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Here to interrupt the numerous wominz in combat and gun control rage threads, let's have another milshit/C&R thread.

>discuss milshit/C&R
>discuss shit you want to buy
>discuss shit you wish you could buy
Oh, it finally posted after 3 tries. Thank you captcha.
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Anyone know what the current wait is on C&R licenses? Turning 21 on Sunday and thinking of sending in my $30... I don't have a Nugget yet.
>>14388223 (OP)
I'm thinking about getting a nugget. Is nugget ammo still easy to find, or has it disappeared along with everything else? Also, how long do you think until the surplus goes the way of .303?
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>>14388223 (OP)
Have some mauser


>israeli mauser coming next week
lemme put it this way SKS and Nugget ammo is the ONLY ammo left on the shelves at my cabelas
>want MAS 49/56
>saw one at gunshow in near-mint condition
>7.5x54mm Surrender? Yeah, nobody's even fucking heard of it
>no point to buying a rifle I'll never be able to shoot
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It depends on the person.
I've heard people that got theirs in 2 weeks and I've heard of guys that took them a couple months or more.

I just sent mine off the 26th and I still haven't gotten mine :(
> Is nugget ammo still easy to find, or has it disappeared along with everything else?
Yeah, I think nuggetfood is still easy to find. I'm not that informed in that department.
>Also, how long do you think until the surplus goes the way of .303?
They made a shit ton of it, and it's being imported to this country unlike the .303 that was all dumped into the North Atlantic.
You can still find some surplus every now in then. This is some '51 FN .303 I picked up last summer.

Russia still uses those guns. 7.62x54R isn't going anywhere for a while.
>want MAS 49/56
>saw one at gunshow in near-mint condition
>7.5x54mm Surrender? Yeah, nobody's even fucking heard of it
>no point to buying a rifle I'll never be able to shoot

Not quite.

AIM has surplus pretty cheap and I think prvi makes a loading that isn't too expensive.
I've been thinking about picking up a mauser. Gander Mountain has a bunch of Chilean mausers in .308, but to my understanding those are poorly converted and unsafe for commericla ammo.
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There was some 10MM left at mine.
They had a FUCK TON of PPU 7.62x38 for the Nagant revolvers though, lol.
I paid $600 for mine including shipping and all the accessories in this pic plus almost 100 rounds of surplus ammo.

And ammo is out there for them. PPU makes some albiet they don't import much here, BUT French surplus is everywhere. Aimsurplus has a bunch that was once belted machine gun ammo.
One of these days I'll get a Swede Mauser.
Quick question, bought a No.4 Lee Enfield for $200, but it's Century Arms International and the stocks been beat to shit. Did I goof?
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Got pics of it?

Here's my No.4Mk1.
Are those 1895? Or 1912

The 1912 has new barrels made in the 60s and installed at the armory and 1895 has a collar that was soldered on thus making extensive firing not recommended ( Better off just not firing it)

Read about it here
Nice rifle, triple the scratches and dings and you've got mine.

Haven't got my camera handy, but its beat, butt stocks stamped 39 while rest of rifle is 43, hoping i didn't get fucked.
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They are great but the ammo prices suck ass kinda why I am getting a israeli also 98 carbines in the stander model configuration is stupid expansive up here in Canada. Some guy tried to sell his all matching (good condition byf) for 2 grand and even RCs goes for 600 its fucking stupid up here

100 yards with factory like last year, I got to shoot more
Oh baby, I'm gonna have to go back and check. Is $350 a goodprice?
nah. that's a decent price. Stocks are easy to clean. how does the metal look? condition of the bore?
Anybody know where I can buy some stringer clips, a mag pouch, and a bayonet for my nugget? I bought a 91/30 today with 350 rounds.
Like it's been used in a war.
But seriously, bore's dark, everything looks straight and solid metal wise. I've just heard shit about CIA so I was wondering if I Goofed.
Just about anywhere. Seriously.
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do the numbers match? what are the markings on the receiver?

