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  • File : 1312465367.jpg-(367 KB, 584x4229, 1309494035653.jpg)
    367 KB Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:42 No.9428582  
    What are the chances of WWIII actually happening within our lifetimes? My grandma is convinced the shit will hit the fan soon, but then again, I think she's been watching a little too much tv lately...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:44 No.9428589
    No reason to, the big powers (China & USA) cannot fight each other, their economies are too intertwined, the USA is as dependent on China as China is dependent on the USA.

    Can't happen, sorry broski.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:47 No.9428594
    Could happen tomorrow if someone important severally stepped on first world toes.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:49 No.9428602
    Won't happen. Economy warfare on limited scale to push forward political decisions favourable for the agressor as well as ongoing information war is far more likely than any sort of open, full-scale global conflict.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:50 No.9428604
    It's okay, I'm not one of those guys who spend all their time prepping, hoping the world ends so they can inherit the land.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:51 No.9428608
    Two scenarios in which I beleive WW3 could begin.

    1) Norks gone wild.
    2) China takes Taiwan.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:52 No.9428609

    But all that shit is already happening.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:53 No.9428615
    We live in a time when war between developed countries and major powers is no longer possible.

    Nuclear deterrent means that war can only be made against smaller undeveloped nation.

    There will be no WW3.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:54 No.9428619

    China wont take Taiwan, we have already stated publicly that we would defend Taiwan.

    We would be forced to do it or all of our international alliances would fall apart, that would be disastrous.

    China isn't stupid, they know we'd have to do something ie. embargo them or invade Taiwan to liberate them.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:55 No.9428624
    The only real chance of WWIII, is Kim Jong Il deciding that Deadliest Warrior's results are wrong, and trying to prove it.

    Then the rest of the world going brain dead when picking sides.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:56 No.9428629
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    >dependent on usa
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:57 No.9428632
    No one would side with the Norks and the war would be over in two months.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:58 No.9428637
    World War 3: About 1,000,000:1 against it. Korean War 2, however, I'd say is getting to the point where it may be inevitable. Ever since the Soviet Union collapsed, and the Norkies lost their top trading partner, Kim Jong Il has had no money, his people are starving, and he can't even feed his ridiculous army. That's prime real estate for revolution, and I'd bet good money he'd rather try to turn that aggression against a foreign "oppressor" than be knocked out of power.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:58 No.9428638

    >herp derp
    >unskilled workforce relying totally on mass-production for mass-export to the USA & allies
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)09:59 No.9428642

    North Korea would be a clusterfuck that would become the USA's new new Vietnam. It'd be Vietnam...3? 4?


    Yes do something stupid.

    Embargo China: Only the USA gets in on that and their economy collapses. China is fine as it just sells to everyone else.

    Invade Taiwan: Discover that your ability to project force in Asia is massively insufficient which is why China doesn't consider the USA a credible military threat.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:00 No.9428643

    You are a Eurofag, confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:00 No.9428646
    China is quite dependent on the United States economy, and they wouldn't throw out their top trading partner in a war.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:00 No.9428647
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    This fellow begs to differ.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:00 No.9428648
    China won't want to get glassed because of a shithole like North Korea.
    As far as Taiwan goes, it's unlikely that they could even stage an invasion ATM, even without American support of Taiwan.
    Besides that, Taiwan has become a lot less confrontative recently, there's Taiwanese openly thinking about a reunion with the mainland or at least a normalization of foreign relationships.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:00 No.9428649
    Yes. and that's all you can look forward to, a war of accountants and newsies, with soldiers being relegated to occasional "peacekeeping" op in some godforsaken dustbunny-stan.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:00 No.9428651

    Yeah maybe twenty or thirty years ago. Bitch don't pay attention to the 5 year plans and their results.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:01 No.9428654

    >Embargo China: Only the USA gets in on that and their economy collapses

    >implying the rest of the Europe isn't the USA's bitch and wouldn't get in on that shit

    Hell, we just invaded 3 countries in the last decade or so and you were right there along with us and you're trying to tell us you wouldn't be there with the embargo at the very least?

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:02 No.9428656
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    What about Iran vs. Israel? Assume the Iranians have developed nuclear weapons.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:02 No.9428659
    Could be a war over oil.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:02 No.9428660

    Not anymore bro. The so called "greatest generation" are out of power and either dead or retired and they've taken their bloodlust with them.
    The Boomers are too greedy and self centred to risk it all in a war.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:02 No.9428661

    China is weak, technology R&D is non-existent, they can only produce stolen designs, this is a fact. Everyone knows China has allowed the rampant theft of intellectual technology to go unchecked.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:03 No.9428663
    Or how about India vs. Pakistan?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:03 No.9428665
    >this is what obamanites actually believe
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:05 No.9428674

    Back then the USA had a good reputation with Europe. That is no longer the case. Besides which Russia likes China now and is in a position to exert stronger influence over Europe than the USA.


