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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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A fighter from the Free Syrian Army's Tahrir al Sham brigade looks at an improvised shotgun, which is used to fire improvised grenades, in the Arabeen neighborhood of Damascus, on February 9, 2013. (Reuters/Mohammed Abdullah)

What other improvised weapons are the dune-dwellers coming-up with?
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A Free Syrian Army fighter uses a catapult to fire a homemade grenade at Syrian Army soldiers during a fight in the Arabeen neighborhood of Damascus, on January 24, 2013. (Reuters/Goran Tomasevic)
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TFW it hits one of the posts and lands at their feet . . !_!
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Free Syrian Army fighters use the electronic compass of a smartphone to help them aim a locally made anti-aircraft weapon near the Menagh military airport in Aleppo's countryside, on February 17, 2013. (Reuters/Mahmoud Hassano)
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armored vehicle with gun mount
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>that catapult design
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A young man works on the production of hand made missiles in a secret factory in Al-Bab, 30 kilometers from Aleppo, on January 19, 2013. Unexploded bombs are collected after government shelling, and their components are recycled by rebel groups. Each day, nearly 50 missiles are assembled for the Abu baker Brigade. (Edouard Elias/AFP/Getty Images
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its a trebuchet
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Not gonna fucking lie, these Syrian and Libyan guys impress the ever loving shit out of me. I mean I guess when your country is in open rebellion no one minds if your borrow there machine shop
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women may not find him handsome, but at least they should find him handy.

.....unless he blew his hands off afterwards.
i like the cameras
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holy shit it is...
didn't see that counterweight all the way up there, now it's even more confusing lol
One of those things is not like the other
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Abdullah the Hut has been eating shit again...
Bad Abdullah.
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A homemade military vehicle called "Sham 1" in the Khan al-Assal area, on November 10, 2012. (Reuters/Zain Karam)
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Syrian rebel fighters stand around a cache of homemade missiles in Aleppo, on August 21, 2012. The rebels say they get explosive materials from government shells which failed to explode. (Reuters/Youssef Boudlal)
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A Syrian rebel uses a videogame controller to activate the machine gun of Sham 2, a homemade armored vehicle made by the rebels' Al-Ansar brigade, in Bishqatin, 4 km west of Aleppo, on December 8, 2012. (Herve Bar/AFP/Getty Images)
What the fuck is up with all these handsome Arabs? Only slight homo, mostly jealousy.
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A rebel fighter fires a truck-mounted gun toward a building where Syrian troops loyal to President Bashar Assad are hiding during heavy clashes in the Jedida district of Aleppo, on November 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)
>>14922129 (OP)
I assume it works like those ww2 rifle grenades where blanks launch it?

I would love to go over there and just build machines of war
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A bomb maker from Abu Suleiman's group of rebel fighters wires pipe bombs, which are detonated in specific areas to cut access to their mountainous stronghold in the northern Syrian province of Idlib, on March 20, 2012. Abu Suleiman, who finances the weapons for the unit which carries his name, has assembled one of the multitude of armed groups fighting the regime. (Frederic Lafargue/AFP/Getty Images)
And they all have fantastic beards.
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A Free Syrian Army fighter holds the head of a mannequin up to a hole in a wall of a Syrian Army base to attract and locate a sniper during heavy fighting in the Arabeen neighborhood of Damascus, on February 3, 2013. (Reuters/Goran Tomasevic
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Syrian rebels adjust a homemade mortar launcher in the northern city of Aleppo, on October 16, 2012. (Tauseef Mustafa/AFP/Getty Images)
truly amazing when /k/ and /diy/ come together.
Fuck, I wish it was that smart. but nope, check >>14922147
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An FSA fighter fires a rocket propelled grenade during heavy fighting in Ain Tarma, in Damascus, on January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Goran Tomasevic)
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FSA fighters run for cover as a tank shell explodes on a wall in Damascus, on January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Goran Tomasevic)
always my 2 favorite boards
>built with garry's mod
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pretty damn cool, ya know?

