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    Portland, OR folks: You are invited to drink beers, play arcade games, and eat delicious donuts.
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    File : 1317317833.jpg-(117 KB, 918x1224, IMG_8336.jpg)
    117 KB Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:37 No.9832009  
    So Dave Sevigny abruptly leaves team Glock.
    A few weeks later the team coach, Billy Abbate, is arrested for molesting a teen team shooter. That would have to be Tori Nonaka, as she is the only 15 year old shooter on team Glock.

    Sevigny is not a suspect nor has he been implicated in any wrong doing. So why the hell was he fired from team Glock?
    >> SVT-Stan !!g6AUaDAmPYX 09/29/11(Thu)13:39 No.9832019
    Who cares
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:43 No.9832027
    Either his leaving was unrelated (most likely), or he was going to report the incidents.
    But who cares either way.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:46 No.9832046
    >Leaves in the middle of the season
    >No other sponsor
    >Shot for Glock for 10 years, employee for 8 years
    >Criminal investigation going on

    Something tells me the Glock thinks that shit canning one of the best pro shooters around is a good PR move. How about they not hire 15 year old shooters and pervert coaches.

    >who cares
    /k/ does not do much shooting, so maybe 3 or 4 of us care.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:50 No.9832060
    >How about they not hire 15 year old shooters and pervert coaches.

    Sounds like good advice for almost every sport.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:56 No.9832077
    then there would be no sports as we know it
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:56 No.9832080
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    i would have waited a year
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:58 No.9832084
    Has anyone called dibs on his wife yet? I don't have a pic of Jesse Abbate and I can't be bothered to get one of her.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:02 No.9832087
    She already finalized her divorce with him and is engaged to her NRA show co host.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:04 No.9832097
    Haha, all coaches are pervs.....yea, pretty much true actually.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:07 No.9832103

    damn that bitch looks like a man. i sometimes expect that from white and black girls, but an asian? im convinced "she" is smuggling a penis with a jawline like that.

    also lol at glock having 15 year olds shoot just for attention. "hurr durr look a young girl it makes us cutting edge", she probably fucking sucks shit and brings down the team, total PR move to market some mary sue girl who hasn't finished puberty yet and try to show the world what a "prodigy" she is.

    and no im not jelly of women shooters, i respect a great many of them, but having a fucking teenage girl on a pro shooting team is totally just for attention, no two ways about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:08 No.9832106
    ya, who really wants to waste their time teaching a bunch of stupid, obnoxious, sexy kids how to throw a ball through a hoop?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:08 No.9832107
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    Actually, in person, she's pretty hot.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:09 No.9832110
    let dem angry virgins alone
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:12 No.9832113
    She's 15? She looks like she's in her 20's.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:14 No.9832121
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    >"i didnt know she was 15"
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:15 No.9832126
    Seeing her at the NRA show, she certainly did not appear to be only 15.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:16 No.9832127
    looks 15 to me, haha
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:20 No.9832147
    >also lol at glock having 15 year olds shoot just for attention.

    Check her out in some videos on youtube, she's actually a pretty good shooter.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:21 No.9832162
    Damn, bitch moves fast.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:22 No.9832165
    Oh yeah, she's a great shooter. But, she does not appear to any market for Glock. Teens can't buy guns. It does not make a lot of sense to have her as a full member of the team.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:26 No.9832184
    Team sponsors don't give a shit who or what their players are. All they care about is whether or not they can get their names near the top of the list so they can say "look at all the people who win using our shit."
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:26 No.9832185

    uh, no, still looks like a man bro.

    your low standards =/= my hot standards. looks like i could cut a diamond on her jaw and cheekbones.


    just watched one. she's average. my point is that the glock pro shooting team should be actual pros, it's VERY clear to me that the only reason she is on that team is due to her age and gender, it gives glock a nice little marketing barbie, mainly for trying to appeal more to young females and get them into shooting.

    you have to read between the lines, she is only there for marketing purposes, they could have an adult male or female shooter who is worlds better than her if they wanted to. im not going to blame glock too much, it's a smart marketing ploy in some ways, but i think it kind of degrades the sport in general when they pick someone to be on the team for a niche reason as opposed to actual raw skill.

    this is glock we're talking about, most popular pistols in the god damn world, they have their choice of many many many better shooters to fill her role. just irks me that she is essentially there for marketing and affirmative action purposes.

    but w/e, she got raped, hope she commits suicide because of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:31 No.9832195
    0/10 on every part
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:32 No.9832198

    uh, teens cant buy cigarettes either, it doesnt stop tobacco companies from stealth marketing to them.

