Fuck off /a/utists.

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>>45834 (OP)
/v/ here, can you please tell the mods to stop deleting our pretend threads here?


We just want to be girls and play video games ;_;
Aoi Hana and Wandering Son would like to have a word with you.
No,no, you take them. LGBT posters and their gay blogshit aren't wanted on /a/. Enjoy them as much as i hate them.
>>45834 (OP)
/a/ you're a bunch of faggots, fucking kill yourselves.
>exactly the same as all of japan
you were saying?
Cute boys sounds nice
Speaking of cute boys I'll open up a new tab and go "meditate" now
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>pedos associating themselves with /lgbt/

trials going to fail

thanks /a/ssholes
It would be neat if Inio Asano wrote a manga about Trans-Genderism after he gets his surgery.
>always knew a was full of faggots, all that moe finally melted your brains huh?

Moe doesn't exist in the 3 dimensional form.
Obviously retards like you will browse it then.

Fanart doesn't count. Take off your yuri glasses faggot.
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Fuck, I hate when they add new boards and stuff.

I really hate when things change.

Maybe i'm autistic or something.
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Don't worry mate. I am happy this shit activist board will be taken down. Post more images /a/nons, we are taking them down from the inside.
>Not liking the greatest love story ever told.
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>Do they champion being LGBT?

Pretty much yeah. You obviously haven't watched much anime.
>Fanart doesn't count. Take off your yuri glasses faggot.

Implying Homura and Kyouko weren't complete raging lesbians.
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Any other /a/nons here who are straight, but just want to check out the new board?

I mean I have some fetishes (i.e. femdom), but I never got into the trap thing.

Maybe there's others like me?

Also, I generally despise /pol/, so I want to defend this board from them.
Madoka isn't LGBT. Do you think Uroboshit wrote it with a LGBT agenda? No. The characters don't even display any outright homosexuality. Very few characters in anime do. It's merely fanservice, like when you have female Japanese wrestlers licking and groping each other for the entertainment of the male audience.

Please, keep them. I hope they stay here and whine about gender priileges and whatever the fuck else you pseudo-activists like to talk about.
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Oh, I'll post more images all right. Just not the type you are thinking of.
>implying he likes you mentally ill fuckers
>implying he won't be writing glorious hetero harems for all eternity.
troll detected
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That's not true
For example, take a look at this cat here
Very moe
>Onii-chan, let's play!
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Are you calling Nichibros moeshit?
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After you.
Evil dyke bitch pls

Cis white straight male here. Was hoping to encounter some feminazi scum on this board attempting to get people to check their privilege, but so far, I've seen none beyond 2 comments that seemed to be more like trolls than anything.
>Do you think Uroboshit wrote it with a LGBT agenda?

Considering he took a very pro-gay stance after Madoka, I believe he did.
>Any other /a/nons here who are straight, but just want to check out the new board?
Me. But then I see people like the OP who believes he can speak for the entire board and I can do nothing but whole-heartedly disagree with every fibre of my being. To think he represents thousands of us is a gross exaggeration of how he sees himself in terms of influence on /a/. If I was kinomod, I'd ban him from /a/, for life.
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Straight /a/non here. I have a couple of gay bros and a trans sister, so I have some of myself invested in this board.
You obviously didn't watch the end of Steins. Noone is Japan cares about you soulless faggs. They just see you as a joke and fap material.
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You obviously haven't watched Utena.
>Holding Hands

Too lewd for me.
See? /pol/ was wrong.
>female Japanese wrestlers licking and groping each other
Where can I watch this?
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>/a/nons here who are straight
Boku no Pico

No they don't
It's mostly fanservice, not about any social issue

Basically 2D is a perfect world where shit like social justice and cheating whores and feminists don't exist, and all gays are pretty cute traps and women are either hot long legged beauties or cute flat chested loli like perfection

So while I do agree that /a/ and /lgbt/ should get along, this is not an invitation to try and use anime or my fucking 2D to push your agenda. That's shit tumblr does
And you don't want to be tumblr

