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    File: 1336876989.jpg-(188 KB, 800x600, 5906.jpg)
    188 KB Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:43 No.11637343  
    Times you had to use your gun

    >Be March 1997
    >Got hired for some weird mistril show at the El Rey Theatre in LA
    >Have to perform in blackface with bowtie to cap it off, rich white guys, go figure
    >Show closes at 12 and I quickly get back on the road, headed out to NoCal in the morning
    >Drive by Petersen Automotive Museum on way home
    >Get stopped at red light
    >Redguard in Suburban sees me
    >"You think yo funny cracker?"
    >"No, man, sorry, just had a job tonight."
    >Fuck I gotta get my window fixed, fucking Impalas
    >"I gunna kill you motherfucker."
    >"Hey, fucker, I gotta make money somehow!"
    >Redguard pulls a damn Tec-9
    >Oh Fuck!
    >Pull out trusty S&W 9mm
    >Had it loaded with some German ammo I just ordered, was going to test it out that Sunday
    >Empty 9 rounds into the Suburban, redguard falls back
    >Goddamn, I love Germans
    >Fuck the light, put the pedal to the floor
    >Suprised, but not a fuck was given
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:43 No.11637352
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    Cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:50 No.11637391
    >Two weeks ago
    >Nigger I knew in highschool just gets out of prison for theft
    >I spot him as I'm leaving the store and heading to my car
    >Only carrying a few bags
    >Transfer them to my left hand
    >Undershirt is tucked into my supertuck, overshirt is free
    >Untuck undershirt
    >He spots me and grins
    >Reaches into his car
    >Starts to walk toward me
    >Holding a wrench
    >Call out, "Was prison good to you?"
    >He doesn't answer, keeps advancing
    >Stop walking, draw under the streetlamp
    >His eyes go wide and he turns around, runs and takes off out of the parking lot

    I had to have a drink when I got home. I was not going to deal with this schmuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:53 No.11637414
    almost had to use, but not quite

    >at 24hr supermarket loading up on beer
    >walking back to car
    >3 nigs approach
    >'hey mang how u doi u buy dat beer fo us'
    >finish putting beer in truck, turn around, move hand near iwb holster, put on american psycho grin
    >start walking towards them
    >'shit niqqa lets git outta here dis niqqa crazy yo'
    >they turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away

    I don't even know why I did that. I still wtf when I think back on that night
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:54 No.11637424
    Never had to use mine thankfully but I live in the ghetto so I'm sure it's going to happen
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 05/12/12(Sat)22:56 No.11637430
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)22:57 No.11637443
    So you're the cracker who killed my brothers! I'm gonna get you now that I know who you is.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:01 No.11637469
    in your head you thought, finally i get to have some real fun
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:08 No.11637532
    >be about 11
    >15 year old redneck neighbor comes over while my parents are out
    >pulls out box cutter and says he's gonna kill me
    >cassually bring my little daisy generic youth pump bb/pellet gun, stock sawn off
    >unload five lead pellets into his chest and throat
    >grab wooden sword and beat his white trash ass out of my house
    >never get shit from him again
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:15 No.11637596
    >Be OCing AK47
    >walkin down the street
    >suddenly soccer moms
    >all surround me and advance towards me
    >soccer moms chanting "guns are bad"
    >move to shoulder AK with babykilla mags, the shoulder thing that goes up, a pistol grip for high accuracy hip spray, a handguard to keep my hand from burning from barrel heat, and a red dot for enhanced hip spray, loaded with heat seeking 50bmg tracers
    >soccer moms scurry off into their vans
    >the end
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:19 No.11637631

