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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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What is /lgbt/'s opinion on asexuals?
No problem with the concept.

The community (mostly centered around AVEN) is utter shit though

> Confused teenagers
> No one wants to suggest that anyone might be anything other than asexual
> Faggot admod team that bans for little to no reason
I guess the trolls that say we don't exist must be asleep or something.

I think we're cool, but we haven't much to say except

>tfw romantic asexual and no gf
>come out stories
>explaining to people what we are

I ran out of topics.
Pretty much this.
Other then that the only time asexual gets brought up is usually when someone is trolling.
I'm >>191028 this guy

This is my new favourite board, but besides of fending off trolls, I mostly lurk. If someone has legit questions about how are asexuals, I usually answer, but it's getting quite repetitive.
What is /lgbt/'s opinion on video games?
What is /lgbt/'s opinion on next year's Ferrari models?
What is /lgbt/'s opinion on good Canadian hostels?
What is /lgbt/'s opinion on 4th Edition D&D?
What is /lgbt/'s opinion on hentai sites?

It's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender. Stop trying to force the off-topic posting constantly. There's no a in /lgbt/.
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>>190937 (OP)

Your sexuality is a lie.

It doesn't exist.

It's a falsehood created by those above you.

Wake up.
yeah pretty much. Anyone got any stories they wish to tell?
Same here. It is nice getting to chat with asexuals who are not the shitty AVEN variety.
I think they're just being unreasonable and stupid.

I especially hate when they're hot and attractive - You really have no right to deny others a chance. Really.

Ugly asexuals get a pass, because, well, ugly.
This could be said of all the others though
You do know there are some asexuals who are willling to have sex with others, right?
So self centered. Do you listen to yourself? It's like "Damn those hot gays, why they abandon us girls" or whatever variation fits you.

No, it can't be

asexuality removes a necessary part of relationships

your dicks/vags don't work right and you call it a sexuality

it's far from that

it is a disorder.

a disease.
>>190937 (OP)
It's not any more deviant or "unnatural" than L, G, or B
How do your parents deal with your asexuality?

Mine are always nagging me about how I will never bring grandchildren and how no woman will love me if I say I'm asexual. Or how everyone is going to think I'm gay. Or that I'm not getting jobs because of it ( I mean, have you seen someone get fired for being ace?)
>a necessary part of relationships
Like being able to have children?
No offense intending but fucking someone can be a pain in the ass especially when your asexual. I am sure some of us are willing for our partners enjoyment its just a lot of work. At least when you actually try your hardest if you don't screw you. I am asexual and even I have the decency to try to fuck someone properly even if I am not a fan.

Then why are they asexual?


Hey, I was being complimentary and maybe self-centered but to completely deny any gender funtimes when you're hot is wrong.
There should be a law.

I'm a bisexual female btw
My dick works fine.
>Then why are they asexual?
They still don't enjoy/desire sex, but they're willing to have sex if it makes their partner happy.
>implying we deny all sexy times.

Given that they're a loving partner and that it would satisfy them, I would have sex with my partner.

Asexuality is not about not doing it, it's about not being attracted to people.
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Told mom caught her off guard but once she thought about it made sense. Haven't had the courage to tell my dad he hints at grand-kids and being asexual tends to put a damper on that.

If your attractive AND asexual yeah tends to cause some problems. Am I aware of anyone being fired for it no.
>be asexual male
>waiting for the bus on the only chair
>girl comes by
>give her chair
>fall silent for a while
>she starts talking to me
>chat for a while
>bus arrives
>say goodbye
>tell friend about it
>tells me she was flirting with me
>tfw don't have any contact info

I hate that being asexual makes you so oblivious to this stuff.
I haven't told my parents because I don't feel the need to tell my parents.
Maybe it's just because I'm a girl or maybe it's because I don't feel the need to tell everyone I see that I'm asexual, but I've never had any problems because of the fact I'm asexual.

>Or that I'm not getting jobs because of it
Bullshit, and if you actually did get fired it was probably for constantly annoying your coworkers not because you were asexual.
My dad lost a little respect for me.

He thought I was literally too focused on school and science to be distracted by such physical nonsense. He thought I was strong to fight the distraction.

He also thought I cared more for the feelings than the looks and that I was a real gentleman. I still do that, but it's kind of a default mode for me.
I told them because they nagged me so much about getting a girlfriend.

>Hey son, did you see a cute girl today at school?
>I mean, your school has the prettiest ladies in the city!
>I don't care dad
>seriously? no one?
>can we change the subject?

