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Hey /k/
who do you guys think are the worlds most elite soldiers?

I've read up on DEVGRU ST-6 (dick marcinkos auto biography) and they seem pretty good.
Marines can eat ST6 for breakfast. Especially RECON MARINES!

back to /v/ you go.
I worked with 10th group SF and 4th Group.

I asked them if they had to go on mission with any soldiers in the world, who would they want by their side.

All of them said CAG, except for two, who chose SAS and SEAL.
Delta because fuck you, that's why.
Jægerkorpset.. they not afraid of anything
>implying delta isnt the most operator of operators

Of course you did. In fact, we are all operators.
Ok why? And I'm from /fit/ so their physicality appeals to me as well. Almost interested in buying a firearm as well to go shooting on the range.
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>most elite soldiers

If i were to go to some kind of no-hope-of-getting-out-alive mission and had to go along with the toughest humans on planet, I'd pick Spetsnaz.
Lemme expand on this further. I was not an SF soldier, I merely worked with them. I was not a shooter in any sense or capacity.

CAG is Delta, what most SF and SO soldiers refer to Delta as.

From what I gathered, Recon Marines are on average the most physically strong of the forces, with Seals a close second, and SAS and CAG tied for third.

Smartest actual soldiers were hands down were airforce CCT and PJ's, but a lot of them lack common and tactical sense in any area but their very specific, narrow focused purpose.

The SEALS are very good tactically, but most on a leash, and not for thinking outside the box. Good in a firefight, but not the top notch best.

Army SF is what a good ranger is to a regular soldier. CAG is best in all combat, hands down, best door kickers and urban fighters. If you took two of every branch and dropped them in the middle of a hostile city trying to kill them, they would be better able to kill as many as possible, escape and evade the enemy, or hunt down a specific target and eliminate them, hands down.

As for sniping, once you reach a level of proficiency, it doesn't matter who is better, its like taking a second off a world marathon time almost.
I think I'd take CIA SAD, or GRU
Alright, but who is the WORST SF unit in the world?
Do the Maldives have special forces?

captcha: outgund
Depends on what your doing. If you have to rescue hostages the Spetsnaz track record is about as bad as your going to get.

I can't really think of any other examples at the moment.
lol yeah, them and the FBI's HRT

You were in a bitch MOS, more than likely a leg in an airborne unit. You therefore think you were highspeed when in fact you weren't. No, you don't know jack shit about the strengths and weaknesses of our special ops groups or that of our allies. So please, spare us and fuck off.
Is polish GROM any good?
If I were forced to say, I'd go for Spetsnaz GRU. Absolute stone cold killers who do their shit with total ruthlessness.
LOL @ projecting

My knowledge of this subject comes from in depth discussions I had with actual special forces, not a fucking book I read or delusions I have from movies, or wild speculations based on a day dream.

But hey, fuck actually learning something right? Just be bitter about who you are I guess.

>get out Alive

choose one and only one
WTF is 4th Group?
Army SF brigades. They are numbered in groups.

So far they have what they need in terms of what makes a good special forces unit. Don't know much on their operation history.

I could be wrong but they do joint training exercises with both NATO and former WP nations (Russia), so they have diversity in terms of training.
also that should read 5th, typo
Yeah, so where did you get 4th Group from? There is no 4th Group...
Depends on what you mean by "worst" though.

The Spetsnaz' hostage rescue scenarios aren't because the Spetsnaz aren't skilled or are somehow lacking in technique. It's because:

1: They really couldn't give a fuck
2: They're not really trained for it.
Who were you talking to in 5th Group that chose to go on any mission with the SEALs? I'm calling bullshit on that one.

You either worked with them or spoke with them, which one will it be?
Either way, do you really expect anyone to believe you were even in the same room with Recon, SEALs, SF, Delta, SAS, operators? Tone it down and make it more believable.
That being said, I don't like to make shit up about my military career to look cool on the internet.
Alpha Group
>implying someone can't talk to someone while working with said person.
Yeah, the SPETSNAZ are preety fucking badass even tough a lot of people try to troll that they can't save lives.

