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  • File : 1310848298.jpg-(22 KB, 340x330)
    22 KB Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:31 No.9285641   [Reply]
    > Yfw people in movies die to one shot from a 9mm no matter where it's placed like it's a poison bullet
    > Yfw people in movies insert mags with the slides back then shoot the slides forward
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:35 No.9285672
    >Yfw people in movies insert mags with the slides back then shoot the slides forward

    That's not how it works?

    I thought that was how it works...
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:45 No.9285679

    I've never done that, I always insert a mag then pull the slide back to chamber the first round.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:46 No.9285685
    That's how it works. OP is a retard, or didn't write what he/she meant right.

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    1.49 MB Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:31 No.9285636   [Reply]
    Everybody strap in, we're about t empty some fuckin pockets.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:31 No.9285643
    Well fuck, I just got out of the shower and have yet to put on some pants.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:32 No.9285647
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    >> Just Expecting Every Problem !ZXmBdDUhMU!!zv3dZrGjtru 07/16/11(Sat)16:33 No.9285658
    Yea, same here.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:46 No.9285684
    >Well fuck, I just got out of the shower and have yet to put on some pants
    Is a BG going to wait for your pantless ass, NO.
    Show us what your working with.

    You too.

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    32 KB Japan grounds F-15 fighter fleet after crash Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)15:31 No.9285273   [Reply]

    >TOKYO — Japan has grounded its entire F-15 fighter fleet following the crash of one of the jets into the East China Sea, officials said Wednesday.

    So, with all 220 F-15J's (downgraded F-15C with inferior EW equippment) grounded due to shitty quality and age (their questionable reliability was always an inside-joke after all, going like "Japanese F-15's fall apart by giving them a mean look"), Japan's airforce is pretty much stuck with just around 80 unreliable F-2's that arent suited for AAW due to shitty thrust-to-weight ratio and a radar-malfunction that limits their expensive AESA's to just some 40nm range max. and 100 obsolete F-4 Phantom-II's of questionable quality and survivability.

    This makes Japan's airforce pretty (very very) shitty compared to even the South Korean Airforce or the ever growing Chinese PLAAF with around 620 4th generation fighter jets (+ another 200 BVR capable 3rd generation interceptors + 194 BVR capable fighter bombers).


    Why is the JASDF so shitty?

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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:33 No.9285656
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    Are you sure about the Russians? They seem poorer now and more dysfunctional than ever. I didn't know they even had a Pacific navy left, everything was rusting in the Vladivostok habor after 1991.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:33 No.9285662
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    This. And like OP said, they got a downgraded F-15.

    >After congressional review, the Department of Defense (DoD) withheld the aircraft's electronic warfare and engine systems from the licensing.

    At the end of the day, they still bombed Pearl Harbor and as such they will never have our full support or trust.

    Read up on what pacifism means. And how frustrated we currently are that Japan can't play a more major role in Iraq/Afghanistan.

    You're trolling though so I guess I can give you a pass.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:35 No.9285673
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    You don't need to be a pacifist to not get involved in Afghanistan.

    All it takes is to not be a drooling retard.

    Good for them for not touching that steaming pile of shit. It also shows that they still have a government that operates via public mandate, unlike America, Canada and the UK, starting wars for no reason and against public wishes.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:36 No.9285678
    They don't spend money on newer models
    plain and simple

    they could easily get somewhat-new planes at dirt-cheap prices. But they won't.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:46 No.9285683
    Youre confusing you opinion with the publics.

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    332 KB Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)15:19 No.9285220   [Reply]
    What is your opinion on France military equipment?

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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:33 No.9285659
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    (no pics of it going down exist)
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:33 No.9285663
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:34 No.9285669
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    america cannot into landing
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:45 No.9285681
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:46 No.9285682
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    60 KB the only good calibers Andy !32zG8gj9CE 07/16/11(Sat)15:49 No.9285377   [Reply]
    So I Just read Scotty Reitz Art of Modern Gunfighting and he makes the Comment that asking 100 people their Favorite pistol and caliber you'd get 100 different guns and 100 calibers. I call bullshit.

    name your favorite handgun and list the calibers you'd consider viable at all. I will buy all of your recommendations for my stocks.

    mine: 1911

    .45 ACP
    .45 colt
    .40 S&W
    .357 Magnum
    .357 SIG
    .38 Special
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    3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:05 No.9285462
    Wilson Combat Hunter .460 Rowland

    I can only base my opinion on the calibers I have shot.

