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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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>Be gay man
>The non-heterosexuals keep on labelling ourselves long after we've got pretty much equal rights already in society
>Got lumped up with 3rd Wave Radical Feminists who can't stop shouting 'PATRIARCHY' everyday
>The 'LGBT' label still flaunt itself via shallow, stereotypical displays such as gay pride 'faggotry'

Why can't we, as a whole, move on already? The greatest achievement of gay rights should be making being gay a non-issue, but what we're doing still is effectively keep on labelling ourselves by being as outrageous as possible with the increasingly radical social label of 'LGBTQOLKFIBBQWTF'.

It's like we actually want to be oppressed and is now competing for dis-privilege or something. This board is testament to this. The fact that we somehow need a moderated, 'safe space' for discussion means that we're actively making ourselves marginalised.

My boyfriend and I try our darnest to be socially contributing humans everyday. Our sexuality is our own concern. Meanwhile, 'LGBT' people define themselves by such a label alone. This is shamefully shallow, and de-humanising.

As a gay man, I oppose the very idea of such a 'safe discussion space' board.
>>19730 (OP)
Hopefully this time the thread won't be highjacked into several tripfags circlejerking on their bakery skillz.
bumping for sensible humans who only happens to be not heterosexual
You should at least wait like an hour.
The board is not a 'safe space'. It is a place to discuss things LGBT related.
>Why can't we, as a whole, move on already?

Because when I just want some people to kick-the-shit with in /soc/, you faggots have to overrun it with cock pictures, you dumb faggot.

So, now here's your fucking board where you belong, now STFU.
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>respectful discussion
>anti-trans, anti-gay, or anti-lgbt threads get deleted within seconds

>The board is not a 'safe space'
>>19730 (OP)
Another gay man here, and I totally agree with OP.
The threads on this board so far clearly indicate that there is still a problem.
cool our own copypasta
>My boyfriend and I try our darnest to be socially contributing humans everyday
The greatest and most valuable societal contribution a couple can make is the introduction of new members into the community. You are not "trying your darnest" to contriboot unless you are raising children with a member of the opposite sex
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I'm pretty fucking sick of radfem politicizing my lifestyle to further their own ridiculous agendas. Feminism and its "academics" can get their vaginas the fuck out of my faggotry.
>>19730 (OP)
I smell potential.
We donate sperm. Your argument is invalid.
Wow. That's actually pretty awesome. Do a lot of folks in the LBGT community share this sentiment?
>Oh no, they are trolling me. My rights!
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Hell even /pol/ is supportive of old school gays.
>>19730 (OP)

>delete thread
>expects different results


What kind of cake would you love to bake with your significant other? I'd love to bake a red velvet cake with my husband and cover it in cream cheese icing, or a lemon cake with lemon icing for my birthday. And then whatever he likes for his birthday.
>>19730 (OP)
Well done.
What does this board even provide that /pol/ doesn't?
You guys do know that the rights you enjoy now are due to the radicalization of the LGBT community? If they weren't "in your face" nobody would have given a fuck and never have had their beliefs challenged.
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Fuck off.

If there was a button that would elimiante all faggots, including me, I would not think twice about pushing it.

Faggots are scum. They are stupid attention whores rallying around a meaningless granfalloon.

Nothing. Just spewings of hate.

What korean brainwashing bullshit is this? What happened to letting individuals find their own path?
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>implying this board will be a safe space
Shit is being flung in all directions already.

There's a thread about "white tears", a thread about lesbians, gays and bisexuals not wanting to be grouped with transgenders and feminists generally opposing the idea of a man becoming a woman as it "devalues being a woman".

I came here out of curiosity, but I'm staying for the potential entertainment value. Discussions deemed "unpleasant" are already reported and deleted to hell and back.

Dis gun b good fo' real.
/pol/ack here. Most of us are actually pretty thrilled you have your own board, or simply don't care either way. It's really just the vocal, assinine minority that is blowing their tops over it.

