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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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What do things like cis, genderqueer/fluid/liquid/solid snake mean?

I can't find any sort of comprehensive guide, and I'm lost.

I have no issue with anybody no matter what they are or identify as, people are people as far as I'm concerned. I'd just like to understand the terminology.
cis = normal in terms of gender
genderqueer = anything that isn't male or female. Most people consider these special snowflakes.

solid snake and liquid snake are characters from metal gear solid.
Cis is the Latin word that means the opposite of trans and nothing else. Cisjordan for example is what we now call palestine and transjordan is jordan.
The Liquid Snake and Solid Snake are homosexual-exclusive sex positions.
There are...mixes of gender?

What about genderfluid? I've seen that a few places.

Shit, I'm way out of the loop.

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I am curious.. if you have a transexual male.. as in a male that is taking the motions in becoming a woman.. how do they date? Do they date men or women? Its all so confusing for me. I am a straight male but I was always curious about how transexuals date. So does a "shemale" date men? and if so do they like reveal themselves to be men? or do the keep it a secret? Like what is the protocol for a transexual dealing with someone romantically who doesn't know their true identity.

Its all so fucking confusing!

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What's the point of gay pride parades?
Legitimate question.

Going around in your underwear with the text "fuckslut" on your chest will never be socially acceptable no matter how many parades you people have.

Is it just for the attention?
I'm sure it feels good to be part of a minority that gets a lot of positive attention for just being born different. Not that I would know.

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But most straight white people ignore it.
Sure, some college students go along to prove how tolerant they are to their peers.
But otherwise it's mostly ignored by the everyday man.
>>20391 (OP)


It will never be socially acceptable, everyone knows that.

it is however, really fun to pretend for a day, in a huge crowd of allies and friends.
They were needed to pretty much show the world there was an active gay presence.
The point was made a long time ago, they have outlived their purpose, the extremely vast majority wants them gone as they're just harmful now.
>>20391 (OP)
there is no point.

black people get pretty mad too, but we just laugh at it.

i donno about that, the parades are kinda fun, not gonna lie.


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Tell me more about how homosexuality is not a mental disorder.
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it is a mental disorder /thread

>mfw gays are exterminated in our lifetime

go home
you're drunk

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jews are a money whores

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What is the most LGBTQ friendly gaming system/company? You know my vooooooote
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>I think Persona 4 is a lot more accessible to mainstream gamers compared to other Megaten games

If you have a Vita then you have access to all the Persona games. I'm pretty sure there's some other SMT titles on there as well. DDS and Devil Summoney are the ones that are harder to access.
Nope, it starts with an M but I don't really socialize outside of 4chan so I doubt anyone on here would know me.

I'll have to try it out too. I might be able to stand the gameplay, I played Chaos Wars just because it had a lot of videogame characters I liked in it. I could probably take on anything after that...
That's so different Senator Portmen cares for his son and wants him to be happy. EA doesn't care about us they just are using us as a means to an end.
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Drakengard has one of the best protagonists in a rpg ever.
Caim is how you make a main character that is a total murdering sociopath and at the same time doesn't come off as edgy or tryhard, but genuinely unsettling.
Just saying, El Shaddai is one of my most favourite DMC-style hack and slash games. Not because of the actual gameplay, that's pretty middle-of-the-road, but how everything comes together. Were it just the base components on its own, I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much, but it really is a game that's greater than the sum of its parts.

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This board will open the floodgates to Tumblr and leddit, we'll see you gender confused coming from here then spreading to other boards, soon rage comics and other things will become acceptable
Well done moot, this is the final nail in the coffin
everyone who knows moot agrees that he is incompetent

plus he's raising a kid now which is like an automatic -10 to INT

jesus this site sucks now, but i have nowhere to go
The report button exists, you know.
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You could have stopped this.

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Is it possible to become gay by being so lonely?

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So I have had an account on FetLife for a year or so. Everyone on there was just looking for a quick fuck but for some reason I stuck around.

Anyway, a new person showed up right in my own city and they are MtF. I messaged them and we chatted a bit and seemed to hit it off, I even got her number. I wasn't actively looking for a MtF but that's not to say I wouldn't jump on the opportunity in a second.

Texted a bit and she wants me to go clothes shopping with her. She says she wants me to come along to make her more confident about being out buying women clothes. She is at the stage of passing 90% of the time. Haven't met in person yet or swapped pictures, seen body but not face. (and a nice body it is)

Is it safe to assume they want to be referred to as female? Should I avoid gender labels like male, female, him, her?

