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07/16/11(Sat)16:35 No.9285671>start to piss self, automagically my shotgun is shouldered before I realise it >voice cracking. "drop the rifle! Get the fuck on the ground!" >half of the unarmed rednecks comply, other half laugh at me >guy
with rifle hesitates, takes weapon halfway out of shoulder, (I think
accidentally) discharges rifle about 6 inches past my left ear. >fire 2 rounds of 3" BBB's into dirt less than six inches from his feet >He drops rifle, shits self, starts crying >its the 80's, only rich metrofags and businessmen had cell phones. >detain
about 20 rednecks at gunpoint with only one round left in weapon
(federal migratory waterfowl round law) for 4 and a half hours until my
dad gets worried and drives the half hour out to the farm to check on me
(almost dark by now) >dad sees what's going on, proceeds to nearly shit self, drives 10 minutes to closest house, calls game warden and sherriff. >only
the truck owners and the asshole who (kinda) shot at me arrested. Truck
owners charged with criminal trespass, trucks impounded. Asshole who
kinda shot at me charged with drunk and disorderly conduct, reckless
endangerment, child endangerment, criminal trespass, destruction of
private property. Weapon siezed by game warden (If a weapon is siezed by
an Illinois game warden, even if charges are dropped or found not
guilty you don't get it back). Guy pleas down ridiculously because we
had a pussy DA. >Get written letters of apology from ALL of them within 2 months. >game warden is shooting buddy of my dad's. >18th birthday rolls around >its
the mini-14. Apparently after 365 days in an evidence locker with no
pending case, game wardens auction shit off. He bought it for me from
himself basically, nfi if he actually paid for it but it had a bill of
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