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    File : 1314183821.gif-(319 KB, 450x270, 1911 action3.gif)
    319 KB NON AMERICANS ONLY Legislative question 08/24/11(Wed)07:03 No.9588964  
    Would you support a political party with the following statement regarding firearms in your country?

    >Right to Keep and Bear Arms – We urge the Legislature and Congress to repeal all laws that infringe on the right to bear arms, and to reject any monitoring of gun ownership, and all specific taxation or regulation of guns and ammunition. We support a ten-year mandatory minimum sentence, without parole, for felonies committed with firearms. Stiff penalties should be enacted for frivolous lawsuits against legitimate firearm manufacturers. All gun owners are responsible for safely storing and operating firearms. We believe the Legislature should enact legislation preventing employers from prohibiting Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holders from storing their concealed handgun in their vehicle while on a company parking area, and removing civil liability from property owners who do not prevent CHL holders from carrying on their premises. We believe that Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders should be free from harassment, and license revocations and denials against firearm dealers based on violations consisting of largely inconsequential record-keeping errors and encourage the ATF to consider lesser gradation of sanctions for such errors. Firearms and ammunition manufactured and sold in [INSERT STATE/COUNTRY HERE] are not covered under the Commerce Clause and therefore are not subject to Federal regulation. We support “open carry” in the State of [INSERT STATE/COUNTRY HERE] and we oppose “Gun Free Zones.”
    >> Czechfag !Czech3rk6s 08/24/11(Wed)07:05 No.9588968
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:05 No.9588969
    Australian here.

    Where do i sign?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:07 No.9588976
    I'd be reluctant because Australia doesn't have a congress.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:08 No.9588980
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    So you'd support Concealed Carry, Open Carry and limited to no restrictions on small arms?

    I'm talking no weapon register or licensing scheme here either apart from maybe displaying your DRIVING license.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:08 No.9588982

    No thank you.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:10 No.9588987
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:10 No.9588988
    Add in maliciously committing crimes with firearms instead of just crimes committed with firearms.
    If this wet dream ever did happen, there'd be some guy doing 10 years without parole for happening to be armed while committing a dumbass non violent felony.
    But overall, like I said...wet dream. Ten years seems low for someone using a firearm for evil, though. Make it 20.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:11 No.9588989
    It's no different from what the criminals get, why the fuck not?

    Now it's just legal for me to have the same Browning Hi-Power or Glock 19/21 that the fine upstanding australian aboriginal gentleman 10 meters away has that he got from beating a cop senseless.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:11 No.9588992
    >No thank you
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:12 No.9588994
    While we're at it, let's implement sharia law and sell medicare off to insurance companies. It'll be awesome!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:13 No.9589000
    I would be willing to kill and die in order to put this party in power
    >> This Guy Knows Where His Towel Is !!hJXdo+TImRh 08/24/11(Wed)07:13 No.9589002
    >We believe the Legislature should enact legislation preventing employers from prohibiting Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holders from storing their concealed handgun in their vehicle while on a company parking area,

    No. over9000 times, no.

    >we oppose “Gun Free Zones.”

    As long as it is not private property, this is perfectly acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:14 No.9589006
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    State policies haven't been written in yet but on the federal level...

    Specific firearm policies:

    * Sport, hunting and self-defence are all legitimate reasons for firearm ownership.
    * Firearm ownership should be subject to possession of a licence. However, all adults over 18 years of age have a right to a licence unless it has been removed because of a history or genuine prospect of coercion.
    * Those who wish to carry a concealed firearm for self-defence are entitled to be issued with a permit to do so unless they have a history or genuine prospect of coercion.
    * All genuine sporting uses of firearms are legitimate.
    * There should be no registration of long-arms.
    * There should be no special prohibitions on semi-automatic firearms.
    * Individuals and organisations have a right to establish facilities that involve the use of firearms. This includes shooting ranges and hunting reserves

    Membership is free, you have no excuse not to join.
    >> Czechfag !Czech3rk6s 08/24/11(Wed)07:15 No.9589009
    There is very little regulation in Czech anyways. Why not lessen the restrictions even further? People would not likely even be able to tell the difference.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:15 No.9589011
    >ATF, FFL, states and counties

    Oh you!
    >> This Guy Knows Where His Towel Is !!hJXdo+TImRh 08/24/11(Wed)07:15 No.9589014
    >I'm talking no weapon register or licensing scheme here either apart from maybe displaying your DRIVING license.

