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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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Board was a failure
Tolerance on 4chan.

Well, it was a nice thought.
Give it time, the bigots will get bored eventually.

I doubt it, fags are the easiest to troll.

Anti gays have been trolling you for centuries, what makes you think they will give up now?

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Let us have a serious discussion here.

Do any gay people feel this way?
Not sure if he realizes it, but in a way, he is just segregating the gay people away from other boards. He is determining that somehow they (we) are different. I guess he thinks they (we) need their (our) own hub for some reason. That they (we) deserve special treatment.

You could concentrate on the people who just simply hate gay people and just assume everybody that is not a fan of the idea must certainly hate gay people.

It reminds me of people who treat a person they see with a handicap differently, even if in a positive way, They don't realize that treating them different is still treating them different no matter if it is something that appears to be positive or negative. Sometimes even something that appears to be positive can have negative consequences on a person's psyche.

It is just with this mindset that we might as well start making other boards. .May I suggest:

>hispanic and latin board /his/
>black and african board /nig/
>asian board /azn/
>foot fetish board /toe/
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Not sure you visit /v/, but if you do, you should know half the threads turn into gay/trap discussion. That being said, I agree. I'm not gay myself, but if I was I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to browse a board about "gay".

Not that it will change, but at least hopefully it'll absorb some of this intrusive bullshit.
It's not segregation when lgbt people are still welcome on other boards.
Because there's actually stuff to discuss about being lgbt.
For example?
Your privilege and how often it should be checked.

[spoiler]Ok seriously now, I guess there are a few subjects, but nothing that, in my opinion, warrants an entire board.[/spoiler]

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How does it feel when /b/ is infinitely more accepting towards LGBT people than any of you

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Why so much trans hate?.

I'm bi and I have no problem with trans people.. so they want to be the little girl? whats so wrong with that.

Can't we just accept them for who they are. I mean, some of them are pretty cute.

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Too many complaints about radical feminists on this board already when there has been little to no issues with feminism and gay rights. As a matter of fact, one usually supports the other. No. It's propaganda.

You mean to tell me that the people who kill and abuse people for being gay are all radical feminists? give me a motherfucking break. Radical feminism has never been a big problem within the gay community, nowhere NEAR AS MUCH AS SOCIALLY CONSERVATIVE straight people.

Stop it with your "Radfems are to blame for everything, feminism is the devil, women are always trying to gain power over men etc." shut up, argue on your own boards away from 4chan.
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No, that isn't the point of the government. The point of the government is to punish rights violators.

Moreover, no, that's bullshit as well. The idea that somehow low-income people should be provided with birth control so it's 'fair' and 'equitable' is horrible, just like all welfare systems, because they inherently reach a point where it becomes profitable and beneficial to NOT attempt to get out of your welfare scenario.
>>19429 (OP)
lol who says that.....see you took a few women studies classes and they pumped that crap into your brain like a goose being pumped full of corn for fois gras, here's what men really, really think, Sandwhich's and procreation.
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*facepalms* T-that's literally not true in any s-sense of the word. There is no point at w-which it becomes profitable or beneficial to "not attempt to get out"; everyone would get birth control, dumbass. It'd b-be free. There'd b-be no leeching because everyone could use it.

Welfare does n-not always have saddle points. Maybe try actually looking into economics and game theory.
The problem is then you hand over an industry to the government, and you deincentivize research into that avenue because you can't make a profit from it.

Birth control is not a right, it's a product,

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Musik thread!

Hard mode: No Gaga, Katy, Rihanna, Beyonce, etc.
To start: always been partial to Bjork and Patti Smith. Love love love their music.

I also listen to str8rock and alternative.

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What if moot made this bored just to permaban everyone who posted in it and the other boards like vr are just there to make it look convincing

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Heterosexual male here.

My girlfriend was brought up Greek Orthodox, became an Anglican in her teens and is very against gay marriage, not actively, but it has been the cause of several arguments over the course of our relationship.

She insists she has no problem with gays, lesbians and bisexuals, but maintains that she's against them getting married.

I believe the best way to help her see another perspective would be to introduce her to the concept of introspection, the challenge of her beliefs, through another approach, but I do not have the skills nor training to do so.

What are other ways to help her realise the damage she does?
This isn't just to help myself. No doubt many people are in a similar situation and hopefully this thread will help them too.

Butthurt need not apply, let's be objective.
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Look like >>21298 ain't coming back.
My tripcode is #Sß7XLxD{
I now have all the information I need to find you and convince you to change your opinion of a few touchy subjects, like torture and murder.
See ya soon.
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best of luck.
you sound a lot like those self-important douches that say OH I'M AN ALLY TO THE LGBT MOVEMENT while forcing agendas on people to appear to be more right than others

you're not helping anyone marry anyone by fighting your girlfriend. you're being an annoying shit
I swung back momentarily to see if keyboard warrior had any more shitty scare tactics for me to laugh at.
>to appear to be more right than others
I'm not whatever arrogant, pretentious, hipster douchebag you may have in mind.
Also, try working on your articulation.

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You can discuss literally anything on /lgbt/.

Why? Because the OP is always a faggot; therefore, it is oppression if you delete his thread.

Now that that's out of the way, let's discuss pandas.

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This board hasn't even been around for 12 hours, and already it deserves to die

Who the hell though that this was a good idea?