Pretty much the daily routine.
That sucks. The worst I get from my parents usually comes from my mom. It goes to the tune of:
>I can't wait till you give me cute grandchildren
>When are you going to give me grandchildren
>I'm going to do this or that when you get married
>Grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren
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Ah I don't know even know what they would think. Their both really cold people. As for the women deal I regret being a stubborn moron when I was younger. Evidently I must of been doing something right still got women after me. I have yet to figure out a way to dissuade them(seriously holy crap are they stubborn).
>be 16
>be asexual male
>be attractive
>girls flirt with me all the time
>gay/bi guys flirt with me
>nope nope nope.jpg
>friends and everyone at school confused
>tfw everyone thinks your weird because you don't like either gender
I actually want a qt gf to cuddle with, teach me your ways!
>tfw you don't even realize if they flirt.

I have no idea if someone has ever flirted with me, aside of what other people say.

>more nopes on guys than females
>thinks he's asexual
I think some nopes are added because social stigma is nope nope.jpg
I made a guy who I thought of as just a friend cry recently.
>Turns out he thought we had been flirting for a while
>So he decides to ask me to date him
>When I told him I wasn't interested he started to break down
>Began demanding to know why I didn't like him/what he did wrong
>Try explaining that I'm asexual
>That just made him cry harder and assume there was something really wrong with himself

Made me feel really shitty.
Anon its a long story and a curse(I can't turn it OFF I swear) I also doubt your gonna be willing to do the shit I have done plus genes(rot in hell player ancestors). My friends never believed me when told them my stories I also warned them that I would rub off on them eventually. I could practically taste the tears when I got the message that I was right and he now believes me oh man that was good day.
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They're good for trolling /u/.
/u/ hates asexuals even more than bisexuals and transsexuals.
>Made me feel really shitty.
It should make you feel shitty to have such a dumb friend. I mean, breaking down over a rejection and demanding reasons? That's not cool.
Oh god, crying?
What is he, a little girl?

Don't feel shitty, that was really not your fault. The guy has issues. He should habe just been a little disappointed, not crying.
I know that feel which is why I keep quiet and went through a lot of trouble to appear straight(boy did that backfire on me).


Forgot to mention anon but... I am REALLY useless when it comes to dating getting laid on the other hand...yes I know its extremely ironic.
What kind of story does this to a man?
Yeah, I think not caring for sex is mistaken for confidence, which causes us to be desirable.
Look for the thread that talks about how many holes you fucked or dicks you had. I am the guy who pulled off fucking 3 daughters and their mother...repeatedly. That is only part of it.
Thats a part of it, for some reason I have found that it is a major turn on for a lot of people(specially when they don't know your asexual).
Maybe that explains it, because in all honesty I do not consider myself an attractive person.

No, bullshit. This is something I hate.

Being asexual does NOT MEAN that you are automatically socially oblivious to sexual advances, retard.
Maybe not automatically, but I tend to not realize because I'm not even paying attention to this kind of stuff becauseI'm not attracted.
If you're not "sexually attracted" but still get into relationships, you're not asexual.
No, you're a romantic asexual.
Asexuals are tumblr scum lol
There are also obnoxious gays on tumblr. We're getting away from the same people here, folks.
Asexualism is gay
I am opressed becsuse I don't have sex. waaaaaaash. invisible minority as fuck
Hey, I have some questions. I know that aces masturbate sometimes, but I'm confused as to when. Do you feel horny about nothing in particular? Do you just get a random boner and jerk off to make it go away? What if you're female? And is it just a chore, or do you enjoy it, just not very much?
For those of you who had sex, how does it feel, did you find it difficult to get hard/wet, and was it something you did solely to please your partner or was it also good on a level other than altruistic?

I'm not just being curious for the sake of curiosity, I am planning to write an asexual character and I'd like to make sure I do him justice.
With the only other sources of information are those AVEN and Tumblr people, there are chances of getting a more honest answer here.
I usually do it when I get random boners. Most of the time they are morning wood. I enjoy it, it's fun.

Asexuals can get horny too, but it's directed at nothing. It's just this uneasy feeling that you need to get off.

For the love of everything, don't write a Sheldon Cooper expy. He's the weirdest aromantic asexual I've yet to see in the media. Saying sex is unhygenic and icky is something a few, emphasis on the word few here, asexuals say.
I haven't had sex yet, but I would want to try it to see what's it like. For science.
how does /lgbt/, a community of sexual deviants, get so bothered by asexuals?
I'm not sure if I qualify as an asexual person but I do have sexual anhedonia.
Masturbation does feel like a chore and it can take a long time for me to ejaculate.
I have found that sound is more effective than visual stimulation for me, though that doesn't change the fact that I don't feel shit pre-, during or post-climax.
Due to general anhedonia, I have not pursued relationships of any kind so I can't comment with certainty about intercourse.
I find it hard to get off to the idea of intercourse with another person since I imagine the experience would feel like pistoning a metal bar through a brick wall.
Because we weren't as oppressed as them and
>mah victimz club!

