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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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Cheating faggot.
it highlights one of the issues swept under the rug about transexualism, namely that taking hormones does not make you the opposite sex. trans should only be allowed to compete in the sex bracket based on birth gender.
Sports is not an instance were a trans can use his/her preferred gender. You are assigned male and female opponents because they have different muscle building abilities. That's all there is to it.
If anything she's probably at a disadvantage due to being almost completely free of testosterone.

>preferred gender

Do you prefer to be a bigoted retard?

>Fuck Breeders

I'm so glad you aren't one.

Anyway, the differences between the genders is determined by natural selection, not society. Men have more muscle mass, especially in the upper body. It's not bigotry, it's science.
She was born a man and remained a man until age 30. For all intensive purposes she is built like a man and should be fighting men because the way her body is built.
I don't see a problem with his comment at all. I am all for equality but I don't think this is fair either really.

She is still probably a lot stronger than your average female fighter, which isn't fair.
Lol, I can run around calling myself Gandalf from LOTR but that doesn't mean I am. He should fight in the male leagues.
>>12005 (OP)
To be honest, that's quite an unfair advantage.

No one knows the extent in which people can compete in these kinds of sports. If they don't allow women who take steroids, but women who've been pumping testosterone through their veins all their life prior, then I don't see what this has all been about.

When transgendered women can get FULL surgeries to make their body completely feminine, then I can definitely see them being allowed in the sport.
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Transsexuality in a nut shell:

>Fail at being a man
>The grass is greener on the other side; I will surely be a good woman!

>Fail at male sports
>The grass is greener on the other side; I will surely be a good female MMA fighter on account of being a poorly disguised male and beating up actual women!
Junk in the trunk? Male league.
Slopes down south? Female league.

Stop this bullshit
It doesn't change the muscle she's already built up over the years. That shit matters. For reference the US women's national soccer team was just beat by the under 16 boys team. These were medal winning pro athletes and they couldn't keep up with some boys.
>first tell a woman she can't fight be cause she isn't "biologically correct"
>next tell lesbian and gay couples they can't adopt because they aren't "biologically correct"

If they don't let her fight we'll start losing everything we've been fighting so hard for.

Thought it was more recent, but I guess not.
>Fail at being a man
>The grass is greener on the other side; I will surely be a good woman!
Wow, this must be true in every instance!
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>If they don't let her fight we'll start losing everything we've been fighting so hard for.

Good, maybe then society can return to a state of normality as opposed to being held to ransom by sexually deviated minorities.
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Why? She had a sex change to become a woman, so she.
I really don't think there's anything wrong with it. If she still had a penis then I could agree with you, but when you've got a vagina and tits then you should be a she

I don't support genital mutilation and non-essential hormone treatments. That's a butchered man, not a woman.
Sorry but there are other factors to consider, especially considering how late that transition was.
There shouldn't be separate leagues for men and women in sports anyway.
Imagine if co-ed MMA became the standard. It would be socially acceptable to watch a woman getting the shit beaten out of her.
except when she was growing and developing that masculine muscular frame she had way, way more testosterone than cis girls, so that's actually a huge advantage

watch any videos of her, no cis girl fighter has a body like that, and it's sadly not even close. she throws them around like rag dolls. it's not fair and it's silly
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I have yet to encounter any situation where it hasn't be. Anecdotal I know, but then feel free to prove me wrong; or are you too busy brainwashing kids into thinking they're trans?
>For all intensive purposes

It's a doggy dog world.
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>That's a butchered man, not a woman.
This one's for the scientists to decide, who knows what SRS does to your man muscle.
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These jokes are a diamond dozen.

>oh neat, it's another privileged white man expressing his opinion.

Just go back to whatever shit board you came from.
>responding to someone named fuck breeders
>being new
She can fight, just in a division better suited to her abilities. And besides, do you really want to cheapen transgenderism by having straight people use it to cheat at sports. Because if you don't think they will do that, you are dead wrong. Anything to win is the mentality behind pro sports.

XX chromosomes = female
XY chromosomes = male

so no.
Better than calling it 'it'
I got an idea, we come up with a competition just for trannies. We tie some concrete blocks to their legs and toss them in the ocean and we see who survives.