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Hey LGBT people, I'd like to ask how you feel about... Restrooms! Water Closets, Toilets, whatever you wanna call it.

I'm CIS scum myself but I'm curious about how LGBT people feel about that

From what I know, the sex division was created to give women privacy (I think most men wouldn't give 2 fucks about sharing the toilet with women)

So what you think would be reasonable? Having a 3rd toilet for trans? Post-op going in the restroom for their new gender? Lesbians going in the male restroom?

I apologize in advance for using terms incorrectly
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Yeah, fuck giving people the same privacy you enjoy! Monehs!
Non-gender-specific restrooms don't seem like they'd be as much of a problem as religious cuntbags make them out to be. As much as they want to spout that all LGBT people are rapists or murderers, they're just projecting. People want to go in, take a shit, wash their hands and leave just like everybody else.

And the "think of the children" people don't seem to realize that there could just as easily be a fucking kidnapper or predator or whatever the fuck in the same restroom as it stands NOW, much less if in a larger restroom with multiple genders accepted where likely more people would be around to stop it.
Lesbian here
I don't give a fuck about sharing a bathroom with women, because fuck, it's just a bathroom. I prefer going in an empty or a full, noisy bathroom though because I have a hard time going if people can hear me clearly, man or woman.

But I do admit I'm a shy virgin that couldn't share a bathroom with someone I'm attracted to. Hearing them or them hearing me would be too embarrassing, especially considering I have a bit of a piss fetish. And god forbid they come in while I'm shitting, or I'm made aware of their shitting.

Luckily I'm not attracted to any of the girls that share the bathroom I use in my dorm. The girl I like lives on the far end of the hall and uses the bathroom on that end. If she used the bathroom I use I'd probably just walk to the school (which is connected to our dorm) and use the bathroom there.

...One time I was hit with the runs near the end of lunchtime, and as a result was late for a lab. Attendance is mandatory at this school so the girl I like came to fetch me. My room is right across from the bathroom so I heard her knocking on my door. Luckily I was done by then so I flushed and got out. Oh god I was embarrassed, I hope she just thought I took a nap and slept in like usual and was just going pee before I went to class.

If it was ANY of the other girls that came to get me I wouldn't of gave a fuck, I would've even told them what happened.

But she's just so nice and caring and is always looking out for me and oh gosh I love her
>>17789 (OP)
>Lesbians going in the male restroom?

Oh god and what about gay men? They could like catch a glimpse of your dick while you're pissing and god knows what would happen
>I apologize in advance for using terms incorrectly
Stop enabling

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Daily reminder that wanting to be something ie "Identifying" is not the same as being mentally ill or a freak of nature
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>shit isn't a black-and-white deal you fucking mongoloid faggot. . You can't answer this with a yes or no,

except it is, and no amount of emotional bantering will change that

>because many elements of gender ARE a social construct and many elements of it ARE NOT.

What's it with you teenage girls EMPHASISING your text like this? Is it because nobody except your friends listens to your "I'm something because I identify as it" bullshit so you have to shout?
I don't believe that people can actually identify as animals or any kind of "otherkin" shit.

You're either a man or a woman, fact. And you either like men, women or none. Any other variation is just people trying way too hard to be special snowflakes
I identify as a moot who identifies as a little girl.
>Any other variation is just people trying way too hard to be special snowflakes
99% correct, the people who fall outside the gender spectrum and aren't special snowflakes are too rare to be considered their own gender.
Alright, sex and gender are established scientific constructs and not arbitrary social ones.

So, whoop dee fucking doo? That doesn't mean beating up gay kids at your high school makes you cool, or that a man isn't 100% within his rights to wear pretty dresses if he wants. Neither petty semantics over the definitions of words nor your abnormal anger towards things that don't affect you get to trump other people's civil rights. deal w/it nerd.

That being said, "cisgender" "genderfluid" "demisexual" and all those words we hear thrown around on tumblr are stupid as shit.

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Preferences thread?

>Bi, fantasies of being forcibly turned into a girl.
>but also have bdsm fantasies and submissive women
>against abortion
>everyone can marry what they want
>anti-thiest athiest
>against new age feminism
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>against abortion

you have no right to decide what women do with their bodies you bigoted turd
>muh body
And I guess the fetus is part of your body too.
I have fantasies of being raped by men a lot. I'm a normal guy just hella submissive

Women's bodies are the natural property of the patriachy.
Not there bodies.

On serious cases its ok.

I also believe that if I had any political power then I would legalize or illegalize whatever the majority of citizens believed regardless of personal opinion.

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Hello, straight male right-libertarian /pol/ regular here.

What's up with this board? Are there any actual homos, dykes, etc posting here? If so, what brings you here? Any relation with the SRS brouhaha? Any opinion on those matters?
>>21183 (OP)
>Any relation with the SRS brouhaha?

You realize this never happened, right? It was just butthurt reddtors doing a falseflag to stir up drama, because they think TEH ANONYMOUS would be able to get srs banned from reddt

I've heard it was a false flag to get /pol/ deleted. I'm trying to find out more.

All I know is that the actual SRS never did anything. They're too busy wacking each other off on reddt to bother with other websites
Whatever it was, /pol/ made it worse by actually giving them attention.
It doesn't have anything to do with the recent SRS raiding of /pol/ imo. There seemed to be a lot of LGBT craziness of 4chan generally to warrant the creation of a board I guess.


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