pic: '43 SA Garand, '16 BSA no.1 mkIII*, '41 BSA No.4 mk1, '44 Faz No.5 mk1, '41 Izhevsk nugget
The guns that Century makes or converts are SHIT, they guns they import are good as are the guns they farm out to gun makers that actually know what they're doing and slap the Century name on it.
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this leads to...
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this, those Brits and their headspacing at the rim
CAI is an importer. they didn't rebuild your Enfield, they just put their ugly mark on it. What does it say on the receiver? what factory made it?
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It's the design of the Lee-Enfield chamber rather than anything unique about the .303. My Martini-Enfield has a very tight chamber the action will not close on a case fired through any of my Lee-Enfields. A case fired in the Martini will cycle through any of my Lee-Enfields, though.
I've got a K31 and just recently got a bayonet for it, Romanian M44 from 1957, and 91/30 from 1939.
I'm thinking after building a new AR, I'm going to buy either an FN49 or a Garand. A MAS 49/56 would be sick if I could get a .308 conversion.
Shit internet makes me hate life.

Left side of receiver is stamped No4Mk1 ROF (F) 6/43, pretty sure the bolt isn't matching the rifle though, and the butt stock is stamped 39 behind the trigger guard while the stock by the muzzle is stamped 6 43.
Do you lurk here and not post at all or do you post as an Anon? It seems like you don't post enough for how /k/ you are.
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The ones converted to .308 are shit. To make one not be shit will require a lot of money and time.
If you want one, I suggest you get one not fucked with by Century and just buy surplus 7.5 from Aim.
pretty simple. Royal Ordnance Factory Fazakerley june 1943.
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Made at Royal Ordnance Factory Fazakerley in June 1943.. The same factory made my No4 Mk2 and No5 MkI.

I don't post anonymously (aside from the time when the name field was removed), I just look for interesting discussions to join.
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I have a K-31. Great gun, I think the crown is damaged on it though. Really worried about that.
Matching bayonet though, which is neat.

I'd like to get an SVT-40 some time soon.
Alright, thanks so much, first time buying one and i'm obviously retarded with this shit.
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buy a bayonet at a local gun shop that is listed as Remington 1903 for $100
Got a recent pic of your collection for me to lust after?
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turns out to be a bayonet for a Winchester 1895 musket

sadly I have no levernugget to put it on
Nice. I'm thinking about refinishing mine. I'm trying to decide whether to do my own cold bluing or send it off to be done the right way.
what the fuck. who would say it was for a remington 1903 when it has maker marks right there!
pretty standard

not great but not bad either

try to talk them down to 250 if you can
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>I've got a K31 and just recently got a bayonet for it
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If I were to reblue mine, I'd get it redone the right way.
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>>14388223 (OP)
Mah 1943 Izzy nugget.
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>a perfectly good mil-surp
Why do you want to remove most of it's value?

>but....but....but... it's stock has a couple of dings in it and some where in the bluing; it just doesn't look pretty!
It's a fucking military gun, it's SUPPOSED to look like that.
I don't want a gun that would be obsolete from ammo availability in the near future. I'm probably gonna send my K31 off to be rechambered for 308 after I run out of my GP11. I suppose I could always buy Prvi but it honestly doesn't even come close to the Swiss surplus.
>>14388223 (OP)
I can always trust Arisuka to make a C&R thread just in time for night /k/
I got mine a few days ago after only 3 weeks.
Just to add, I'm won't get mine reblued. 80% finish is more than fine for me.
I have this thing for making sure my guns look perfect. My stock is worse than a couple dings though; looks like it was fucking gnawed on
I sent mine off on the 27th and I have it already.
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>rechamabering a K-31 to .308
>I don't want a gun that would be obsolete from ammo availability in the near future.
>ww2 era bolt action rifle
>no one makes ammo for defunk calibers ever

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Since it's not an 'arsenal thread' I'll refrain from needlessly dumping photos.

Here is a photo I took last weekend. Both this DWM P.08 and Webley Mark VI were made in 1917. Opposite sides of the war, obviously.
>wants to re-chamber his K-31 to .308
>thinks that the PPU 7.5x55 would be worse than that
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I had a heck of a time trying to get both date stamps in focus, this was the best result of my attempts. The Mark VI's date stamp is at the front of the topstrap just ahead of the royal cipher.
You are my favorite tripfag by far. Amazing taste in guns.
They ALL look that way. It's what snow does to a stock.