For fuck's sake, the SPETSNAZ during tranning are dragged out of their beds at dawn in complete darkness and trown into a room filled neck high with animal blood and organs.
leave and never come back
>building a strawman
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>who do you guys think are the worlds most elite soldiers?

Every special ops comedy troupe in the world thinks they're the most elite of the elite. Build a little myth around themselves, good for morale.

In reality none of them are vastly better than others. Human physiology puts pretty severe limits on how elite you can get.
No, I worked with 10th group and 5th group while deployed. We lived in the same pad, on the same camp, and our CPs were next to eachother. We would shoot the shit all the time. We would do support when they did training ranges, we would do forcepro for them while deployed, and we would do admin work for them.

I never claimed to talk to anyone buy US Army SF. I asked them their opinions on other elite groups they had worked with, who they would want to be in a firefight with if they had a choice, and what the big differences they saw were.

That's what I based my post on. But hey, what do I know, I just talked with them and got their thoughts based on who they worked with. If you think anyone is impressed by me saying that I worked in close quarters with SF, you are fucking pathetic.

It was two from tenth group.

like that accomplishes anything
believing in limits

[spoiler]row row fight da powa[/spoiler]
My flatmate's uncle used to be in the Spetznaz back in the 80s, and my mate's uncle said part of training was that they would get raped by other guys, to make them psychologically hardened towards violence and abuse. Seems legit I guess.

yeah nah, they were just faggots
Okay, maybe I'll buy that. I don't know anyone in 5th who would choose the SEALs if there were other options available. Kind of a bad rep for being publicity whores and meat heads.
The entire Russian Army rapes each other, that isn't just limited to Spetsnaz.

Bunch a faggots over there.
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>Spetsnaz track record is about as bad as your going to get.

Oh, I don't fucking think so! HRT is about 100x worse.
Delta is better than the SAS? Lets not forget who trained Delta in the first place.

It wasn't from 5th group. Graves in 10th liked the Seals for some reason.

I don't know why you classify 5th group as attention whores tho...also regular green berets aren't that bad ass. If you are semi intelligent and can run two miles in about 11 minutes, and have no problem running 10 miles and doing a lot of upper body work, Q course is not difficult.
JTF2 were the only foreign SF group chosen to work directly with Delta and DEVGRU in afghanistan. They also received a presidential unit citation from the U.S. So I guess their pretty good.
What it boils down to today is delta is so combat focused they blow everyone else out of the water in urban warfare.

>Green Berets

Falling soldiers from the sky....

Like chicken shit, they run and die....
You are clearly proud of having been in close proximity to SF soldiers, even if you just did their bitch work. You are no different from all the others that think being support to a socom unit makes them special. Also: your claims of 'knowledge' regarding the units mentioned are nothing more than speculation and hearsay.
>Alright, but who is the WORST SF unit in the world?

The worst special forces unit is the one that's used for something other than its intended purpose. Send a hundred Seals to take an airfield, they will likely all come home in body bags. Same happens if you send Rangers to do underwater demolition.

The key thing to remember is that they're Special Forces, not Superior Forces.
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British Royal Marines Commandos are the best!
And being thrown in a tank of guts and blood makes them good commandos how? Sounds like your usual run of the mill weed out the weak technique to me.

Well, the HRT had a few oddball wins. Spetsnaz, specifically those of the Army, aren't really good at dealing with anything but Chechens. They don't train for anything but killing, at least those of the Army and Naval infantry.
Its all mental anyways.

Not special forces.
But they are indeed elite forces
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>q course is not difficult
I really only have ever mentioned it here, where it was relevant, and to give some weight to my words which have a more valid opinion behind them than anyone else in this thread unless there are active operators posting here. Besides have a 10th group coin on my shelf, I don't really talk about my time in the army or who I worked with that wasn't there.