    it's simple:

    -15 year old on shooting team of the most popular pistols on the planet
    -any regular girl who is young and mildly interested in guns can look to her as a role model due to her age and gender
    -gets a ton of regular girls more interested in guns, especially glocks
    -those girls ask daddy to help them get into guns
    -daddy buys daughter a new glock and teaches her to shoot
    -either that or girl waits to turn 21 and buys it herself
    -either way, they just marketed to and converted a young female
    -more money for glock

    again, on a PRO SHOOTING TEAM FOR GLOCK, they could have easily put a much better shooter in her place who was much more experienced. she might be good enough to compete, but she is not amazing, i know people from my local range that shoot better than her. not to mention her being 15 means she has a lot more other responsibilities that can fuck with her schedule, yet glock keeps her's all for marketing, there is little other reason they'd have a 15 year old girl shooting on their team.

    and i really do like female shooters, there are a lot of outstanding ones, but this bitch is a marketing barbie.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:35 No.9832203
    You do know there are different tournament formats in shooting competitions, right? Like, female only events? Youth events? They can use her for those.

    Anyway, she IS an actual pro. She shoots well and gets payed for it. I guarantee she can outshoot most of the grown-ass men here. Your marketing scheme theory is almost paranoid levels of suspicious - are you also the type that believes in 9/11 truth and government coverups of alien technologies?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:35 No.9832204
    So you're saying Glock is using teen shooters to market to teen gang bangers.

    Are you in the 8th grade retard class.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:36 No.9832209
    Tournaments are all the same, it's the division they compete in - women compete against women. Tori is a USPSA/IPSC shooter
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:41 No.9832223
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    >15 year old smoking hot chick who shoots competitive pistol

    Oh my god, I would -


    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:43 No.9832233

    Well, the basic point that "company advertises with BEWBS" is not too far off. There's more gorgeous female competitive shooters out there then we suspect, I wager. All they needed was one, ONE pretty girl who could also shoot like Anne Fucking Oakely. In a nation of 300 million gun-toting 'Muricans, couldn't have been that hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:44 No.9832236
    Yeah, and as a teenage girl she has more options open to her. She can compete in womens divisions, youth divisions and open divisions. She can literally compete in all of those divisions in the same tournament if all of them are available. That means more shots at placing and more shots for Glock to whore their name.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:47 No.9832244
    >That means more shots at placing and more shots for Glock to whore their name.

    Of course. Everybody knows this. That's the entire fucking point of company-sponsored teams. Tori doesn't give a shit, she gets paid to shoot guns. I jelly.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:48 No.9832246
    >Age of consent in germany is 14
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:50 No.9832259
    So then it is agreed that she's not only on the teem to appeal to teenage girls? And that she's a good shooter that is useful to team Glock?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:57 No.9832284

    >implying Glocks are German
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:58 No.9832295
    glocks are from australia
    >> Drewsifer !y4yHFhYEKg 09/29/11(Thu)15:03 No.9832323
    >Billy Abbate

    Sounds like Jessie is going to be single soon.

    I feel bad for Tori. This is an awful thing to happen to a kid. Did David quit or get fiired? It kinda sounds like he jumped of a sinking ship.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:04 No.9832327
    only if the partner is also a minor.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:05 No.9832332
    i want to sue him for physiological suffering he causes me.....

    the fact that i will never get to be in that beautiful girl as a virgin makes me feel sad......

    we should just get rid of his shit, he ruined a perfectly amazing fantasy for me....... fucking prick.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:05 No.9832333
    wait for the internet though guys to call you a whiteknight
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:07 No.9832344
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:18 No.9832373
    You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Just stop it. Have ever even been to a USPSA event or competed in one?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:21 No.9832396
    Austria and Australia are not the same place.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:22 No.9832401
    >ad hominem
    >no counterargument

    Wonderful rebuttal.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:22 No.9832402
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    boys boys boys

    there's still giraffe neck for you have your neckbeard fantasies about
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:23 No.9832404
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:31 No.9832429
    Here is your rebuttal. USPSA rules are online.

    Before you go spouting off about divisions you should do 15 minutes of reading. Juniors are shooting against juniors, period. While there is an "open" division is broken down that men compete against men and women against women. Further more, when it comes to squads, you don't find the sexes mixed on squads.

