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  • File : 1305173154.gif-(1.95 MB, 291x173, 1304567216430.gif)
    1.95 MB Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:05 No.8853130  
    Can we get some /k/ related gifs going.
    >> MilSurpDude 05/12/11(Thu)00:07 No.8853140
    The hell is the story behind that .gif, anyways?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:09 No.8853153
    looks like the Armys version of a drive by
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:11 No.8853162
    geico commercial
    >> TheRedSkull !uxLC4tIV1w 05/12/11(Thu)00:12 No.8853170
         File1305173528.gif-(2.94 MB, 376x278, 1264911058364.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:14 No.8853182
         File1305173648.gif-(1.25 MB, 400x226, 1301072682717.gif)
    1.25 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:15 No.8853189
    Holy shit I never noticed the fucking badass spin that he does.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:15 No.8853192
         File1305173737.jpg-(14 KB, 515x386, guico.jpg)
    14 KB

    Could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?...
    Could the US forces commit a drive by with a helicopter?..
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:16 No.8853196
         File1305173788.gif-(1.91 MB, 219x143, 1299552809756.gif)
    1.91 MB
    hey, is that a bridge down the-
    >> TheRedSkull !uxLC4tIV1w 05/12/11(Thu)00:16 No.8853197
         File1305173799.gif-(1.91 MB, 420x315, 1266723790165.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:18 No.8853203
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:18 No.8853207
         File1305173931.gif-(1.47 MB, 315x227, 2.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:19 No.8853212

    Most /k/ related


    At first I thought that too, but he doesn't. It's hard to distinguish between the two and focus, but the soldier's boots walking behind him is what makes it look like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:22 No.8853230
    what spin? who?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:23 No.8853235

    Jesus, that was ugly. Those motherfuckers HAVE to be dead.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:25 No.8853246
    I believe that's either a S. Korean army Chinook or a NATO Chinook in S. Korea.

    either way, ummm....yeah....dead...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:27 No.8853253
         File1305174458.gif-(1.45 MB, 306x177, 1276704074998.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:27 No.8853254
         File1305174459.gif-(918 KB, 320x180, 1300404535035.gif)
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    floperator as trucks
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:28 No.8853257
         File1305174509.jpg-(290 KB, 673x742, Morbo2 (1).jpg)
    290 KB
    There were no survivors.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:30 No.8853262
         File1305174628.gif-(1.72 MB, 516x388, 1294016707415.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:32 No.8853268
         File1305174738.gif-(1.98 MB, 379x216, 1277588241321.gif)
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    >> TheRedSkull !uxLC4tIV1w 05/12/11(Thu)00:33 No.8853274
         File1305174791.gif-(20 KB, 475x143, 1292374844253.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:33 No.8853275

    Terrorists: -4
    Random Dog: +1
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:34 No.8853283
         File1305174873.jpg-(10 KB, 240x200, 1295739653339.jpg)
    10 KB
    >/k/ related gifs
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:36 No.8853293
    story behind dis?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:36 No.8853301
         File1305175017.gif-(1010 KB, 207x103, 1301080541634.gif)
    1010 KB
    heyhey kids
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:37 No.8853304
    retard pushed a riot officer. theres yer sauce,
    however whats that samurai headshot from?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:38 No.8853310
    well no dicks, but what country is it from, and why did the guy push the riot officer?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:38 No.8853312
         File1305175124.gif-(953 KB, 210x140, 1277608606408.gif)
    953 KB


    Anyone have any clue whether the guy died? Pt. blank with rubber bullets...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:39 No.8853315

    This one? >>8853197

    It's an assassination on live TV from Japan. With a Japanese sword.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:39 No.8853316
    Brazilian soccer riot
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:40 No.8853322
         File1305175224.gif-(1002 KB, 221x211, 1282859015430.gif)
    1002 KB

    >however whats that samurai headshot from?

    >> MilSurpDude 05/12/11(Thu)00:40 No.8853324
    Story. Naow plz.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:40 No.8853325
         File1305175244.gif-(1.48 MB, 262x206, 1302510888639.gif)
    1.48 MB
    want the story behind this gif
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:41 No.8853334
    Rubber b00letz would still be deadly that close, broseph, especially in the face.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:43 No.8853346
         File1305175411.gif-(2.81 MB, 189x126, 1282858484244.gif)
    2.81 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:43 No.8853347
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:44 No.8853352
    Some guy saw Rosie O'Donnell's vagina, head assploded.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:45 No.8853355

    thanks, knew it was something along these lines.....
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:46 No.8853361
         File1305175560.gif-(1.24 MB, 423x231, 1282859185670.gif)
    1.24 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:46 No.8853362
    You know, I just remembered that back in Vietnam, the US fielded four Chinooks that were fitted to the teeth with machine guns, cannons, and/or rockets.