But I guess I'm sorry for bringing in my two educated cents on the subject to which I had some knowledge on.
I was speaking about the general perception of SEALs in 5th Group...
> situation develops
> 10 hostages + 2 hostage takers
> HRT rolls in
> 12 dead terrorists
> mission accomplished, high fives all around
Can anyone recommend their favorite books about Delta, ST6, etc? I think those guys are some of the most inspirational yet badass people around. Anyone can learn some good lessons from them.
And what SOF unit do you belong to?
Oh, when did you go through the Q Course?
From what I heard when soldier after soldier asked about it, they all said the same thing: if you are in good shape, able to score 270+ and aren't a dumbass, Q course isn't anywhere as hard to pass as people think it is.

This is just for regular Army SF, I have no idea about any other branches or CAG's
SAS or seals for door-kicking/fire fights.

army sf for people skills and lateral thinking/starting insurgencies.

not counting delta.
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fixed your pic OP.

I like delta's flexibility to make decisions on the fly without a huge clusterfuck of triplicate forms, and back office bullshit.
Elite forces are not special forces. Still impressive though.
I didn't, I never wanted to do that, by the time I reached a regular Unit, I only had about 3 years left, and did not want to spend any more time in the Army than I needed to. Also I wasn't a good runner, never got below a 14 on my two miles, and fractured my thumb with bad complications - I would have never been able to attempt it if I wanted to
Speaking from personal experience, it's challenging not impossible. I absolutely felt it was "difficult" at times.
I'm pretty sure that's a shoop, the guy who he's originally with was about the same size.

Plus what SF group would hire such a shortfag, hes barely even a man
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A special operational force is only as powerful as the composition of it's members. Individuals make the team, not the sigil on the unit wall.

I'm sure there are seal teams that click better than delta teams and visa versa.

That being said, in my opinion the army has the best pool of candidates from which to pull said individuals.
lol those are airsoft guys that shooped themselves into that picture
How far did you make it.

My understanding of it comes from people who passed, and I don't know if they were just trying to downtalk it, or actually thought it was easy.
>Plus what SF group would hire such a shortfag, hes barely even a man

The last special forces group that had a minimum height requirement was Napoleon's personal guard. Just so you know.

I dare say you may not even know what shoop means.

That is the original image. I have a non corbis stamped one somewhere in this gigabyte upon gigabyte stack of pics.
All the way through.
I remember seeing that image, but with a different guy standing next to him, that's all.

>stamp on a image
>meaning anything
what part did you find the most difficult?
You're a fucking idiot.
SAS and other groups based on their doctrine do a lot more intel gathering etc than kicking down doors and starting firefights. They are very versatile though, that's what sets them apart from regular forces, as well as being selected as the 1% of course.
Sage, trying to get a team planning and working together for the first time. SUT sucked physically but sage was worse mentally (it's hard to run an operation with 12 people you haven't really worked with before). I enjoyed selection, easiest part of the whole deal.
Sage always sounded like a bunch of fun, but I guess going in with strangers wouldn't be the best recipe for success.
Threads like this get me interested. Too bad though, that there's no real reliable information on the internet, since 99.9% of the people who write about special forces have no experience, and just fan wank to their home country's SF.
>See ranking of SF, SAS on very top
>look at "information", no operational history, no training information, just opinion
>SAS is the best, they invented everything, the British invented all modern military techniques, yadda yadda yadda
That's not the issue. This issue is you've been in the course for 18-24 months and it's the last thing between you and graduating.
Who said that?
I find that SAS tend to come about third. The top two are usually Seals and Delta. There's a slight possibility that the lists I've seen are American in origin.
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>The unit also has a small number of female special forces operatives. They are used in counter-terror operations where the presence of a woman is not seen as a threat to a terrorist.[3]

>yfw Delta gets taken out by Korean girls in a cross training exercise
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>yfw Delta gets taken out by Korean girls in a cross training exercise
Don't you mean secret service?

I've read cross training as [spoiler]crossdressing[/spoiler]
There's a very large possibility that such lists are a pointless waste of oxygen and other elements.
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Being short means its easier to do pullups, easier to run, require less food to eat

basically a better soldier
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Beard size is directly proportionate to combat ability.

