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/k/ - Weapons

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What does /k/ do for work?
LEO? Engineer? Salesman? Unemployed?
What is your dream job?
I'm looking for a good career with a bit of /k/ flavor and figured it was close enough to night /k/ to ask

Thanks /k/unts
Broke-ass college student. Fuck yeah.
Warehouse manager
Pharmacy technician
Horse farm manager

Finished up my degrees in Dec, so looking to consolidate. Would prefer something in sale simply to pay these loans off on commission, but given the market, will take anything with a decent salary and good benefits.
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>>14405004 (OP)
Electrician/ school for Electrical Engineering.
Photographer.[Dream job and on the side.]
No /k/ in my job unless you count non lethal shocks as /k/.
Though I do take some pretty pictures of guns.
Work a help desk for a state's financial/accounting system. It fucking sucks.

Dream job? Stock trader, doing something at a nat'l or state park, giving scuba tours or sailing lessons in the Caribbean
P.I intern. Off and on again.

Also, broke ass college student.

Got alot comming to me tho, trust fund kiddy. Just got to make it to 30 or so.
Oh yeah, the best bet for now if you have no real skill is a business major. If you can find a job under a Certified public accountant, you can earn that, or any number of small well paying job's that give you opportunity to maneuver around the business world.

Oddly enough, if you ask b/ how to get a job, and do a job right, you will learn some awsome thing's. I know how to run a windixie store from a few threads and some porn.
I work as a cellphone salesman. It pays the bills and I get along well with my coworkers. I'd like to get into the trades, for awhile I was working doing general labour in a machine shop and it was great.
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Computer sales. Did a short stint at a shooting range before.

Something dealing with /3/. Animation, modeling, whatever. That, or a pilot.
I build roads.

n i hate the gubment.
I'm a mechanic for a landscaping company, my dream would be owning enough land to open a members only shooting range. Or a machinist, I have a mini lathe in my garage and love making things, recently made something for the front of my....airgun. A lead dust collector
>>14405004 (OP)
>What does /k/ do for work?
Student on "Dat GI Bill"
>What is your dream job?
Just to be left alone to my /k/ and thoughts.
>What does /k/ do for work?
Small town computer repair and farming.
>What is your dream job?
Moving to the point where farming is my main job and I do computer repair as more of a secondary thing. I certainly have the reputation built up already.
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US Army Officer
It's will work for another 10 years, plenty of disposable income to spend on firearms.
I'm a minion of the state.
Something in the transportation field, but it's near impossible for me cause type 1 beetus, so something in the IT field for me.
at the moment I'm an ass in a seat
paid well for it though.
no gf, no debt, and I only have a couple hobbies I spend my cash on. guns being one.
I'm the overnight shift leader at a 24 hour subway restaurant. I have 4 guns.
POG here... fobits go farther forward then me.
Armed security guard on an armored car.
Looking to be a paramedic.
How is that job, seems like it would be boring as hell even though it has the potential to awesome
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It is pretty fast paced. Not a whole lot of sitting around unless you are driving. When you are out of the truck you are (should be) moving at a quick pace while scanning for threats. Keeps you active while in your stops.

Decent pay. Good hours. Decent benefits. Shocked how many cashiers/tellers are turned on by my ugly ass uniform.
I go around Chicago and look for muggings in process. Then I take out the mugger and take the victim's wallet as payment.
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I'm a contract firefighter. It's like being a real firefighter, except I don't make as much money, I get no benefits, and I don't have to go anywhere near actual fire. I just manage a retardant base for S-2 air tankers in CA.

There is no career here. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun job, but it's seasonal and bereft of upward options because of a "Good 'ol Boy" system of advancement. Avoid.
I'm an EMT.
I'm a public school teacher. I'm trying to commision as an officer in the US military, but lolpeactime military is tough to get into as an officer.
unemployed loser, failure at life. Can't even get an interview at any of the 8 McDonalds, no interest in college, couldn't afford it anyway.
Substitute Teacher, work at a gym, and a movie theater while going to school. 2/3 jobs are likely to have a shooting lol.
Law Enforcement in the only city that matters.
Current job is truck driver
Dream job is retired truck driver
Did a 6 month intership with a large tech company, but back in school now

Pay was solid, probably going back during the summer. Not sure if I want to work at that specific company full time or another similar company
Studying Accounting, plan to get my CPA. But not sure exactly what I want to do with my degree/certificate.
Weld inspector, CWB Level II. I do ultrasonic, xray, mag particle, and visual inspections, get paid pretty fucking well for it, too.
I'm a janitor working towards a Mechanical Engineering degree. sucks to be poor
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port mechanic,full health benifites, 150K a year if you work a normal work week, dont have to go to work if you dont want to as long as you work 1 day a month to keep my work card active. No boss just do my thing and get paid
Welcome to Social Exile.