Because they I'm gonna have to start agreeing with /pol/
that fucking feminazi and the toddlerslut can go in a fire
Teamed up with Fukami Makoto to write PSYCHO-PASS afterwards too. Fukami looooves lesbians.
you sound like the absolute worst kind of /a/ posted, the type that genuinely thinks shonen means naruto, bleach and one piece.

fucking Prunus Girl is shonen.
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This. I can't stand this faggot talking from the name of the whole baord. Atleast i know, now when i see gay shit on /a/ it will be saged and redirected here.
Lesbians wearing suits.
Gotta love it.
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There's no licking in this one. But there is one where Kana starts to undress her opponent and licks her from neck to face, like a rapist in any anime
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Utena is widely regarded as the deepest anime ever made (even /lit/ agrees) and it has major LGBT themes.

Y'know what's funny? I never even go to /pol/. Usually just /b/, but on nothing more than a whim I go onto /pol/ and see a thread about the feminazis taking over /lgbt/, and left for here straight away.

I'm disappoint. Where's the conflict I was promised? :(
You obviously watched only the movie. If anything Utena showed that same-sex shit doesn't win. Leave your LGBT glasses next time.
Gay /a/non here, I kind of like this board so far, but I don't like how OP is speaking for all of us.

I also hope that just because someone is posting 2D trap stuff on /a/ it won't get shitposted to oblivion with >>>/lgbt/
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All in /pol/'s head
Like most things /pol/ talks about

No it doesn't, you stupid fuck

Nor is it "deep", you pedantic and tryhard faggot

I bet you think Evangelion is a masterpiece too

Back to tumblr with you
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Honestly, whoever is trying to start the interboard war between /pol/ and /lgbt/ is more of a faggot than both combined.

As long as /pol/ isn't censored, there is nothing to get up in arms about. This idea of a foothold or whatever nonsense about SRS is fucking retarded.

I seriously leave /pol/ for three months and all of a sudden, it's this SRS nonsense. I honestly think the real forum sliders are the people posting the SRS shit.

How I long for the days when I could have a decent economics thread about the currency wars between nations and not have the front page be flooded with shit rebbit says.
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Stop samefagging please. You are so fucing wrong on all cases it hurts.

It will i make sure of that. You faggots got your board, now it's the time to deal with it. No more " but i want to talk about[insert non-/a/ related subject] with /a/] ever.
/x/ here, just wanted to find out whether or not there are skeletons that live in closets. I figured you guys would know since most of you came out of one.

This board would be considerably better with more moderation and possibly required authentication/UN stuff. Otherwise it's just troll food thanks to ignorant CISmen.
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Wait... are you actually saying Utena doesn't have LGBT themes?

You seem to suffer from a new level of retardation yet undiscovered by scientists.
I will forever and always hate you /lgbt/ because I didn't get my history board
>but i want to talk about[insert non-/a/ related subject] with /a/] ever.
I hate it when people do that. Like when a thread opens with.

>I sucked my friend's cock the other day, /a/? Do you think this anime pic makes my 3D homosexual blogshit thread relevant to /a/?
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>I figured you guys would know since most of you came out of one.
>Utena is widely regarded as the deepest anime ever made (even /lit/ agrees)
I'm not saying Utena isn't good but anime fans are some of the least-intellectual, most close-minded people on earth. anime generally isn't mainstream so you have very few actual critics discussing it on any remotely intellectual and well-informed level. and people who are primarily 'anime fans' are ignorant as all hell.
/v/ here. I came here to see cute lesbians.
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I bet you're one of those faggots who thinks liking Boku no Pico is a joke, too.

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This. It's hard being a leftist when your position is constantly strawmanned.

Such is life on /pol/
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I'm checking it out, never expected to see this fucking thread. I'm impressed, /a/.

I hope I don't see feminist or idealist bullshit from tumblr here, tho
Anyone know some good anime that have gay characters, and by gay I mean two men not two grills.
It shunned those shitty themes in the end. Remember who got Utenas virginity.

