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04/13/10(Tue)04:41 No.5717120 File1271148090.jpg-(98
KB, 800x540, GalaxyDX919.jpg)
 Let's talk terms:
may hear the term "I receive you well, you are 5 and 9".
first number said corresponds with your readability. If you're on CW
(Morse), this is how clear your tones are. If you're on Phone, it's how
easy it is to understand you (Not distorted, no heavy accent, etc).
second number, is SORTA based off the S-meter. The S-meter is a
reading. If you want to get technical, an S9 rating is 50 microvolts
input, so 50 microvolts of energy through your antenna. This translates
to roughly 3 dB per S-unit. A signal that's an S1 is generally fairly
faint, and almost completely blended in with the noise (static).
S9 reading is very strong and loud. Generally, anything above an S3
rating, I'll try to lead a conversation with. Anybody below that, I give
up on trying. It's too much of a hassle.
DX919, far left meter is the S-unit meter |