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  • File : 1277322175.jpg-(88 KB, 1024x577, lolwut.jpg)
    88 KB The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:42 No.6485140  
    What did I miss?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)15:43 No.6485146
         File1277322196.jpg-(92 KB, 756x760, A Finnish guys dog maiming peo(...).jpg)
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    not much.
    >> Maroosa Kooroosame !v6cvg5i9ww 06/23/10(Wed)15:44 No.6485155
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    Are you gonna keep posting all day about how you were banned?

    'cause I still don't care.
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:45 No.6485164
    No this is a different ban. I got warned for saying svеt. I'm confused.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)15:46 No.6485185
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    >> Maroosa Kooroosame !v6cvg5i9ww 06/23/10(Wed)15:46 No.6485187
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    Didn't realise you continually feel the need to inform everyone when you get banned, my bad.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. !!Q+dsI/uvfZo 06/23/10(Wed)15:48 No.6485204
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    more cat combos
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:48 No.6485208
    Sir, I am wondering why svеt is a banned word. If you followed my posts you might have been able to comprehend that. I know you like to troll me, and I appreciate that, but this is srs buisness, because svеt is hot.
    >> Maroosa Kooroosame !v6cvg5i9ww 06/23/10(Wed)15:49 No.6485221

    There doesn't need to be a reason for banning the names of attention whores.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)15:49 No.6485226
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    >Furfag who used to spam /k/ with pig disgusting furry porn on friday thinks anyone cares.
    >Google toolbar
    DOHOHOHO, Thats not linux!
    >Uses bing as a search engine to do his homework as he is still in year 9

    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)15:50 No.6485237
    The jewnado should be sucking up all the money.
    >> Maroosa Kooroosame !v6cvg5i9ww 06/23/10(Wed)15:50 No.6485239
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    While I agree with the intention of your post, you're a complete dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)15:51 No.6485241
    >trying to solve a polynomial with Bing
    >are you in 7th grade?
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:51 No.6485244
    Gotta pass calc somehow. Don't really care how.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)15:53 No.6485257
    Thats great, but we have an issue here

    >If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

    Nice knowing you, come back in 5 years when you are not 13.
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:53 No.6485261
    I'm trying to find critical numbers for inflection points.
    Original equation is (6x^2-8x+9)/(x^2). I fucking hate calc with a passion.
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:53 No.6485271
    Good thing I'm 20.
    >> Maroosa Kooroosame !v6cvg5i9ww 06/23/10(Wed)15:54 No.6485274
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    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)15:54 No.6485275

    >Too stupid to do poly
    You've gotta be <13
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)15:55 No.6485290
    >newfag thinks hes going to make himself by calling out someone who has been here years longer

    Protip: furry works in a gunshop and you're a massive fag
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:56 No.6485293
    Don't have a facebook.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)15:56 No.6485294
    >having issues with crit numbers
    Oh, you're trolling me, nobody who claims to be 20 can be that stupid.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)15:57 No.6485300
    Shut up you.
    He's clearly lying.
    Anyone who agrees with you has been trolled and lied too.

    >thinks he can make himself



    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)15:57 No.6485302
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    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)15:59 No.6485317
    I'm bad with math. What can I say?
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:01 No.6485337
    Also nobody ever answered my original question,

    Why is svеt a banned word?
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)16:02 No.6485341
    1. You can say that your an idiot and it's not just math, it's everything
    2. You can say this thread isn't /k/ related.
    3. You are can say BOOF is the best /k/tripfag here
    4. You can say that not only is the furfaggotry within your tripcode name and output unessential, it's down right retarded.
    5. You can say you know nothing about weapons, as, you clearly don't, making a non-weapons thread on a weapons board proves your a retard.
    6. You can say that you admit to spamming /k/ with furry porn and only stopped when constant bans occured, showing, that it is true you are a 3 year old or a 12 year old.
    7. You can say you don't belong here and, overall, is the cancer killing /k/

    Want me to keep going?
    >> 4thReich !WMJUSq/3gY 06/23/10(Wed)16:03 No.6485347
    >You are can say BOOF is the best /k/tripfag here

    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:03 No.6485350
    Missed the few days of spambots?
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:03 No.6485353
    Go on.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)16:04 No.6485357
    Use sage bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:04 No.6485360
    >You are can say
    >your an idiot

