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I am just wondering everyones opinion on here about transgender chasers. Is it wrong for a bi or gay person to actively seek out a transgender partner?

Opinions please
Chasers of any fetish are a bit sleazy. It's prioritizing a fetish over any emotional investment.
That makes them Pansexual. It's not wrong. As long as they respect getting told no. It's just who they are attracted to.
If a guy like blondes, and dates blondes, he's just a guy who likes blondes.
If a guy likes big tits, and dates girls with big tits, he's just a guy who likes tits.
But if a guy likes transwomen, and dates transwomen, he's suddenly a chaser?

That has never made sense to me, and I'm trans. As long as someone isn't being a creeper, I don't give a shit why they're interested in me. If they're a creeper, I don't care if they're interested in me because I'm trans, or interested in me for any other reason.
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T-there is nothing wrong with love, in any f-form.
I wonder if I'd be considered a chaser or not. When I was on a dating site I was just messaging any guy or transguy and ended up with a transguy because we got a long very well and he appealed to my short fetish.

Oh thank god, I was afraid all trans people bought into this 'chaser' bullshit. I just find transgirls more attractive than cis-women and men.

A straight man goes after a woman, he must be a woman chaser though, right? huuur.
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*hugs* S-see you there!

I don't think there's anything wrong with it, yeah. I think you might find that similar to the DIE CIS SCUM types, the DIE CHASER SCUM types are a vocal minority mostly restricted to the internet. When I first met my BF he didn't realize I was trans, he thought it was pretty cool when I told him and that didn't bother me one bit.
>>23311 (OP)
>Is it wrong for a bi or gay person to actively seek out a transgender partner?
No, whatever floats your boat.
I don't know why you're even asking this here, doesn't make sense to seek validation is such stupid things.
mtf here.

pretty much this.


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