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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272517256.png-(2.22 MB, 1000x1000, aceofspadecool.png)
    2.22 MB Weapons fit for a hero REAL VIGILANTE! The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:00 No.5873918  
    Hello /k/ I live in a high crime area my best friend was killed by gang members I have been mugged at gun point and I am sick of this shit! The cops do nothing they eat doughnuts and sit on their asses most murders go unsolved! Well /k/ I am fed up I have been training for seven years to clean the streets I have the basic grasp of parkour and advanced escape tactics. I know many fighting styles Krav Maga, Judo, Eskrima and capoeira I also have trained with many marines and police officers I have even tested my fighting skills on people three times my size I am a good fighter. I am very athletic I can jog 10 miles easy and am very strong. Well now that my credentials are outa the way lets talk about weapons and gear here is a list of what i have and what i am getting.


    #2. Plastic military grade armor SWAT/ RIOT GEAR that is plastic not that cheap shit foam stuff.
    #3. Grenades Flash Bangs, Smoke, Pepper, Tear Gas, Rubber ball flash.
    #4. Radio to alert police of a crime.
    #5. Two telescopic folding batons.
    #6. Utility belt with all my shit attached to it.
    #7. Mini bolt cutters
    #8. Beretta 21 in 25 apc with suppressor

    In the image above I have most of the shit that I need to get I have two of my batons shipping in the mail I will post a pic of the receipt.

    TL:DR; /k/ I need your help trying to find vigilante gear or gear that a vigilante should have no grapple guns I already tried to make one and almost died.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:02 No.5873929
    3/10 for innovation
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:03 No.5873934
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:04 No.5873940
    >radio to alert police

    uhh cellphone?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:04 No.5873942
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    Don't forget your gun that shoots swords.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:06 No.5873952
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    A man was shot in my area a few days ago and I couldn't stop the mugger I just stood there I had none of my weapons on me and it happened so fast! The guy gave the robber his wallet and the fucker still shot him up! All I could do at this point was try to help the dyeing guy but it was over the robber hit a major artery the guy bled to death in a few min.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:06 No.5873953
    How to be a vigilante in 7 easy steps!

    1. Buy a couple nuggets and ammo in a FTF transfer
    2. Do some recon, find out where the baddies live
    3. Find a nice quite rooftop that you can get down from quickly
    4. Shoot the baddies
    5. Destroy the gun
    6. Rinse and repeat until desired results are acquired
    7. Celebrate with alcohol and debauchery
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:07 No.5873959

    you can kill fuckers with 22 cal man and I am a hell of a shot I can shoot sliver fucking dollars in mid air!
    >> Alice Margatroid !!Ioy2bNpjgkX 04/29/10(Thu)01:07 No.5873962
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    >#8. Beretta 21 in 25 apc with suppressor

    I ... you .... just ...

    ... sigh.
    >> Broke 04/29/10(Thu)01:07 No.5873963
    Not to be serious in a troll thread, but cellphones are traceable and trackable.

    And retarded. Police use radios, not cellphones.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:08 No.5873968
    watch out criminals, thiss guy can jog 10 miles

    try doing an iron man once in a while

    *knowing* =/= seeing a video of it and thinkingthat you can do it

    training with marines/ police officers =/= talking about guns

    enjoy getting shot by a negro with a deagle
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:08 No.5873970
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:09 No.5873979

    how do you trace a throw away phone when the phone was paid cash and the minutes are paid cash on a phone card?
    >> here is my baton that I bought The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:10 No.5873982
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    Not a troll BTW i am gonna kick these fuckers asses!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:12 No.5873994

    no shit they are trackable radio is the way to go.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:12 No.5873999
    Fingerprints, trace the serial number to the store it was sold at, determine time of purchase by internal cataloging, find face on video camera for that time.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:13 No.5874012
    d00d dont you watch The Wire?

    OP, you need far more FIREPOWAH!!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:14 No.5874018
    why do you assholes all ways assume its a troll? Its true I dont know shit about most types of guns or tactical cool kid shit! Thats because i am out kicking ass! I have almost been killed this is why I need better gear! So i came here asking you guys to help me out picking out the good shit from the slav shit and chinese made shit!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:16 No.5874031
    tell us about these dangerous encounters.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:16 No.5874032
    Who cares if a cell phone is trackable? He's TRYING to alert the police, not avoid them.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:16 No.5874033

    The problem is i need very small and light weight guns i thought 25 would be the way to go any ideas then?
    >> WIkomanndo !!RprZsPHkxXw 04/29/10(Thu)01:17 No.5874039

    Hey troll enjoy getting killed and having those 2 shitty battons breaking in 1 minutes of having to use them.
    >> Pervasive Vagrant !!WofkO8tPeNi 04/29/10(Thu)01:17 No.5874040
    >.25 ACP
    GANG MEMBER spotted.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:17 No.5874043
    try out the LAW
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:18 No.5874051
    Cheap shit is your friend if you're a vigilante because you can throw it away and maybe frame some gangbanger for the murder by leaving something at the scene to implicate them.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:19 No.5874059

    YES I am trying to avoid the police I beat the living shit out of drug dealers and gang members I have helped make 5 arrests all ready I hog tie them and when the police come and search them they find drugs, guns and knives on them.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:20 No.5874072

    Well I am not dead yet I am still here bitches!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:20 No.5874078
    alright there batman
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:22 No.5874088
    Dude carry like 3 guns

    concealable shotgun of some type
    handgun w/ hicap mags

    but im sorta nuts
    >> WIkomanndo !!RprZsPHkxXw 04/29/10(Thu)01:22 No.5874092
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    This is kind of funny, but pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:23 No.5874104
    This is dumb and I'm going to tell you why and how you can fix it.

    Your "superhero" suit is too cumbersome and easily identified. You might have some mixed success, but because you stick out like a sore thumb, you will be easily spotted and treated with some hesitation/caution.

    Blend in.
    Wear environment-appropriate clothing. If it's warm out, don't try to hide a gun under a heavy coat. Don't wear all this outlandish stuff, wear a solid-color biker jacket with spine, elbow, and rib protectors. That shit will help in a fight. Keep a bandanna on you and throw it on your head to suddenly throw off your appearance if you're being followed. Take advantage of cold/rainy weather and wear a large, cheap parka that you can hide ANYTHING under and peel off quickly and not worry about leaving behind.