... or they could take hormones or blockers.
I sure hope so, I'd love to see a dude beat the shit out of a woman and get paid to do so.

I'll check my privilege every day to make this happen.
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Nah, i'm going to stay here and revel in your easily invoked butthurt. Do you hate breeders on account of the fact that you were an ugly, failed male and thus decided to be gay because you thought the grass would be greener on the other side?

Be honest.
He looks awful.
I'll bet he transitioned in his 30s.
Why are you fucking breeders anyway?
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This, let him fight in the male divisions .
Gender and sex are two different things. But you're derailing the thread with a boring dead horse of an argument.
Taking hormones doesn't make you a woman.
He should fit with the men because he still has a male body, male strength, all that shit.

If I had to guess that's more of a difference in sports cultures than anything else. Women's sports aren't really about winning and usually don't feature the best of the best or the most dedicated-- they're about drawing whatever crowd they can in direct competition with men's sports. There is a difference between men and women with the same exercise regimens, diets, practice schedules, and so on, but it's definitely not an 8-2 difference, not even at Olympian levels.

"Transexual" is a blanket term for people with this mental disorder.

"Men" are XY Chromosome

"Women" are XX Chromosome
Gender and sex are synonyms.
Gender roles and sex are different things.
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Oh man I dropped by to see how steeped in trolling and shitposting this place would be and you guys managed meet and exceed my expectations.
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>oh noes! he's destroying all my arguments so I'd better call him ugly!

Is that what they taught you in sunday school?
Girls taking testosterone destroy girl who do not in physical competition.
>when you've got a vagina and tits then you should be a she
He doesn't have either of these. He has a mutilated penis and fat deposits above his pecks, he is literally a freak of nature.
I doubt they're even fat deposits. More likely implants.

Your sex determines male/female. Gender is merely your expression of either one.

You will forever be the sex you were born as, and there is currently no way to become the opposite sex. Get over it, faggot.
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>Implying i'm not an atheist

Shocking I know, but one doesn't have to be religious to dislike your faggotry. Enjoy being an oppressed minority, just as i'll enjoy oppressing you :)
Make all the faggot points (or just post a picture, mature) you want, this is biological fact and science.

Cry more, cocksleeve.
>>Implying i'm not an atheist
>feeling the need to point this out
Then you're not atheist. You're anti-religious.
Atheism is a neutral existence. Rocks, trees and cats are atheist. Very few humans these days are.
Oh fuck, don't use biological facts against the special snowflakes with mutilated genitals.
Then don't call him "it", call him "him".
I'm sorry Fuck Breeders but you're a bigoted idiot, just as bad as all of those people against the lgbt community.

You might as well be Fred Phelps.
Elephants are known to have signs of spirituality with how they show reverence for their dead.

Now kindly piss off of topics you don't understand.
>There is a difference between men and women with the same exercise regimens, diets, practice schedules, and so on, but it's definitely not an 8-2 difference, not even at Olympian levels
except that it is, if you knew anything about sports you would know this. it doesn't mean men are better, but they're way, way better at most sports, at least at the top end
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Yes. Their feelings might get hurt.

More on topic, this disgusting abomination should be thrown out on its ass for wanting to do this shit. What a cheating faggot.
That isn't spirituality you retard.
And spirituality has nothing to do with theism.

Just stop posting.
Name one sport that women perform at a higher competitive level than men at.
Para-pony-disfictive master race!
>And spirituality has nothing to do with theism.

Yes it does? I mean, if you believe in metaphysical concepts, then you commonly believe in a power higher than yourself. Or you worship the universe around you.
That's not an officially recognized Olympic sport.
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I said stop posting.
>males have on average 50% higher upper body strength and 30% more lower body strength than women
>they should compete equally in beating each other in a controlled manner
This isn't a domestic dispute. In a 'fair' fight it's not even a contest.

Oh, no. Men can do that even better.