If it does, so does Madoka or Evangelion
Pro tip, it's all fanservice

They're good characters mind you, but there is no agenda in their characterization

Heck, if there were, they probably wouldn't be has good as they are
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[spoiler]Is it time?
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Here ya go.
Boku no Pico
>It shunned those shitty themes in the end. Remember who got Utenas virginity.

Note how in the end Anthy leaves her brother to be with Utena. Portrayed more explicitly in the movie.
I prefer older girls.
Oh yeah, I forgot I was asking /a/. I'll go look at the recommendation wikis or something, I guess.
Try Berserk if you want to see the messiest breakup ever.
Most /a//lit/ crossposters (more intellectual than the average /a/non for obvious reasons) say that Utena is the only anime that even comes close to being on the level of literature.
Boku no pico
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>/a/ here

And why do you faggots keep wanking Utena? It was shit.
Confirmed for never having actually seen Utena.
>i didn't get the end of the TV series
There was no Utena at the end. This board is full of idiots i see.
I'll check it out, thanks.
/sci/ is the only remotely 'intellectual' board on 4chan and even then, it's filled with children asking for help with their homework.
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Son I watched Utena before you were out of your father's ballsack
What the deuce did you just utter, you uncouth plebeian? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Cambridge English Literature, been involved in numerous 17th century book analyses, and I have over 300 confirmed interpretations of Ulysess' first page. I am trained in critical reading and and am the top critic in the entire USA literati. You are nothing to me but just another pretentious teenager. I will criticise your shitty poems and prose with intellectual wit and fury that hasn't been seen since Oscar Wilde. You think you can escape retribution because you're using a medium devoid of culture? Think again, pleb. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of librarians across the USA and your library ID is being traced right now so you should prepare for the revenge, you filthy urchin. The revenge that will remove all the trash manga and graphic novels from your library. You're banished to /b/, serf. I can read any language, anytime, and I can theorise over seven hundred philosophical reasons for the meaning of life, and that's just when I assume there is no God. Not only am I erudite and well read, but I have access to all shelves of the United States Library of Congress and I will use it to its full extent to clean the academic community of your exrecable presence, you little philistine. If you only you had the critical thinking skills to know what vengeance your rejoinder would render upon you, perhaps you would have stayed clandestine. But you failed, you floundered, and now you're going to face my fury, you feckless, fustian fool. I will logically destroy you and you will beg for mercy. You're pulp now, lout.
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Nah, you probably just suck at debate. It's easy to deal with strawman arguments. Just reaffirm your position and take a more nuanced approach. Argue using more data than your opponent. In the end, you will come off as more convincing to the audience.

Also, why are catboys so cute?
>implying it's not /pol/
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>Any other /a/nons here who are straight, but just want to check out the new board?
I guess I could say I'm 'mostly straight' with exceptions. generally I don't have sexual thoughts about guys at all but there >are< guys I find attractive and a guy I now have a dumb crush on. maybe it could count as genuinely bisexual, maybe not, I dunno.

I think this board could be great if it attracted sane people and bad if it attracted the type of people that stormed Something Awful to such an extent that the mods were specifically forced to make a specific rule saying "stop making bullshit social justice derailments" in the freaking video game board (met with whining of course). 4chan often brings forth the worst in everyone and it could easily bring in the worst of the gay community (/u/ is already chock full of those people I mentioned). on the other hand, the more self-aware and cynical nature of the site could also mean that the great majority of the LGBT posters here aren't going to be like that.
Ara ara, why would you want an old girl like me?

I don't have any older lesbians. Sorry.
Boku no Pico is a gay anime you dumbfuck. I was being serious.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Hey /a/ what anime should I watch
simply reading books doesn't make you intellectual or smart, reading good books and understanding them does
>gay characters in anime/manga
>not there for comic relief or to be hated on
I agree in principle, but there's no damn point in bringing up data and shit when your opponent will just say "NUH-UH THAT ISN'T TRUE!" no matter how many scientific journals one cites.
Boku no pico.
>I graduated top of my class in Cambridge English Literature, been involved in numerous
Nobody gives a shit about your bastardisation of /jp/'s Navy SEAL kopipe and English Lit at Cambs does not break you down into quartiles or rank. You get a first and that's all you need. The only course where ranking is relevant is Medicine because you need to be in the top 25% to qualify for a decent job.

