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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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Is this board going to be constantly defending the existence of homosexuality and transgender in every single thread all the time? It is getting a bit ridiculous. We should just be able to discuss being gay or trans without armchair retards who don't believe in facts spewing bullshit. I get it guys, you don't like straw Feminists, straw gay people or straw transgender people. Go bash them in /pol/, not here.
>>22258 (OP)
>Is this board going to be constantly defending the existence of homosexuality and transgender in every single thread all the time?
Is there any other point to the LGBT movement?
Just give it time. We'll need a lot more janitors and active mods before this will settle down. I'll keep reporting trolls though.
You can fucking thank /pol/ for that.
"I don't have to put up with your bullshit anymore than you have to put up with mine"
-Sane people
Yeah, I'm doing my best. I hope we get some good mods and janitors, hopefully some that are actually trans and gay

I know.

Also, screw you for bringing the Yakumo household into this.

I can only imagine what that must be like.
I'm not talking about being nasty, I'm saying we shouldn't have every discussion derailed by idiots who think homosexuality and transgender isn't real.
Yes, all must bow to your perception of reality.

I don't know, I'd like to talk to some other trans people maybe...but it's just arguments with the same people over and over, "trans are mentally ill who should be killed" "trans are mentally ill who should be killed" "trans are mentally ill who should be killed" yadda yadda, yawn yawn, blah blah blah

It's so boring
Thank you for bringing up these issues. On that note, this board could use some reasonable editing. I have made a first change on the definition of straw feminism.

A straw-feminist is a made-up version of a feminist that doesn't really exist, used in straw man arguments against feminist ideas.
Straw feminists:

hate men
think all men are rapists
are Angry feminist mobs
These are mis-representations of most feminist viewpoints, and bringing them up in a discussion is an attempt at Derailment.

A straw-feminist is a woman who hate's men, think's all men are rapists, are Angry feminist mobs, etc. These are common viewpoints of the average feminine "activist", commonly brought up in their pointless rants.

On the contrary, many true feminists realize that being a woman is what is important, and simply want everyone to get along. These women usually take a more reasonable approach, leading by example, rather than spreading hate.


Also, gay rights are obviously far more important than woman's rights today, anyways.
The trolling is literally non-stop. Just fucking look at /q/; everyone's bitching about this board non-stop. Why the fuck do these people care?

This satarical page could use some uplifting from a reasonable viewpoint, if someone has the time. Note there are 800+ pages we need to go through.
>Lumping homosexuality with trans

As a gay man, I'm offended.
Pretending something doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Tumblr is not a giant pit of satire. They actually mean all the bullshit they rant about.
It's a new board. The trolls always flood new boards like this.

Most of them will get board eventually; some will stay. Just ignore them.
I have no idea. People are so mad.
Eventually the absurd influx of idiots will stop and they will begin leaving. Until that time, patience is required.

All "controversial" boards go through this, but this one might take a bit more time.
>All "controversial" boards go through this, but this one might take a bit more time.

You underestimate the determination of /pol/.
Based on the number of troll threads being deleted, I think /pol/ will be surprised at the amount of resistance /lgbt/ puts up. Don't engage them, just report, hide, and move on. The janitors are doing their job, and /pol/'s buttangst will subside over time. That, or they'll all get banned...
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>>22258 (OP)
jut let the trolls troll nigga they want responses so plz don't respond, just let the treads die. its not going to last for ever maybe a week or two at most. just don't feed them.

there is penis and trap threads on /b/ and /soc/ errr day why are you surprised this happened?


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