Stand-up comedy is essentially bitching at an audience, and women routinely fail at comedy unless they're dykes, Jews, butch, or some combination of the three.
10 minutes on this new board and already my head hurts. Like in a real way.
You misunderstand my argument. That's the way things are now, but there's no proven causal link between the biological difference between sexes and performance in sports. It's just an assumption. However, it's easy to observe that women and men play the same sport in different ways.
i don't think it's fair.
if zhe got hormone treatment at really early age then you might allow it.

sex (!= gender) division in sports is not a "discrimination".
it's exactly the opposite: women have 30% less muscle mass on average. if you want them to have fair sports and win medals consistently you need to separe them from men.

are you going to argue that nature wasn't equal or progressive enough?
zhe would smash most opponents easily.

it's like body weightclass division in Boxing.
if you are big and fat as shit we can treat you equally and with the same dignity of a Featherweight.
we can even call you thin if your feels want to.
but you can't just go and fight in the featherweight division.

Just call it "it". For fuck's sake.
>unless they're dykes, Jews, butch, or some combination of the three.
But Ellen Degeneres isn't remotely funny.
Yea I remember scrimmaging against the women's national team when mia hamm was on it, and I was on a U-16 club team ranked 2nd in the nation.

We raped them like 9-0.
The difference in musculature made all the difference.
>being a xirist scumbag
I am a bi-gender cisautistic lesbian born unfortunately born into the body of a woman. I will be referred to as xir, cis scum.

While that may be true, she succeeds in making enough people laugh. Besides, she's a dyke.
sorry i don't even care about pronouns.
will i get flamed if use he/she or it? what should i use?
>she succeeds in making enough people laugh
She makes lesbians laugh and that's it.

>Never heard of steroids

American education, imirite?
The top of female tennis players got her ass kicked by a chainsmoking 500th placer from the males, and that guy was set to retire.
Bobby Riggs v three other top players.
Karsten Braasch v the Williams Sisters
etc etc

>sexually deviated minorities.

We're being held ransom, as a society, by autistic, religious bigots.
Yeah, that's still not what I'm talking about. Even the "top" women athletes are those who are excelling in a culture of tolerated mediocrity. Women are inhibited from real success in ways other than our biology.
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Polfags are so ANGRY; it makes you wonder if they're not Bipolar or Schizophrenic.
Except, you know, men run faster, lift bigger weights and jump higher across the board.
Competitive, major league sports is a useless past time.

Why should we care about dumbass sports when we can be doing something more productive
>Women are inhibited from real success in ways other than our biology.
Yeah, by bitching about the patriarchy rather than taking the intiative in your pursuits.
Yeah, but that -statistical- gap is much smaller than the -achievement- gap in sports. Men don't lift four times as much as women, they don't run four times faster, etc.
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A) You're wrong
B) We were far better off before we started listening to the aforementioned sexually deviated minorities.

Thankfully, the vast majority of humanity carries on its normal existence, and one can live a life wherein they do not even see sexual degenerates if they choose carefully regarding where they live. Big cities for example are just melting pops for the scum and dregs; be they Sand Nigger, faggots or trannies.
You can say that about any thing done for leisure. 4chan is a useless past time.
>Imagine if co-ed MMA became the standard. It would be socially acceptable to watch a woman getting the shit beaten out of her.

Co-ed MMA, pls
They're fighting for everyone freedom and not getting paid a dime to do it, i'd be mad too..
>four times faster
Yes, because that would be fucking stupid. In high level sports, a 5% gap is pretty big and more than enough. The top end of male athletes will always be better than the top end of female athletes. Women simply do not compare.

Definition: what other people are when I disagree with them. And because I'm more liberal/gay/minority than them, I win by default!
>In high level sports, a 5% gap is pretty big and more than enough

Can you prove this existing with men?
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>implying they are inhibited not by inferior strength but by cultural brainwashing
>this implies that women would be generally inferior in sports not requiring great physical strength

Nigga, do you even Pikes Peak? Or are we discussing only inferior American women, and not glorious white European women?
>european women
From a European man
100m sprint. No woman will be close to breaking sub-10 at any point in the near future. Going sub-10 as a man isn't even good enough.

Women would probably be more apt to compete against disabled male athletes. By comparison, their times in sports are more comparable.
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>implying they are inhibited not by inferior strength but by cultural brainwashing
Its not cultural brainwashing, its evolutionary Biology.