That kopipe fucking sucks, just as expected of anti-intellectuals from /lit/.

My sides

B-b-b-but muh Dan Brown
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>comment with a leftist viewpoint
>get 2-3 "GB2 REBBIT, JIDF, SRS PLS" responses
>get 1 "fucking liberal degenerate" etc. response
>MAYBE 1 serious response from a right-winger

It just gets annoying after awhile.
You have no idea how wrong you are. Go watch it, you dumbfuck.
It's a gay porn anime
Takako Shimura is really a great LGBT author. Hourou Musuko and Aoi Hana are quite well written for manga in that genre.
That's why I referred to it as 'intellectual' and filled with kids needing homework to be done. Do you need me to put more singular quotation marks around it, like this? ''"""""""intellectual""""""""
>leftist that isn't NatSoc
>sane or knowing how to have a working economy
pick 1 faggot.
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>Strawberry Panic
>liking Dan Brown

Haha, nope.
Is that the doujin where they paint each other. Shit was soooooo good
Your board seems kawaii, /lgbt/. So much pure love everywhere.
Strawberry Panic is such masterful satire.
/a/ sucks dick so ya
The fact that you would refer to /sci/ as even being "remotely 'intellectual'" shows you don't understand what the word means.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Order of the Sword, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the demon hordes, and I have over 300 thousand confirmed kills. I am trained in cuhrazy warfare and I’m the top demon slayer in the entire Order of the Sword. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my demon hand. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the motherfucking Yamato and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I bet you can't even debate your points on /a/. Getting shut down in Magi and Yuusha threads bust an greater failure.
Who doesn't?

They are just magnificent and aesthetically lovely. They're tubular and smooth looking, with a great big pinkish-purple crown, fat juicy veins that travel up the trunk, and a big pair of hot tasty balls.

Ball and cock musk is absolutely intoxicating, and the feel of a nice hard cock, pulsing with blood in your hands, mouth or ass is wonderful.

They're just beautiful. The only thing wrong with them is they are not attached to pretty girls.
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It sure is fun arguing semantics, isn't it, /lit/?
I don't even comment in those thread.

Shit, at the moment the only anime-specific thread I'll go into is Tamako Market.
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Yes, I do agree /pol/ has been taken over by some /b/-tier retards of late. /pol/ is so much better when it's talking about a particular subject, otherwise it's just nonsense about muh vague jewish conspiracy.

Still, half of argumentation is knowing how to use rhetoric in conjunction with straight logic. You're not trying to convince your opponent-- you will never sway your opponent. Your goal is to convince a silent third party that your position is the most correct.
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/wg/, /x/, /b/, and /vr/ user here, it pisses me off at how all of the other boards have decided to be complete cunts to you lot, I approve of this board, greatly, and I have decided to make this short post to show my support.
Finally we can talk about wanting to suck dicks without all the normalfags getting butthurt.
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You're in the club with your girl when this man shows that your relationship is the result of pre-existing power structures. What do you do?

Keep in mind his results are ambiguous.

[ ] TOLD
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May as well ask in here.

Will /lgbt/ be having a 4chan cup team?
It's a good thing /pol/ brought back those threads from the dead with racism.
That'd be cool. What would their team logo design be?
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A sexy girl with a bulge.
Implying deleting boards would make all the members of that board disappear. They will spread to other boards. Also /a/ was the first board- delete that we have no more 4chan. Fucking newfag.
A penis with a vagina attached to it.
you wanted THE HAPPENING /pol/.

now you got it.
You could make all the other gay boards give up a player to help start the team out.

It's always happening. That's the joke.
>joined force
>implying /a/ hasn't always been the true gay board
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If threads on /lgbt/ can avoid becoming some kind of tumblr-activist-privilege conglomeration I'm all for it.
>what is /v/


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