If you want a pretty gun, go buy a brand new one. Enough K-31s have been refinished already.
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Seconded. Barracuda and Willis are damn cool too.
Mind if I ask how much you payed for that P08?
I want it to hurry up and get here.
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Eh, I`ll post my latest OC. It would look a lot better, but there is no snow around here.
Does rechambering do something that I'm not aware of?
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Going to costa mesa fun show this weeknd..

what 2 mil surp pistols should I buy? I currently have none

dont care about caliber just want cheap food
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my 'rescued from bubba' 1918 Remington mosin, mismatched stock and all
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By the way, Now I think I am going to either get an Enfield or MAS rifle next, just because of last night`s thread.
I`ll say what I said when I last posted this:
>inb4 Albertsons Ushanka
I know, But it`s warm and fits great. Besides, at least it isn`t one of those plaid abominations. This was the only solid color one left.
it makes the gun worthless to a collector
Tokarev and vz52
>just want cheap food
Makarov, or anything else chambered in 9mm Mak.
Lots of things.
>decreases it's value
>increases the possibility of jams and malfunctions
>mag might not even feed right
>may make the gun dangerous to shoot
>may make the gun inaccurate to a point that it's worthless

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>Cheap food
I would say Cz 82/Makarov and Tokarev. Ammo for the Tokarev is a bit hard to find, but when you can find it, is is relatively cheap.
I'm not interested in selling. I picked it up for $200 a couple years ago and I don't plan on getting rid of it anytime soon.
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I was considering a .308 MAS until last night. Thanks for pointing me to the right path, man.
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So, my buddy has his heart set on a German made k98, (not a yugo, or a czech, or anything like that...picky bastard) and for the life of me, I can't track one down. Anybody know of a decent online dealer to check?
unless you destroy it there will be people that own the rifle after you do...
I`ll take gunbroker for $300, Alex.
Value I could care less about. It's a weapon I'll have for my entire life. .308 is similar enough to the 7.5 so I shouldnt have any feeding issues, chamber pressure issues, or mag feeding. If I got it done the right way from a good gunsmith this last one can be avoidable.
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>still haven't taken new pics.
In other news I'm going to see what the LGS has for .22's this saturday. If I see any good C&R deals I'll have to jump on it too.
You can pic up a yugo tokarev cheapish. $400 if I remember right. vz52 I have no idea; should be about the same though.
I told him the same thing, but apparently he's iffy on private sales. Thanks anyhow though.
everything you can think of about rechambering it is a negative outside of how common the ammunition is, and its not hard to get even without being a reloader
If you want a gun that is accurate and in .308, then buy a gun in .308. It'll be far cheaper and you know you won't turn the rifle into a boat anchor.
There are lots of converted Spanish Mausers on the market in .308.
Yeah, those converted ones are shit. Fucking Century. Those converted ones can't hit the broadside of the barn because they ruined them and all they did was give the reputation that all MAS-36s are shit.
My children yes.
In all honesty, he does seem like a retardedly picky guy.
But every cloud has a silver lining. That shitty reputation keeps prices down. Which of the MAS-36 and 49/56 is lighter? I want to be able to quickly shoulder and carry more ammo.
I guess I could get into reloading. I'd need a lot more brass though.
7.5x55 has a wider rim diameter. I just put a .308 on the bolt of my K-31 and the extractor won't even hold the round.
>That shitty reputation keeps prices down.
>Which of the MAS-36 and 49/56 is lighter?
The 36. The 36 is actually pretty heavy compared to most mil-surps because of it's think barrel. It looks a lot lighter than it is.
My No.4Mk1 is lighter than it! Though my K-31 and K98 (obviously from the laminate stock) is heavier.
Really? According to gunbroker, a 49/56 goes for about $750 too, so it appears that I`m going for a 36, if I so choose.
Fuck no. Just saw one on Armslist for $500
The prices on gunbroker are all over the place.
I bought mine with accessories and ammo plus shipping for slightly less than $600. I've seen rifles just by themselves go from $450 all the way past $600.
Really? There are two that I see, one fore $750, the other for $30 (heuheuheuh).
There`s only one on Armslist in my area, but it`s too damn far away. I`m going to put up a want to buy ad.
What's a good fair price for an SVT-40?
Look at what they sell for, not what the seller wants them to sell for.
Get yourself an account and look at the complete items.
Canada: under $400
US: $800-$1k because lol import restrictions
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;_; I guess I'll wait and see if the WTO ends up eliminating those restrictions.
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I say it's a toss up, guns are pure evil in case you haven't heard.