    Really, you're just going on and on about something you've never participated in.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:37 No.9832447
    And what part of that makes me wrong? She is a young female who can compete in events that the other members of the team, who are not young and mostly not female, cannot compete in. That makes her useful to the team.

    How is this lost on you?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:42 No.9832472

    She is competing at the same events, just competing against a smaller field full of kids.

    Dave and Randi at least were competing on the super squads. These are the groups that everyone stops to watch.

    It's not like Tori is competing in more events than the others due to her age.

    Answer one question, have you ever shot a USPSA (or IPSC if your not American) event?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:45 No.9832493
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    Continued. Tori was only up there as eye candy. At the NRA convention it was clear she was lacking in PR abilities or even the basic ability to speak in front of a crowd. She could barely answer question coherently. Dave and Randi knew how to stand on the stage, give a presentation, work the crowd, and answer questions.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:51 No.9832519
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    >> GrassyKnollSaladBar !MOfUgwCF.A 09/29/11(Thu)15:53 No.9832533
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    well then, lets put another shrimp on tha barbey
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:54 No.9832537
    Girl on the left's expression reminds me of the "This is what a femanist looks like" picture.
    >> Islamic Republic of Iran !!9a6XAa4mDeT 09/29/11(Thu)15:54 No.9832538
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    Having mixed teams is begging for trouble.

    All for political correctness.

    pic is Iranian all girls shooting team.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:55 No.9832545
    I will only use a glock if I need to it is not my preferred weapon
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)16:02 No.9832570
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    They look like they can handle a rifle better than most of the people who post here.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)16:03 No.9832576
    That's really good to know, thanks for sharing.
    >> Michaelangelo !!RYeXqMvbOWq 09/29/11(Thu)16:08 No.9832605
    >married to mother-fucking Jessie Abate
    >rape a minor

    Billy Abate is a fucking moron.
    >> un/k/nownuser !4changtcqk 09/29/11(Thu)16:09 No.9832611
    >Having mixed teams is begging for trouble

    only if the female's jailbait.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)16:10 No.9832613
    She was nailing here NRA show co-host. I'm guessing that marriage was on the rocks for a long time before Billy lowered his eyes.
    >> Michaelangelo !!RYeXqMvbOWq 09/29/11(Thu)16:12 No.9832623
    I'm sure is turned out to be more of a business deal then an actual marriage, but who knows, bitches gonna bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:26 No.9833356
    I regret to inform you guys that Tori posts here. Why you gotta go and make her feel worse?
    >> 7 !Vz.58OhU4I 09/29/11(Thu)18:28 No.9833364


    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)20:45 No.9833981
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)06:57 No.9836461
    >Getting raped
    >browse /k/
    sounds like a bad idea, this place is like the mountains of madness
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:46 No.9836521
    Fuck her, it's not like she was yanked into some ally and raped by some unknown negro. Give it a few years, you'll see what trouble this kid will be. Also the U.S team is on the way to IPSC worlds, so I don't that bitch is reading this post.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:49 No.9836529

    look at her, just LOOK AT HER. She got what she deserved and wanted, that cock hungry little Asian.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:51 No.9836536
    >little Asian
    she doesnt looks asian
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:59 No.9836551
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    You sure showed her, man.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)08:10 No.9836573

    She's probably one of them halfbreeds, the most cockhungry of them all! 50% spick + 50% chink = 100% pure madness.

    >Tori Nonaka
    Implying Nonaka isn't a Japanese last name.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)08:58 No.9836633

    I'd be pissed too, if my wife was banging her cohost
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:07 No.9836880
    hot as fuck
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)16:47 No.9838091
    Would you still rape an underage girl?
    >> Dynasticum !hkEGQsV0Xg 09/30/11(Fri)17:28 No.9838114
    >Not blonde.
    Stay classy, slavladyboyfag.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:31 No.9838149
    >Implying people in the modern age don't have constant access to the internet at all hours of the day.

    Seriously, how do you not know?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:33 No.9838158
    You really think she's posting here?
    You really think that someone who is at the IPSC worlds would be spending time on 4chan

    I don't know. I also don't know if you're a retarded negro or not.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:39 No.9838181

    It didn't say he raped her it only said he molested her which could mean a lot of things. Adults having sex with underage teenagers is more common than you think the problem with Billy Abbate was that he got caught.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:39 No.9838186
    the shitposter is back
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:43 No.9838212
    >Aggravated Child Molestation
    >Child molestation
    >Statutory Rape
    >Sexual Exploitation of Children
    >Enticing a Child for Indecent Purposes.

    not sure, sounds like rape
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:49 No.9838240
    Actually that is the legal definition of having consensual sex with a person under the age of consent if you are over the age of consent. i.e. even if the minor were to engage the activities she would be named the victim.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:51 No.9838248
    Why is it so fucking hard to wrap your head around? We have full time doctors and stock brokers and lawyers all over 4chan, why is it so hard to believe that an underageb& half japanese girl is browsing a japshit website on the internet? It's not even like she's some super important celebrity, she's a high school kid with a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:56 No.9838274
    I don't see any reason to believe it just because some random person say it is so without backing it up. Too much "troll value" in such a statement in a thread about her being a victim of rape.