    Not as much as the USA likes to think. Although the next two five year plans are going to focus on increasing Chinese consumption and improving its homegrown R&D.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:06 No.9428677

    Won't happen. The UK and other nations are too busy calming down both sides for it to go to all out war barring some insane occurrence.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:06 No.9428679
    That was business, I seriously hope you didn't think... oh my.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:06 No.9428681

    The Chinese population is rapidly aging, due to a lower mortality rate and the one child policy. This will lead to a pension problem for the Chinese as well as a dramatic reduction of their useful workforce.

    China has yet to develop a domestic technology market capable of true innovation and in fact still relies solely on Russia for even basic military technology designs.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:08 No.9428688

    >implying that just because it has become trendy to hate the USA in your college that you aren't still our bitch
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:09 No.9428690

    Expect a change of the one child policy soon. They've already prepared housing for the next generation which will eclipse the current ones.

    You have to remember China is massively into long term planning. The USA will rarely plan for longer than a few years. Anything longer is pushed onto the next administration.

    China plans for a minimum of five years all the time. Often making plans for longer term goals.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:10 No.9428691

    No as in pretty much every European government doesn't give a fuck about the whims of the Amerifats anymore.

    The UK is the only one which is still willing to put up with you and that doesn't extend to going to war.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:10 No.9428692

    Are you.. are you defending a dictatorship?

    Holy shit, Eurofags confirmed for full retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:11 No.9428696


    I'm seeing a lot of European nations on that list.. why are they there again??
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:12 No.9428702

    China are Corperatists pretending to be Communists who are sort of ok with capitalism.

    They're as much a dictatorship as any corporate entity. You murricans believe the free market creates the perfect solution to everything? Well behold China. The first government forged by the free market.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:12 No.9428706

    Yes chucklefuck. Afghanistan is a NATO war not a US one.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:13 No.9428710
    No actual WW3, but many civil wars all around the world, as more and more first world countries gardually turn into police states. I'm pretty sure this will happen, it's just a matter of when.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:14 No.9428719

    Oh for fucks sake.
    Yes the USA is rapidly becoming a police state but you've always been like that. Stop assuming your problems are affecting everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:14 No.9428720

    I say dictatorship and you respond with communism vs. capitalism?

    Are your pants currently on your head, retard?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:16 No.9428726

    And who, pray tell, runs NATO?

    Let's be very real here, it's the USA.

    You can lie to yourself if it makes you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:17 No.9428729
    The next war will be over dwindling energy supplies.

    Think 20 years or so.

    For those of you who are stuck on this idea that nuclear deterrence will prevent every war, you need to consider this.

    Deterrence breaks down when someone in the equation believes that victory is either
    A) Possible
    B) Necessary to their continued survival

    Deterrence assumes that every player has 100% clarity in terms of their opponents intentions as well as how their intentions are interpreted by their opponents.

    Wars are not fought through hindsight.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:17 No.9428734
    And how long will NATO survive? Pretty much all european nations are doing whatever they can to cut back on support.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:17 No.9428735

    You've got no fucking clue do you Amerifag?
    Is this your governments new line on China? "Oh they're a dictatorship! we got to free the fuck out of them even though it'll get you all killed but it's ok we have the keys to the bunker so your leaders will live on...for a few days."

    The Chinese practice a corporatist system of government. With a slight Communist twist because it emerged from some Communists getting involved with the market.
    Thanks to it conditions in China have gotten a lot better very rapidly. You keep saying China is a shit hole now, well you didn't see it fourty years ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:18 No.9428740
    Except when you beg us to fight your wars for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:19 No.9428744
    >implying China's nuclear Arsenal poses a threat to the US.

    You euros are really ignorant to the facts of the situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:19 No.9428748

    Nuclear deterrence works by making those with it too scared to act.

    The only one who really would use it are one of the more fanatical nations like the USA, Iran, Israel or Best Korea.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:20 No.9428750
    Exactly. No first world nation or superpower is willing to accept the losses that will come with a nuclear war.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:20 No.9428753

    No, moron, I'm pointing out that you're trying to take the debate to somewhere TOTALLY different.

    Yes, if the US Gov't ran the same as China ie. no elections, just a single-party Government who rules with an iron fist and takes most of the citizen's money so it can loan it out to the world that we'd be a lot better off economically too..

    But I value my freedom too much to let that happen. I guess this is something only lazy socialist Europeans can understand :(
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:20 No.9428754

    >China Unveils new missiles that are copies of American ones they've been building for the last ten or so years.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:22 No.9428759
    Are you... are you defending a plutonomy?

    Holy shit... no wait, I already knew you ameritrash were pants-on-head retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:22 No.9428761

    >China announces new fighter jet, is pretty much a carbon-copy of a 22-year-old US design

    >Eurofags jump up and down about how awwsum China's technology is.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:22 No.9428763

    You're not free Amerifat. Wipe the lard out of your eyes and you'll realise the Chinese have the better government. They're raising standards of living and bringing the chance to improve their next generations lot in life.

