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08/04/11(Thu)10:29 No.9428812 File1312468158.jpg-(50 KB, 311x348, 1301807963295.jpg)
 Oil and food. That's what will spark WWIII.
the U.S. has enough untapped oil reserves throughout Alaska, the
continental U.S. and the Caribbean to give them oil independence for a
decent number of years, they can't cut through the red (rather, green)
tape to access it. And the main OPEC countries from which most of the
world receives its oil (Libya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc.) are so divided
internally by protests, riots, outright civil war, and deep cultural
conflicts that their infrastructure has been reduced to nothing more
than a glass house. Their entire oil industry could simply switch off
overnight, which would most CERTAINLY lead to a war of some sort.
hidden enemy, however, is food. In the U.S., farmlands in the midwest
are being over-cultivated. Most of the corn being produced is being
thrown away in the name of ethanol (which does jackshit), leaving the
land infertile and our food reserves low. Look at North Korea. They
can't grow enough food to feed their people because of a) infertile
land, and b) severe overpopulation; put the two together and they form a
potentially deadly combination. Much of the land around the world is
becoming incapable of growing crops, and the day food begins dictating
our foreign policy due to a global food shortage/scare, the day WWIII
starts. |