    Anyways this part of the forum might not have an age limit but 4chan isn't a place for kids anyways.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:00 No.9838304
    >My prayers will be for the young alleged victim.
    Does this count?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:01 No.9838307

    Just because it might be possible doesn't give us any reason to believe it. You are one naive motherfucker if you believe anyone on the internet without proof and the same if you expect people to believe you if you do not provide proof.

    Did you know that Barrack Obama and The Situation both post on this board?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:02 No.9838315
    >an underageb& half japanese girl is browsing a japshit website
    sounds reasonable
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:04 No.9838322
    some people claim Jack Black is browsing 4chan
    also Dylan Ryder
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:40 No.9838356
    I'm pretty sure Dave Chapelle and Megan Fox are both /b/tards, not even kidding
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:48 No.9838386
    >4chan isn't a place for kids anyways.

    You've been here in the summer, right?

    >Jack Black

    You can't tell me he doesn't. I actually wouldn't believe you if you said he didn't.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:48 No.9838396
    they need to redefine what happened to the chick. Don't know the finer details, but it doesn't sound like she was raped. If she didn't consent and was forced or manipulated into it, then she did get raped, but if she consented to it and even though the guy should know better, it was not rape. It's gross that a guy would go after a 15 year old, but honestly, she looks really mature for a 15 year old (physically, not mentally, she could be a total underage retard upstairs for all I know). If the parents caught them and were ok with it, chances are no one would say he was raping her. Not trying to defend the guy, just think statutory rape is a stupid term.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:54 No.9838426
    >4chan isn't a place for kids anyways.

    You've been here in the summer, right?

    >Jack Black

    You can't tell me he doesn't. I actually wouldn't believe you if you said he didn't.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)18:56 No.9838440
    An adult in a supervisory position of a minor can be charged with sexual assault or molestation, even though the contact may have been consentual and did occur in a jurisdiction where the minor was of legal age. The charges could have been initiated by the minor, the parents, the prosecutor, or even the employer of the adult in question.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:01 No.9838459
    I was talking more about claiming she was raped then the other stuff. Like I said, I don;t know the finer details of what happened, so unless there's a report saying he forced himself on her rather than just take advantage of her, I wouldn't say she was raped.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:48 No.9838751
    If you stick your pee pee in a minors jay jay it's the prime legal definition of rape no matter how it happened, there's no circumstances that can change that.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:53 No.9838788
    Within hours of joining Team Glock, she was fucking the coach.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:54 No.9838799
    I'm not arguing against that. I'm saying the legal definition shouldn't include the word rape, which by definition, means forcing oneself upon another without consent. It's a stupidly worded term.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:56 No.9838814
    thats called an interview, jack-ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:58 No.9838826
    protip: A 15 year old can't legally consent.

    Good luck at your future trial.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)20:05 No.9838867
    that's not the point. Look at that retard 16 year old that married the 51 year old actor. He's not raping her even though she can't legally consent because her parents are fine with it. If her parents weren't fine with it, it becomes rape. That's stupid. The term is stupid. This glock asshole didn't rape this chick if she did it willingly, even if she doesn't know better. He probably took advantage of her naivety, or his position, but if she responded it kind, rape shouldn't be in the definition of what he did.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)20:09 No.9838881
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    >failure to consent =/= rape
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)20:10 No.9838888
    i believe in america we call your kind pedophiles, its not a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)22:03 No.9838961
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:05 No.9840629
    yes, thats called a pedophile
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:19 No.9840701
    pedophile is someone sexually attracted to pre-pubertal children (that is, without secondary sexual characteristics)