    Go light.
    Forget half of this tacticool shit. Carry a handgun with a large capacity and a smaller back-up handgun with you. If you need to get in close, you just get the advantage of being that much more accurate. There's no reason for you to switch from a perfectly functioning handgun to a knife or baton. You're not going to be going out fighting people who aren't threatening you with lethal force anyway.

    Be mindful of your environment.
    The best advantage you have is surprising a cocky thug and killing him before he can kill you. You don't want to be sneaked up on and you want to be able to get out of a situation as soon as you can. This is why parkour is amazing. If you can run through a subway and fly up a fire escape and then leap a building, you can get out of most urban situations without getting trapped. Bolt cutters become handy here. Chained utility access door? Opened. Chained fence? Don't bother climbing that shit, it's noisy.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:25 No.5874119

    Why fuck around with that? When you can just get a MagLite?
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:25 No.5874121

    well I am fucking insane as well man I am fighting guys who have guns mostly with my bear hands / staff. Now I have the batons coming in the mail I have been practicing disarms with makeshift wood batons though until they get here.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:25 No.5874123
    I think this kid just saw kick ass and is living in a delusional fantasy world. If he's legitimately got this stuff... I can't wait to see it on the news. What state do you live in ace? xD
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:26 No.5874142
    If you want capacity... get a Px4 in 9 mm. 20 round mags.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:27 No.5874146
    Pipe%#b0mbs rigged w/ matchbook pull ignition

    best crimestopper out there
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:27 No.5874148

    your right man but i still need a bullet proof vest wow thanks for the advice yea this this seams like it would slow an escape down very much.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:28 No.5874159

    The worst state of all the one /k/ hates the most COMMIEFORINASTAN AKA CA O_O
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:30 No.5874172

    I have been training for 7 years learning combat and fighting skills also gymnastics I have not seen that movie I spend all my money on this shit lol and ammo
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:31 No.5874178
    Now you need to develop a method. How will you go about doing the deed? How do you identify your targets from less dangerous criminals that you would leave alone? No matter what you do, you'll need to be quick and garnish as little attention during the sortie as possible. If the cops show up, you bolt. Worst-case scenario, fire a few shots while they chase you to get them to slow down. Your instincts will tell you to first find somewhere secluded, but first you want to find a crowd, open fire in the air, and then change appearance by peeling off/applying clothing and run. Everybody's going to be freaking instead of looking at you change and you won't stand out when you're sprinting for cover in a crowd.

    I need more info on your MO.
    >> /k/anadian !!jTh/aKLroHM 04/29/10(Thu)01:35 No.5874197
    Alright OP, I think you're a funny troll.

    But hey, if you're going to do this, follow >>5874104
    's advice.

    Go light, wear normal clothing that doesn't stick out, and the most protection you should have is a stab vest. Get rid of most of that bullshit, get a hat/bandana or whatever that you can pull down or put on very quickly to cover your face, do what you gotta do and gtfo. Be weary of camera surveillance inside stores or nearby buildings that could get you on video or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:37 No.5874207
    IMO work more with knives. if your as dedicated and serious about this as it sounds, you wont mind the blood and gore that can result. but with no noise and no trace on blades, theyre time tested ammoless tools for killing
    >> Grande Cinco !!pqyu71RL0Bg 04/29/10(Thu)01:37 No.5874210

    dont get a bulletproof vest OP, the are too cumbersome to conceal and dont conform to the body all too well

    get a simple plate carrier with some steel armor plates front and back and you should be fine
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:38 No.5874218
    OP, what you need is bullet proof clothes. They are expensive as fuck shit balls. (not if you are rich) but they are indeed bullet proof. you can get it with knife protection as well. If you are willing to drop up to 1000 dollars, get this. Bullet proof and you wont stick out.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:38 No.5874223
    keep it light but keep it changing. if you were wearing that batman suit everytime you went out. def gonna get a price on your head
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:39 No.5874227
    What, no green and yellow jumpsuit? Or maybe you're more of the Hit Girl type.
    >> /k/anadian !!jTh/aKLroHM 04/29/10(Thu)01:39 No.5874228
    Make sure it's knife resistant too. I bet you have a higher chance of getting shanked by bubba's homie behind you when you're taking care of bubba in front of you.

    I don't think it's very wise to go non-lethal or less than lethal.

    I'd be using a pistol and if the weather permits, a small rifle/shotgun and have like a bar mace as a backup.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:41 No.5874237
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    no man heres what u gotta do ok

    #1. Fox Titan Jacket Upper Body Armor, blue jeans, and a dark tan duster
    #2. A gas mask
    #3. Homemade sticks of TNT and some molotov cocktails
    #4. keep the radio
    #5. A shillelagh
    #6. A couple of those belts that holds shotgun shells
    #7. A machete
    #8. 2 exposed hammer sawed off double barrel shotguns

    u be stylin nigga love it
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:41 No.5874241

    My plan is no murder I will only kill as a LAST LAST resort!

    Plan #1. Gather intel pay people on the street for info find snitches set up my own mini raids on suspected gang houses. Sneak in through windows if I cant sneak in then I break in by breaking glass doors windows ext. When inside attack and disable suspects and I mean disable break legs arms fingers until they cant / wont move. Tie them all up take a gang members gun fire a few rounds radio to police shots fired and the address of the house. Steal gang members monies and take off into the night I need the money to pay for gear and intel.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:43 No.5874254
    I also suggest getting your own gym and treadmill. You need to get in lifting and running, but you don't want to go to a gym or outside where people can see any injuries or get an idea of what your schedules are like. Stay mostly indoors and keep your schedule hectic and unpredictable. OH and another thing on all this clothing stuff. NOTHING with showing brands or patterns. Clip your tags and wear all solid colors. Little identifiers are often used by police and other agents to track and identify people. Also avoid using a car or any kind of subway pass system that you had to buy with a debit/credit card and don't use it more than once. Buy one that's good for ~5 trips and then pitch it after a sortie. Also recon the areas that you're going to be active in before going active.