    .380 ACP
    .357 SIG
    6.5 Grendel
    .260 Remington
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:19 No.9285557
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    I hope this happens to you. You aren't the Spetsnaz
    Nobody feed the troll
    >> Andy !32zG8gj9CE 07/16/11(Sat)16:21 No.9285571
    I also like 300 Blackout and .50 GI

    not that I think they're viable for much. (until 300blk takes over the AR world)
    >> Joe Kidd 07/16/11(Sat)16:32 No.9285653
    Browning Hi Power

    9x18 mak
    .380 ACP
    .38 special
    .357 sig
    .22 mag
    5.56x45/.223 Rem
    .243 WIN
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:45 No.9285680
    9mm glock 19/17

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    137 KB Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:33 No.9285657   [Reply]
    /k/, what gun is this guy using?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:35 No.9285674
    is that a famas
    >> /k/aptain planet !!aELDeby/QBV 07/16/11(Sat)16:35 No.9285676
    armalite AR-34.
    >> JDAM > bullets !bAVjknfJBo 07/16/11(Sat)16:36 No.9285677

    M16 brand M16

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    80 KB Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:08 No.9285476   [Reply]
    ITT: ask a swiss armyfag anything

    pic related, my barracks
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:31 No.9285639
    Is it true the swiss only use match grade ammo?

    I'm moving to germany in a year....if i get super good at german can I be a swiss armyfag too? I'm a pretty damn good US armyfag. pretty please? I dont want to be turkish!
    >> Daddy Warbucks 07/16/11(Sat)16:32 No.9285646
    Besides the obvious needs for winter supplies, do you think your training prepares you for extended winter wilderness combat?

    If so, how do you feel the armed forces of your nation would fare if dropped for combat in a hot Arab hellhole?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:32 No.9285655
    can you speak romansch???
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:34 No.9285664
    Does it suck knowing that there is no chance you will ever get deployed?

    Also, does your air force still use the F-5? Any plans on upgrading?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:35 No.9285675
    What do you think the future of the Swiss Armed Forces will be? Are you still based around deterring an invasion, even though that seems unlikely in the current climate? Can you see it operating on any sort of an international level or will you continue to be neutral and abstain.

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    44 KB Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)22:51 No.9281751   [Reply]
    Today, I drew my firearm on an agressor.

    I took my grandmother out to dinner on Miami Beach with my girlfriend and son. We went back to my car to leave, and by that time parking was atrocious.

    My son is all of 6 months old, so getting him in and out the car is a mission. a Civic with about 3 black males kept honking at me bcs they wanted my spot.

    It took me all of 3 minutes to get everything together and before I could finish buckling my son, two of the black males (passengers) leave the car and confront me

    I immediately deescalated the situation by telling them I was out of here, and there were no problems. They started saying random stuff and then when I got into my car to back out, I found that they had blocked me in and just sat there.

    Honked a couple of times, no avail. Waited a few minutes, no moves. I then got out of the car, went to their car, and asked them to move. They basically told me I would have to wait since I made them wait. I told them it was childish and I was calling the cops, and they got out of the car while I was walking back to mine, phone in hand.

    They end up surrounding me, knocking the phone out of my hand, still yelling things at me. by now, we've drawn a crowd, then I notice they crowd around me as to block what's going on from sight. Instantly, I drew my pistol, and gave myself some space, pointed it right at the driver. They conceded and left.

    Any other stories?
    258 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:03 No.9285450
    not too long ago. Wish I could have pulled but only 20 and can't CC yet

    >Closing time at Liquor Store (family business)
    >Minneapolis. Somewhat ghetto but not too bad
    >co-worker and I are getting ready to leave while my dad locks up
    >get in car, dad lets in one more customer (money is money)
    >see car hiding around the corner of the building and waiting
    >call dad and let him know something is up
    >he gets my call as hes letting them in
    >about he seconds later I see my had grabbing the 2 guys and throwing them out
    >one drunk mexican gets back in car, other tries to start some shit and act tough
    >notices me and co-worker approaching him from behind
    >actually makes a smart move and gets back in his car
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:09 No.9285493
    I dated a black girl once and got the shit beat out of me by her extremely dark Upstanding father. Oh how I wish I were 18 at the time and had an M1 with bayonet. Probably wouldn't have stopped that whore from leaving me for some piece of shit hispanic kid (btw, never date a HS freshman) less than 2 weeks after. Such is life in Soviet New Jersistan.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:13 No.9285519
    >multiperson home invasion
    >random murders of nightclub security
    >multiple shooting incidents