Thank you. I assume that you haven't had sex with another person, right? How do you feel about the prospect?

And no, I don't like Big Bang Theory, worry not about it. I think that saying sex is icky and unhygienic is a sign of deeper issues rather than asexuality itself.

My character is rather sex-positive, which is why I need to know real aces' outlook on the stuff.
To know if you really are asexual, regardless of anhedonia, ask yourself this:
>Do I really get attracted to girls? Do I think they're hot? Have I ever thought they were hot?

Or in case you were gay replace girls with boys and ask yourslelf the same question.
I am attracted to the female body, so I guess I'm not asexual.
Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I'd like to pleasure my girlfriend, because the fact of her getting pleasured arouses me [in contrast with just getting aroused by her in general]. Also, to see what it's like

Are you suffering from anhedonia in general? This sounds more like a disorder than being asexual. Have you sought therapy?
You're welcome, I'm here to help.

I hate special snowflake attention whores in general. Asexuals are special snowflake attention whores.

Ah, thanks. And, if you don't mind another question, would you ever consider getting a hooker just to see what it's like, putting aside the issues of STDs/morality/money? Or do you suspect that if it wasn't with a person you cared about, sex would not be pleasureable?
I've been seeing an accomplished psychologist for almost a year now, taken all kinds of SSRIs but so far it hasn't really changed anything.
Says the special snowflake

I see, good to know you're not alone, at least. I wonder, how do you cope with everyday life?
Serious question, not trying to troll.

Can someone be Asexual do to a 2D complex? Only attracted to anime boys/girls & couldn't give a shit about the real thing.
welcome to /a/
>all this projection
I sleep.

I'm not the one flaunting my imaginary sexuality for anyone who will listen, desperately trying to explain why I'm forever alone.
I was just about to say STDs and money would stop me. Besides that most hookers look ugly and overused.

I guess physically speaking it would be pleasurable, just as rape is pleasurable too.

I wouldn't be too much into it, she would seem like a glorified fleshlight. I might do it to try it, but my motivation would be much lower, and I fear it might not get me as aroused. I'd probably think it was a stupid idea before I got to hire a hooker.

If I was completely rich and could get her to my place the instant I get horny, she would probably be a glorified masturbation.

Anyways, the moment I would get with one, I would spend more time analyzing her vagina than actually having sex.
>justifying your social ineptitude by labeling it as a sexuality

This is why nobody takes us seriously.
I guess so, yeah.
But I'm not socially inept when it comes to friends. Or maybe I am, aside from being ace.
It's more like, before I knew it was a thing, I felt broken as a person. I thought I was the only one. The more people that know about it, the less people who will feel like they are broken for not liking anyone.
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Honestly I think most people who call themselves Asexuals are lying because they either want to be special snowflakes or have no clue how to talk to other people and are to intimidated to learn.

I have nothing wrong with them but I personally don't think they have any place on this board. This is a discussion of LGBT lifestyles it is not a place were Aces jerk each other off by validated how miserable they are because they arn't "normal" which most of their threads turn into.

Thanks guys, you've been very helpful.
There are also people who lie about being gay, lesbian or bi for attention.
Your point is?
We do exist, and people who lie about it will always also exist.
Honestly I think most people who call themselves Homosexuals are lying because they either want to be special snowflakes or have no clue how to talk to the opposite sex and are to intimidated to learn.

I have nothing wrong with them but I personally don't think they have any place on this board. This is a discussion of lifestyles it is not a place were Homos jerk each other off by validated how miserable they are because they arn't "normal" which most of their threads turn into.
I kind of agree we have not much to talk about, but so do all of you. Trans threads are always either drama or how to pass advice. Gay threads are mostly "how gay are you?" "gay marriage" or husbando threads. Lesbian threads I haven't gone to.

So you're a common aspie who found a trendy label to explain away why you can't interact with people.