It's a term I'm trying to coin by it basically being that you're exiled by anyone who cannot comprehend you. Thus having you be classified as a social hermit. It's pretty cool and you learn how to be yourself in the most literal sense of the term.

Anyways as for me:

Line cook, Dish Washer, Aspiring Chef, and in March Army POG fag who wants to change his MOS to a combat role.

Director/Writer of movies that are fueled by my past loves and their inability to flourish under the constant barrage of one person's love that is never returned. Quiet idealistic, BUT I don't care.

tl;dr I'm a fag.
no, you worked for your dads rental company and did credit checks.
I work for the Department of Energy on their nuclear weapons complex.

My dream job is to pitch for the Yankees. I don't think that's gonna happen though.
Professional firefighter
I want your life, Mister.
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"We did win the world series"
>in six games
Lol thanks, but its not all good the reason i and my fellow mechanics get paid that much is because it has a lot of hazards i cant count how many times i almost got killed and it seems someone dies every few months. Also i hate the when i have to got to work, i have to work nights from 6pm-2am, i could work days if i want to but it pays a 1/3 less
I make fake blown up bodies and limbs for the military to practice first aid with. Fun as hell
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>tfw 189
>tfw no rings
>tfw the new cubs
I'm a civil engineering student, final year.
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I know these feels
I'd love to be a fucking game warden here in Texas. Innawoods LEO in this ridiculous state. Shit yeah

Captcha: ricksmo discovers
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>mfw casey coleman is a friend of the family and everyone gives him shit for playing on the cubs
Student. I work part time in a lab though, it pays okay.
Coast Guard D.O.G.

Dream Job is running boats for a PMC when I get out of the CG
>mfw this is also my dream
>mfw DQ
>mfw I'm still not sad enough or gay enough to post feels
I hunt through thousands of lines of C code to find extra parentheses. Student at same time.

Currently working my way up the buttkiss chain to secure Guard commission.
currently: a money pit (MechEng student)
ideally: MechEng in either defense contracting company (make things that go boom), or oil&gas industry.

goddamnit I want to fucking graduate already. Also a part time job right now would be awesome.
Baby on the way.
Wife brings home the bacon.
Not letting a nanny or babysitter fuck up my child or influence beliefs.

Looks like I'm gonna be a stay at home dad.
Im a firefighter, looking at getting some contract work. KNow any companies that hire canadians ?
Evictions / Locksmith / Inspector...in Detroit
I work IT. Sadly its for a family network consulting firm. Some days are good, others suck. I'd rather make minimum wage selling guns or something. Also a student so hopefully I can get a better job after that. Is the anything IT and /k/ related?
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You live in SHTF central man. start shooting dogs and selling the meat to hobos.

not unless your power level is high enough to get into DARPA
every company i know, canadians are right under niggers for the official "do not hire" list.
Well, I work for Hunot Retardant Co., and while we've had portables go up in Canada a few times, I don't know if they have any offices there. The folks one step up from us is Phos-Chek, and after that is Israeli Chemicals Limited, or ICL.

I don't know any Canadian-specific contract companies, unfortunately. Your best bet is to see who supplies your retardant at the local airbases and go from there. If you're Firefighter 2 already, you can jump right to portable work, if and when, which pays pretty damn well (double time, hazard pay, per diem). Of course, theres that whole SHELTER SHELTER SHELTER thing that sometimes happens.
Tractor crew at the moment, waiting to leave for boot camp.

Dream job - porn star
Programmer, data visualization, GIS.

This is my dream job. Hnnnnrg!

it's muh dream

Texas, civil service protection, good department. Fantastic.
Weed farmer, biochemist
Inherited drycleaning chain a while back.
Pretty good money and I have a lot of free time
23 years old.
Never held a job.
Went to college without direction.
One day decided I was done taking classes without direction.
Got married.

Have no fucking clue of what I want to do.

Wife having a baby in 5 months.

I'm a fuc/k/ing failure.
Federal LEO.

The pay is excellent but I'm just bored out of my mind.

I would prefer just to win the lotto and not have to work but if I had to, my dream job would be something in 2D animation but I have no artistic talent whatsoever.
Freight broker
Loves me some freight.

Government money is godly.

also, i'm /fit/ so it's no trouble for me.
Rural or city carrier?
suburbs of cleveland
>tfw ive had to shoot 2 and pepper spray another...then realize spray for animals is alot less harsh since their noses are so sensitive....
...that mother fucker was in pain, I felt kinda bad
Graduate Research Assistant
Industrial Engineer

I don't make things, just figure out why its fucked
What branch of the government?
State Department? FBI? IRS? ATF?
I'm really interested in becoming a FLEO
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I build industrial impact doors.

At least it pays, I suppose.
Lol ur gunna take our gunz
Deputy Sheriff.