I figured out the obvious on my own, its how I got this far, about them being a person and not an object.

Sex hasn't been brought up yet, how do I do so without looking like a tranny chaser/someone only interested in sex? I'd quite like a relationship but sex is important and, for lack of better words, don't want to be wasting my time if they aren't interested.

Well, long story short. Any advice for a relationship with a MtF?
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Best option is to ask. It might seem awkward, but it's better to ask and show you want to be respectful rather than guess and possibly make a mistake. I would assume that female pronouns will be preferred, but better safe than sorry.

As for sex I would imagine you can approach it somewhat like any other relationship. Everyone has different feelings on it no matter gender ID or sexuality. Good luck OP, hope you have a nice first date.
>>20537 (OP)

use female pronouns and commit to have a loooong and intimate discussion.

every person is different, and transitioning is a wonderful and difficult path. offer support and ask polite questions.
Treat her just like you would a genetic girl down to the last detail She will love you for it.

also, do your research a head of time, It really sucks having to be a educator to everyone you meet./
Met my boyfriend who's FtM on fetlife OP. Best I can tell you is just ask. Although if she's as indecisive as my boyfriend was it can get odd.
OP HERE: I'm pretty much assuming they would wan to be referred to as female because at this point they appear female. However maybe they would still like to avoid such gender terms or some shit?

So how do I bring up sex? This will be my first relationship...

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Cis Scum reporting in, why is it considered offensive to say that the LGBT lifestyle is a choice? I believe in the doctrine of free will and to me the idea that something as fundamental an aspect to your personality as your sexuality being nothing more than random chance as opposed to your own personal decision is incredibly offensive and unacceptable to me.

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Hey /lgbt/, I've had discussions with lots of gays before and all of them can't fathom that my beliefs are different than theres. I don't care if people wanna have sex outside of societal norms, but why are people so offended if you suggest being gay/trans/what have you can be a mental illness or disorder or such? I feel the PC shit is stifling our ability to understand it. What's your opinion?
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*when acted upon they're damaging their physical and mental health.
You interpret negative consequences of homosexuality, but not only are these incorrect, something's consequences have no bearing on whether or not it is a mental disorder.
It causes harm to noone, doesn't impede on one's ability to function in a modern human society, and, in some cases, is found within history and within other animals in their natural societies.

Also, breeding has nothing to do with mental illness.
You're implying that it's a disease because it's irrational, when there's nothing rational about humans.

By your definition anything that detracts from breeding or advancement of technologyis a disease. War, bowling, television, video games, religion...
>By your definition anything that detracts from breeding or advancement of technologyis a disease. War, bowling, television, video games, religion...

None of those directly impact your ability to reproduce. Being gay does.

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Aw shit nigga.

I proclaim this board to be the home for anti-lgbt trolls and worst enemy of /pol/.

This is going to be fun.
>implying /pol/ isn't full of transsexual gay jews nigger nazis.

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What the hell is the point of this board?

We tumblr now?
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It's meant to be a hugbox for gays
That was my first thought. But honestly, it's whatever, 4chan has always been about the "niche" community in general. Maybe we'll attract the sane homosexuals/trans/feminists actually fighting for equality rather than the tumblrcore-hyperdyke-manhating-sociopaths that want to destroy the "patriarchy".
It's a place for trolls to troll troll trolls, and trolls troll other trolls, therefore trolls trolling being trolled
No clearly this is a board for lgbt people to be, and be berated by the rest of 4chan for who they are. Its a drama furnace, and troll spawning pit.
Great wishful thinking. Let me kindly point out what will actually happen
>omg im gay and i hate all other sexual minorities kill urselvs faggets

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so is this where i go to check my privilege for being ok with having a dick and liking women?

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so, lgbt, why no "s" in that acronym?
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/gs/ - gender and sexuality
if you want a straight-oriented board, allow me to direct you to 4chan.org
me? i don't want any board. just discussing inconsistency with tolerance groups
Sounds good. Maybe they'd stop deleting the chronosex threads then.
Homesexually used to be considered a philia. Just cause someone's an ephebophile doesn't mean there's something wrong with them.
I suppose there are, yeah. But if a large percentage of the "opposing" group doesn't exactly want to ingratiate themselves with the of "my" group, it's on their part to fix their shit.


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