    I'm sorry that I can't organize any of this better, I'm tired and I'm just trying to throw out as much as I can at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:43 No.5874256
    Is it bad that this is one of the most /k/-related threads on /k/ right now?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:43 No.5874258
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    That's remarkably specific.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:44 No.5874263
    Well i plan to get a body armor that is stab proof yes I dont wanna get shanked in the fucking gut I have been cut before had part of my arm slashed open I told my doctor i was fucking around with a saw.
    >> /k/anadian !!jTh/aKLroHM 04/29/10(Thu)01:44 No.5874268
    Dude, the only way you'll reliably be able to pull this off without killing people and not get killed is walk in, bar mace the fucker's limbs all to hell, tie him up and run away. It'll get really complicated with more than one guy.

    I suggest getting bear mace, and a light gas mask from approved gas mask. Run in, hose every fucker down, bar mace, tie up, run away.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:46 No.5874285
    Don't forget reversible jackets. Wear jacket to vigilante-ing, leave, invert jacket, leave area entirely, ditch jacket.

    Or you could go Jason Bourne and go all-black.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:46 No.5874287
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    rpg29 for anti-vehicles and anti-choppers
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:47 No.5874294

    I have a home gym yes I work out at home and about the tags and codes all my mace ID codes have been lightly sanded off also my taser has no serial numbers any more. I am very careful as anything left behind can possibly be traced back to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:49 No.5874314
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:49 No.5874316
    Collect your own intel. Learn OSINT and use newspapers for intel. Don't pay anybody for anything and don't involve anyone else. You won't get much from a stranger and if you do, you can bet it's made up just to say, "Well... for $100 more I can tell you about this HUGE deal going down soon..." They will also assume you're some kinda cop and awareness surrounding you will surge. Next thing you know, everyone notices you and it's not a good thing. It's rarely a good thing.

    Do your own recon from a distance and be smart about it. Don't sit in a car watching people. You'll stand out to anyone who's a regular in the area.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:49 No.5874320
    I badly beat 3 gang members i thought i had killed one of them a girl i knew was rapped by them and I even found the guy bragging about it on the internet she was too scared to file charges so i found him walking home with his buddies put my mask on and went to town on the fucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:51 No.5874332
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    I'm just going to call you Captain Jingles. That utility belt is going to make a lot of racket. Those clompers aren't exactly stealth either.

    Besides the noise, how do you plan on egressing? A man in black body armor scaling fences and running through backyards is going to draw a lot of attention.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:52 No.5874335
    Agree I have not paid anyone for intel most is from my local connections cops i know and news papers. Yes I have a friend on the inside : )
    >> /k/anadian !!jTh/aKLroHM 04/29/10(Thu)01:53 No.5874346
    Go light, bear spray and paracord man
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:55 No.5874368
    We know it's a troll. The troll knows we know it's a troll. Someone could be gaining valuable info from this. How to write a book or something. What's the harm?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:56 No.5874374
    Obvious troll is obvious, and fail.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:56 No.5874380
    I know shit will jingle and I think i am going to cut down on the gear to make me faster and less threatening I plan to use a motorcycle to get away quicker parked near by.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)01:57 No.5874384
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    DO IT
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)01:58 No.5874395

    Same fag troll : \
    >> Grande Cinco !!pqyu71RL0Bg 04/29/10(Thu)01:58 No.5874398

    why is there a gas mask but no tear gas canisters? unless you got those crazy specialty shotgun rounds that spew tear gas everywhere
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:00 No.5874412

    Not a troll lol you guys are pissing me off i am trying to help people AND KICK THESE GUYS ASSES!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:02 No.5874421
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    the main reason being like you said, buying those tear gas shotgun rounds and being impervious to it's own effects, but also a strong reason is because of a gas mask's intimidation factor. they mask the identity and emotion of the wearer, making them seem like an emotionless and almost alien-like person.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:03 No.5874433
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    >kick these guys asses
    >kick these asses
    >kick asses
    >kick ass
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:04 No.5874445

    I cant afford the movies I spend all my money on this crap instead sorry : \
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:06 No.5874453

    Anything with a serial number becomes one time use.

    Sanding them off does jack shit, you cannot remove serial numbers, they can always be raised chemically in a lab.

    That's why they are stamped into the metal and not raised.

    Buy tool, destroy all identifying components, throw in river.
    >> Grande Cinco !!pqyu71RL0Bg 04/29/10(Thu)02:06 No.5874454

    OP you should buy a sawn off double barrel shotgun and some tear gas rounds and a gas mask for when you have to raid a drug house. Show up at drug house, find the room where all the dealers are chilling in, break the window, fire both rounds of tear gas into the room and maybe a couple more, load up some buckshot and go to town on the fuckers then run away into a dark valley, strip away top layers of clothing and gear and throw into a duffel bag that you have previously left by a dumpster and toss the duffel bag in morning dress up as a hobo and pretend to go dumpster diving and dig out your duffel bag while cops guarding the crime scene will dismiss you as harmless
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:09 No.5874470
    I wouldn't use any vehicle, but if you insist, make sure it's stowed far away. If you're spotted (ESP BY COPS), don't run straight towards it. If you keep them back with gunfire, they'll call to have backup convene ahead of your route by guessing where you're headed.

    Get invisible.
    Change appearance.
    Change direction.
    Get to transport.
    Maintain a low-key presence to safehouse.

    If the shit hits the fan and you're worried that being spotted at any moment will lead to identification and chase (like if you have an identifying wound that's small enough that you can self-treat or if all your clothing and face has been compromised) go to cheap hotels, movie theaters, or bars (esp. bars. Dim lighting, casual atmosphere where people aren't expecting you to sit in one place, and the workers are more worried and focused on drunks).
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:10 No.5874472
    There was an image posted earlier about making chloroform.

    Fun Fact: In the presence of UV radiation chloroform turns into phosgene.

    Fun Fact: Phosgene is a deadly chemical weapon

    Fun Fact: The sun emits UV radiation.