>but they're still fighting dudes with toys like these
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Kurdish anti-Syrian government activists parade the streets in celebration for the official declaration of liberation of the city of Derik, near al-Malikiyah, on November 15, 2012. (Giulio Petrocco/AFP/Getty Images)
They are fucking their shit up hard, mate.
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A Syrian rebel drives Sham II, a homemade armored vehicle, in Bishqatin, Syria, on December 8, 2012. (Herve Bar/AFP/Getty Images)
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A missile on the grounds of a Syrian air defense base, after Free Syrian Army fighters seized the base, in eastern Ghouta, on the eastern edge of Damascus, on November 9, 2012. (Reuters/Muhammad Al-Jazari/Shaam News Network)
>Cameras on the front
>PS2 to control Turret
Really seems like a bunch of hipster douchebags in designer clothes posing for instagram pics. Have you seen these sandmonkeys fight? Go to liveleak and watch them run around like retards and have no idea how an ironsight works. If they put as much effort into their warfighting as they do into their facebook albums they might make some progress.
I lol'd really hard.
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Rebel fighters push out a boat carrying two Syrian women fleeing to Turkey through the Orontes river near the northern Syrian town of Darkush, on December 14, 2012. The United States said it planned to deploy two Patriot missile batteries to Turkey along with 400 troops to help defend its ally against potential threats from neighboring Syria. (Odd Andersen/AFP/Getty Images)
could it just be a manual fuse but still launches with blanks?
>rusted out septic tank with stabilizers
>we missile now
I would have sex with her in the missionary position.
It's weird, I always think of combatants in syria as retards unable to think beyond the basics, like firing from cover and stuff, but when I see these pics, I'm reminded they're just normal people, many of whom are quite intelligent.

Wait, I dont want to retype that, so let me elaborate. I just mean that I think of them as uneducated, so machining weapons and breaking down explosives and stuff is really interesting to see.

I dont know if that makes me a racist or just kind of stupid for assuming they would know shit about stuff like this
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Mannequins are erected to distract snipers loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo's Khan al-Wazeer district, on December 16, 2012. (Reuters/Aref Heretani)
The design looks very familiar, I am pretty sure it could be a soviet missile.
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Free Syrian Army fighters fire a rocket towards a CASTLE where pro-government forces are based, in Harem town, on October 28, 2012. (Reuters/Asmaa Waguih)
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would bang
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A shoe, glued to the mouth of a statue of late Syrian president Hafez al-Assad, at the museum of Maaret al-Numan, in Idlib province, an area under the control of rebel fighters, on October 17, 2012. (Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images)

She likes side-folders bro, you dont have a chance.
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Rebel fighters belonging to the Liwa Al-Fatah keep an eye on an enemy position from a school building during skirmishes with the Syrian army in the nearby Bustan Al-Pasha front line in Aleppo, on October 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)
I hope the Syrian Army removes all this kebab.
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Banksy worldwide...interesting
Its amazing how creative and competent the camel jockeys are when it comes to killing themselves and others. Yet they are so damn autistic in everything else. Maybe its something in the kebabs
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Now that's what I call using your noggin!
The Kurds are the only people worth rooting for.
we KSP now

Hell, haven't the Syrian rebels been confirmed for Orkz yet?
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A sniper line-of-fire, seen through the scope of a rebel fighter's gun in the Karm al-Jebel neighborhood in Aleppo, on November 2, 2012. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)

>Homemade AA

We need to know how this works now! maybe this is how we beat them drones!
Not enough dakka.
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A man looks at a destroyed Syrian Army tank in Azaz, some 47 km (29 miles) north of Aleppo, on August 3, 2012. (Reuters/Goran Tomasevic)
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Opposition fighters prepare home-made firebombs in the northern Syrian city of of Aleppo where rebel forces overran the Shaar district police station, on July 25, 2012. Battles raged through the night in several districts of Syria's second largest city to which the regime had rushed reinforcement, after rebels launched an all-out assault for control of the country's commercial hub on July 20.
what the heck kinda scope is that??
looks like some sci-fi reticle
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A wall painted with a message reading "You will not displace our hearts" in a street in the al-Khalidiya neighborhood of Homs, on July 17, 2012. (Reuters/Yazen Homsy)
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A Syrian man walks near part of a destroyed military tank with Arabic that reads, "freedom," at the northern town of Ariha, on the outskirts of Idlib, Syria, on June 10, 2012. (AP Photo)
From my time in Iraq I know that the kurds are not to be fucked with once their jimmies have been rustled. When I was there in 2005 every single shia and sunni iraqi was scared shitless by kurd military/police.
I'm sure all of the snipers in that hallway will be clearly distracted by that mannequin.
Let's just hope they aren't using bolt actions.
God, shut the fuck up, Carlos. You'll give away our position.
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A Syrian rebel sits inside a car converted into an armored combat vehicle in Khaldiyeh neighborhood in Homs province, on May 15, 2012. (AP Photo/Fadi Zaidan)
Walking through Syria and seeing all the different shit people put up without being shot would be brettycul.
Oh my god, I just ruined a keyboard. Drinking tea, I read that, and imagined carlos there making wisecracks with the fighters, and just sprayed it everywhere

>that camo job
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last one from me.