Women aren't funny for the same reason they don't take risks. Because they have no logical need. A by product of risk taking is invention. A by-product of Wit and humor are intelligence.

Women can do both of these things and throughout history have proven they're just as capable as men in many respects. But for the average woman versus the average man, no.
I don't think it's brainwashing. I just think the self-evidently less incentive for women to excel, and this ends up affecting every aspect of women's sports.
Sure is slippery slope in here.

Fine, I'm a unicorn. You must use pronouns xze/xzo/xzhu, and when I ask how my horn looks, you must reply "FABULOUS". If you don't take active part in my self-indulgent little charade then you're clearly a transunicornphobic bigot.

And if you discriminate against transunicorns so easily, I bet you reject the otherkin and furry communities too?

Face it, you hate anybody who was born in the wrong body or doesn't match up to society's expectations.

Why do you hate people who think differently to you? WHY? Why hate them, just because they're different?

I suppose you think people who are different to you should be made to live in separate communities? Maybe wear identifying badges? Hey, maybe we could ship them all off to camps, while we're at it.

My magical powers of liberalism have allowed me to extrapolate all of this from your rejection of my special snowflake status.
I'm not talking about sprinting, which are where some of the aforementioned statistical differences are gleaned in the first place. Give me an example from "game" sports.
>projecting human social concepts onto animals

GTFO furry.
Implying that top-class female athletes don't perform as well as male athletes because they don't feel like putting all their effort into their career and way of life is not only insulting to female athletes but to women in general. And I'm saying this as a white cis man.
You're honestly saying that female athletes at the very peak of their physical abilities, who are hungry for success, always pushing themselves for a new personal best, who live, eat, sleep and shit competition - are being held back by the invisible shackles of the patriarchy, and if only they were more "empowered" they'd be competing toe-to-toe with the best male athletes?

Because if that's even remotely what you're saying, that's simultaneously the most deluded thing I've read today, and a huge disservice to the competitive sportswomen out there who push themselves harder on a daily basis than you probably do in a month.

agnostic is neutral and open to all ideas

atheist is anti-religious and are against the idea of any spiritual being/creator, it simply does not exist

get it right you fagget
>I'm not talking about sprinting,
>T-the difference only matters when I want it to matter.
If you want to say that women are comparable to men, they should be comparable in all cases. They aren't. Keep trying to twist things in your favour though. You didn't seem to care so much about "game" sports in >>14450 when you were citing how much faster or stronger men were compared to women. Like I said, a 5% difference is more than enough. At the top level of a sport, 1% is all the difference you need to be a winner.

It's apparent from >>14260 that you've never done a sport to a decent or high level before. I used to row. In my boatclub, the women were breaking the GB national team, there was no lack of competitive drive. In fact, I'd say they were more competitive than most of the men, seeing as some of them had the chance to break into the GB women's squad, whereas the Men had no chance what-so-ever of breaking the men's squad. But in every single test, every single piece, every single timed distance, the men would do favourably against the women simply because the women didn't have the physiology to compete with men.

Honestly, I'd be pretty insulted if I was a woman and you said that I wasn't trying hard enough. Especially top level athletes who do nothing but train as hard as they can for years and years. Women are more than capable of competing (and out-competing) men in fields like academia, where they aren't so limited. Just check out any medical school and you'll see women striving and succeeding to beat everyone else, male or female. In elite sports, physiology is a barrier that women simply can not overcome. Perhaps at an amateur level, where you have an untrained male vs a trained female, things may be comparable, but like with many intersex sports competitions, it requires giving the female some kind of advantage to balance the problem of her inferior physiology.
There's strong (or positive) atheism and weak (or agnostic) atheism.

Strong atheism makes the claim that there is no God. Very few atheists are actually strong atheists. Even Richard Dawkins doesn't self-identify as one.

Weak atheism makes no claims, but is a personal statement ("I don't have a belief in god(s)"). It might also claim that we can't prove the existence of God.

tldr: atheism isn't the same as antitheism.
This board is such shit. Already spotted a legitimate use of the word bigoted when talking to someone speaking fact.

Women fight women and men fight men in sports. Example: Joe shmo guy beats female body builder in an arm wrestling contest.