    Just posting some unrelated common knowledge.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:10 No.5874474

    SHIT thanks for the info good thing i picked up my mace when i used it on a guy :O
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:12 No.5874484
    Cheap animal mask, socks, piano wire. Nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:13 No.5874488
    Buy a dremmel tool with a circular attachment made to cut metal.

    This can be used to turn entire areas of metal objects into dust.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:13 No.5874489

    Good idea I see now why I need all these clothes that turn inside out into different colors so I can evade capture better.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:18 No.5874521
    Who am i kidding? Im a fat faggot who lives at my parents house. Ill never do any of this shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:20 No.5874530
    Op you will be killed by a nigroid or Mexican gang banger and I will laugh when they show your lifeless body on tv!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:20 No.5874534
    What's the fastest way to kill myself?

    This thread has made me realize I'm nothing but a fat pathetic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:21 No.5874538

    Nitrogen gas and a bag. Failing that, police assisted suicide.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:23 No.5874552
    THIS...Is what I would wear for zombies
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:26 No.5874561
    you need some bond shit that cops searching you would dismiss as part of your keys
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:26 No.5874563
    It's a great anti-zombie suit, but for vigilante pourposes it would sucks unless you have a motorcycle or some other small and mobile vehicle.
    >> Getting trolled and loving it. BARBARIAN 04/29/10(Thu)02:31 No.5874588
    This thread. Wow.

    OP, remember - when you go fight crime, get some pics with timestamps. But whatever you do, make sure you aren't identifiable (cover your face, etc)

    You're gonna be an hero!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:44 No.5874641
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    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:46 No.5874653
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    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:47 No.5874658
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    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:49 No.5874667
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:50 No.5874675
    Op what country are you from?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:51 No.5874680

    Is the knife necessary? What are you going to do, shank your shower curtain?
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:51 No.5874682

    The USA but I suck at grammar lol I blame my mexican genes from my father for my lack of smarts lol....
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:54 No.5874694

    Jesus christ. That Russian guy that was posting earlier sounded almost like you
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:54 No.5874698

    Sorry lol kinda just showing off well you never know someone might jump out ninja style and bam knife fight! NO but really i carry it every place even when I shit its in my pants pocket also those jeans are 2 large I lost tons of weight!
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)02:56 No.5874704
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    Nice gear, but bombing Confirmed gang hangouts would be good idea, KEYWORD CONFIRMED
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:56 No.5874705
    Instead of pretending to be robin boy-wonder, you should try passing 8th grade English.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)02:56 No.5874707
    this is the silliest looking assortment of crap I have seen this week in a .png
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:56 No.5874709

    Well the only russians around here are mafia, KGB ex Russian military or just plane old Russians. I do re-con on the Russian mafia they burned a store down a few weeks ago that didn't pay protection money.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:57 No.5874712

    I am in college lol and I PAY FOR IT!!!!1111111 I am not on welfare or that bull shit I have a job.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)02:58 No.5874715

    I dont want to murder people I will only kill as a last resort.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:00 No.5874720

    I dont pretend I have beat the shit out of criminals all ready who were well armed and I have almost been killed.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:00 No.5874722

    Burger flipper?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:01 No.5874730
    I will report you to the local Red Mafia, I already have your pic, your equipment type, where you live, and that you have a van. Wait for a knock you're door.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:03 No.5874736
    Go to bed, michael.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:04 No.5874739

    No sales rep lol I am a good talker not a good speller lol
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:05 No.5874747
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    Or just use bombs as distractions while you sabotage their operations? Smoke and regular bombs (According to situation), for sabotage you might need thermite and other good stuff.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:05 No.5874748
         File1272524725.jpg-(28 KB, 389x310, michaelmyers2.jpg)
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    NO NOW DIE!!!!!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:06 No.5874753

    Yes for mafia and larger groups I will use bombs to blow up their safe houses, drug houses, bases ext. I will try not to kill people but do like you said sabotage!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:07 No.5874756

    Oh god that troll face that face was my face when I won my first battle with the baddies :D
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:09 No.5874763
    Cameras... heat scope... guns... shoot through door... dead. Wall Hacks
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:10 No.5874772
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    Depending on their operations like maybe, drug smuggling by destroying/hampering product, transport and labs? (Destroying the drugs and lab materials in a explosion or fire pit, Slashing tires, thermiting an trucks engine block perhaps.) And maybe the rest of the time slashing their tires among other actions you have planned to reduce their effectiveness, funds, and morale.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:11 No.5874777

    This is not Modern warfare or CS source i am sorry
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:13 No.5874785
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    Just spreading fear and concern among gang-members by sabotage and other harrasing/hampering actions can go a long way. Just don't get caught.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:13 No.5874786

    Very good ideas here thank you to everyone and you in this thread who is helping me :D I cant wait to be more effective and become the hero I want to be!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:13 No.5874789
    >implying that won't happen to you
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:15 No.5874800

    I plan to leave homemade ace of spades card at every place I visit to let them know who did it to spread the fear! The ace of spades is the death card and many people still believe it brings bad luck. What do you think about that?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:16 No.5874804
    If someone what to kill you, they will.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:16 No.5874808

    implying I will let that happen to me >:)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:17 No.5874812

    >won my first battle with the baddies

    You are not ready to deal with some of the shit that happens in the criminal world. You will either be killed, or severely injured in your first skirmish.
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:17 No.5874813
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    This torrent contains 10gb+ of information including Cqb tactics, Bomb chemicals, and other things including some psychology which can REALLY make a difference, because if you attack them by destroying big assets and making their recruits uneasy.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:18 No.5874822

    lol I love how you guys tell me I cant to this and I cant do that when I ALREADY HAVE GOTTEN 5 DEALERS ARRESTED!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:19 No.5874835
    pretty chill shit op. just get glimpses of you caught on camera, so i can say "I KIND OF KNOW THAT GUY THROUGH THE INTERNET!!!"
    also, just make sure you know what you are doing, and good luck. with i had the skills (or location) to join you :(
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:20 No.5874836

    Sweet thank you :D I already have some basic bomb making skills I am taking chemistry classes to learn more about bomb making and how to do it safer :)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:21 No.5874845
    Pics or it didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:22 No.5874853
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    where at in CA?
    bay area?....
    so cal?
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:23 No.5874855
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    Whatever makes you happy, remember to go for sources of income,weapons,manpower and other interests they hold (especially those that give advantage).

    just be careful, gangs are nasty more so when someone is on their bad side.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:24 No.5874863

    Wow, you've gotten a few dealers arrested. Because that's really difficult.