>I want my goddamn SVD dammit.
Yo, I found a Type 99 long rifle for $200, but bubba has replaced the sights on it :(
He says he still has most of the parts of the original sights.
Is it worth it?
I figure the stock alone is worth more than that.

What do you guys think? I'd talk him down to $500-550.
>dat pic
my grandpa has a retardedly bubba'd one converted to some dumbass fudd calibre
only cool thing is that some of the flower is intact
I'd probably wait. I'd hate to pay the $900 and have the import ban lifted the next year.
They're going around $450-$550 on gunbroker.
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It is worth more in parts, but you'd have to make the effort to part it out and I doubt you'll really make all that much money. Your call though obviously.
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Do you know if it would be easy to smuggle one in from canada?
I've always thought about it. If you had dual citizenship I feel like you could bring it over.
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>I'd hate to pay the $900 [for an SVD]

Nigga, you best be either trolling or totally ignorant of what an SVD actually is. Otherwise I'd be pissed as fuck that they are for sale somewhere for only $900 right now.
Getting one up there would be the hardest part. I'd imagine.
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It'd be easy to get caught after you got back with it to the US. there are only like 150 actual SVD's that are in civilian hands in the US.
By that I mean: the hardest part would be finding someone to purchase the gun for you (assuming you're not a Canadian citizen).
I don't know if the bubba sights have harmed the gun or not. I asked the seller to send me better pics but he hasn't responded.

I also have seen a long at a gun show that only had a fucked up stock.
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That's painful. T99 longs are basically impossible to get parts for, especially stocks.
I know exactly what it is and I'd love to have one in my collection, but I WILLLLL be pissed if I shell out $900 and the next year and I can get one in better shape for $300
Known ones that is. Who knows what is locked away in some 'Nam vet's basement.
Probably stuck next to a couple of unregistered Type 56s.
What about SVT's? you could disassemble it and hide the parts all separately.
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You're not in the US?
The way I look at it, if that one is ruined completely I can try to find the other and use the stock off of it and make a complete one again and get Type 99 long for around $400-$500.

If I can't find the other gun I could just sell the stock to someone else for $300 and make a small profit.

Of course this is all speculation as the guy hasn't even responded to me.
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Bought my first nugget today. Finnish m39
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That's illegal. Everyone knows once something is made illegal it is physically impossible to do.
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Nice, what's the year and maker?
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>implying I don't live in NY thus am already a criminal
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1941, sako?
Really pumped to go shoot it, i fell in love with my dads m44 and i hear great things about the m39
When you gonna receive your second Type 30?
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Yeah SAKO. Does it have the SAKO gear logo on the stock and are the bolt and floorplate matched to the serial number? (if all three are yes, then it is original matching)

BTW, do NOTHING to the stock finish as nothing more is necessary to preserve the wood on these rifles. (a frightening number of people don't realize this)
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Guy listed the money as received, but he hasn't given word on if he's sent it yet or not. I had hoped to have it late this week, but all I can do is wait really. I am not in a rush to get it however.
It has the gear logo, the bolt is matched to the serial number but not the floorplate. The floorplate looks like someone filed it down and stamped a new number to match it to whatever rifle it was originaly on
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Here is a pic of the floorplate. Numbered 2153
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I shot this this weekend.
Shot like shit; high and to the left. It has a perfect bore too :(
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Almost all M/39's you'll find have mismatched floorplates, so it's not that big of a deal that it does match; the bolt and stock matching is more important. Soldiers and the arsenals just DGAF about keeping them with the same rifles it seems. Also M/39's were the only ones that had matching floorplates to my knowledge. (some wartime M/91's might have had them too, but I haven't taken note of one yet)
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>that it does match

that it *doesn't* match
Speaking of revolving nuggets, here is a Finned one that was up for sale but no one bidded on.
I think he wanted way too much for it. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=321489987
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lol, welcome to the world of half-assedly refurb'ed Soviet surplus!
Seems like i lucked out and got a decent one. Based off other markings i think i can assume it was imported to the us sometime in the 60's by a company in knox tennesse.
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A little high starting price is probably why.