    >The ACH-47A carried five M60D 7.62x51 mm machine guns or M2HB .50 caliber machine guns, provided by the XM32 and XM33 armament subsystems, two M24A1 20 mm cannons, two XM159B/XM159C 19-Tube 2.75 in rocket launchers or sometimes two M18/M18A1 7.62×51 mm gun pods, and a single M75 40 mm grenade launcher in the XM5/M5 armament subsystem.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:48 No.8853375
         File1305175684.gif-(1.95 MB, 291x188, 1301079723597.gif)
    1.95 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:49 No.8853379
    Shoulda stayed on the bridge.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:50 No.8853394
         File1305175841.jpg-(38 KB, 350x218, 1275737123571.jpg)
    38 KB

    Oh god, my sides. I need to go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:50 No.8853395
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:51 No.8853398
    That was worth it I'm sure...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:52 No.8853406
    Maybe he stole the pilot's don't know.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:55 No.8853417
         File1305176152.gif-(2 MB, 530x291, 1300408845776.gif)
    2 MB
    Those goddamn Europeans with their exploding buses.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)00:59 No.8853437

    That's actually a russian training video, with his exploding noodle of death.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:02 No.8853454
    Russia isn't in Europe?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:03 No.8853457
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:03 No.8853462
    its from a police arrest. its on youtube actually.
    it was from a car jacking and possible murder. he jumped out of a moving car and started to run. the helo followed him to some guys bakc yard and then the k9 unit was behind the fence he hopped
    the helo said "watch out guys hes drawing his gun"
    the k9 unit stops and waits slowly clearing the the gate. as they get the gate open the helo cuts to the robber and then he scoops his head off.
    the best part is the helo pilot says "nevermind k9 unit its all clear.." and then he looks over to the backyard fo another house and he goes "ewwww" as he sees the white glow of brains on some guys roof
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:03 No.8853464
    That is correct.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:07 No.8853484
    That is incorrect.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:08 No.8853497
         File1305176918.png-(8 KB, 157x153, 1250802511043.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:11 No.8853516
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:12 No.8853526
         File1305177123.gif-(25 KB, 377x290, europe.gif)
    25 KB
    This is the land of Rooty Tooty Point and Shooty. Any questions?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:12 No.8853528
         File1305177139.gif-(1.55 MB, 419x286, 1292573014531[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:14 No.8853542
         File1305177267.jpg-(18 KB, 294x294, ohboy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:15 No.8853556
         File1305177334.gif-(1.46 MB, 318x211, 1279354351287[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:15 No.8853557
         File1305177335.png-(360 KB, 922x1973, Europe = lobster.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:16 No.8853560
         File1305177394.gif-(1.99 MB, 324x237, 1279352915698[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:19 No.8853574
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:20 No.8853580
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:22 No.8853592
    That's an impressive clip
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:22 No.8853593
         File1305177740.gif-(1.99 MB, 384x287, 1272184200496[1].gif)
    1.99 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:25 No.8853610
    haha, I remember when I screencap'ed that thread. glad to see that picture is still bouncing around.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:25 No.8853613
    I love how the chick is opening the gate right as they're about to pull it off its hinges, then she just pulls a 180 and walks the fuck away
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:26 No.8853617
         File1305177982.jpg-(695 KB, 686x1214, 1304317918462.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:28 No.8853625
         File1305178093.gif-(1.49 MB, 249x197, 1270952626260[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:29 No.8853631
    Fuck, seriously? The dumbass deserved to get shot letting a toddler play with a loaded gun.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:30 No.8853636
    I just love that some guy was filming it instead of going "hmm, maybe this is not a good idea".
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:30 No.8853637
         File1305178245.gif-(1.49 MB, 264x226, 1266270140320[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:31 No.8853640
    I totally would film that without saying anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:32 No.8853643
         File1305178338.gif-(1.47 MB, 302x191, 1266269979845[1].gif)
    1.47 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:33 No.8853649
    Wow, he's lucky he didn't get shot in the head, wonder if he survived?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:33 No.8853650
         File1305178387.gif-(778 KB, 320x240, 1264142548832[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:33 No.8853652
         File1305178406.gif-(1.01 MB, 250x250, worldwar2internets.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:33 No.8853653
    Anybody remember what model revolver he's using? Looks like some sort of hammerless 5 round .38 special.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:33 No.8853655
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:34 No.8853657
         File1305178466.gif-(2.84 MB, 320x240, 1264142749930[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:36 No.8853666
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:37 No.8853668
    what be happing here?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:38 No.8853675
         File1305178684.gif-(995 KB, 331x221, 1263098613399[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:39 No.8853681
    Little bird buzzing overwatch marksmen, looks like.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:40 No.8853690
         File1305178822.gif-(145 KB, 128x96, idiot.gif)
    145 KB
    This guy would of spent the rest of the deployment in the chow hall if I was around for this
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:40 No.8853692
    holy shit, no one around him was gonna tell him not to stand there?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:42 No.8853698
    Is that a mortar?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:43 No.8853704

    Yeah, 60mm in hand-held mode. Despite the name, you still put the damn thing on the ground
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:44 No.8853708


    oh i love this show.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:44 No.8853709
         File1305179052.gif-(946 KB, 320x240, k-mobile.gif)
    946 KB
    They told him where to stand.