    You're discussing infiltrating mafia and gang bases and attempting to demolish them. You are planning on leaving calling cards to identify yourself and to attack potentially heavily armed paramilitary folks willing to kill you. You yourself have said you are not prepared to kill, therefore putting you at the disadvantage. Whether you like it or not, you will be injured. This isn't a game like Splinter Cell or something where you're facing retards who stand around and can't see into the darkness. We're talking facing down people who have the means to kill, as well as the will to kill. And you plan on doing all this in some sort of riot cop gear.

    Stop this right now and go back to bed. Then go back to college and finish your education. Get this idea out of your head, and just try to be a good citizen. Or if you really want to make a difference, become a cop or something.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:26 No.5874882

    You can get the skills man thats kinda why I am doing this to show people we can be heros. However you dont have to fight crime to be a hero though real heros are the people who help others in need and give back I help out at the homeless shelters once a week and at the red cross you can be a hero in different ways.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:28 No.5874892

    Someplace in Norcal hahaha
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:29 No.5874898
    If you're fighting a gun you should be using a gun.

    If you're fighting anything that's lesser than a gun, you should be using your fists.

    Knives are for defence against animals inna woods when ur SKS is out of ammo. If you use a knife against a human being and are caught you will catch hell no matter how much their fault it is because you made a bad situation worse.
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:30 No.5874902
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    Heed this warning, they get nasty. Riot gear would be a dead giveaway, just go in concealed casual, like maybe a baggy jacket and clothes with your gear inside and hidden and face concealment is a definite along with car licenses, they might have people following you, a lot of things could happen.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:30 No.5874905

    I do have the will to kill but I wont kill if I can help it!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:32 No.5874911

    The warning was for him not to do it, not about the gear he was using.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:32 No.5874916

    I can tell you right now you don't have the will to kill.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:35 No.5874932

    I have fake plates and tinted windows I have never been followed before though one time I thought I was but it was just someone in my area who lived the next block over.
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:36 No.5874939
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    Post results on K when you do something that gets news. And when posting the gangs could hire some computer people to track you, so take precautions especially if you have a Distinct sign. And police could track you because Concerned people might feel you shouldn't be doing that and whatnot because its not your job Ect.

    Personally I would love to see results, people hate gangs.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:37 No.5874944

    I could kill one of these pricks and not cry or lose a minute of sleep over it but like I said I am not a murderer.
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:39 No.5874956
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    I wouldn't do this myself or recommend anyone to do that, but when someone asks for advice, Ill help.
    Remember there is danger.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:40 No.5874964

    You think that, but you won't do it if given the chance. You've said yourself you're not a murderer and you don't want to kill them. That right there marks you out as unfit for this sort of idea. You're probably just some kid who thinks the world is useless and he can fix everything by being a hero. You're going to end up hated by gangs, hated by cops and most importantly hated by people. There's a reason vigilante work isn't common.

    Stop with the delusions and go back to school, kid.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:40 No.5874968

    I know I will use someone else's IP in another area of town in my car and use a proxy lol that should keep me outa trouble on the net. I also plan on having video recordings of some of the ass kickings on video uploaded from other ip addresses I have a concealable micro camera.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:42 No.5874977

    Thanks man I really appreciate it I couldn't do this on my own knowledge.
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:42 No.5874978
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    Spade seems very fixed to the idea, but yeah, giving it reconsideration can help him avoid getting hurt by this stuff.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:43 No.5874987
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    Uncle rorschach your so mean : ( :' ( V_V
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:44 No.5874990

    He really needs to realize though that vigilanteism is illegal, and while he thinks he's doing good, he's actually causing harm to the justice system. He'd be better off becoming a cop if he wants to change society that badly.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:45 No.5874995
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    >no grapple guns I already tried to make one and almost died.

    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:45 No.5874999

    Well I have been training for this moment will people really hate me why would regular people hate me I thought people like heros? I wouldn't care because I am doing what I love but I am just wondering why average people would hate me???
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:46 No.5875002
    uhh how the fuck is he ruining the justice system YOU FAGGOT
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:46 No.5875003
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    He has a point, give it SERIOUS RECONSIDERATION, this stuff is dangerous, and threatening. We cannot force you not to do this, but whatever it's your decision.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:48 No.5875016
    yeah... get back to kick ass man...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:48 No.5875019
    I'm sure this is a troll thread.. But whatever i may as well drop my two cents.

    I'm going to be blatant.. You just aren't smart enough to do anything of meaning.

    You seem like an attention seeking dependent.

    Anything you do will just either get you killed or wont be big enough to make any kind of difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:48 No.5875021

    >Doesn't understand how crimes and arrests work

    If he's injuring people and what have you, then it becomes a police issue. Even if he's killing gang members, it's the legal responsibility of the police to investigate that murder. He'll be tying up resources better put towards more responsible crimes. Not to mention that bombs could be considered terrorism and are covered by a whole bunch of laws. Hope you like Cuba!
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)03:49 No.5875028
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    The point is what you will be doing would be risky, legally, socially and to your health. But like said, we cannot force you, but give advice. Listen to what everyone says.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:54 No.5875055

    Basically It was a high powered gas powered grapple gun that was in theory was to launch a custom made grapple hook and have a custom high powered winch it could handle like 1300 pounds. I tested the rope I climbed with it successfully. I then started working with the winch and had electrical and wiring problems. The thing that injured me was the gas cylinder it exploded I didn't understand pressure gage measurements and boom turned into a grenade! Amazingly I only ended up with a few tiny fragment peaces of shrapnel in my arm and chest. I told people it was a science project.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:56 No.5875072