    You should have to pass a safety course, etc. After that, if you have no record of mental health, aggression and/or violence you should be allowed to purchase a firearm without a waiting period.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:16 No.9589016
    I was going to bark at you about saying no, but then i thought about government employees and the very grey area that would present, the issue of car theft, and the bigger issue of *Guy breaks into cr, finds gun. Free gun!* So yeah, I agree after thinking about it.
    >> Czechfag !Czech3rk6s 08/24/11(Wed)07:16 No.9589019
    Oh wow, i missed that.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:16 No.9589021

    >> This Guy Knows Where His Towel Is !!hJXdo+TImRh 08/24/11(Wed)07:17 No.9589023
    How did you miss it?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:17 No.9589024
    Aaaaand there's the troll.

    >All abos have gunz! Ohmigawds Australia is just like Texas with gune control!

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:17 No.9589025
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    I think you can imagine where I got the excerpt from.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:20 No.9589040
    John Howard even tried to pretend the Eureka Stockade never happened.

    If you want to live like a white Somalian, emigrate for fuck's sake.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:23 No.9589048
    That was a generalization, the white douchebags have them as well, and the bogans.

    There goes your whole argument, you tosser
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:23 No.9589049

    No. Firstly, a certain level of regulation is reasonable. Secondly, monitoring of gun ownership is a necessity, especially in a nation with so many firearms. Thirdly, making penalties worse for gun crime is just going to up prison rates without solving the root problem. And lastly, guns only have one use, which is to kill. It doesn't matter how well trained and responsible you are, preventing others from wishing against you bringing a firearm onto their premises is a grave infringement of their rights, much more so than your petty idea of infringement of the second amendment, which is minimal compared to Australia. Should it be impossible to get a gun? No. Should you have to be licensed, trained, and have good reason? Yes. Should somebody have the right to prevent you from bringing your firearm onto their property if they feel you have unjust cause? Yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:24 No.9589052

    If you don't agree with the legislation just say so. Don't go off half cocked equating it to Somalia.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:25 No.9589055

    >have good reason

    Troll #2 everyone. They seem to be hiding in Australia tonight.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:27 No.9589058


    there should be common basic military traning, there you learn how to use weapons. Once its over - you give weapon back. If you are needed - you get the weapon.

    we dont need ten million cowboys for ten thousand bandits
    >> This Guy Knows Where His Towel Is !!hJXdo+TImRh 08/24/11(Wed)07:27 No.9589060
    >Should you have to be licensed

    To an extent, the licensing testing should cover the basics.

    >And have good reason?
    Define "Good reason" Self defense, hunting, recreational use?
    and besides, no criminal is going to say "I'm going to buy this so I can go kill/rob someone."
    Which basically means there's no point in there being a "Good reason".

    Should somebody have the right to prevent you from bringing your firearm onto their property if they feel you have unjust cause? Yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:28 No.9589064

    Replace Australia with England and you have my reasons right here pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:28 No.9589066
    Well, I'll be off to eat, I see this thread finally attracted the "We hate guns and only come to /k/ to heckle" crowd. Later, dongbenders.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:29 No.9589071

    And that's why you don't have guns any more.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:40 No.9589099
    Ausfag here, fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:49 No.9589115



    They have meetings each month in most capital cities. Joining is free.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:52 No.9589117

    Not if its worded like that, no. Can't you word it a bit more... moderate?

    I'm all for more reasonably gun laws, but I don't want the ones America has.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:53 No.9589119
    Britain. Yes please.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:54 No.9589123
    hue hue hueh huehueheuheu
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:55 No.9589125

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:56 No.9589128

    With the amount of anti-gun sentiment in the communities of the Commonwealth, I figure it's best to go for broke when speaking ideologically.

    If you can't persuade people with rhetoric of the RIGHT to self defense you're not going to get them to budge on the current laws by being "moderate".

    We were moderate when the bans were passed. The time now is to be uncompromising.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:58 No.9589130
    No, dear. It's the "guns and weapons are cool, just like the fantasy of a zombie apocalypse is, but you'd have to be a five-star idiot to want to it in reality" crowd.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)07:59 No.9589133
    But the people of the Commonwealth are hardwired to be against extremes. It's just how we are.

    It would be much better to paint your ideas as the reasonable, moderate ones, and the current gun laws as extreme and unreasonable.

    I'd rather push for a little and get it, than push for a lot and get nothing. Besides, it's scientifically proven that if you get someone to agree to a small thing, they're more likely to agree to a similar, much bigger thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:00 No.9589135
    You're confusing anti-gun with pro-peaceful and safe communities.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:06 No.9589138
    >it's scientifically proven that if you get someone to agree to a small thing, they're more likely to agree to a similar, much bigger thing.

    Hmm. Have you got any of that proof handy? Sounds like the old "slippery slope" argument that's been consistently wrong since, oh, history began.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:08 No.9589140

    Maybe if you're talking for a major political party, but presently fringe parties like this have to inject the ideas into the debate for the compromise to happen- otherwise the major party has no incentive to change their position on the matter.

    If a Libertarian Party started pulling people from the base of the Tories in England, the Conservatives are going to go further right on the issue of self defense.