>imma go eats meow
The barrel literally has no pits at all and is all bright and shiny.

I could not have paid for a better bore than this.
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Probably imported in the late 90's most likely. The Finnish Army surplused the last of the M/39's around 2002 if I remember correctly. They used them for limited training until the mid 90's, and were still a standard issue weapon until the late 80's. I think the next largest batch of them that came int the country was in the 80's along with the last of the earlier models of Finnish made Mosins.

>the interesting battle sight on the M1912 Krag-Jorgensen carbine.
Adjust the sights?
I can move it from side to side, but not down.
It hits very high and to the left.
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Buy a new one. They're only $100.
Cool, thanks for the info! Its pretty sweet i think finding out all the history behind a rifle.
Everyone is sold out of them.
I literally got one of the last ones from Aim.
Then again, I'm getting kind of bored with it already and may just sell it at some point.
I know. I missed out.
I have good news: inaccurate revolvers can often be fixed by re-reaming the forcing cone. Even on wheelguns from real companies, the forcing cone can be cut slightly off-center, at a bad angle, or not deep enough. Cone reaming is one of the first steps a smith will do to accurize a revolver. A cone reamer costs about $50 at Brownell's or Midway, and it's dead simple to use.

Might not be worth it for a $100 gun, but the option is there.
Perhaps make a taller front sight leaf out of a blank.
Do you even reload?
Bought this Carcano yesterday.
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Forgot to post.
You do know that the cartridge goes inside of the forcing cone on Nagants, right?
I know about the gas seal, but the bullet still needs a forcing cone or at least a bit of leade before it hits rifling. If it's shooting to one side, the bullet is either meeting or leaving the rifling in an asymmetrical fashion. Assuming the barrel isn't misaligned to the frame, of course.

What's the muzzle crown look like?
The crown looks fine.
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Just got my training grenades in

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I need to get me one of those launchers for mine.
I want one. Then I could fire it off of my MAS-49/56.
They're like $60. What's stopping you?

laziness basically and I keep forgetting about it

I haven't had a chance to test them yet, but I think that will come after I procure a new retaining spring for the launcher.
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Here's the rest of my milsurp shit, looking into getting something chambered in the swiss GP11 cartridge, probably a 96/11 or a K31. If anyone has any experience with these, I'd love to hear what you think about them
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Isn't C&R basically a registration for your arms you buy through it? Isn't that bad?
How does /k/ justify that? Or do I just not understand C&R
C&R is an FFL for collecting.
You just have to keep the records in a bound book that if the ATF requests to see they can see. That is all. The chances of them asking to see it is slim to none.
I heard you have to keep a log of everything you buy with it though and the gov can show up anytime and demand to see it. Can you just lose the log book in a boating accident or will the gov know what you have.

It's also a good idea to keep records in the event that something gets lost or stolen.
The only time they'll ask to see em is if they suspect you're buying and selling for a profit or buying for other people from what I've heard.
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K31 or K11 is the way to go. Simpsons ltd has a lot of swiss rifles at good prices.

So star model b (9 Luger), walther p1, or yugo sks for my next c&r purchase?
>30 threads daily about how gun registration would be the end of life as we know it
I don't think anyone will come looking for a nagant revolver, but what if ping gets banned because of mag capacity etc?
Do I have the only copy of the log and how is that enforced?

For C&Rs, no. They call and schedule a date and time for you to swing by with the bound book and guns. That or they can do it at your home.


Well that's one time, but that's not the only time. Sometimes they will do just purely random inspections. Usually those are only to help train new employees on their procedures. Personally I've never had any interaction with them, of course I've only had mine for about 6 months now.
I Know someone who has had one for 9 years and never had a visit.
How do they know what you purchased if you have the log? I mean, what's stopping me from buying something and then just not recording it. They must be alerted when you use it?