Check your stupidity privilege, we aren't in whatever social studies feminist class you climbed out of.
He is just a mutilated male.
>misrepresenting me from the second line

didn't read lol
As expected of a woman. Only cherrypicking when it suits.

I'll leave you to wallow as you insult the mentality of other women in some vain attempt to champion them.
Actually, that second line was quite accurate.
Okay dude I'll finish eating my chicken wings then
Nah, it wasn't. A 5% statistical difference is of course of huge importance in a sport where winning and losing are literally determined by measurements of that statistic. That's a tautology, so I would expect people to have understood that I meant other forms of sport, like football, as was originally being discussed.
I got one too!
...I want to die, please let me die.
hahaha, this is fun!
comming here and seeing this one picture made my fucking day. My insides hurt from laughter. now back to the grind as a biologically correct man.
I guess that counts as croaking a joke.
You shouldn't have said "men don't lift four times as much as women, they don't run four times faster" when a 5% difference in the weight you lift or the speed you run is more than enough in sports where those attributes are relevant.
*more relevant
If it was a women who became a man I'd say let him fight other guys because he would be at a disadvantage but a man who became a women fighting chicks would be unfair because he would be a little stronger to begin with.
Watch a few games of rugby and tell me that a woman could compete with a man. Strength and speed are required for the sport and men having an advantage in both would destroy women.

It wouldn't even be close, especially in a high scoring sport like rugby.
That's not how equality works.
Your on the lgbt board if someone is trans even if you don't agree show then some respect as people. It would be if you didn't like black people, you can still be polite and not call them nigger to their face. You can disagree all you want but at least be respectful to other people.
Umm there are men and women born with the opposite chromosomes of their gender...so you point is shit there son.
[Citation needed]

Fuck trannies
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Is 5% enough for men to win over women four times as hard? That was the original question. Sorry about your reading comprehension.

Right, and we've come full circle. I would like someone to prove that a 5% difference in physical performance contributes to crushing defeats in men's team sports.
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>>12005 (OP)
how the hell are they even in the same weight category?


There's also Klinefelter's Syndrome, where the individual has XXY sex chromosomes.
It's enough to win. That's why I stated 5% in the first place. Hell, 1% is more than enough to win.

In Olympic weightlifting, a woman needs a 20KG advantage to lift comparable weights to a male. (56KG against 75KG).

Put men and women on 'equal' standing and men will always be better. Women need an advantage to compete.
I'm just saying a trans-man competing with men is at a disadvantage and if he's ok with it then let them fight. But a trans-women would be at an advantage which is not fair to the other person fighting. Of course they couldn't enforce these different rules but whatever I'm just pointing it out.
>men's team sports.
This thread is about comparing men v women. Not men v men.

Man vs woman - physical performance trumps, as mentioned earlier with the boys vs women's football
Man vs man - physical performance is similar, so mindset is more important

Nice way of switching your stance though.
Your argument rests on the unproven fact that the difference is only 5%.
>in men's team sports
let's look at fag-ass soccer.
do you remember pelè and maradona? they were extremely skilled players, but their secret advantage was that they were just plain faster than the opposition.
in a century, the sport changed (also thanks to them) and now being stronger and faster is a real priority.
if it made no significant difference, the players would use the time and effort to drill and practice skills, and ignore the gpp.



Took like 3 seconds it really does exist some men have xxy some women have xy it's a weird world.
0% is also enough to win, or the results of football matches would be determined in advance by looking up the physical specifications of all the players on both teams. What you are saying is silly and as of yet backed up by nothing.
>Be a man, with large amounts of testosterone allowing superior muscle to develop, for 30 years

>Cut penis off

>Fight women
Hate them all you want just be fucking polite. Your obviously an idiot and group people together and judge them before you even meet them. I hate people like you. If we meet in real life I'd still be polite though even though I believe your dogshit.
Jesus god damn, you're fucking dumb.
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>>12005 (OP)
This thread makes all of the thinly veiled trans 'equality' bullshit invalid.

It brings into direct scrutiny the blatant cognitive dissonance involved in thinking we should do away with gender roles, customs, and norms.

