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What's the point of gay pride parades?
Legitimate question.

Going around in your underwear with the text "fuckslut" on your chest will never be socially acceptable no matter how many parades you people have.

Is it just for the attention?
I'm sure it feels good to be part of a minority that gets a lot of positive attention for just being born different. Not that I would know.

It's to make straight white people mad.

None of us can believe how effective it's proven to be.
We already know this. Most gays hate them, and wish they would fuck off.
But most straight white people ignore it.
Sure, some college students go along to prove how tolerant they are to their peers.
But otherwise it's mostly ignored by the everyday man.
>>20391 (OP)


It will never be socially acceptable, everyone knows that.

it is however, really fun to pretend for a day, in a huge crowd of allies and friends.
They were needed to pretty much show the world there was an active gay presence.
The point was made a long time ago, they have outlived their purpose, the extremely vast majority wants them gone as they're just harmful now.
>>20391 (OP)
there is no point.

black people get pretty mad too, but we just laugh at it.

i donno about that, the parades are kinda fun, not gonna lie.



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