If you were thinking about the P1, I'd just save up for a steel-framed P38. Otherwise I'd vote for the SKS, but I'm biased because I'm a slav, so take that with a grain of salt.

They can only inspect it once a year, but they almost never bother inspecting C&R's bound books because they kind of view it as a waste of time (because it is, who GAF if some guy owns a bunch of bolt guns).
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>Do I have the only copy of the log

yes, and you may destroy it when you license expires (unless you re-up it, but that's dumb, just get a new one after the 3 years, it costs the same)
If I could find a steel p38 I would have already bought it.
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Hmmm alright.

Thanks for the info guys.

Southern Ohio Gun still has them in stock.

$739. Handpick is an extra $10.
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IMO, it is less of a hastle/infringment than the 4473 and BG check every time for adding something to your collection. The out of state purchases in person are a big bonus too for gun shows.
Thank you good sir
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that's really high. You can get a legit WW2 correct German issue one for significantly less.

He is correct, Classic Firearms also has them for $599. They appear to be in stock.
Maybe I'm retarded but I'm not seeing them

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>mfw I found a Type 56 SKS at a local shop for $250 today

Swiped that bitch right up, but I had to wait a couple days for the ATF to do the backround check, because of the backlog.

It was the last one they had.
If you like surplus a C&R is really worth every penny.
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Secondary market, gun shows, decent gun shows, etc. Same place as where most gun collectors buy stuff.
Yeah I just got out of the hospital and will be bed ridden for the next three weeks at least. I was hoping to get a gun in the mail for morale reasons. Looks like classic will be getting more of my money. Thanks everyone.
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Aye, happy shootin' to ya.

Not a bad price for a brick and mortar shop. Condition and Arsenal?
Top left handgun is CZ-82?

cz82's have all but disappeared in the last month. Any hope they will return to market?

Yes, it is. I'm hoping stores will find some more stock as I quite like mine and would like to get another. I got mine from Southern Ohio Gun back in October and they had a shitload. I guess it was an easy target for panic buyers, being as cheap as they are.

Classicarms has them. Now they're $269.99 before hand select and addition magazines though. Don't know what's with the $50 dollar increase, guess even they are caving in a bit to the panic buying opportunity.
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It's called a vz.82 goddamnit. just cause the importers are fucktarded and put CZ82 in the import mark doesn't mean that's what it is.

Hell, I have a Mosin marked as a 98/22 Czech Mauser in the import mark, lol wut.
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At one point I had the money to buy an AMD-65, I went to Seattle instead for a concert and a baseball game. That was a great vacation but now I kinda regret it since the AMD was only 600 with shipping and taxes and now they are 1300 or more.

But at least I can still buy nuggets for relatively cheap. Here's my latest two. The brass top guard one is the beat to fuck nugget that was made in 1943, the rifling is pitted and the stock looks like it was in Stalingrad. The second I bought yesterday and the rifling is very strong, the bore is bright and shiny and the stock though dinged is in decent condition.

I paid 65 for the beat up one and 120 for the decent one but the latter came with all the goodies including the bayonet.
>>14388223 (OP)
Excuse my ignorance, what is that second rifle?
French MAS-49/56.
Pure sex is what
Cheers, it's kind of beautiful!
And by "kind of" I mean really.
Yes, yes it is!
I almost has a MAS 36 once, I shot it a couple times but the friend decided to keep it. I really loved it. French weapons post WWI are sexy to me except for the Famas.
awesome, I really regret not buying one before the new year..

yeah, am seeing that too. sucks though, dec prices were like 210...etc

thanks for the info.
What is going on with that sight?
Anti-Aircraft sights.
They're anti-aircraft sights meant for leading a low-flying plane.
The numbers correspond with the number of kilometers per hour the plane is flying IIRC.
classic is actually pretty shit that way. They also like to spread FUD, scaring people into buying shit. They also pulled a mitchell on a few mausers back in the day as well.
Recently picked up a 1946 Turkish Mauser and 140 rounds of surplus for $175.
Pretty good bore, but a bit dirty. The damn handguard ring won't unscrew though, so I may just sell the rifle and pick up another.

