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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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ITT: Characters we think are queer
Don't you mean characters that will die alone if they don't go gay?
Baljeet and Buford.
Didn't the finale movie confirm that Eddy and Double D were going to be a couple in the future? I don't remember much about it, but I remember that even my straight friends were shipping them by the end.
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This is the most blatantly gay you can make a character without ever stating it outright.
Confirm? No. But they were awfully affectionate after their little bust up and Eddy's brother snidely asks if Double D is his "girlfriend".

The storyboardist (I think) also ships them.
Double D isn't gay, there's a few episodes where he blushes hard and can't speak because of his attraction to Naz.

Because clearly men cannot be affectionate without wanting to fuck each other.

Bi people don't exist
But being bisexual isn't gay.

No one said he was gay.
Yeah yeah, I know I know, but in some of the scenes they were really touchy feely. Like, a little bit much for just friends.
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>>126313 (OP)
Miguel and Tulio! Tulio and Miguel! mighty and powerful gods!!
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>>126313 (OP)
edd isn't gay at all what the fuck is this!?

although this guy doesn't know much about dynamite gals.
also no way, tulio was banging the other chick

yes, yes it is.
Just bro tier, a level of friendship few men reach.
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seriously, they're so tsundere for each other it hurts
Apparently in the original script they were meant to be gay. Apparently.
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This guy.

>Hey wanna do something today
>Eh, but I don't want people to think we're dating, so I'll invite a couple of other guys!

He wants to have a "fight" with the main character.

"My friends AND you" referring to the main character.

It's a shame Max died, though.
Steve Purcell (the creator) said they are situationally gay-- meaning they are gay if that's what's funniest at the time.
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Why is he so perfect?

I know it's played for laughs, but still...
umff.. I hope so, he's the cutest male in the serious.
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D&J 5evr
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Max has died a couple of times.
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Sorry I was thinking about dick again

No way!
Aurgh I wish...
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I can see it.
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Oh shit, Sam and Max slash fic.
I actually found out about homosexuality through Double D. I thought he was a girl (his name is Double D, for Christ's sake), and, since he had a crush on Nazz, my first thought was "How can a girl like a girl?" This one misunderstanding has made such an impact on my life.
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>s&m meet the TMNT
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Galvatron and Soundwave
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no that's fucking retarded, i said this in the last cartoon thread, robots don't have a gender and robots don't have a sexuality i don't care whzt the creators/writers say it's fucking dumb.
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"Rarity is horse tranny" is my favorite headcanon
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Is the artist Jahi?

Fuck. Thanks, I'll never be able to see it any other way now.
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Heeeey! Sweeeeetie!
Does that make you happy or sad?
You think they might be? Hmm interesting theory.
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Believe so.
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>Soft features
>Only pony to wear eyeliner... to mask her man eyes
>Has parents but lives by herself... maybe she was kicked out of the house.
>robots don't have a gender and robots don't have a sexuality

We still refer to them as he or she unless it's something like the Cybermen who's whole point was removing gender, race, etc. The sexuality bit I agree on though and I was more or less just joking you tard. Chill out.
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They confirmed Richie was gay but had be extremely subtle because of the censors and it was a children's cartoon.
>We still refer to them as he or she unless it's something like the Cybermen

You're right but it was still funny

Neither really.
How far off do you guys think we are from having openly gay characters on cartoons?
I still think she'd choose to leave. It seems like her parents annoy her without meaning to. I could see her parents accepting her but also being really awkward around her
Like her dad could be ignorant enough to offend her without meaning to but also randomly ask, "Dah, dat's not... 'transphobic' ta say, is it?" with genuine concern.
>How far off do you guys think we are from having openly gay characters on cartoons that aren't full of stereotypes?

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I feel like it would be the pronoun confusion that would get to her after a while.
Yeah I could see that
>I been sayin' "he" and "colt" yer whole life, yer gonna have ta give me some time ta adjust!
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Dunno why, I just do.
Now I think about it, I totally agree

Even if he's not gay he's cute as fuck. There's a certain area where you wish characters were gay just because they're cute.
Yeah it's called an anime character
2d is cheating and too perfect
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The one on the left.
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no fucking way...
zangief!? NO WAY MAN.

... everyone likes lesbians
>but i wanted finn to date her
[spoiler] and end up questions his morality and become a teenager[/spoiler]

>implying finn isn't becoming a teenager
he ages as the VA does
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
>Miguel and Tulio! Tulio and Miguel!
You know you enjoyed that cartoon when you HEARD both of them speak the words.
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What if the creator codes in a sexuality, where the robot categorizes time spent with specific genders differently.
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i was surprised by this, as i wanted to date the robot.

pretty sure zangief isn't gay.
That's like saying dan hibiki is gay
In the Japanese stuff Zangief being gay is kind of a running joke, mostly as the Japanese have this thing for stereotyping gays as hypermasculine meatheads.
The gayness was really played down in westernized stuff.