Nevermind that you make a smaller target.
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Being delta is being a warrior-accountant with bad eyesight
>give beta an assault rifle and put him in a group of operators
>assume hes some kind of ultra operator who plays by his own rules because of how out of place he looks

Its genius, really.
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Well, I'll take the Canadian SF, then.
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>JTF2 only mentioned once
I do admit a bias as I'm lolkanadian.
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Here is my assessment,

although: >>11684357
might have been a pog, he seems to have a better grasp of this. I have had the pleasure of working with a lot of the world's SOF. I was with a CJSOTF for a while and here is what I found:

SEALs= really great with special recon and anything involving a ship or a platform (oil rig, whatever) but not so hot at open terrain combat or, in all honesty, CQB.

Force= Hands down the MOST physically fit group of guys I've ever met. Hard chargers that eat bullets like tic tacs. Phenomenal at special recon and target interdiction(sniping) fairly decent at CQB, give the SEALs a run for their money when a scuba tank and flippers are involved. Not so hot at anything mounted (vehicles) they aren't terribad or anything, it's just not their thing I guess.

CAG/Delta/1 SFOD-D= Rock stars. Period. Dot. Great shape, the BEST in CQB and open terrain combat. Also the most modest of the SOF world. Full auto at 100m during a dead sprint? No problem, literally. not the best at special recon though, I don't even think they get assigned that honestly. But they just aren't set up for it. tl;dr you want something dead or in zip ties TONIGHT, call CAG.

SAS= AMAZING group of guys(aussies too) On par with CAG, I would say they are the best at open terrain combat, nothing to bitch about in CQB either, special recon? done. I don't know how they are with seaborne ops, but I've heard good things. If they have a weakness, it's that there aren't enough of them.

Rangers= teenagers with automatics, nuff said.

If I had to pick, I would choose CJSOTF. Cheating, I know.

>didn't include AF personnel because they are whored out to teams of each.
jesus... imagine if these two went medieval on you... they could eat you.
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He actually looks more like a serial killer with those glasses. Not serial killer, professional soldier in service of uncle sam
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>SAS= AMAZING group of guys(aussies too) On par with CAG
>On par with CAG

I'm guessing you've never seen either group irl.
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I'm guessing you're past your bedtime and it's time to shut down your computer and go to bed.
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Let's be honest, if it weren't for the flags, could you tell me which group of soldiers belongs to which country?

>picture 1
SAS doesn't get half the cool shit that CAG gets and their training is not on the same level. It's irrelevant how they look.
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oooooh, got me!

>actually I'm just waking up for a day's work, being the middle east and all.

picture 2

you honestly going to tell me you could tell them apart?
>SOF thread
>hearsay, callofduty, tom clancy and wikipedia knowledge, ACTIVATE!
i think you're looking at outdated data. They get EXACTLY the same shit these days. but i guess you armchair warriors would be a few years behind.
Are you telling me that UK's SAS gets the same level of training and equipment that CAG/DEVGRU get?

Again, it's IRRELEVANT how they look. They all look like real men that are in shape. But training and equipment is different.

This is a stupid question.

It depends ENTIRELY on what role you want your operators to play.

Rangers can't blend in with civies and find HVTs like Delta, but Delta also can't reinforce a captured enemy airbase from enemy counterattack.

Force Recon is some good shit for deep surveillance for Marine operations, just don't exepect them to do VBSS like the SEALs can.

This question is like answering which shaped peg is the best. The answer is wholly dependent on what shaped hole you are asking the peg to be good for.
Not SF, Royal Marine Commandos are as the name implies, commandos
you need to stop posting, they collaborate. SAS goes to Delta's school and the other way around. They get the SAME training. Which is why CJSOTF works.
I know the big guy so they have to be Aus SAS. If he is around 6'5 then the guys behind him have to be above average size as well. Damn thats somewhat rare
and you missed the point of my pictures, one is CAG, one is SAS, they have the exact same equipment, look at it.
came here to post this
not canadian though
you proud?
training's the same too, right? every one of these countries can buy a bunch of M4s with Aimpoints and latest tacticool cammo.
you missed this post didn't you?

Also the aus flag on some helmets might be a clue.