    I'm starting to notice a pattern with these stories: you either get into multiple dangerous situations in your life, or you don't. Guess the difference between a safe town and a bad one is like night and day.
    >> story continuation story 1 part 1 of 2 Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:34 No.9285665
    Continuing stories. These all are no injury or no-fire confrontations.

    >be the late 80s
    >be 16 or 17, in Illinois in November
    >Saturday afternoon, just got off work, decide want to go check farm ponds for ducks
    >grab shotgun, field jacket, crappy old canvas ruck with couple duck decoys
    >Check first pond, notacreaturewasstirring.mp3
    >pulling into barnyard near second pond, notice yard is rutted all to fuck and beyond and it's fresh.
    >tracks not headed towards pond, shrug and remind myself to ask our sharecroppers if they were working the woodline.
    >get about 500m from pond, hear laughing, country music. ok, wtf.jpg
    >crest hill pond is behind, 4 jacked up 4x4's full and I mean FULL of rednecks parked all around pond.
    >dam (which was never designed to be driven on) is torn to fuck, literally hundreds of beer cans everywhere, I can smell the alcohol 200m out on a still day
    >walking down path, they no know I'm there. Decide to throw beer cans in pond and take turns shooting at them with a mini-14.
    >50m out, guy currently shooting is so drunk he falls out of the truck bed, has multiple negligent discharges. No injuries, but one truck now has flat tire.
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    >> story cont. story 1 2 of 2 Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:35 No.9285671
    >start to piss self, automagically my shotgun is shouldered before I realise it
    >voice cracking. "drop the rifle! Get the fuck on the ground!"
    >half of the unarmed rednecks comply, other half laugh at me
    >guy with rifle hesitates, takes weapon halfway out of shoulder, (I think accidentally) discharges rifle about 6 inches past my left ear.
    >fire 2 rounds of 3" BBB's into dirt less than six inches from his feet
    >He drops rifle, shits self, starts crying
    >its the 80's, only rich metrofags and businessmen had cell phones.
    >detain about 20 rednecks at gunpoint with only one round left in weapon (federal migratory waterfowl round law) for 4 and a half hours until my dad gets worried and drives the half hour out to the farm to check on me (almost dark by now)
    >dad sees what's going on, proceeds to nearly shit self, drives 10 minutes to closest house, calls game warden and sherriff.
    >only the truck owners and the asshole who (kinda) shot at me arrested. Truck owners charged with criminal trespass, trucks impounded. Asshole who kinda shot at me charged with drunk and disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment, child endangerment, criminal trespass, destruction of private property. Weapon siezed by game warden (If a weapon is siezed by an Illinois game warden, even if charges are dropped or found not guilty you don't get it back). Guy pleas down ridiculously because we had a pussy DA.
    >Get written letters of apology from ALL of them within 2 months.
    >game warden is shooting buddy of my dad's.
    >18th birthday rolls around
    >its the mini-14. Apparently after 365 days in an evidence locker with no pending case, game wardens auction shit off. He bought it for me from himself basically, nfi if he actually paid for it but it had a bill of sale.

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    902 KB Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:32 No.9285649   [Reply]
    So /k/, I went out gun shopping today with a few things in mind and came back with an Enfield No 1 Mk III SMLE in .308 for $200. The stock has a few dings but there's no rust or pitting anywhere. How'd I do? Pic very related...
    >> Joe Kidd 07/16/11(Sat)16:34 No.9285670
    Pretty good deal on an Ishapore in that condition. They're pretty decent shooters that the Indians cooked up in the 60's I think when transitioning to the FAL.

    I rike em.

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    270 KB Anonymous 07/16/11(Sat)16:34 No.9285668   [Reply]
    /k/omandos, I know a few of you are militaryfags or are interested in it, so perhaps you could help me out.
    I'm trying to find out about these markings on my dufflebag. There's a date on the interior that indicates 1943, if that's any help.

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