    15 year old is biologically (and in most of the world legally) adult woman.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:25 No.9840722
    ohh the pedophile reasoning, its like im on /b/
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:30 No.9840739
    You should try this sometime.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:30 No.9840740
    Who makes their belts?
    >> Xed !!guH3YCya11S 10/01/11(Sat)05:33 No.9840751
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    Glocks face when i would STILL rather shoot a 120 year old nagant pistol over there tactical tupperware.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:34 No.9840755
    Looks like 5.11
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:35 No.9840757
    >implying you have any guns to shoot anyways
    >> Xed !!guH3YCya11S 10/01/11(Sat)05:36 No.9840762

    Says the faceless anon.....
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:37 No.9840769
    he is supposed to be faceless. you're the tripfag.
    remember your place
    >> Xed !!guH3YCya11S 10/01/11(Sat)05:39 No.9840775

    MAKE me anon.....
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:39 No.9840779
    >You should try this sometime.
    maybe you should try to get your "facts" right
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:39 No.9840781
    Meh. Maybe its stupid, but a right thig at the same time. I mean WTF? Cant wait for some time? Need to fuck 15 y.o. that badly? Problems with self control.

    That is true? No shit. Heh. Indeed - laws are made for a poor people.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)05:40 No.9840787
    Maybe you are mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)06:18 No.9840905
    facts were posted. look up the medical definition of pedophilia, and age of consent around the world, if you don't believe us.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)06:45 No.9841014
    its still hebephilia, and you will have a hard time finding a country where under 16 is legal for adults
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:01 No.9841051
    >you will have a hard time finding a country where under 16 is legal for adults
    umm, i live in one.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:18 No.9841098
    most of them are third world shitholes
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:22 No.9841111
    Grab at dem straws boy like you grab dem dikcs.
    U gay as hell
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:24 No.9841115
    says the closet pedo from a third world shithole
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:26 No.9841123
    >third world shithole
    Says the mad american.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:28 No.9841131
    your parents must be proud because you moved from goats to underage girls
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:34 No.9841149
    They are proud, because I can think for myself, and use logic, and I am not ignorant of the world around me.

    Are you capable of saying the same?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:37 No.9841160
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    you sound mad
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:40 No.9841169
    >third world shithole
    uhh, actually, i'm in Europe. our social system makes USA look like third world shithole.
    inb4 some bullshit about "freedom".
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:54 No.9841202
    >i'm in Europe
    the only countries in Europe that allow you to fuck 14 yo with no restrictions are some ex communists shitholes that never did anything with value, Italy is the only exception, to bad the spaghettis are broke as fuck and thx to Berlusconi the joke of Europe
    i would be surprised if you faggot know what clean water is
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)08:02 No.9841225
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    So it's not rape if an adult convinces a child to have sex by saying it will be a fun game?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)08:08 No.9841239
    >Its not rape when she doesnt says no.
    thats what some people itt think
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)08:09 No.9841241
    So it's rape if she thinks no...
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)08:17 No.9841257
    >the joke of Europe

    Greece takes that top spot now. Keep up with the times.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)08:18 No.9841259
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    >implying the joke hasn't always been the UK
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)08:18 No.9841260

    Italians or Europeans?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)08:19 No.9841263
    joke like in people laugh, and Italy takes that place at any day of the year, nobody takes them serious
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)09:19 No.9841348
    age of consent in europe:
    Austria: 14
    Croatia: 14
    Czech republic: 15
    Denmark: 15
    France: 15
    Germany: 14
    Greece: 15
    Hungary: 14
    Latvia: 14
    Liechtenstein: 14
    Lithuania: 14
    Poland: 15
    Slovakia: 15
    Slovenia: 15
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)09:29 No.9841368

    The scouser made me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)09:29 No.9841370
    >Germany: 14
    only if you are under 18
    16 for everybody else

    >Although the Austrian age of consent is basically 14, it is illegal to have sex with someone under 16 by "exploiting their lack of maturity".

    >Liechtenstein: 14
    a country with barely 22000 inhabitants

    the others are 15
    >> Red Dawn !HUMKYrK8X. 10/01/11(Sat)09:29 No.9841371
    Glad I am in the US. The whole age of consent thing never mattered to me. I can't stand 18 year olds as it is, why would I want someone younger?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)09:31 No.9841376
    >3 Eyes, no Arms.
    >Sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)10:35 No.9841572
    Is that a mexican woman with a bottle of tequila in the bottom left?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:16 No.9841715
    Are you American?

    If yes consider your stupidity excused.

    If not, spend a few seconds thinking about how that is a Cornish flag, and the woman is drawn into Cornwall.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:54 No.9841821
    I am American. I was joking about her being mexican, fucking obviously, but I don't understand why she appears to be drinking tequila and flipping the bird.

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