    People will see you as some retard who's trying to play superhero. People tend to dislike stupidity, and this entire plan is stupid to the furthest degree. You're risking your life because you don't like how the scum of society does their business. Who cares? Society sucks. Deal with it like a normal fucking person and ignore it.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)03:58 No.5875081
    Shoulda bought a gas powered harpoon gun and cut it down. Tool.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)03:59 No.5875086

    I have made up my mind I have already started down this path. I thank you guys for your warnings but if I die doing what I think its right and believe in then it would be so worth it to me! I have had my friends torture me stab me beat me with bats break my fingers taser me over and over shine bright lights in my face all to get ready for the big time. I told them I was working for the CIA they bought it hahaha they think I am a spy lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:00 No.5875092
    read this book and if u really want 2 tie some one up use zip ties. if ur going 2 shoot 22 is best cause hey mangell themselvs to hell in a body and where difrent shoos so that the can not track u form shoo impressions
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:00 No.5875098

    I really dont care how people see me I am going down this path mother fucker! >:D
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:00 No.5875099

    No they didn't. Now I'm convinced this is a troll thread. Probably for the best, I was actually afraid some idiot was going to go break the law.

    Because that's exactly what we need, another criminal.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:01 No.5875101

    Oh cool U love to read even though i cant spell for shit haha thanks man : )
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:01 No.5875102
    what happens when the people shipping all this stuff to you get suspicious because some vigilante is using there stuff?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:02 No.5875106

    Yes you do, that's the entire reason you're posting all of this stupid shit on here. You want attention because you're not getting enough from your friends/family. Man up and stop being an attention whore.

    Stupid fucking asshole.
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)04:02 No.5875108
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    Even if it is troll, i say whatever.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:03 No.5875113

    Dood I am not a troll but think what ever you want better hope your not a little thug cuz if you are I will come and ram your face into the back of your head >:)
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:04 No.5875117

    How about you give me you address if you think I am not a threat :) I can come beat you half to death when you dont expect it :D
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:05 No.5875118

    Nice, now you have a few friends who are already suspicious about your activities - when they can't contact you and there is a vigilante freak on the go they're gonna know it's you.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:06 No.5875125

    Oh wow, the internet tough guy, that's never been done before. I'm so scared, what ever will I do? Stop being a prick and go to bed.

    I sort of hope you aren't a troll now. One less person like you in the world is probably for the best.
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)04:07 No.5875126
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    Indeed, there are many factors against you.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:07 No.5875127

    well we will see : ) I still have not taken down a gang yet just some petty dealers.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:07 No.5875128
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:07 No.5875131
    What youneed to work on is your witty banter
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:09 No.5875135

    we will see hope i dont get fucked over by my buds we have been friends since childhood.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:10 No.5875139
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    >>5874059 hogtie them?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:10 No.5875142
    Vigilantism attempts are more common than people think. I doubt many are all out superhero wannabees, but cops usually just deal with it just like any other gang violence.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:11 No.5875147

    Um I have been shot already kinda why I have been looking into body armor and more protection from ballistic and knife threats.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:11 No.5875150
    oh shit new meme!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:12 No.5875152

    Like those ex-cops that went around killing MS13 those guys were fucking bad ass and feared. To bad I wont murder people lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:12 No.5875155

    Because childhood friends never fuck over their buddies, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:13 No.5875163

    >I've been shot already

    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:14 No.5875165

    :( sad day your right
    >> The Ace of Spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:15 No.5875172
    I really could use some CP right now..
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:16 No.5875181

    HAHA! Oh man, this guy is just digging himself a deeper grave.

    I hope you try and attack some gangsters, get wrecked and then get arrested on assault charges or something. Have fun in jail telling people you're a hero and have been shot. And tased and whatever else you claim to have been hit with.
    >> your a troll :D 04/29/10(Thu)04:16 No.5875183

    I know you could : )
    >> Faust !!Vmyi62M3UXn 04/29/10(Thu)04:16 No.5875184
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    >> see thread
    >> obviously the most retarded shit this week
    >> itll 404
    >> come back hours later
    >> 170+ posts

    yeah. this is k alright.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:17 No.5875189
    Real vigilante sholdnt be easily indentified as one. Or else he wont last for long.
    >> your a troll :D 04/29/10(Thu)04:17 No.5875190
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:17 No.5875191

    I just don't believe in sage.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:18 No.5875199
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    >> cabel ties Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:18 No.5875200
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    hear read this
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:19 No.5875206

    It's funny, because OP is probably sitting at his desk right now laughing his ass off, thinking he's trolling everybody, when really he just looks retarded, like most trolls do. There's a difference between trolling and looking dumb that people seem to not understand.
    >> your a troll :D 04/29/10(Thu)04:20 No.5875211

    I wont go to jail if the cops do find me I will kill myself with cop suicide or cyanide :D
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:20 No.5875214

    Why wait? DO IT NOW!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:22 No.5875221
    only then will you truly be an hero.
    >> your a troll :D 04/29/10(Thu)04:22 No.5875223

    I am not trolling your all trolling me I am trying to get intel from the smart people on /k/ operator shit ya know! Like bomb making how to evade capture how to be effective and all i get is HUR DURP YOUR A TROLL!!!! HUUURRRR HUR HUR HUR HES A TROLL!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:23 No.5875230
    do not use knives. you don't want dirty gangster blood on you

    let your hygiene slip. yellowed teeth and greasy face will get gangsters to not pay any mind to you.

    use pressure points for interrogation but make sure you kill those you interrogate.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:23 No.5875233
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:23 No.5875238

    NlGGERS! isnt banned now?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:24 No.5875240

    Well, we've given you advice. And that advice is don't do it or you will be severely injured/charged.

    Besides, to give you advice would be to assist you in illegal activity, and therefore /k/ should not condone you behaviour by helping you. And so, I will leave you in peace to not follow through on anything you've said here, you dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:28 No.5875263
    op i have considered doing just what u are thinking of shoot streat run fast and god go with u
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)04:30 No.5875274
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    I disclaim responsibility of assistance to spade's actions, Intellectual and otherwise.