Also got a 10/44 No.5MK1 ROF(F) Jungle Carbine, all matching (except magazine) for $225 from the same seller.
The bore looks as if it hasn't been shot.
Also got some surplus South African VII from him as well. $50 for 140 rounds.
Classic was selling nuggets for $120 when everyone else was selling them for $100.
They'd even sell you a crate-o-nuggets but they were still $120 each FFS!
Got some pics of them to post?
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Ignore the QUALITY, don't have a real camera.

Also, the 303 came in that ammo can.
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Also here's the turk 8mm mauser .
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Here is some FN .303 that I bought a few months back.
Also posted here:
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>go in Cabella's
>see Type99 with bubba'd wood stock
>pick it up and look
>pic related

Cost 225 bucks. And I couldnt afford it. I feel bad...
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Here's the South African 303.
I hear that this brass is actually pretty popular for berdan reloaders since it uses a different diameter primer.
Hopefully I can sell it for a few bucks when I get around to shooting my enfield.

Where'd you get your 303 ammo? Gunshow?

Hopefully I'll come into a cache of cheap 303 soon, or I may just sell the enfield later this year.
Don't feel bad. You rescued it.

Do Cabella's accept FFL03's? Theres none in my state.
Also, do they allow you to haggle?
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tfw i have a shitty jungle carbine
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its bubbad to fuck but it is a real badass shooter and i dont feel bad for over paying. it brings me joy

It's a commercially cut down full sized rifle. Not a real jungle carbine.
its a golden state sante fe carbine. i know its not a legit no 5 even though it has the no5. on the side but i just like to call if a jungle carbine.
It was too much for it anyways.

Did you take a pic of the left side of the receiver with the serial number and markings?
How much is a legit No5MK1 Jungle Carbine worth anyways?
in the ball park of 500. give or take a little.

Last one at my LGS went for $350, good condition.
Idk about them accepting that, but thwy would go a bit, I think, on these used guns. I dont see them moving on the new ones on the rack.

No..... No, I didnt... I couldnt afford to buy it and fix it up...
Id never seen a seal so unmolester, with complete AA sights intact, metal in that good of shape...

However, I too wish I could find cheaper .303, as im about to get all the furniture parts to fix up my savage no4. Not cut down or anything, but it has ashitty monte carlo synthetic stock.

Ive read that Savage rifles had both the groved and plain handguards, so I guess it wont matter which I get. It DOES have the micro sight, which I hear is rare for a Savage.. I read that after about 15cxxx they drolped it, but mines an 18cxxx. Still dated in '42, though.
It's okay nuggy, I bet it shoots just as good as mine. Btw, how flared is the flash hider? Because it should be around an inch and a bit, but yours looks a little narrow from that picture.
>dat 3030
im not sure how flared it is, its a pretty decent size. and it shoots amazing, its pretty fucking smooth and the bore is in amazing shape thats why i dont feel bad about having payed a lot for it. im embarrassed to say how much i payed for it because i know its a ludicrous amount for a fake.
oh.... ;_;
No, I didnt...
Thats too much for one? That looked that good? The barrel didnt look cut down or anything, looked like it just needed the original clothes...

They also had an Enfield M1917 in there... Oh, lawdy those are sex, it felt heavier than I expected, but it just felt... I donno.
They wanted way too much, ithink... It looked new, but with bayonet it cost 1,119 bucks.

I want a 1903A3 pretty bad, though. That way it will match my bro's Garand when he gets it. Too bad they cost so much.
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>>14388223 (OP)
let's see stuff i wish i could buy...way too much...
Stuff i am going to actually buy :

-The Right Arm Of The Free World by Steyr for milsurp shooting competitions
-At least 3 more Nuggets, i am aiming on any Tula in wonderful conditions, a hex with the old arshin sights and some else i still have to decide (the finnish one will have to wait a little)
-SVD no psl no ndm no tigr or fpk, price over here is around 2 to 3.5k and i am starting to work and study and i have very low expenses so it can and it will be done
-M44 nugget

Pic is my nugget crate that is now being turned into the infamous /k/offee table!
An untouched mum doesn't make it that much more valuable. It just makes it more appealing to the eye.
I bought my Series 21 from Cabela's with it's original stock and untouched mum for about $240. Though, they wanted $290 for it.
It didn't have it's AA sights, monopod, dust cover and cleaning though, but that's typical.
Type 99s are fucking everywhere in original condition. And it's not just a matter of finding another stock as every manufacturer was a little bit different, even among it's own production you can have several different variations.
What Cabela's is it? Is it the one in Buda, Tx? Because I live a few miles from it.
I see, thanks for enlightening me.