Me, I'm happy about it. Everyone, regardless of demographic, should have a place to discuss freely and openly.
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the purpose of this board. It is not a 'safe space' for gay people who couldn't handle /b/. It is a place to discuss LGBT related matters, basically because /hm/ was getting overrun with off topic non porn threads. It is NOT a ghetto for gay people, and to have a board regarding LGBT matters is just as appropriate and 'self-ostracizing' as having a board for DIY or papercraft etc.
You didn't get banned OP?
srs pls go
There is no better term than the Vonnegutian "granfalloon" to describe gay: it is a group that is based upon a false association. Members of the group are only able to relate to each other because they say that they can.
Sounds like an echo chamber...
>believes in free speech and "live and let live"
>must be SRS
Bull-fucking-shit. Let's just create a board for every political alignment and every single issue. Then nobody will have anything to discuss anymore and EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY.
You can find your own path, however you're not contributing to the survival of your society the way reproduction does is his point.
The only reason a guy would ever whiteknight for these stupid bitches is because he's desperate enough to think he'll get some pussy that way.

You do the maths
>Segregated speech
>Everyone agrees with me except a small minority.

I'm sure you've run the numbers on that, right?
I'm gay too, and I simply can't understand why this board should exist.

What the fuck could we be talking about if we can't hook up here?

>"my name is Steve and I'm gay"
>"Hi Steve"

Seriously, worst idea ever. Let's make a thread for black people while we're at it, where blacks can discuss about being black without "racism and prejudice".
I agree with this guy. This board will do more bad than good on the long term
... At what point did I say that?

M00t, the guy that fucking OWNS 4chan, decided to make this board, and I support it. And if he decided to make a communism board, Christian board, or transuhumanism board, I would support it in the same way.
Numbers on what? I never claimed to have numbers on anything, son. I said I agreed with the principle of it. Like it or not, the board got made. Your butthurt didn't factor into it.
>how to meet other gay people
>coming out stories
>being gay and religious
>liking dicks - not sure if gay
>trans threads
>discussing gay archetypes

There is plenty to be discussed. If it's not interesting for you, then leave. As with any board, it is designed only for people interested in discussing certain issues.

The reason this board exists because previously all these threads were on /hm/ which is a porn board.
The really problem is not the lack of hookups, but that the board is more essentialist bullshit. Being LGBTTQQIA does not make someone different or unable to discuss reality with normals.

It also does not work because "gay issues" are either all people issues or issues that are completely denied. Fags love shit about equality while ignoring the other people part of the equation (if laws need to be changed regarding same sex marriage, then they need to be changed regarding polygamy and incest as well). They love to deny actual issues. HIV is not a fag problem even though the majority of new cases are seen in fags.

*by "they" I mean the people who act like LGBTTQQIA is a club, not people who happen to be non-heterosexual.
That sounds like a real echo chamber.

There is such a thing as legitimate criticism.

Especially for the LGBT movement. They have done some stupid things that deserve to be criticized.
And this is the board to talk about those things. It is not a 'safe space' free of criticism. All that 'respectful discussion' means is no troll threads saying "DIS BOARD IS GAY LOL XD"
Which is fucking bullshit. There's no place for huge circlejerk boards. moot said long ago that he didn't want to create a dozen flavor of the month boards. Why he now turns his back on his decision is completely beyond me.
>>19730 (OP)
10/10 post, we need more people like you.
Support the cause for a black culture board here:
>>19730 (OP)
>It's like we actually want to be oppressed and is now competing for dis-privilege or something
You got it.
No. The fact that there were so many discussion threads littering /hm/ shows that there are people who want non-porn discussion about LGBT things. First, it is for LGBT related topics, not LGBT people - i.e. the board is about a subject not a random board for a certain segregated group. Second, in the same way that there exists boards about cooking, politics and DIY, it is wholly understandable that there are certain LGBT-related issues that will enjoy discussion on this board.
You claimed that most people are for the board and it's just a vocal minority. You've got proof of this or are you just using bias to assume people agree with you?
There's absolutely nothing this board could talk about that couldn't go into /adv/ or /pol/.
/hm/ discussions are a joke. And /hm/ denies gay death, so the people there are clearly younger than 15.
Coming out to a board of gay people anonymously on the internet...

