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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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Hey /lgbt/. What do your parents think about you? Describe your relationship with them.
My mother knows I'm trans and is relatively okay, if a little clumsy about the whole thing - she doesn't want to upset or offend me obviously, but at the same time she wants to be involved in someway and is constantly trying to bond with me in the most ham-fisted ways.

As for my father, well he'd probably kill me if he knew so fuck that noise.
I'm a tran-speciest. My parents don't understand I'm an ogre trapped in a humans body. I persevere though. Every day I paint myself green, rub myself down with onions and face the harsh world.
I'm straight but my mother has been gay and I've lived with a same sex "parenthood" all my life.

I love my mother but I don't recognize her girlfriend as a parent.

Just thought I'd drop my 2 cents here.
Don't worry, your hard times are nearly ogre.
Your dad is your parent, not your mom's girlfriend.
[spoiler]My father has been deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad since I can remembeeeeeeeeeer[/spoiler]
They were more annoyed that I waited until I was 23 years old to come out of the closet than anything else.
Perfectly reasonable.
My dad remarried, never considered his wife my parent.
So? Even if your mom died tomorrow, she'd still be your parent, albeit a dead one. You have exactly two parents.
Still in closet because I'm not a whore for attention and it's non of their business.

they most likely already know anyway.
>>12499 (OP)

My parents love me very much. They are proud of me for being a person with good morals. We go to church together - I got them back into it after 20 years of lapsed faith.
Virtually unchanged.

Supportive but conservative. Kind but direct.
how does that work tho? even the new testament has stuff in it that says homosexuality is a grave sin god will never accept
Yeah that's true. But I'm chatting more like, feelings and other gay shit rather than biological shit.

Otherwise that'd be cut and dry straight up.

Also what the fuck is with no spoilers?

Is moot subjecting /lgbt/ to NO TRIGGER WARNINGS?

I'm bisexual so it's easier for me anyway, not that I believe in sex before marriage. And even then I still have good morals - I've never stolen, done drugs, I don't drink or go out to parties a lot, etc.
i never knew my mother. she ran away before i was born.

in all seriousness though, my mum and my stepdad both generally approve of my bisexuality.

biological father is a drunken arse. dont care what he thinks.

however as im going out with a bisexual girl they think we have both been cured of gay.

i love them but they are retarded
yeah, but i dont understand why you'd want to be in a religion that says a part of your identity is a crime

All lustful behaviours are a sin against God. It's both misusing the physical body, and is turning you away from God. There is no reason to consider continued sexual misconduct 'part of your identity' - you might as well say the same thing about a rapist or paedophile, if you're going to talk in those sorts of terms and consider the sum of a person to be their base urges, like an animal.
I don't know why some LBGT people insist on being a part of the church. It's like going into a hindu temple and eating a steak in front of everybody.

They don't accept you and you don't accept their views, so it's kind of bizarre.

I left the church as soon as I was legally able to (15)
Im a father of a gay son. Or should I say was. He told me dad im gay. I tried to slap the gay out of him everyday but eventually he ran away and called the cops on me for beating his faggot ass. Never went to jail though. He just a bad memory now I dont want a gay son in my family. You guys are all fucking mentally ill. Why do you think a man and a woman can have a child? Bécause thats how nature is supposed to be. You guys can choose to be all edgy and shit but its fucking fake. If you have a dick, you are a guy for the rest of your life. Deal with it. This is the last time I will be on this faggot board so feel free to ask me anything. May god bless the gay and perverted
>legally able to
Wow, america. Even more evidence that the church is nothing more than a stupid corporation trying to have power over the world. Its fake, wake the fuck up already. Religitards never cease to amaze me

Because 'gay' does not need to be the most defining part of your identity; nothing 'worldly' does. God is more important than any of that stuff.
>implying America isn't a Protestant shithole
My mother is raging homophobic Christian. I am right-wing but I wouldn't tell her jack shit, she'll never know.
Yeah, except if you believe in the christian God, who clearly states homosexuality is punishable by death.
I'm basically the prodigal son so they don't really have any issues with my gayness. My dads a piece of shit but hes very tolerant of me introducing my various dudes.