Gun shop owner or going full time as PSD for a PSC. I already been offered multiple contracts by Academi, DynCorp, KBR, Raptor Defense, Triple Canopy, and Versar.
Find out on or about February 13 if I'm going to be a pilot in the USAF.

Currently Aeronautical Engineering student.

How about my Praetorian Guard for the New World Order?
How has the latest incidences in the US been treating your store?

I'm not an agent, I'm CBP. The money is good but working at an airport is a drag.
Right now I'm in college. I'd like to end up with a job in the FBI, or be a Lawyer
That's his dream job
Funny enough I did have to do a gun seizure in customs recently.
Been giving me some doubts. If the ban passes, I am going to work for a PSC.
That was always my dream
Good luck friend
Don't get killed by a faulty f22
oh sorry didn't read it clearly.
How does one farm computers?
I am inna army reserves and work inna machineshop. I want to inna flying aircraft, but sadly my eyes are way too bad for that to ever happen.
Software Engineer here.
This is my dream job.
He's just gonna kill you.
He has a list.

I have a list as well.

But I was under the "Gently" criteria.
Used bookstore employee. It's not too bad, I get an easy job and a never ending supply of /k/ literature to read.
I thought they pulled the plug on this?

What are the physical standards like? I kind of want to enlist for this now.
Programmer, GIS mobile applications and websites.
What does gently involve anyway?

I'm like the only person that doesn't have a list.
Probably because that list is everybody.
>>14405004 (OP)
lol post-ban mag

I can't remember how he described it, but it was comparatively better than the non-gentle list.
Firefighter/EMT. May not be the best pay, but I make decent money, I help people, and the hours kick ass. 24 Hour shifts. I don't have the attention span for 8-12 hours of plain work. Instead, I have an hour of adrenaline rushed rescue, followed by a boring hour, then a varying bit of time to kick back and wait for it to happen again. Pretty sweet if you enjoy the job.
Well, I would hope a nice dinner is involved.

Working in retail after losing my job due to "cutbacks" (embezzlement from coporate)
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I like to be wined and dined before being murdered by a massive Scot.
Software Developer, contractor, work in really exciting business/academic space

nogunz, just airsoft, will own a bolt-action rifle and appropriate C&C pistol by the end of the year
Loss Prevention (Store Security)
If it paid a living wage and I could carry some sort of weapon it would be my dream job.

Trying to be a LEO
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22 im a paralegal
i make it rain right now.
dream job, this except making it rain harder so i can make it rain lead more
>>14405004 (OP)
Currently: All-Source Intelligence Analyst (35F10) Instructor / Training Exercise Developer

Working on my Bachelors of Applied Sciences in Intel Operations- will net me quite a bit more with the company I work.
i bust my ass for a living.
>i work 2 job
>school part time
>reserve sheriff academy
>work out 4-5 times a day
>taekwondo 1-2 times a week

Thank god i live at home with the folks, once i get out of reserves ill probably live at home for a few years, stack mad cash and buy a house.
>making 30k starting

Pick two
doesnt include the extra ~10k+ i make in bonuses because IP litigation is where its at nigynog
I have a 'No Kill' List- Only people are Mrs. BulletMagnet, Li'l BulletMagnet and BulletMagnette... does that count as not having a list?
Law school.

I'm won't be fighting for 2nd amendment rights professionally though. Sorry.
college student
over the summer I'll have some bullshit minimum wage job, or some slightly better job that requires manual labor
spring semester of 2014 i'm gonna get my EMT intermediate certification and work as an EMT over the summer
same thing for the summer after that and maybe even the next. depends on if i can get a decent internship or not
Lawyer, but legal market sucks. Wife is in healthcare so I get to be stay at home dad and get work here and there. Looking to go back to full time soon.
>>14405004 (OP)
i'm a parking attendant and make close to $500 a week plus benefits.
>dat cushy county employment

If you are a girl maybe I'll fuck you when I graduate. Paralegals are there to blow lawyers.
Safety inspector for a marine fabrication shop. Working on my material science bachelors though.
how can you even survive on such low pay/
i live in the south?

i gross $2400 a month and my bills are only $700 a month. the cost of living is pretty comfortable down here
amen brother.

where abouts the south you live?
not to mention that i have healthcare, dental, retirement, and vision.

in reality i get paid to read bolo books on my kindle all day
western nc.
>>14405004 (OP)
>career with a bit of /k/ flavor
postal worker
How do I go about's getting one of those "cushy county jobs"? I want to find a little bit of work before I go back to school next fall.
has north in the name....i tell this to a cousin of mine all the time to tease her.

louisiana here. when i get out of the reserve academy and go full time ill make like 42,500 a year with an issue vehicle, thats not shabby in my book with low cost of living.
go to your county's website and look for careers. that's what i did.
>has north in the name
ah, but i'm deeeeep in the mountains.

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