Miguel and Tulio are bi in my book.
Holy fuck, you are oversimplifying robots!
A realistic AI should be programmed to be as mentally simmilar to a human as possible. Sexuality in robots would be an extremely interesting topic to study, and it would obviosuly be programmed into them. Just because a robot is incapable of reproduction does not mean it does not have a sex drive.
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These two were so gay for each other, it's insane. Really, that show was so rich in closetted gayness, it was beautiful.
you're a fucking moron
Why hasn't Maximilian Pegasus been posted yet?
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Do you even straight shota?
>Implying straight shota is good
Get out.
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If you know the show you're awesome.
Never said it was good, just accurate.
eh.. I kinda got the feeling that he had a crush on haruhi in the movie.

He explicitly stated it, even.
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Anybody play the latest Layton game?
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In my dreams he is...
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I definitely got that vibe from the Lieutenant's reaction to the truth about Amon.

Not sure about Amon himself.
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While he is the ultimate bear fantasy in 3, dude's straight as an arrow.

Plus, everything around him dies so you wouldn't really want to get involved.
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I mean.....come on.
He dresses little boys up in tights, has an enormous, flamboyant mansion with his own butler, and even with all the money and fame he doesn't get laid at all.
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The goddamn maid man.
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It's funny because they created the character of Batwoman as a love interested so that rumors of Batman being gay would finally stop.

Decades later, however, they would make a new character take up the mantel of Batwoman and this version is now a lesbian.

> lesbian Batman sidekick

Tell me more.
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Well she's not exactly his sidekick.
In fact, she gets mad whenever Batman interferes with her cases.
She works mostly on her own.
Here's a reading list I found on her from /co/.
I highly recommend reading her stuff.
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I don't care. I want his negligence and alcoholism to kill me.

captcha: utflem shank
She isn't a sidekick. She just sort of also hangs out in Gotham.
Nonononono what are you doing to me anon! Whyyyyyyyyyy1>?!!!!12345^?
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I thought I was the only one who thought that. At first, I was like maybe Fluttershy, which is why the poison joke bothered her so much, but Rarity is just so perf

>Leave me to wallow in...whatever ponies are supposed to wallow in
>I don't even know what I'm supposed to be wallowing in

Always the perfect lady, wants to be swept off her hooves by a charming prince, yet seems to be a little...off, sometimes?

She made the move flawlessly, the same way she does everything.

Thanks, I've been meaning to get into comics.
Learning that there's a lesbian character that isn't a stereotype makes me look forward to it.
Hmm? This is relevant to my interests.
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Quasar is another lesbian character that's pretty cool.
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No-one has mentioned me and my floppy-disk yet?

Before the season 2 finale, I thought Cadence was going to be trans.. Because of the "dark secret" and all.

BRB signing up for a comic.
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I can't find this bitch anywhere.
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It's a little more complicated to read stuff with her. She was a main character in a lot of the Cosmic Marvel books, which span a whole lot of different titles. It's quite a bit to get into honestly.

If you want to read stuff mostly with her, you can just get Guardians of the Galaxy. But you kind of have to read all the prior books first to understand the story.

You find out quickly how much of a cluster fuck comic books are.
Now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense.
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Oh shit, I made that. I did not expect to see that here. [spoiler]Don't tell /co/ I'm browsing boards behind their back, okay?[/spoiler]
I'm pretty sure he was confirmed gay too. I'd rather have Goliath's massive purple dick.
He was, he dates a horse-headed British Gargoyle in the comics.
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Him and Gantu
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Yeah she's pretty cool. Her girlfriend is a psychic space dragon.
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I think Greg and Terry from American Dad might be gay. The writers are being a bit too subtle with it to know for sure.
I highly recommend the current Batwoman run. The artwork is beautiful.

I'm cheating on /cgl/
I won't tell if you don't ;)
>he doesn't get laid at all.
Catwoman, Vicky Vale, Talia, Barbara Gordon, Wonder Woman... The list can go on.
>Barbara Gordon
>Wonder Woman

Take those two off of the list, and you actually have all the people Batman has sex with.
They're obviously just very good friends.
>I think Greg and Terry from American Dad might be gay.
Uh, what? Stop being delusional.
Those little boys are technically all his kids.
Both Poison Ivy and the original Batwoman were created to dispel accusations of Batman being gay for Dick Grayson.

> Catwoman
She's the one that constantly chases him around

> Vicky Vale
She never did anything worthwhile in the comics

> Talia
Fair enough, but she also had to chase him around

> Barbara
lol no, she's Nighwing's bitch

> Wonder Woman
Pic related
Batman wouldn't survive fucking with her
Technically if we're counting all canons, then he's fucked them all.