    In the video they all laugh as he starts puking blood.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:45 No.8853714
    >In the video
    Happen to have a link? That sounds amusing.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:45 No.8853715
    Why be a dick?

    What are you NCO, CO?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:47 No.8853720
         File1305179255.gif-(1.27 MB, 320x238, 1301345215584.gif)
    1.27 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:49 No.8853727
    It only became amusing when they started dragging him to the Toyota by his ankles face down.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:50 No.8853731
         File1305179426.gif-(1.09 MB, 320x240, idiot2.gif)
    1.09 MB
    Another mortar one. Round snow cones, AG goes to take it out...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:50 No.8853732
         File1305179429.gif-(478 KB, 267x153, 1197312469163[1].gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:51 No.8853738

    this is why mortars scare the shit out of me
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:51 No.8853742

    With nutnfancy in the back we should be set for a WROL situation.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:57 No.8853767
         File1305179834.gif-(1.98 MB, 352x242, 1305089755591.gif)
    1.98 MB
    Feet are weapons too.
    >> /k/oo/k/oo/k/achoo 05/12/11(Thu)01:57 No.8853771
    Not a big fan of UFC but dayum.
    >> hurr durr 05/12/11(Thu)02:07 No.8853810
         File1305180479.gif-(2.68 MB, 700x288, 1284742318216.gif)
    2.68 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:16 No.8853854
    Is that UFC?
    >> Mr_O 05/12/11(Thu)02:21 No.8853882
    hypothesis on what did that to his head?
    no fucking way a shotgun gibleted his entire body like that. seems explosives were involved

    it appeared the chopper fired one shot. wtf kind of weapon does that much carnage with one shell?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:23 No.8853890
    >it appeared the chopper fired one shot. wtf kind of weapon does that much carnage with one shell?
    I also would like to know.
    Maybe it was a passing Bird?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:25 No.8853896

    what size round you think he got hit with?

    captcha: tenitca fragments
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:26 No.8853899
    So uh, what were they doing?
    And is there any video of it?
    >> Mr_O 05/12/11(Thu)02:28 No.8853908
    i dont know ballistics or anything but the first thing that comes to mind is .50bmg or some 20mm cannon
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:29 No.8853911
    hahaha, nah it could of easily of been 7.62x39.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:31 No.8853916

    yea it coulda been, maybe a 7.62x51
    >> Mr_O 05/12/11(Thu)02:37 No.8853925
    7.62 can KURSPLODE! someones head like that? i figured it'd be a clean in and clean out.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:38 No.8853929
    Meh, depends on lots of things like entry angle and such but yeah its quite possible. It might be more likely to be 7.62x54 but nothing more exotic than that.
    >> Mr_O 05/12/11(Thu)02:44 No.8853947
    so youre saying someone shot him with a nugget?
    what else is chambered in that cal?
    also im still curious about wtf kind of single shot munition does shit like that
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:46 No.8853953
    A good old PSL uses that and can be easily found in even the poorest 3rd world countries.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:50 No.8853971
    >Suddenly Rangers
    >Rangers everywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:50 No.8853972

    1.) AK 47, 7.62 Round if you will

    2.) A SHOTGUN, I LIVE IN San Diego

    3.) That footage was from a drone, the armament used was the Gau from an A-10
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:52 No.8853977
    It was an AK, that guy was Nigerian hence it would be highly possible it came from a gun that uses cheap rounds such as antique 7.62s
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:55 No.8853989
    No, that's clearly a cluster munition. They don't use fucking laser designators to call in A-10 strafes.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:59 No.8854002

    >> Mr_O 05/12/11(Thu)03:02 No.8854008
    ah, so the munitions didnt come from the gunship? Why the recoil then?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:02 No.8854010

    Also see this one..
    its an A-10...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:04 No.8854014

    what recoil are you talking about??!??
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:08 No.8854023
         File1305184094.jpg-(31 KB, 370x268, Nguyen.jpg)
    31 KB
    Believe it is from Brazil, one of the favelas. GIF has been around for years, can't recall for certain when / where it was made.

    S&W Bodyguard. The wiki pages are well worth reading:

    I've seen the original video, some sort of celebration in a stadium (arabs), dickhead pulls gun, starts shooting it in the air. Puts gun on table, kid picks up gun, shoots dickhead. dickhead collapses. Pretty certain he was dead. Would have been a lung or heart / lung shot based on the angle of entry.