Man, all of that sounds like one big echo chamber. I thought 4chan was better than that?
How are those tears of impotent rage tasting?

He either changed his mind or feels that it's more permanent than "flavor of the month". Either way, you're going to have to deal with it.
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>appeal to authority

what a sheep
Negro por favor.
True, I guess, this board is just more specific. Just like /v/, /vg/ and /vp/ As I said earlier, a big reason this board exists is because of the kind of non-porn discussion that was going on in /hm/ a lot of the time.
so this board will devolve into a cesspool of trolls and cunts
sounds like every board
I love how you don't even try to argue against my point. Go back to srs, please.
I meant greentext stories etc., as was fairly commonplace in /hm/.
Is /pol/ too mean for you?
That's why it's good that /hm/ is now only for porn and all the discussions shit comes here. It encourages better quality discussion, in a place where people actually want to talk instead of fapping.
I don't even see how non-porn discussion on /hm/ is such a travesty. It's not like the board is fast enough to slide all the porn threads off the board.
That's a fair enough view to hold, but many would disagree. Also, most the people who have a problem with /lgbt/ aren't arguing that. They seem to think that this is a segregated board for a certain type of people rather than aboard about a certain collection of issues/topics.
Couldn't all those topics be used on /adv/?
>implying that I'm discussing the morality of the creation of a board rather than simply respecting the owner of the website's right to create it

It's not a debate. There is no logical fallacy to be had.
There is no point to argue. The page board was created and that is, quite simply, all there is to it. All that's left is you shouting about how offended you are.
Not true, again, it's on a trial basis.
Right, but all those board are stupid too. We're getting into progressively fractal boards, its retarded. What's next, we split /tg/ into /40k/ and /dnd/ and /chs/ and shit?
I wasn't aware that it was on a trail basis, but that only reinforces the idea that it would not simply be a "flavor of the month" if it became permanent.
hey, can one of you alan turings whip me up a time machine so i can go back four years to when this site didn't make me want to die
As I previously said, I think that's a valid
criticism to make. Some would disagree, but regardless, my original post (>>20393) was just meant to explain that this is not a segregated board for gay people, it is a board to discuss certain topics (whether or not you think those topics are too limited in scope to warrant an entire board).

I'm just sick of every other post saying 'I'm a gay man and this board is for people who let their sexuality define themselves completely', when it is not.
>>19730 (OP)

You're heading in the right direction OP.
Dude, in big red letters on the top of the page, as it says, all new boards are trial boards.

And no, that would just mean moot may have succumbed to one sort of pressure over the other.
>>19730 (OP)

preach on brother. I hope moot reads this.
Right, but given that's a sizable majority of the posts, it seems to indicate to me that an exclusive board for those topics is silly, and likely people who talk about 'lgbt' issues do so incidentally and have no desire to go to a board EXCLUSIVELY for them.
>>19730 (OP)

Straight male here. I totally agree. The media and political arenas already use sexuality and race as divisive tools, and this just plays into their hands.

It's 2013. Straight, gay...we're all taking it in the ass from the same people.
Is /lgbt/ too nice for you?
A certain collection of issues/topics that we already have a board. In all honesty, lgbt rights are discussed at length on /pol/. /adv/ is open for personal issues. Do you honestly think that anyone who isn't identifying lgbt would come here to discuss personal issues or political issues, instead of those boards?

This board doesn't any other use than being a 'safe space', much like /mlp/ or /vp/ being containment boards. The difference is that /mlp/ and /vp/, even though I think those were horrible decisions by moot, have at least some kind of culture that produces OC.
OP, you are the man.

I hope moot deletes this board. If this does turn into SRS-lite, then I shall accept my new trolling grounds with dignity.
The number of >greentext your coming out
or >favourite gay icon
etc threads on /hm/ would offer evidence to the contrary. As for the current state of the board. I think that we will have to wait a bit longer before saying it is complete trash (as it is indeed atm). MAny of the threads that I mentioned are pissing me off are probably trolls attracted to a new board anyway.
>>19730 (OP)
>beginning last sentence with 'as a gay man'
It's only natural that gays form a distinct community because it's the best way to find some dick on a regular basis. So long as there is a community that community will want to have activities together so all the gay pride stuff that bothers you seems kind of natural.
>that would just mean that moot may have succumbed to some sort of pressure

Or he could have simply considered the opinions given to him and made what he thought was the best choice.