    Just wanted to get that outta the way if serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:32 No.5875286
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    Ok you know what op if this is some kind of calling and you want to help people then do it. Just under stand that the risks are usualy far worse then death when your pissing of gangs.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:33 No.5875292
    posting in an epic troll thread.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:40 No.5875340

    I fully understand the risks this is not the movies you only got one shot!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:41 No.5875343

    Dont worry not like the FBI checks on /k/ right <_< >_> O_O
    >> Aviator !!TYwnLvoNG0p 04/29/10(Thu)04:43 No.5875364

    Taking precautions just in case ANYTHING happens.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:44 No.5875369

    Thanks man I know this whole thing has changed me mentally I just cant go back to my normal life anymore well my life was never really normal to start with lol.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:45 No.5875374

    Right well your safe I am not however heh
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:48 No.5875388
    What's with the tasers, pepper sprays, and batons? Get rid of all that shit and carry more mags
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:50 No.5875399

    Goal is to be like batman and try not to kill perps : \
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)04:54 No.5875419
    >>op saw kickass
    >>thinks he can clean up the streets
    >>Op and what army?
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)04:58 No.5875432

    Did not see kick ass spent the money instead on my high point lol yes I am poor dont judge any gun is better then no gun.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)05:00 No.5875441

    You fail op pix or didn't happen 1/10
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)05:01 No.5875447

    10/10 : )
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)05:06 No.5875464
    two left fucking feet.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)05:08 No.5875469
    shame, kick-ass was an excellent movie
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)05:16 No.5875499
    >op thinks he's batman
    >comes to /k/ for advice
    >ends up dead
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)05:33 No.5875556

    I will torrent it sometime
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)05:34 No.5875562

    I hope i dont die : (
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)05:35 No.5875567
    Best troll thread in a long time. Obvious, and yet still so much fun for everyone. 10/10 would read again. OP make moar sometime.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)05:57 No.5875689
    ace of spades youre my hero and inspiration now

    im gonna do what you do but i only just started now i will use my football armor i canot afford kelvar :(

    i will wer a mask because otherwise the police will arrest me

    i did judo up to orange belt and my friend knows karate he will show me some moves

    i dont have a gun because i am to young but i will fill my supersoaker with acid

    i think i will call myself the acid hit what do you think of this name?? is it good
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)06:11 No.5875760
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)06:14 No.5875768
    Why dont you just put a shirt over your head and stab them in the sleep?
    >> Red !!7SRS217NlP1 04/29/10(Thu)06:14 No.5875769
    ...I sense a lack of steel plates.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)06:15 No.5875776
    more like the sage of ages
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)06:16 No.5875780
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)06:55 No.5875935

    brb, reinstalling Avernum
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)10:19 No.5876927
    I was reading through this thread, but I had to stop here. How stupid can you be possibly be? Cops are one of the aspects of the justice system that are so incredibly broken! They violate the constitution on a daily basis, and you're telling this man, troll or not, who wants to help people that he's wrong? He should be a fucking pig? Holy crap. Maybe I just got trolled. 10/10. But, really? Die in a fire.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)12:58 No.5877672

    Call your self acidus or acid man! Cool idea please dont try to fight major crime just take out smalltime thugs first and when your ready and have to tools hit the bigger targets!
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:01 No.5877688

    Agree and not troll! Cops suck ass they abuse power my ex girlfriend who was a cop would go 90 mph on the fucking freeway!!! She said to me all the time oh i am a cop so i got nothing to worry about. That was one of the reasons we broke up she would break the law I never reported her because I didn't hate her.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:03 No.5877701

    What is a sage? Sorry I am new to this computer crap I do not waste too much time on here is that a name of a hero like a hero of the ages???
    >> Red !!7SRS217NlP1 04/29/10(Thu)13:06 No.5877716
    I still sense a lack of steel.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:06 No.5877717

    Lol um not troll last night another person was killed in my hood this time a child who was caught in the cross fire SHIT GETS ME SO FUCKING MAD!!!
    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:07 No.5877723

    You don't need any of that.

    What you need is a knack for disguise, a good grasp of torture techniques and explosives expertise.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:07 No.5877724

    Steal why? It weighs you down I have to be light weight.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:09 No.5877732
    >troll thread
    >232 posts

    stay classy /k/
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:12 No.5877751

    Well I know a few torture techniques and can make some bombs but your right I need to master disguise.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:13 No.5877761


    Really is that the best you can do 0/10
    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:19 No.5877803


    NEVER EVER get into a fight or a shootout.

    This isn't Marvel comics. You are not the punisher. You will not a survive against numerous foes. Even when one ganger can't shoot for shit, ten shooting in your general direction are going to hit.

    Never be seen. Never be noticed.

    The only way they know you've even been involved is when shit blows up.

    Grab one beforehand and tear information you need out of him then kill him. Don't bother trying to be dramatic or cool or any shit like that.

    Completely disregard image, ideals and dignity believing only in victory.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:21 No.5877821
    Have any of you killed anyone? Can I ask you what it is like how awful was the experience? I hope I do not kill anyone but I need to be ready for it incase I do. Any advice?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:24 No.5877836
    i support this post
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:24 No.5877843

    But I dont want to kill people if I can help it cant I just dump the bad guy in a remote area with his drugs and guns on him and radio for police? Why do you all keep saying I have to murder people is that really the only way to accomplish my goals?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:25 No.5877850
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    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:26 No.5877854

    Read what I said at the end of >>5877803

    You have to completely destroy your preconceptions of humanity as well as your own ideals.

    The vast majority of humans even in your situation will still think that people are fundamentally good.

    This is not the case. Humans are monsters. We are predatory animals that destroy our environment and attack each other for no reason other than we enjoy it.

    We are monsters.

    Accept this and disregard the lives of others. They do not deserve to live. No one does. There is no right to life.

    Don't go into this looking to save people. Go into it looking to achieve the goal of annihilating a specific group in your area. Then when they are dead move onto another. Never stop to consider the consequences of killing. Just do it.
    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:30 No.5877878

    That won't work.

    Dump them somewhere with their stuff and they'll run. Or the local groups will just lay a trap and kill you because they'll expect you.

    Or you'll end up fighting someone who is a better fighter than you.

    You need to kill them to preserve the mystery. The less they can determine about you and your motives the better.