And what do you know about it oh master of the classified. They do cross training and use much the same equipment.
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JTF2 are pretty badass but info about them is covered in mystery and no one is writing about them in Canada. They got a lot of shit after they captured all those HVTs and gave them to Americans to be tortured. So the new SOP is to shut the fuck about what they do and who they capture.

Like the other anons said, they've been in most of the task forces with CAG/DEVGRU and have captured a large number of HVTs.
glad i'm not the only guy here that didn't stick his head up his ass before posting.
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They wouldn't wear those flags on a lot of operations either.
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Lol you guys think the SAS or these Delta Forces are the best in the world? Well guess what turns out your wrong, the most elite operators on earth are the ultra-classified Lambda Force. I know this shit because my dad actually was one. Shit I have to use 40 proxies and a hacked version of TOR to even relay this info without them killing me in my sleep tonight just for talking about this. The most elite operators on the planet. You think Delta and Spetznas are "Old school" for using M14s and Tommy Guns? The Lambda force has a motherfucking DLO, or Designated Longsword Operator who can block bullets in midair and neutralize suicide bombers (cuz the sword cuts all the bomb wires in a single blow). They also use tactical blow-darts, battlefield hypnotism and bullets made of Ice.... and the training, you need to do 20 miles through rural china on two fingers with the top chinese kung fu masters, learn NSA quantum hacking and tactical parkour, and master japanese swordsmanship, mongolian horse archery, brazilian (lethal) jui jitsu, columbian narcoterrorism and australian underwater stingray wrestling. Hell that's just for selection, the rest is even worse

Pic related I'm training to one day be one
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>youll never zip tie a targets hands behind his back, toss him into a CH-47, scratch your beard, and hop on yourself
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No one wants to see fat fuck pretentious faggots, stop shit posting, it is not funny.
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Is dat some mogadishu?
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oh man, I laughed, I won't lie.
CAG / Delta?
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mp.net delta thread?
I'd say SEALs or Spetznaz.
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I think the press release said those guys were from New Zealand, but you can never tell.
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Ronald is more OPERATOR than Costa.
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>dat taped on flashlight

It always makes me chuckle, like they're fucking SAS (iirc) and this fucked had to grab some electrical tape and nigger rig a flashlight on his weapon.
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Back in the day before our godly little LED lights we have no, had to have big ass incandescent ones

It wasn't long ago that railed accessories where a rarity confined to battle/assault rifles. The fact he's using a maglite makes me think this is fairly old.
maybe some of the experts can shed some light on this... somewhere I remember hearing that 1980s SAS were trained to shoot from the hip, aiming at chest level with them flashlights. Truf?
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NZSAS. Looks like some pretty cool kit hanging off them, pic related perhaps.
SAD really aren't that Operator of guys. They focus on intelligence and facilitation of operations, they very rarely take a direct role in the operations. Want proof? read Jawbreaker.
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Gotta throw the race card.

Any non-hurpderp thoughts as to why are caucasians disproportionately represented in the US spec ops world? Does mental toughness, creativity, intellectual capacity play a role here?

Essentially the same for European groups also (though they are considerably less diverse than USA).

Anyone know of good references for Asian special forces? Other than those indonesian fucks everyone faps to....
Adaptation and improvisation mate, lol.
Don't know why it is, but the majority of the minorities that sign up go to support, like fuel and mechanics and all that. something like 80% or more of SOCOM is Caucasian. And before someone says "they don't let them through selection cause dey racist" selection courses are something like 98% Caucasian.
Quite a few maori amongst kiwi forces.
special forces requires lots of patriotism and zeal to want to get through

Minorities are vastly less patriotic to the US than whites
I don't see many Caucasians represented. Not many Turkish, Chechen, or Armenians in SF.
The military is both whiter and more hispanic than the general population. Combat arms roles are disproportionally even whiter, because many minorities join for a job, education and such.
I don't think its race that matters, so much as social class. Middle class seem to be far more likely to go into combat arms and the middle class is mostly white, compared to the poor, who join for the pogue jobs.