    America is a puppet show run for the sake of harvesting money.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:22 No.9428766

    Yeah, go tell your queenie, fuckhead.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:22 No.9428769
    >Nuclear deterrence works by making those with it too scared to act.
    It works by making the opponent believe that he can not win, that there is not a single move he can make that will lead to victory.
    Thus, he must pursue victory using alternate means.
    If the opponent fails to understand that he cannot win by undertaking a certain course of action, deterrence breaks down.

    It has little to do with fear.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:23 No.9428772

    A 22 year old design that still works today and can be built in greater numbers.

    The USA dun derped on air warfare strategy. Stealth has reached its peak and is only going to get more useless.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:23 No.9428773

    >chance to improve their next generations lot in life.


    2 sets of Grandparents, your parents and siblings all crammed into a tiny apartment relying on you for financial support. You provide this by working 15 hours a day in a factory making my computer parts for shit ass wage that is in any case rising to uncompetitive levels already and sending business to India.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:24 No.9428778
    Yeh, it only took China 100 years to progress from the industrial revolution to the information age. Well done.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:24 No.9428782

    Constitutional Monarchy is a high performer as far as national governments go. Top 3 spots in the UN Human Development Index are occupied by them. Highest standards of living tend to be Constitutional Monarchies too.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:24 No.9428783

    So now you are inventing stuff out of thin air?

    I can play too.

    >US unveils space weapons system that renders all ballistic missiles ineffective.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:24 No.9428785

    >Stealth has reached its peak and is only going to get more useless.

    So China coming out with this 2 decades after ours first flew and you are attacking America?

    Sir, you are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:25 No.9428788

    Still better than it used to be.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:26 No.9428791

    Constitutional monarchy has fuck all to do with Australia & Canada, it's their fuck awesome natural resource driven economy. As for Norway, they are deeply in debt to provide this HDI ie the Euro debt crisis.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:26 No.9428792

    The genie is out of the bottle. Everyone has it now and it won't be long before everyone has countermeasures.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:26 No.9428793
    China will use it, because:

    1. The USA are too arrogant to expect it.
    2. There are simply so many of them, they can afford to lose a few hundred millions in a nuclear holocaust. The USA cannot.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:27 No.9428804

    Doubt it. China will just position itself to benefit from whatever happens. They're happy to just be the global equivalent of Walmart
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:27 No.9428805

    So you attack the USA after they stop production and China starts production and you don't see what is wrong with that?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:29 No.9428810

    I'm pointing out that stealth technology has stopped being useful.

    The USAF still puts stealth aircraft forward as its main aerial warfare strategy. You're dun derpin
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:29 No.9428812
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    Oil and food. That's what will spark WWIII.

    Though the U.S. has enough untapped oil reserves throughout Alaska, the continental U.S. and the Caribbean to give them oil independence for a decent number of years, they can't cut through the red (rather, green) tape to access it. And the main OPEC countries from which most of the world receives its oil (Libya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc.) are so divided internally by protests, riots, outright civil war, and deep cultural conflicts that their infrastructure has been reduced to nothing more than a glass house. Their entire oil industry could simply switch off overnight, which would most CERTAINLY lead to a war of some sort.

    The hidden enemy, however, is food. In the U.S., farmlands in the midwest are being over-cultivated. Most of the corn being produced is being thrown away in the name of ethanol (which does jackshit), leaving the land infertile and our food reserves low. Look at North Korea. They can't grow enough food to feed their people because of a) infertile land, and b) severe overpopulation; put the two together and they form a potentially deadly combination. Much of the land around the world is becoming incapable of growing crops, and the day food begins dictating our foreign policy due to a global food shortage/scare, the day WWIII starts.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:29 No.9428813
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    >implying the left/right system is truly bipolar
    >this is what the american media want you to believe

    and people wonder why it's "cool" to hate on americans...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:29 No.9428814
    >implying causality
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:30 No.9428816
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:31 No.9428820
    US can first strike China.
    China can not do the same to the US
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:32 No.9428831
    What this broski said. I think that soon we'll have a shortage on drinkable water, phosphates(mostly this), and food in general.

    That, or some idiot country like Iran decides it's going to rid the planet from infidels
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:33 No.9428832
    >They've already prepared housing...
    You're not referencing the almost completely unoccupied CITIES that the Chinese government built that no one can afford to live in, are you?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:36 No.9428842
    The US will destroy China in a nuclear war.
    I mean rapege.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:37 No.9428850
    >This is what Americans actually believe.
    Read it up.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:37 No.9428853
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    You brought this on yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:40 No.9428865
    Sure, whatever floats your boat, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:41 No.9428867
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    I honestly don't know what to think about Iran. Ahmadinejad is a fanatic with a growing nuclear program, sure. But in all reality, his actions are dictated by Iran's supreme council. I'm not sure if he's truly more than a puppet on a string. I definitely wouldn't take them out of the picture though.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)10:41 No.9428870
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