    You don't NEED to compromise. Sure, you can have coalitions with other parties on areas of agreement, but compromising your core beliefs just makes you devoid of principle.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:35 No.9589192
    Already a paying member brah.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:39 No.9589198
    But if a fringe party did that, and went full 'We want Americans gun laws', everyone would call them gun nuts and ignore them. Yet if they went moderate they'd get more support.

    Again, I'd rather ask for little and get it, than ask for a lot and get nothing.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:45 No.9589206

    >But if a fringe party did that, and went full 'We want Americans gun laws', everyone would call them gun nuts and ignore them.

    Well no, people who believe in the right to self defense with a firearm would be attracted to the party and they'd gain influential support because of their message.

    The recent riots in London would have been a prime recruiting catalyst for membership.

    If you don't believe you have a right to defend yourself, fine, but don't misrepresent your views by making yourself appear more "moderate". People are more likely to respect you if you state your views in a forthright manner.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)08:48 No.9589212
    hahahah fucking neutrals getting called out on their bullshit left and right.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:11 No.9589281
    Kinda yes because I'd prefer moderated gun laws instead the extrapolation of the 2nd Amendment and the US firearms legislation into my country/people.

    We'd just fuck up things with so much 'freedom' because we're fucking retarded at its best.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:18 No.9589326

    Go away Argentina, you don't deserve guns because you attacked the Falklands.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:21 No.9589350
    I do believe I have a right to defend myself. I just don't believe we need to go full-American with them.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:21 No.9589362
    Yes, but I would be worried about the amount of delinquent dole-scum getting their hands on firearms. Although I hate to admit it, I would probably say there are more of this type of person over here than the other side of the pond, so the Poh Leese might have to step it up a bit.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:25 No.9589394
    right now virtualy no street criminals (burglers, muggers, gangs) have guns, so i'd rather keep it that way. if the criminals had guns then the police would have to start carrying them too, which would be shit for obvious reasons.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:29 No.9589419
    >I'm all for more reasonable gun laws, but I don't want the ones America has.
    You mean the "ones" that "allow" Americans to purchase, posess, carry and use them?
    You just sit quietly and enjoy your queen.
    (inb4 figurehead)
    BTW: Have they taken your bats yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:30 No.9589434
    Also this (cont. from>>9589362). Crime is pretty poor in England IMO, but it might get worse, as most of the population are probably Liberal fags anyway, only a small percentage of us would probably exercise the right to own them with honest intentions.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:30 No.9589438
    Hey, Poland, how's that wild hog overpopulation problem going for you, considering you can't even legally hunt them or anything?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:32 No.9589447
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:37 No.9589485


    However I do hope that they don't wish to change too much of the rest of the functioning of the British state.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:39 No.9589502

    >I do believe I have a right to defend myself. I just don't believe we need to go full-American with them.

    You have a funny definition of a right. If you have a right to carry a firearm for self defense, you are able to exercise it without being apprehended by the police.

    Have a look on youtube for people openly carrying their AR15 on their back in full view on the way to the gun range. Completely legal, and despite the objections of the officers that show up- they can't do anything because they are bound by law.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:45 No.9589533

    >However I do hope that they don't wish to change too much of the rest of the functioning of the British state.

    You don't want free speech?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:47 No.9589545
    We've already got that to a large degree.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:49 No.9589552

    No you don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:49 No.9589554
    >And lastly, guns only have one use, which is to kill.


    I've had my gun for a year now and it has only punched holes in paper.

    When does it get to fulfill its purpose?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:50 No.9589558
    Until someone disagrees with you, then it's hate speach.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:51 No.9589567
    Don't we? Show me how we don't, honestly.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:54 No.9589585
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    OK brits heres what the fuss is all about.
    Pic:First 10 articles in Americas Bill of Rights.
    Check out the second.
    "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
    There ya go.
    The rest are pretty cool too.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:59 No.9589605

    Call someone a nig nog or deny the holocaust and see where you end up.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)10:05 No.9589629
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    Can your news shows,)or any show) show clips of your parliament and then make fun of them?

    Here here, jolly good, humph humph, "i say to the speaker youre full of horse nanny and your arse is not up to snuff in a most preposterous way. (bangs the gavel).ORDER!!!!! "here here jolly good sir".
    Sky news: "This was the opening statements in Parliment this morning concerning the new dogcrime leash law".

    Would this be legal?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)10:05 No.9589632
    "We believe the Legislature should enact legislation preventing employers from prohibiting Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holders from storing their concealed handgun in their vehicle while on a company parking area"
    I disagree with this. It's their property. Don't like it? Then don't work theere
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)10:10 No.9589656
         File1314195027.jpg-(3 KB, 200x200, xray_vision_big.jpg)
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    >It's MY property. Don't like it? Then don't look in my vehicle.


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