In either scenario, the result is the same: a new board is created and some people like it while others don't.

While you may be in the second category, and may vehemently disagree, it is not in your power to change that at this juncture.
Maybe not, but the board is still about a topic, and not just a 'random' board for gay people, as many people criticizing it are implying. Whether or not you think it is redundant is a seperate issue, but there are conversations to be had, as /hm/ has proven in the past. As for your second point, many boards do not produce OC, it isn't a new thing at, when was the last time you went to /an/. At WORST this board is just another useless filler board, but it's not the tumblr-heralding 'safe space' that people are claiming it is.
>>19730 (OP)
>equal rights

But western culture still treats homosexuals and trans folk like shit, as you can see by the number of trolls on this board.
Stop using two lines per sentence. Stop posting if you're saying nothing in your whole fucking post. Do you think we're retarded? moot created the board we're currently posting on. No fucking shit.
If you're saying that is how LGBT people are naturally, then I think we should really start fucking reprogramming or dismantling tr current LGBT party-line. Those fuckers are criminally disgusting, and if all the work people have done to normalize gays is going to allow hairy old men blowing each other on recumbent bikes, then I think we've done something wrong.
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Honestly, OP, when it comes to bullshit like this I personally just don't even associate myself with any if it because as you said we're defined as individuals, not a label. I just ignore it because as much as I'd like everyone else to, it's just not going to happen.
>out of rational argument
>better start bitching about how he types!

I treat you like a retard because you're acting like one.
You know why this board might become huge and important?
Because, as a space of discussion created with the gay community in mind within the biggest imageboard in the western world is the perfect opportunity to inform, discuss, and have fun in an orderly way.

A board in 4 chan is what the community makes of it, and not a space where you fall to pay for moot's self-indulgences.
we don't need nor want a separate board. I advise any gay/bi/ woman or man to email moot and get this shit squashed.
people are mean on the internet?
don't they know they could hurt someone's feelings?
How is a gay leather stud on his bike that different than a sexy babe with big boobs posing on one? You seem pretty diverse so people are going to be into different stuff. You just gotta tolerate it like people tolerate you putting your dick in your friend's butthole. You don't have to be a part of it. Let people do their thing and be happy/
Some people do want a board to discuss LGBT topics. For example, coming out stories threads are appropriate here but not really anywhere else (maybe /soc/, at a stretch).
lolwut. No one cares about getting insulted.
The fact that "gay" is seen as an insult is pretty fucked up, though.
Are you retarded? This board is not the general board for gay people. It is not a board for people who solely identify themselves as gay. It is a board for people who want to discuss topics pertaining to LGBT issues. In the same way that /gd/ exists so people have a place to talk about graphic design specifically, not because they don't see themselves as individuals and only see themselves as graphic designers. The worst thing about this board is that it could be seen as being too narrow in scope, not that it artificially labels people.
Stop thinking you can correlate posts just because they are replies to you. You seem awfully new to me. I'm not >>21703.
that's gay man
99% of the criticism against this board operates under the assumption the board is for gay people who think they need a separate board for general discussion.
In reality, the board is for the non-porn threads on /hm/, that is those discussing certain topics. The board isn't a segregation zone for self-ostracizing gays.
> The board isn't a segregation zone for self-ostracizing gays.
But it is. It doesn't have any other use. Anyone who doesn't identify LGBT will go to /pol/ or /adv/. This is nothing but a breeding ground for feminazis who are too easily offended to have a real discussion on /pol/.
The numerous non-porn threads in /hm/ show otherwise. They are also the reason /lgbt/ exists. Tell me how coming out greentext stories fit in either of those boards you mentioned.
Even if you were correct in saying that LGBT topics could have a place in /pol/ or /adv/, many boards are created as splinters of other boards, for more niche subject matters (I mentioned /vg/ ad /vp/ as examples).


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