Barbara in Batman Beyond/Batman TAS continuity. It was creepy.
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Shit, forgot my pic.
Yes, but accusations don't make it canon. Though, I must admit I do enjoy fanart of it.
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>Only counting New 52 as canon


DiDio must like you.
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He dated Barbara in DCAU, that's canon.
The hell? Meant to post that in another thread and now I can't even delete it. Please ignore.
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>Dem first 12 issues of new 52 of Sinestro, featuring Sinestros pet Hal

They will always be glorious

Well if we're counting pre-52 stuff, Diana clearly wanted to bone him in Kingdom Come and people have always shipped them/
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That's still a fucking awful thing. Her and Superman seriously have never had any romantic chemistry ever. It's the most forced thing I've ever seen.

Obviously she should be with Orion.
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>gay for Dick
>Trinity shipping

Why do people like you exist?
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Pretty much every male shonen character ever
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Yeah, just like they shipped Bruce and Diana.

Trinity shipping SUCKS, and it happens across all three of them. Among Diana, both Bruce and Clark have been canon depending on the story.
always and forever
You should read Kingdom Come or The Dark Knight Returns, I realize that chemistry between the two isn't likely with Louis Lane but any Superman/Wonder Woman relationship that I've seen in Elseworld books has been well written and believable.

Stop citing an Elseworld as the most canon example.
Too obvious.
>Post Sinestro/Hal in a thread about characters that are probably gay

Are you trolling or just blind?
It works for very specific reasons in Kingdom Come and Dark Knight Returns.

It should NEVER be a thing in main continuity.

But citing a cartoon is okay?
Because I've yet to see any actual canon evidence of Batman and Wonder Woman liking each other.
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mah nigga, Sinestro totally wants to bone Hal
>ITT I discover way more of /co/ than I thought is on /LGBT/

I guess you're the people i hang with in Nightwing threads...

This is a better comic thread than I've seen on /co/ in ages.
Aren't they brothers?
But people argue over the stupid Superman x Wonder Woman thing there every single day.
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JLA #90 (The good one)

I don't even know why I'm arguing with you, I hate this ship. I just hate you more.

holy shit read a comic that's ever been in continuity instead of an alternate universe

CHARACTER'S ATTITUDES ALMOST ALWAYS DEPEND ON THE WRITERS. Trinity, especially so. From some writers, Wonder Woman is a stoic warrior and not interested in relationships or craving Steve, Bruce or Clark's dick.
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you know Larry and Tuddrussel
It's because the janitor has been deleting anything remotely related to homosexuality lately.
Oh, so this is a remake or something? I haven't been keeping up with any of it, I just remember seeing these characters years ago and they were brothers back then.
Unless those are different characters
>>126313 (OP)
>implying Edd and Marie didn't end up together and fucking like rabbits
That was the gayest thing I've ever watched and I've seen a LOT of gay porn.
>>126313 (OP)

Dude, all the girls in that show were wet over Edd.
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Polar Bear. All of his cross dressing and lack of interest in girls despite attracting all of them really makes me wonder.
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>not a stereotypical sex-crazy dyke

anon pls

On topic, here's a queer character.
>>126313 (OP)
Edd would have been the pussy-gettingest dude on that show except he's /r9k/ with engineering skill.

Exactly. All the cute ones.
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>Bugs Bunny
>Being this gay
>awkwardly not rhyming "gray" with anything
>"best friends" with a wink
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>Only ever been monogamous
>Had ONE sex scene out of about 30 issues (including 'tec run, noti ncluding 52 appearances)
>Renee had more gay sex scenes than her with different women
>Told a hot woman off for forcibly kissing her
>Engaged to be gay married

having a sex scene in a comic is still pretty stereotypical.

Why is DC so deadset on that?

Also didn't she like Rape nightwing or was that some other crazy bitch.
They're tsundere for each other?
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You are either a silly troll or pants on head fucking retarded.
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Dumbledore's been confirmed, but I still wonder about Percy.

I'm serious. Batwoman is WAY too sensual, even moreso than Harley, and serves no purpose in the Batverse other than to be the token gay character.

You.....you've never read any Batwoman comics, have you?
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Are you sure you don't mean Jean Grey?

Bitch, educate yourself about her before you talk.

See >>128622
Except it's the best batbook currently being published.
No not that. Of all the pics I could have posted, it was that one and not a scan.

Whoa, let's not get crazy.
Snyder's Batman run is easily the best thing DC is putting out right now.
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tumblr pls go
>it was that one and not a scan.
Ah, i see what you mean, there are enough canon example of T'Hal without getting into fanart
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One of the Ninja Turtles.