Typical asexual.
Jesus fuck, I have friends you fucktard. I meant sexually.
>>190937 (OP)
Y'all niggas missing out.
>Not having a place on board that explicitly mentions homos

Seriously though Asexuals aren't anything. You don't want sex. Big deal, nobody cares.
>>190937 (OP)
>What is /lgbt/'s opinion on asexuals?
I don't like them. But then again, they don't like me either.
Trips confirm
>implying not wanting sex is related to asexuals

Asexuals aren't attracted to people. Wanting to have sex is a different thing altogether
Being attracted to people is wanting sex.
All this namefags
My only real relationship was with an asexual biromantic guy. When we were started seeing each other, he didn't know about asexuality though. It's not that he didn't like sex, just that it didn't arouse him; like he had no labido whatsoever. He knew knew how to flirt, was smart, probably 9/10. There was even a point when a supermodel sort of used him as her boytoy whenever she was in the country. He had been with plenty of people and could have pretty much anyone he wants; I very well might be the last person he ever dates though. Kind of a waste honestly, but after being with him, there is no doubt in my mind that asexuality is a legitimate thing. Its problems are very different from lgbt problems though. They're more likely to be fixed with therapy than with legislation.
No. I might want sex because of different reasons.

It's impossible to have sex without sexual attraction

So much trolling in this thread.

> No one wants to suggest that anyone might be anything other than asexual

this pisses me off, why are they so desperate to be called asexual?

Not denying that asexuals exist but when you start inventing ''gray-asexuality'' or ''demisexuality'' just so even more people can call themselves asexual it's going too far
>fix with therapy
Why would we need that? I hope you're not suggesting you're trying to turn us straight, that never works.

Libido is independent from asexuality. Asexuality is not being attracted to people.

Can someone be this dumb? What about rape? What about doing it just to try it?

>No. I might want sex because of different reasons.
>what about rape?
Sexuality is a spectrum. It should be the y axis on the kinsey scale. The z axis should be romantic attraction.
You can't rape the willing.
I meant the rapist.

And asexuality isn't even on the 'spectrum'. Autism is a spectrum too but you don't get people who are part-autistic and part-not autistic. You're either on the spectrum or not

>oh man I totally don't feel like fucking anyone today so I'll go and rape someone
Sorry, should have clarified. Therapy to cope with the fact that a satisfying relationship is extremely difficult to find for an asexual person, and to give an emotional outlet for other parts of a relationship outside of sex that an asexual person might still desire.
Sometimes it's just for power though.
Oh, i see.
I don't feel like I need therapy though. I just want a qt gf to cuddle with, i don't think that's so difficult to cope with.

Yeah you're right asexuals are capable of sexual intercourse because when they feel inadequate they rape someone
Says the autist.
I don't get how the romantic part works. So you only want to romance women or what?
I want a qt gf to cuddle with and go to the movies, and play vidya together and go on 4chan together.
Does it feel different when you kiss a guy to when you kiss a girl?
I don't know, haven't tried. Guys don't seem the kind to want to cuddle with me though, nor that inspire me to cuddle with them. Guys are bros for me.

There are homo romantic or biromantic guys out there who would disagree with me though

the ''sexual'' part in ''heterosexual'' and ''homosexual'' refers to the sex you are attracted to either romantically or sexually, not to the nature of the attraction. There is no ''heteroromantic'' or ''homoromantic''
>yfw there are homoromantic heterosexuals
>yfw there are heteroromantic homosexuals
>yfw there are aromantic heterosexuals
>yfw you're wrong

>>190937 (OP)
The only asexual I know is a functional psycho...
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

I don't have to, it's a fact

you keep telling yourself that your special snowflake labels which define perfectly ordinary and indistinguishable things are somewhat relevant
I only use them because they come in handy when talking about asexuals.

And asexuals are another special snowflake sexuality that doesn't actually exist. Like "pansexuals"
>gay person gets hate because he fucks other dudes
>straight person gets hate because he fucks too many women; doesn't settle down with one
>asexuals don't fuck anybody; still get hate

Asexuals get hate because they think the fact they don't fuck anyone is relevant, you guys are like vegans

>omnivores get hate because they eat meat
>vegetarians get hate because they don't eat meat and make a big deal out of it
>vegans don't eat food and somehow continue to live
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actually, assburgers is a mild form of autism. so um hyeah she can be trusted you idiot.
This is what "asexuals" actually believe.
Asexuals get hate because they make themselves out to be speshul snowflakes.

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If any movement should have a fist for it's symbol it's the asexual one.
I prefer the other fist symbol
Attention whores in denial.
>>190937 (OP)

Fuck 'em. Literally.
>>190937 (OP)
What's wrong with not wanting to have sex?
I am gay.

I am just indifferent with your sexuality.

lol at scummiest bis being butthurt over your sexuality.
I fell in love with an aromantic asexual.
It rustled my jimmies, it did.
This. Same goes for pansexuals, demisexuals, <insert Greek here>sexual.
I can understand asexuals and demisexuals, but I really don't get what a pansexual is.
They're attracted to both sexes as well as people who, I guess, can't be grouped into one sex or the other upon meeting them (like, someone with huge boobs and a beard or something).
You mean like androgynous people, or flat out hairy chested large breasted women with dicks


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