    This is why explosives are the best bet. Easy to make, easy to lay and people will have no idea who is doing it or why. The groups you target will start to suspect but correlating motive to a suspect is nigh impossible when there is no clues as to the suspects background, race, gender, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:30 No.5877879
    Well you are serious in being a retard. "Know many fighting styles"? Well learn ONE, how about: Hand-to-hand combat? And if you are gonna go cleaning up, use less weapons and gear? How about one decent gun? How about less fucking armor, you cannot move around like a fucking muppet, you cannot escape in that outfit? People will easily spot you from 1000 miles range, and it will be encumbering. Goddamned nab.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:31 No.5877887

    Wow you have really good advice your right though the only real way to stop them is to put them six feet under. I never thought that If I sent them to jail they would just get out in a few years or less and be back on the streets making my work a moot point and worthless.
    >> Broke 04/29/10(Thu)13:32 No.5877897
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:32 No.5877900

    Well can i leave my calling card the death card at the crime scene to spread fear?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:34 No.5877917
    That's a bad idea. The less they think of them as connected incidents, the better. Switch up styles every couple of take-downs. Explosives on one, assassination on another, make it seem like multiple people with multiple MOs.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:35 No.5877924
    Well anyone know of a handgun that can drop a person in one shot? I am going to need a real gun now.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:36 No.5877926
    Step one: find crackhouse
    Step two: torch crackhouse

    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:37 No.5877930
    How about nearly every handgun ever made? learn to aim.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:37 No.5877931

    good idea I have an AR-7 with a suppressor think that will be good enough for assassinations?
    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:38 No.5877936

    Avoid repetition.

    Never use the same trick twice to plant your bombs if you can avoid. If you use a carbomb one day then use a stuffed animal the next then a letterbomb the day after that.

    Shave your head of all body hair and get a large collection of wigs and false beards. GOOD ONES. Destroy your sense of identity and instead cultivate multiple identities you can switch to easily. If possible prepare homes and documents for each of them.

    Never use the same disguise twice in your work. Never even use similar ones when you're snatching a gang member to torture for information. When you torture him remember he is dead. He will not be walking away so don't be afraid to really tear into him but remember he has to believe he can walk away, even when you develop a reputation for not letting anyone live he has to believe he will walk away if he talks thus be prepared to put days even weeks into torturing a single individual for information.

    The construction of your bombs must be undertaken with the utmost care. Supplies and components must be carefully sourced to prevent suspicion as the authorities are obsessive over bombs these days. You may get the chance to get your hands on military grade stuff but avoid it if you can, only take a deal like that if you absolutely must.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:38 No.5877938
    Any handgun will do the job as long as you aim at center mass or at the head and fire 2-3 shots. High-capacity's key here, so you'll have to go illegal to get the guns. I don't know how you'd get it while being a vigilante, but somehow you're going to need illegal weapons.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:39 No.5877940

    Right well I can do shot placement I know a guy who killed 3 people with a 22 cal all about shot placement O_O
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:41 No.5877954
    jesus... you really know your shit D:
    where did you learn all of this bruh?
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:41 No.5877955

    how would I get illegal weapons where would I go who should I ask?
    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:42 No.5877959


    Like the other guy said you must make it seem like there is multiple killers with multiple MOs.

    His advice of using a rifle is actually rather good I should have thought of that.

    Also get a real rifle. Learn to shoot from a great distance. No pistol is going to give you the range you need to make it hard to follow you. But still learn to shoot a pistol with accuracy.

    To put it simply. Your training so far has been almost entirely wasted effort.

    The escape tactics may be of use. But you probably focused on running in a very obvious manner. Never do this never be seen in the first place. Make them run right past you thinking you're a part of the crowd.

    The martials arts training is almost entirely useless. If you get into a fist fight you're dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:43 No.5877963
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    So it turns out you end up listening to all the advices here. So it turns out your plan was just full of fail, well you wont become the ultimate assassain by reading /k/. You should have applied for special forces training, you will fail if you ever muster the guts (or insanity) to do what you said you would. Your "tactics" suck, your gear suck, you are not informed, you lack the physical ablities, judging by your insecurity you lack the mental abilties aswell. You fucking lack everything, go back to lurking you goddamned nab.
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:43 No.5877966

    Great info have you um killed any people you sure know your shit O_O
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:43 No.5877972
    Go close to the Mexican border. The big drug cartels are known for having large amounts of guns, and if you're lucky you'll be able to buy one or two off a dealer. Of course, if that doesn't work you'll probably want to make your handiwork a bit more distanced as you won't have a serious close-range weapon.
    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:45 No.5877982

    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:47 No.5878000

    He should avoid being close in the first place.

    Getting close means the plan has gone to shit. Yes the suremost way to kill someone is to get right next to them with no thought to escape and stab them in the heart.

    But that is the way an idealogical assassin works. Ergo that is a fucking retarded way of going about it.

    Get a pistol yes but it is a backup. Something for when you get surprised and need something to defend yourself with.

    For offence use a long rifle at a great distance. If you can't then plant a trap using explosives.

    Never be close to your intended target when it is time for him to die.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:48 No.5878002

    Shit this thread is retarded.

    I lol'd, OP. Congrats on the troll. I know, of course, you will be obliged to respond to this post with "EYE AHM NAWT AH TROWL", but we both know the truth.
    >> That fucking Techpriest !G5SvoRhkI. 04/29/10(Thu)13:49 No.5878012

    Compromising suggests you have ideals.

    If you want victory you can not have ideals.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:49 No.5878013
    That fucking Techpriest, stop reading from pdf documents. I can tell a nab from a pro. You are a nerdnab
    >> The Ace of spades 04/29/10(Thu)13:49 No.5878017

    Um I have been in street fights before all of this and I am still alive but I have come close to being killed many times in group attacks. Thats why I try to keep my back to a wall so everyone is facing me however sometimes you dont have that luxury. My training was not a total waste I can fight and keep multiple attackers off me ok well the most I ever fought at one time was four.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)13:49 No.5878018
    like hell it isn't irrelevant...
    are you like, ex-CIA or something?

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