Which one may vary from iteration to iteration.
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you know they are
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rimmer and lister
Rigby maybe
In the early seasons, Rigby, totally.

Now. Nope.
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This will change your mind
tumblr pls
the show sucks ever since the gay subtext flew out the window.

cartoons about best bros aren't as good without the gay subtext and even straight people know that.
Koizumi is in love with Haruhi. He stays back because of reasons.
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but... but.. they is
Gotta hate when the unintended audience automatically assumes bromance = gay
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I mean, I kind of got that vibe.

Is this from the Light Novels?

Well, I guess he could just be Camp Straight.
Donatello. Always.
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Too easy?
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Ultra easy mode activated.
gay subtext =/= gay

it leads to more lols, and closer friendships.

when you reject the notion of gay subtext, you overcompensate by giving everyone a love interest, thus clogging the plots with unnecessary one dimensional characters.

imagine if ren and stimpy had their own love interests.
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Speaking of ultra easy mode.
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fuck seriously


they got away with a lot of gay implication in that show
I think he's Camp Straight Available so that the male POV supporting reader can read the Queer into him.

It is to cater to the bisexual fantasy of Kinsey 1-4 men, and to allow Kinsey 5 men to insert into POV.

And of course Yaoi fangirl cruise lines.
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my nigga
in the movie he definitely was though

If we're talking BTAS, Bruce and Barbara definitely had a thing.
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picture definitely related
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Speaking of Raphael.
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>/lgbt/? Huh strange board
>This thread
>my sides.
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>>126313 (OP)

That's the EE&E character you think is gay?

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Fuck that. This kid always had wood. Obviously the gayest.
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>implying amon is anything but a top
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>ash's squirtle
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being a part of a triplet
one of them is bound to be gay
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>watching movie
>showing no signs of being into cheerleader pussy
>"haha, that would be funny if he was actually gay."
>"childrens" movie = no possibility of gay character
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At the very least, he's been gay since childbirth.
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The art style of the Phoenix Wright games bothers me so much.

Why is his head so small??

ParaNorman deserved to win over Brave.
any one of the other nomination deserved to win over Brave
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i'm cheating
lol @ his torso
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>She made the move flawlessly, the same way she does everything.
Mai aidoru
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I agree, I was actually expecting WiR to win
To make the actions of their arms flailing around the screen more dramatic looking.
The whole game is waist up portrait changes, a word-storyline puzzles, and an adventure novels worth of dialogue.
It's still a good series and I can't wait for them to translate the new 3DS one.
*a few
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With apologies to anyone who grew up with this.
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aw yissss
It is heavily implied that she and Bubblegum dated.
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too easy anon
Chili and Cilan obviously are
Cress is more ambiguous
>those cockpits
mega gay

Not anymore
I always fantasized that they were...
Hell, I'm thinking about it right now.

Just putting that movie on my iPod, and I guess I'm not sleeping tonight.
Jehuty is a whore
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You make me want to hang myself.
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Please stop posting lewd images of my husbando.
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they're not, but I like tho think these two were
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of course he is

Dude, I'm pretty sure everyone's gay except for Mr. Krabbs.
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And Mr. Krabs is a moneysexual
Is that what you SRSJIDF joint organization is calling jews now?
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No, Mr. Krabs is actually sexually attracted to cash.
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Can you blame him? In the end, it's all about that paper.
Just like jews xD

us 4channers ammirite?
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I could see it. God, I haven't thought about SD Gundam in ages.
One of those two, the knight one I think, reminded me of Mikey from Recess. Very similar voice and personality
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The word you are looking for is "Jew".

>heavily implied

Bullshit. Stop reading too much into it. They were best friends and grew apart/had a big fight. There's no reason to believe otherwise.
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The faggy samurai guy from Shit Art Online. Very first episode, he calls the main character cute.

That is the gayest thing I've ever seen anywhere ever.
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these two
> The part where they began fellating the ice cream cone
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>Expresses no interest in female characters
>Drama queen with a faye streak
>Destro had to soothe him during his regular tantrums

True that.

Edd was the lucky one - The sister going after him was the only good looking one. Ed was lucky, not as much as Edd, as well. Eddy got the dildo end of the stick with blue tooth whatever her name was.
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Proof of how gay these two are?
The final episode/movie

Because of his... intrest... in Yugi, his gayness would be topped of with some pedophilia.


Not to mention his best friend is another bear.
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I'm almost certain, anon.
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Still gay
It's implied that Shatterstar and Rictor are gay or bi.
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Forgot pic.
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Wolverine's evil son Daken (currently deceased) was implied to be a bisexual drug addict...

I'm not sure you understand the definition of "implied".
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best couple UuU
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What are you... Insinuating?
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Robin's probably like bi but lil jon no fucking way.


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