I know a guy with one of the last-ditch ones. Pailed on wood buttplate, dem tool marks, ect.
No, Wheeling, WV.
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my '16 BSA no1 mk3*

im trying to find a matching upper handguard
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Finished my C&R paperwork today, going to drop it in the mail tomorrow.

Can't wait to get started. First orders of business will be an SKS, Hand Nugget, and Garand.

As of now my arsenal's pretty small. Just a 91/30 Nugget, Mossberg 500A, CZ-75B, and Mrs. Anon's .357 LadySmith. I have a 30-30 Marlin, but it's in my dad's safe--my little brother commandeered it last deer season.
The "last ditch" ones have the most variations of them all. Some can be pretty rare. Like the ones that used a rope for a sling and just had a hole drilled into the buttstock for the rope.
Like mine is one of about 5,400 that was made with a reject stock.
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bumping milshit
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That looks like someone built it in a cave with a box of scraps.
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Why you say that?

Lol, but check out the casting of the front sight.
My nugget looks better built than that.
oh god lol
I still laugh when I look at early production T-34s.
I doubt that. It's just a cosmetic feature, nothing more. The gun is very well built and designed.
As long as it's not one of those converted 308 pieces of shit.
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I don't buy converted guns. The converted MAS-49/56s are worse than most conversions and should be avoided like the plague.

I lol that there are a ton of them on armslist and all claim they work "flawlessly" or "perfectly." They wouldn't be selling them if that was the case, lol.
Is that the Semi auto or the bolt action MAS?
Semi-auto. MAS-36 is bolt action. MAS-40, 44, 49 and 49/56 are semi autos and are all basically the same gun.
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Here's that picture I owed you.

I tried to throw this evil French rifle away, but it wouldn't fit in my trash can.

It even has a grenade launcher, and the baby-seeking bayonet. Mrs. Feinstein said we don't need assault guns like this. Americans don't need grenade launchers. Ban them.
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Pretty decent ammo.
Ever tried the MAS-36?
Nice MAS-36/51!

It seems a lot of them weren't even used.
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I own one, yes.
It's in fully unissued condition. As far as I can tell, it's never even been fired.

What the fuck is the stock made of? Oak?
>fighting inna war
How is it? Good fun rifle?
Most are either walnut of beech.
Walnut on the early rifles, and a combination of the two in the mid-40s, by the 50s they used mainly beech.

Beech has those pretty rays in them.
Many MAS rifles were never issued. It's common to find them still in the arsenal wrappings.
They fought in a quite a few wars in the 50-70s.
It's a very good rifle. Can be pretty accurate, though they have a poor reputation of accuracy but that's mainly do to people removing the stocks which effects the zeroing of the rifle as the stock is bedded to the action and could also be because the wood can dry out over-time especially when you use some types of chemicals to remove the cosmoline off of the stock.

And while the bolt handle looks unergonomic, it actually is quite easy to rack.
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Those rifles were re-worked in the 60s and 70s and wrapped up.
A lot of the MAS-36/51s were actually never issued at all. Some did as the one in this pic being held by some African soldier.
I've seen enough K31s go through my father's store to know what a beech stock looks like, and that is definitely not walnut.

It's heavy as all hell, if that's any indication. That's why I assumed it was oak, since beech is usually really light.
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>>14388223 (OP)
damn, I always come in late it seems. this is from a few days ago with the mas 36. the top right was off a bit because the guy next to me fired a 44 mag right when I shot the last rd of the group. its a bit high for 100 yds, but I accidentally had the sight set at 300m. this is also with French surplus. they are nice, underrated rifles.
Your father doesn't own a store.

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