>SAD really aren't that Operator of guys

>recruit the best from CAG

for one, most aspirants are white to begin with.

if we want to get more apocryphal, anglo-saxons (and to a lesser extent, other caucasian sub-groups) tend to be more biased towards specific intelligence, that is, less general and more depthly focused on a single area [spoiler]autism lolo[/spoiler].

this kind of trait can be useful in most military applications, or when creating comedy skits.
What research are you getting this from then?
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oh, taking the term "Caucasian" to the extreme eh? think you're pretty clever then?

>you're not.
just because they WERE operator, doesn't mean they are now, SAD doesn't operate, they don't do the mission, they plan it and provide the intel. not operator, spook. If you can tell me what FAG stands for I'll actually read your next post.
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166 responses and nobody's got it right yet.... it's Rainbow 6... durr


it's what you call SAD when you are still kickin skids in A squadron.





now go back to cowa doodie.

>everyone else, you're welcome, use it wisely.
As I understand it theres two groups, one paramilitary and one more political and indirect, both under SAD.
somewhat. Neither are DA guys. Well not by design, if one happens to get in the fray they prefer someone who can handle themselves, but their objective is most certainly not to get into a firefight. They leave that up to the Operators.

>still need a 4 yr degree for SAD, CIA is funny like that huh?
I've seen guys mention it in interviews. Just a cqc thing, when you come through a door to find the enemy it's quicker to point the torch at him than try to look down the sights. He said they could confidently snap up to the head as well, obviously they practice a shit load, there's flash bangs going off and all kinds of hell which needs to be worked through.
Half the value of a degree is showing you're capable of learning I guess.

SAD Special Operations Group.

Wonder what they do?
I thought they were danes?
yeah but they don't care what you're degree is in.

>underwater basket weaving here i come!
Oh using the term caucasian incorrectly? Think no one will call out your ignorance?
Yeah just some muscle memory.
lol. acronym doesn;t even match.


SAD is nothing more than a bunch of aging former operators who are now doing the same shit that Green Berets do: collect intelligence and cooperate with opposition groups. GB train them and SAD gets them to spy for them.

If you're a young guy and want to see action, going SEALs/Rangers/CAG.
oh come the fuck on, we all knew what he meant shit for brains. Going on a weapons forum and arguing the application of the term "Caucasian" shows just how much of a basement dwelling faggot you are.
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Why is it you never see high quality photos of the SAS/SBS? it's almost like the MoD doesn't want cod kiddes and /k/ circle jerking over them.
lol i didn't even see that post, what a mouth breather! should we tell him what it really stands for? or just let him stay retarded?
He means SOG within the SAD.

minorities are more likely to sign up to learn skills for the rest of the world to get a job after, white guys sign up to do crazy shit.
>tfw no talk about BOPE
>implying ANY of the groups you talked about have even half their experience in urban combat

>who do you guys think are the worlds most elite soldiers?

I do think it depends, and because my lack of knowledge, I will be very general by going with countries.

I can nail it down to 3 countries.
U.S., Russia and China.

Which of these 3 have the best Special Op Force is debatable.

The U.S. is mainly strong thanks to their Gadgets, which also in turn can help their economy.

Russia isn't very good for gadgets but they have hardcore training! They are built to survive in the most shitty environments possible.

Finally, China seems only good for their man-power, but they have some gadgets.

If we want to go more specific then I would trust any of them. They are all (generally) equal, it's the stories, rumors, ect. that changes how we see them.
they still don't do what he thinks they do. Anyone who meets them knows that. They show up with a sat phone and some info, say "get 'em boys" and then sit in the hilux while the fun goes down. SAD boys don't WANT to kick doors, they've done that. There aren't fire teams of SAD/SOG wandering Afghan looking for a gun fight. There are 2 SAD/SOG in the helo with the SEALs about to hit Bin Laden's compound, and when the wheels touch, they probably stayed in the courtyard until the shooting stopped.
see these for HQ SAS pics:
>SAD is nothing more than a bunch of aging former operators who are now doing the same shit that Green Berets do: collect intelligence and cooperate with opposition groups.