It's a fucking wild world out there....

/hope y'all enjoyed the dump (courtesy of theatlantic)
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Thats really fucking clever.
that'll buff out
Where's the vehicle? All I see are tires sitting upr... oh, they camo painted it.
Green with white polka dots.
You're a goddamn liar, anon.
I almost want to learn to speak Derka.
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>Galaxy S3 powered Anti-Aircraft Gun
>MFW I own a Galaxy S3
>MFW no one is making an iPhone powered AA Gun

Suck it, Apple.
You know it's a shitty civilization when you can't tell if something is their prepared food or exploded body parts.
>Dr seuss tank
it was probably green before they painted the polka dots on it
You know you need glasses when you cant tell gibbed toesies apart from dinner
>tfw no tire protection
can they not into slanted armor?
dat file name
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>thinking nonamericans can afford apple products
>has never eaten "Mediterranean food"
Lens making
The parachute
Surgical disinfectants
The fucking windmill

All of which were invented by the Arab world
Why the fuck would anyone want Apple's proprietary OS. Fucking commie.
hey man, dont be throwing things like that around. I am a communist and dont want an iphone
Because I don't give a fuck if my phone has a proprietary OS, I just upgraded from a flip phone.
This generation needs to check they're fucking privileges.
>having a cell phone
Check 'em.
Yeah, sure, kebab-lover.
Not all kebabs are bad kebabs, just the ones who come out of the desert.
Incorrect, those were all inventions prior to the Arabic world, or were contemporary with, but not invented by Arabs. Arabs conquerors, and thus are mostly thieve for most of the technology they used, and for a brief period in the middle ages were able to keep that technology and adapt and improve upon it, but the majority of their "inventions" are falsely attributed to them.
I never quite understood the "checking one's privilege" thing. What exactly does it mean?

And yes, I'm not American.
Step back and take a look at your life. Thank God for the blessings he has given you and the opportunities to overcome and become stronger that he placed in your path. But really it is mostly just shit flinging retards.
troll harder
It means pretty much "Don't take things for granted, because we have it much better than others in the world."
Like when you see on Facebook when a teenage white girl who is legally an adult but still supported by both of her parents threaten to commit suicide because they got her a black iPhone 5 instead of the white one.
Basically the gist of it is that if happen to be white/male/straight then you're at an advantage over anyone who isn't one of those things, since you're not as likely to be treated like crap over something you can't control.
B-but I'm at maximum trolling, captain. If I take her any harder she'll explode!
>“Just because you have privilege does not automatically make you a bad person, but denying it and actively harming others through your words and actions might. Being an intersectional feminist can be really easy once you consider that we are not all simply just social activists. We all come from different backgrounds. We come from all around the world, have had different experiences, and have different identities. Not everybody is concerned about contraceptives; some social activists are worried about that their sexual orientation or gender will become illegal and ultimately fatal; others that their race and ethnicity will automatically set them back in life statistically.” —
Race is a feminist issue; Shavon L. McKinstry

Go to tumblr and search "privilege" and tell me it's not used for shit
wtf? That's not what it means at all.
Are you a feminist queer or something?
its a completely stupid idea, anyway. Should we just be content with what we have? its impossible for people to really just be happy, whatever is negative and relevant to them is no less important than some starving african.
That is what it is used as.
Do you even Tumbler?
Technically, most of them are not pure bred kebab anyway. Meditarranian peoples usually are a mix of european and arabic blood. Keep in mind Rome/Italy has had a vested interest in the area along with Greece.
unless you need scholarships for school, in which case being a white male and straight means you get squat, but the transgendered mexican criminal migrant gets a full ride and housing.
It you want to be known as the asshole who whines about things that don't matter, by all means.
No I do not.
>septic tank or russki missile?

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