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03/05/11(Sat)00:34 No.8425276 File1299303280.jpg-(97 KB, 483x409, foghorn.jpg)
You must be new around these parts, pilgrim.
banned Boof for saying n*gger-rigged, in the most /k/ relevant thread
of all time, how to make cheap hi-viz sights for your nugget. That was
the day that /k/ died.
Meanwhile, threads from /b/ run rampant on a daily basis.
And then there's this shit. This is like the 5th or 6th retarded thread he's stuck up at the top of /k/.
mod doesn't know fuck all about guns or weapons in general, has an
awful sense of humor, and I have my suspicions that he's from /v/.
User was banned yet again for this post, ect. |