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05/24/10(Mon)22:54:45 No.231419XXX File1274756085.jpg-(34
KB, 289x400, LawAndOrder-SpecialVictimsUnit.jpg)
 ICE T : "She's DEAD, scumbag.
Rapped and killed by some of your /b/tards friends. Is that funny to
you?" Officer:"So, because japanese cartoons have all this sex and
violence, you also allow real little girl nudes on your site as an irony
of some sort?" ICE T : "YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THIS SHIT?!?!?" Officer:"You
give us this proxy and IP numbers that can't be traced and worth
nothing. Is that your idea of cooperation?" ICE T : " HOW ABOUT WE
THROW YOU IN THE SLAMMER, SCUMBAG?!?" Officer: "Is just a coincidence
that underage girls decides to expose themselves in your forum naked an
end up dead and raped the next mornig, right? Freedom is more
important, right? More important than a little girl's life?!?!" ICE
T: "NO LAWYER WILL BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!" Prosecutor:"We'll start
to watch both you and your website for REAL this time. We close the damn
thing down if it's no good." Moot:"Problem Officer?" |