Especially since my ex was a mega genius and everybody thinks hes awesome.
Both me and my boyfriend are 23 and still live with our respective parents. My mom and dad don't give a shit and have welcomed my boyfriend into the family.

Boyfriend's family isn't so welcoming to me. In the 2 years we've been going out, I've met his mother a couple of times. She was polite but barely said a word to me and didn't like being in the same room as me for too long. Behind my back she told her son that I'm not to be in her house without her there and without her permission in advance. When I am in his bedroom, the door needs to be open at all times. His father completely ignored his son coming out and I've never met him.
Just because you're a sinner doesn't mean God won't forgive you. Everyone's a sinner.

I have this weird feeling most people don't really understand Christianity very well.
Wow, what a good Christian you are. Beating and disowning your own son! Jesus must be so proud of you. :)
Why didn't God forgive Adam and Eve then?
My mum doesn't mind, infact she supports the idea. On the other hand, if my dad knew, he'd probably ether kill me or disown me. (Atleast my childhood was bad enough to think he would)

New Covenant, 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'.

Not a literal story.
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No one in the family cares.
>>12499 (OP)
No one in my family knows, but I think they might suspect.

In the end, they won't care. They're liberal as fuck, and I do plan on having children, so they have nothing to bitch about.
That's not for you to decide is it? Otherwise everything else in the bible is just figurative as well.
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>Sola Scriptura
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I'm a huge cock sucking faggot degenerate who deserves to be gassed. Naturally, they aren't that proud
>The term heretical is commonly used by Protestants who denounce teachings and institutions that they accordingly view as deviating from Scripture.
>being a Protestant

I'm not a christian, but to me it seems sticking to scripture is more christian than making up shit.

So catholics are just a cult.

It's not about making shit up.

Besides that, exactly who do you think put the Bible together in the first place?
>>12499 (OP)

don't know them, was raised by my grandmother
They don't care. My mom said it was obvious, and my friends were all "oh that's cool still up for DnD?"
Doctrine that doesn't adhere to source material is not canon. This is common sense.

Catholics are like shia muslims, they grossly violate the source material by making outrageous claims and creating illegitimate papacies/grand ayatollah's.

Only things written in the Bible or Qur'an should have any legitimate worth to the followers of their respective religions.
Ordinary human beings or clergy drafted from the common folk have no place in instituting their own dogma or intepretations; It's not canon.
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My relationship with my parents is odd, but still good.

>Dad is an ultra liberal vegan yoga hippie new age spiritualist rapper tattoo artist who constantly jokes about how it must be great to be gay since you can have all the sex you want.
>He constantly makes raunchy jokes in my company and talks about gay love.

>Mom is a vain, fashionista, interior design, Sex and the City, singer and dancer.
>Constantly looks to me for my opinion on everything because ''gay men have superior senses.''

But i'm content, it could've been a lot worse.
both my parents are hopelessly autistic, so no relationship, really. my dad can barely hold a conversation and my mom accidentally dragged me out of the closet
My mom doesn't believe me(because I didn't play with dolls growing up) and my dad stopped talking to me.
My parents don't really care, but I also don't think they really believe I am queer. My first homo relationship was online and online relationships = fake to them, so it doesn't count or something.
I came out when I was 18.
Ma is fairly religious, but she accepts me and supports me and loves me regardless, even if it took a few drunken moments to work through it initially. At this point though, she's said she would happily go to my wedding when it comes.
Dad essentially didn't mind too much, as he had my two younger siblings to pass on the genes and shit. His main concern was that I might get hurt by the bigotry still in the world (lel, we live in Massachusetts. It's pretty boss). But he still loves me and shit.
It prolly helps that I'm not all rainbows and lisps and shit, and love cars, beer, and fucking explosions.
Sibs don't give much of a shit. I'm still their big brother, it's not like I mutated into some alien horror from the thirteenth dimension.
Yeah, I had it pretty shway.
dad is cool with it

mom thinks it's "waste" of such a woman. she also says its a phase and that she knows i'm not gay. fuck, just because im feminine doesnt mean i cant be gay


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