In the case of "women" who were born with penises, do you only let them compete in sports if they go through surgery? Does that mean people who didnt get the operation aren't "real women"? That sounds pretty 'discriminatory' to me. Sounds pretty 'oppressive' is you ask me. And if you dont make that discrimination then that means under those rules Lakers center Dwight Howard could decide he 'feels like a woman'. And he could just go to the WNBA and play with the other women. He'd score 150 points a game and ruin competition and people would have to deal with it. "equality" right? Its bullshit and you know it. Do you cut off the age at some point? if you dont make the switch at a certain age then your gender identity is invalid? I guess they dont have the same privileges as 'real' trans people.
Check your real trans privilege.

If you act like you cant see all the potential issues that would arise, then you're being facetious and you shouldnt be taken seriously and you dont belong on this board, /b/ is that way. Gender roles have purpose. Society divides people into 2 genders at birth and thats how it should stay. Those divisions should be respcted in bathrooms, showers, sports, and other places. PERIOD.
You already knew this but now its time to stop acting like you dont.
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Okay, so we've accepted as a premise that physiological structure is a major factor in athletic performance. Physiological structure, and with it athletic potential varies greatly between women, as well as between women and men. If women are socialised so that they are discouraged from, and driven away from sports, then fewer women with athletic potential will participate in sports, having never been offered the route of sports as a serious consideration, and even feeling shame if their body does have a particularly athletic build, because it doesn't conform to the passive, sex-object standards of femininity that we know and love.

So following this, a woman with high physiological athletic potential relative to other women is probably less likely to participate in sports than a man with potential relative to other men. So there are likely to be far fewer women at the 'top end', and as a result, the 'top end' in womens sports is likely to be lower than it would be otherwise.

In other words, a lot of athletic potential is diverted to other careers, more so in women than in men thanks to patriarchy. If we lived in a patriarchy-free society where both sexes were equally encouraged into sports, then it's plausible that the 'top end' of female athletes would be closer to the 'top end' of male athletes than is currently the case.

I think this is another way of looking at the argument in >>13494

Tall boy --> "You should be a basketball player"
Tall girl --> "You should be a model"

pic unrelated
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Hey, has anyone ever considered the possibility that the transwoman in the OP got the operation simply because it hates women and wants to beat the shit out of them for money?
>I would like someone to prove that a 5% difference in physical performance contributes to crushing defeats in men's team sports.

We will probably agree that 5% is an arbitrary and irrelevant number, what we want to understand here is whether men as a group tend to have advantage over women in sports, right?

We will also surely agree that, in most sports, things such as muscle or endurance are important.

Now I'll ask, take a glance at this.


And I quote:

>Gross measures of body strength suggest a 40-50% difference in upper body strength between the sexes, and a 20-30% difference in lower body strength.[

>One study of muscle strength in the elbows and knees—in 45 and older males and females—found the strength of females to range from 42 to 63% of male strength

>Another study found men to have significantly higher hand-grip strength than women, even when comparing untrained men with female athletes

>Differences in width of arm, thighs and calves also increase during puberty. Exercise can lower the degree of sex differentiation in muscle development as adults. For example, the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry is very similar in male and female athletes, while in untrained people women cannot carry as much oxygen

>Males typically have larger tracheae and branching bronchi, with about 56% greater lung volume per body mass

So by using that term you signal that you have no intention of having children. This is a good choice anon, for everyone involved.
This pretty much sums it up right here.
Hey, I forgot about that. I wonder if they were intentionally addressing transsexuality in sports?
this is why mum was right

when you complained far too many times, just that one time too far

when she put that shrewd look on her face and shrieked at you ' YOU GET WHAT YOU'RE GIVEN '

and you made the best of it, mum was right

now you gotta deal with the implications of shit like this
>...and even feeling shame if their body does have a particularly athletic build, because it doesn't conform to the passive, sex-object standards of femininity that we know and love.
But that's wrong you fucking idiot, and you based your whole goddamn argument on it! What barbaric shithole do you come from with such ideals on women, Angola?
Planet Earth! You think this doesn't happen?

My argument is based on the premise that society conditions women to enter physically-demanding professions such as sports less than it conditions men to do so. You would argue against that?

you're so adorable! :D


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