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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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As a gay man I find it disgusting that I am pigeonholed into a sub-genre of humanity that includes transgenders and bisexuals. There is nothing more hurtful, after being outcast your hole life, than having the left-wing bigots who pretend to support you, taking everyone who isn't straight and mixing them together into the same bowl of abnormals.

Fuck you moot
>>17545 (OP)
fuck off faggot.
>>17545 (OP)
Kermit (yes, YOU Kermit, the poster)

pls go
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Why do I have to associate myself with transgender fruit-loops again?
OP's a faggot
What's wrong with bisexuals?
>>17545 (OP)
I agree :/
I am not the same as a transgender and never will be.
This board MEANS well, but it won't work. It's a shame, but 4chan's too immature for a LGBT board.
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Also can someone explain to me why women think they are one of us? They are 50% of society and have just as many rights as straight men do.
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>hole life
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Please enlighten me as to the correlations between maturity and a message-board dedicated to people who don't exclusively sex with people of the opposite gender. I would say that kind of singling out of a particular group based on an arbitrary definition of identity is extremely immature.
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I agree Kermit. Nothing wrong with liking butts and dick, but wanting to chop your dick off? That just ain't right.
moar kermit pls
>>17545 (OP)
>implying bisexuality doesn't conceptually predate both heterosexuality and homosexuality, regardless of terms
Any sexuality but bisexuality is a mere historical phenomenon. Get over it.
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how very astute.

tell me more.
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Oh really? Please explain to me how homosexuality is forbidden by punishment of death in every religious text.

le Tumblr-frog pls go

Dis one well-read froggy nigga
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>>17545 (OP)
I must implore you to stop pretending to be me, you charlatan.
>>17545 (OP)
Gay man who likes male manly dudes,
or faggot who likes petite frail effeminate stuttering slutty girly she-boys?

If Gay man, I am sorry for the pidgeonhole, I acknowledge that it must be hard to be grouped with such people. I offer sympathy.

If faggot, gtfo faggot.
Hey mister Kermit what do you think of Futanari?
>homosexuality is forbidden by punishment of death in every religious text
Not so. The concept of homosexuality is only about a century old. The acts 'forbidden' in these texts were acts thought available to all men, and it was considered a matter of weak will if two men should allow themselves to get so horny that they feel the need to fuck each other, rather than to just let it go, or even beat it soft. Wanting to fuck men was considered normal; it was only doing it that was controversial.

>only about a century old

Yeah, etymologically speaking the word homosexuality is young. But the act of sodomy goes farther back in time.
Bro, I think you got a reading comprehension
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As a trannie I don't even define myself by my sexual preference. I would just rather not be called a boy/girl. Why am I considered to be anything like a gay person?


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