    Blackwater guys on overwatch in Najaf being harrassed by a little bird. Supposedly one of the people was Hotaru Maniac.
    >> Mr_O 05/12/11(Thu)03:09 No.8854027
    before the explosions you can see the camera jerk as if it fired something off
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:09 No.8854030
    >hotaru maniac

    uhh, what?
    >> Roboi !7WH2hncl0g 05/12/11(Thu)03:13 No.8854043
    maybe it was a little bird loaded up with mini guns?
    >> /k/oo/k/oo/k/achoo 05/12/11(Thu)03:14 No.8854050
         File1305184476.jpg-(6 KB, 229x180, Cluster-bombs..jpg)
    6 KB
    It was most likely a MAT-120
    >> Mr_O 05/12/11(Thu)03:18 No.8854061
    sounds right.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:28 No.8854094

    I can watch that fight 1000 times, and I will always end up shaking my head, muttering, "Viva la WEC."

    To be fair, even that kick didn't put Bendo out. The guy doesn't know the meaning of the word "sleep."

    Can't wait 'til Pettis puts Guida away and then gets a chance at Maynard (that's right, Edgar is going to take a nap next fight).
    >> Roboi !7WH2hncl0g 05/12/11(Thu)04:44 No.8854422
    i know nothing of air borne weaponry, but wouldn't it strike the ground after the plane had passed? or would the terminal velocity of the bomb be greater and reached that quickly the planes current speed at time of drop?

    i'm kind really sleepy, but

    tl;dr would the bomb accelerate after the plane dropped the bomb or would it hit the ground after the plane passed the target area?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:58 No.8854471
    There were clearly multiple aircraft involved. My guess is the footage was from a UAV that was designating for a bomber high above.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:34 No.8854543
         File1305192840.jpg-(40 KB, 600x399, Hotaruguy.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> harlsberg 05/12/11(Thu)06:17 No.8854630
         File1305195447.gif-(1.81 MB, 320x240, asds-o.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:38 No.8854650
         File1305196716.gif-(1.94 MB, 155x123, 1305173154712.gif)
    1.94 MB
    >Suddenly more Rangers
    >More Rangers everywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:41 No.8854654

    It was a GAU-8 straffing run. there was no bomb.

    We hardly ever use cluster bombs and when we do they're usually CBU-97/100's and leave a bigger boom and usually ahve a distinctive air burst before imapct.

    In that gif you can see the distinctive strafe as the rounds hit in one area and trace over the target . if it were a bomb it would have all hit at once more or less.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:42 No.8854655

    >inserting by littlebird
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:48 No.8854665
    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:50 No.8854668
         File1305197425.jpg-(1.17 MB, 2227x1504, 1305173154018.jpg)
    1.17 MB
    >terrorist POV of the Ranger interdiction
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:51 No.8854670

    dude got shot in the upper chest/throat with a shotty.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:52 No.8854672
    what movie?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:34 No.8854736
    the town
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:27 No.8855061
         File1305210428.gif-(1.98 MB, 352x198, 1305103571152.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:28 No.8855067
         File1305210506.gif-(1.95 MB, 442x249, 1305103571153.gif)
    1.95 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:32 No.8855078
    Oh, how I love tnoutdoors9. He doesn't afraid of anything, not even millions of cicadas.
    >> The German !7O7CnRxAvI 05/12/11(Thu)10:41 No.8855091

    Is he firing Dreagon's Breath rounds or what is he doing?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:41 No.8855094
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:46 No.8855100
         File1305211588.gif-(1.72 MB, 634x365, 1269197908327.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:01 No.8855120
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:42 No.8855208
    What's the story on these two?

    This is why I love /k/ the stories are more important to everyone than the pictures and everyone is in a mood to share.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:48 No.8855222
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    >> XTX-Imperator !!9ISOuk7efDT 05/12/11(Thu)11:57 No.8855244
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    The first one you linked: That was a show about faggots (Literaly faggots.) shooting guns for the first time in their life.

    The second one you linked: A demonstration by Russian CT/SWAT members of how in a flashy way, to stun a hostage taker in a bus hostage situation.

    But dont worry, the dude who got blown away off-screen was not harmed.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:59 No.8855251
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    well I didnt notice but I got dubs, dubs, trips
    >> XTX-Imperator !!9ISOuk7efDT 05/12/11(Thu)12:00 No.8855255

    Here is the vid:
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:04 No.8855266
    Thank you bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:10 No.8855279
    Somebody needs to add the word 'common sense' over the bus and '/k/' over the 'nade-on-a-stick guy...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:13 No.8855288
    Additional angle:
    Aerial shot (watch the roof fly!):

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