With plausible deniability. No one who isn't very good at what they do could/would do it with the knowledge the US might just turn its back if things go sour.
I meant British SAS
you know, that's NZ and Aussie SAS, I haven't seen a HQ Brit SAS, anyone got one?
Absolutely correct. Do whatever needs to be done just don't get caught. This is why they're not a DA force.

Their job is pretty cool and interesting but it's not SEAL/CAG action stuff. SAD tend to blend in and be gray men like most CIA agents are trained to do. The best weapon in their arsenal is a radio and a sat phone... not the gun.
this plausible deniability is fucking bullshit. The United States has NEVER left one of it's operatives because of "plausible deniability" see bay of pigs, or laos. We get our spooks. SAD boys are there because they know what the fuck needs doing. They're there to hold CAG's leash and point them at the right asshole. SAD is THE intelligence behind pretty much every mission that has mattered in the middle east. They aren't there so the U.S. can cut them loose, and trust me, their brothers at JSOC, CJSOTF-A and CJSOTF-AP don't give a fuck what some pencil pusher in washington says, jack is coming out with the rest of them, even if it cost them a man to get him out.
You'll find they look pretty much the same in the same environments. Guys go on secondment between them sometimes as well. Google turns up some stuff but I don't have any saved.
But if it has happened we wouldn't know would we? I definitely see where you're coming from, but they can be the first on the ground in places where the US has "no involvement" can't they?
they are always where the U.S. has "no involvement." but so is CAG, so is DEVGRU
they don't send SAD boys anywhere without friends.

That's partially true. If SAD guys got arrested and taken away in Iran, you sure as shit wouldn't hear a peep from CIA about it.
SAD/SOG wouldn't be in Iran, that sort of thing isn't their bag. That's more of a PAG or other entities OGA type of deal.

plz expand these acronyms. what does it stand for?
Yes, if you're in a 4 man patrol way the fuck on your own you don't want to be getting into fights that aren't on your own terms.
Quoted the wrong post I think, I meant SAS stuff not the spooks.
jesus, SAD/SOG doesn't do 4 man patrols, what are you not understanding about this? THEY AREN'T OPERATORS, THEY DON'T DO DA.
See the post above yours.
they elite. and nothing says elite like

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Remember when US had some random hikers caught up in the international politics? How did that work out?
As non-combat oriented as SAD are, they are the last motherfuckers on the planet that I would want coming after me. Sure delta/SAS/SEALs/etc can come bust you up hard and flashy, but I have a feeling that SAD would kill you before you ever knew what happened if they felt like it.

Maybe not directly, but they could get to you one way or another and you would never catch on until it was too late.
They got released.

Shows how the last few US administrations have lacked balls to do fuck all about shit like this, though.

Fuck it if in the 80's (after that fagstick Carter) we wouldn't have gone apeshit until they were released. I expect they would have been busted loose by some SF group in a joint operation with Rangers and some serious Navy/AF whoop-ass.

Now we fuck around diplomatically while they get tortured for a few years in fuckbutt Iran.

"On 29 June 2006 during a session of the Committee on Armed Services, General Wayne Downing while testifying before the House stated that 70% of all Delta operators started their military careers in the 75th Ranger Regiment"

Wikipedia knowledge I know, but characterizing rangers as teenagers with automatics seems a bit obtuse.
>> PAG
>> OGA

Policy Advisory Group

Other Government Agency

your first one is wrong. Close, nice try.
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>Recon Marines are on average the most physically strong of the forces, with Seals a close second, and SAS and CAG tied for third.

Are you trolling, or are you seriously this fucking stupid? If Recon Marines were any good, don't you think they would operate in J.S.O.C.? The United States military only has two "Tier 1" counter-terrorism forces. Army CAG and Navy DEVGRU.
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quit teasing. what is it? :D
Political Action Group
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Most elite unit is the one who recruits from EVERY OTHER SF units.

Thank you :) I presume they're like psyops guys.
not exactly..
k.. I'm reading this:


very interesting!

> The Political Action Group within SAD is responsible for covert activities related to political influence, psychological and economic warfare.