    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:04 No.6485361
    Probably. Sure is troll here today.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:06 No.6485372
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    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:06 No.6485374
    Also, Duke is the best tripfag on /k/. If you were here more than 20 minutes you would know that.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:06 No.6485377

    So, furs really are stupid. Who would'a guessed.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:07 No.6485381
         File1277323628.jpg-(9 KB, 185x100, blackmanlaughingface.jpg)
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    >calc discussion in /k/
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:07 No.6485383
    Mama said stupid is what stupid does.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)16:07 No.6485387
    8. You can say that your dad never loved you, as he never did.
    9. You can say that being a furry is retarded as the only good furfag tripfag is /g/'s tripfag called furryaudiofag, who in addition to never ever shitpost, keeps his furry shit to himself. Something you don't do....see 10.
    10. You spammed /k/ with failure (faggotry) every friday and were only stopped with numerous bans, oh and those bans were me, I idle in #4chan and know a fair few mods for quite a while now.
    11. You can say you have nothing to bring to /k/ that will improve it.
    12. You can say you will never go to /k/ again, with a tripcode and anonymously, or to 4chan for that matter.
    13. You can stop shitting up /k/ and actually study math so you don't seem like a retard in a balloon factory
    14.You can admit that you are 13 and a retard.
    Still keep going?
    >> Evil 06/23/10(Wed)16:08 No.6485392


    >> John Prescott !!THeCBM08dVH 06/23/10(Wed)16:08 No.6485393
    Duke is a dead tripfag too. (Not literally, well perhaps).
    If you're saying that to furry /k/, he's been here a while, doesn't change the fact he's a furry though.
    >> Vladimir Putin !!ZZWQHzypY5q 06/23/10(Wed)16:09 No.6485400
    It's funny because Furry /k/ommando is one of the best tripfags on /k/ currently, if not THE best.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)16:09 No.6485406
    Duke is dead?
    FIrst person to post the most rage worthy DEAGLE BRAND DEAGLE within 3 mins is the new /k/ing of /k/ay
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:09 No.6485407
    /k/ - weapons
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:10 No.6485410
    *yawn* Why not?
    >> Vladimir Putin !!ZZWQHzypY5q 06/23/10(Wed)16:10 No.6485415
    God, I hope you're a troll.
    >> Cakedogs taking it easy !nEcw8UBlRU 06/23/10(Wed)16:11 No.6485424
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:11 No.6485426
    He is. That's why I really don't care. This is the internet, after all. We all know that I am better than him, and I have no need to prove it.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)16:11 No.6485428
    Nah, if it's not apparent you don't belong on /k/ then it's already to late.
    It's a joke...
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:11 No.6485429
    hes a summer fag
    best to just block him
    >> Vladimir Putin !!ZZWQHzypY5q 06/23/10(Wed)16:12 No.6485435
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    I see, yeah just got back to this thread. Anything I miss?
    >> sage Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:12 No.6485438
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    fuck this thread
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:13 No.6485441
    Just a bunch of derp with some hurp mixed in.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)16:13 No.6485445
    >Implying I'm wrong.
    >Implying your not a shitposter
    >Implying you didn't spam /k/

    Oh and spamming boards on 4chan, who besides kimmo alm does that? Well that'd be you furry /k/ommando.
    >> Vladimir Putin !!ZZWQHzypY5q 06/23/10(Wed)16:13 No.6485453
    Has he herp'd so hard that he derp'd?
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:14 No.6485456
    >implying implications of an implied nature
    >> 4thReich !WMJUSq/3gY 06/23/10(Wed)16:14 No.6485458
    a couple times.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)16:14 No.6485459
         File1277324070.jpg-(21 KB, 380x282, 1248953609347.jpg)
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    Fuck off faggot, he's right on every level, this is probably the best tripfag on /k/, if you were not here for all summer you'd know how much shit that furry kommando spammed with his retard yiffing
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 06/23/10(Wed)16:15 No.6485464
    >oh shit, he nailed me good, i'm a spamming faggot! quick unfunny shit! hah he'll never notice
    oh, your good.
    >> The Furry /k/ommando !FurryOHTOk 06/23/10(Wed)16:15 No.6485466
    >> Vladimir Putin !!ZZWQHzypY5q 06/23/10(Wed)16:15 No.6485469
    Sup, Duffle?

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