Damn.. I wonder what economic warfare is... like sanctions and shit?
lol, no, sanctions are for the U.N. think devaluing currency for starters.
Ahhhhhhh... OK! :)

Printing presses gone wild. Very interesting!

Are there any books on SAD that you'd recommend? Something other than that wikipedia page that's interesting?
I haven't read very many, Clandestine Services I would recommend Jawbreaker. I'ts about the initial invasion of Afghanistan and the war up until Jan 2002 I think.
thanks bro! will check it out!!!
>who do you guys think are the worlds most elite soldiers?
How do you even begin to think about this question? Most elite in what way?
-Best at doing their narrow mission profile?
-Highest physical requirements for recruitment?
-Length/quality of training?

Special Forces groups do share some commonalities in the sense of being picked men for very specific tasks,

I mean what >>11684413 makes some fair sense - the various "SF" groups in the US military all have different responsibilities and requirements and thus would probably select and train for different characteristics. Delta Force, for example would definitely need to be the "killiest", as Special Operations Command essentially are the unconventional warfare arm - they don't have the luxury of calling in as much support.

Pretty sure economic warfare refers to industrial espionage/sabotage.
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These guys aren't even considered because they're shrouded in conspiracy. No one knows what they've done for sure.
They extracted the Dali Lama from Tibet.
Damn, that was them? Didn't know that!
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damn thread still alive 12 hours later?
>thread that allows speculating arm chair commandos to not have to cite sources or experience
>not going on forever
it's really not that big of a secret. Only for neckbeards. Anyone with Operational experience knows that this is an "open secret."

>no they don't recruit from the illuminati
> original question is "worlds most elite SOLDIERS."
>CIA aren't soldiers or even Operators, they are Operatives. Very big difference people.
CIA trained Tibetan guerillas and had radio contact with him during his escape, they did not extract him AFAIK.
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pic related, delta are a bunch of little nerds
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The thing about Spetsnaz is that they're not just one group. Saying Spetsnaz as it was only one unit is like saying Delta force and Navy SEALS are the same thing. Spetsnaz include several special forces including GRU, Alpha group, Vympel etc.

They are trained and used for different things, just like western Special forces.

Just thought I should pop in and remind you guys.
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They are the ultimate assassins but they are plainclothes operators - at least that's how I envision most of their work. A good amount of it isn't I'm sure... But what does the CIA look like when in full operator gear... The natives ?

>He volunteered for the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (SFOD-D) during that assignment. After unit selection and training, Goff participated in operations in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Grenada (see Operation Urgent Fury).

In December, 1986, Goff was relieved from Delta with the rank of Sergeant First Class, based on an accusation that he denies related to having taken a woman into the Ambassador to El Salvador's residence for sex. He admits, however, that during the time of the alleged encounter, he was walking around the block with a local prostitute to smoke marijuana with her.

>After the publication of Full Spectrum Disorder, Goff became interested in the connections between militarism and the social construction of masculinity. He studied feminist writings and theory over the next two years in the process of writing his third book, Sex & War (Lulu Press, 2006).[3]

>He has been an anti-imperialist activist, feminist, socialist, and is now a Christian and a pacifist.
These guys must be Americas best.

>Full Operator Gear

Pick one.
I like the wealth of knowledge, on how does what, and how good who is. I assume this knowledge comes from a personal experience going through the training of each SOF unit, and not sitting on the couch playing video games, and making up shit.

Also, Army Special Forces, is hard to but into other SOF units. They are the only SOF that does much more then kick doors, and really the only legit unconventional warfare unit in existence. CAG is for SF to kick doors.
Any whomever said, you simply need to be xx physical shape to get a green beret, is full of shit. Shape is a small portion of it all, most failures are not dropped because of physical abilities.

>The group selects operatives from Delta Force, DEVGRU, 24th STS and other special operations forces from within the U.S. military.
>citation needed
>I wasn't having sex in the Ambassador's bedroom, my balls aren't THAT big. I was outside smoking pot with a whore.
>trying to feel superior to a man that you could never dream of being
fuck no, i'm just pointing out how big his balls are
They without a doubt Are the best
How so?
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How much do Delta/Seal guys get paid? Anyone know?

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