    I think this guy is calling you all liars, yo.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:19 No.11637635
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    >go to movies to see x-men: last stand with my 2 buddies
    >on our way back to the dorms
    >one of my buddies goes to tie his shoe and lags behind us for a bit
    >suddenly 2 wild niggers appear and kick him right in his face like gif related
    >i saw this because i turned around to see why he was taking so long
    >we run up to them stomping him on the ground
    >friend tackles the bigger one to the ground, sits on his chest and punches him
    > smaller one turns around to face me
    >kick his knee backwards
    >he yells in pain
    >i sit on his back until the cops come
    >when i sat on his back i felt he had a gun in his pants
    >take it out and it's a glock 26
    >turns out that our friend owed them money for some weed he didn't pay for
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:20 No.11637643
    > going to parents for mothers day
    > driving through obamaville with pistol in side pocket of door
    > no one tries to start crap
    I'm never going to shoot anyone... :(
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)23:57 No.11637891
    >buy weed on collateral (fuck the haters it'll be legal in the next decade). It was a quarter.
    >guy smokes meth, didn't know at the time.
    >yo bruh that weed was 40
    >say he'll naw pay him 25
    >one day he just showed up
    >asking for the other 25
    >decide life isn't worth 25 dollars
    I can't really green txt this. Anyway insaw something was off with him I go to room to get money and grabbed a double barrel .410 (only gun I had loaded). I come back to the door he is holding a tire patching too. I kept the gun behind the door and gave him the money. I didn't want to kill a guy over 25 but if he had advanced I would have shot him with 00buck .410. Oh well won't ever let it happen again.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:10 No.11638000
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    >needed to be fronted a maximum of $100
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:12 No.11638020
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    >Girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is a wee bit possessive
    >For some reason doesn't like that girlfriend went from dating him to living with me in 2 weeks (I am a stereotype and she had nowhere to go)
    >Get home at 1am after a long fucking time at work. Park.
    >Find myself facing this fine gentlemen in a wifebeater smelling like a bar.
    >Tell him to stop in a firm voice. Don't want to turn my back. He keeps coming.
    >Dig S&W 642 out of my bag and tell him to STOP AND PUT HIS HANDS ON HIS HEAD
    >The problem with CC a small gun. He doesn't at first realize it's a gun, stomps closer. I yell STOP again and then mention that yes, I do have a gun.
    >The stupid fuck at last gets OH SHIT face. Stumbles backward, puts his hands up. Then turns and runs away.
    > Deiced that this debacal is not worth reporting to police. Don't see him again anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:17 No.11638060
    Less laissez faire about wearing a proper holster and keeping a weapon easy to access after that.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:19 No.11638083
    cool story bro
    he just abandoned his car and ran away?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:22 No.11638104
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    This isn't me but it is 100% badass.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:25 No.11638142
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    >believing the most far fetched stories on the internet
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:26 No.11638147
    >Be nogunz
    >Buy gunz
    >Go to range
    >Paper 150 yards away giving me the stink-eye
    >180 rounds, center mass

    I had to use my gun, damnit. There was no negotiating with that paper. I just kept firing.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:27 No.11638160
    >went to range
    >shot at some targets
    >they almost shot back

    thats about it
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:27 No.11638166
    such is life in south orange county
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:28 No.11638172
    >Attack a object that is unable to move an excessive number of times

    You are a crazy fucking person you know that. You fucking psychopath attacking something that is tied up 180 times! You basicaly tied up a 8 year old girl and shot her for pleasure while she hug from the ceiling!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:33 No.11638216
    >defend yourself from a attacker by using your gun
    >Liberal logic
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:33 No.11638225

    Hey now, when I tie up an 8 year old up it isn't to the ceiling, I can't fuck something that high abo-

    Wait, what are we talking about?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:36 No.11638244

    /k/ - Where people talking about putting holes in papers turns into talking about liberals, kidnapping 8 year olds, murder and rape on said 8 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)00:36 No.11638245
    >Come home from long day at range
    >3 AM so I decide to clean my nugget tomorrow.
    >Sleep for a hour, then dog starts barking.
    >Wake up to dog barking, and a Redguard's voice yelling at my dog.
    >Hear the chain link fence around dog's hut being rattled
    >Get out of bed, grab nugget, load five rounds.
    >Flip on the floodlights, and step outside ass naked.
    >Yell at Redguard to get off my property
    >Redguard starts running towards me
    >Not wanting to deal with cop bull shit I shoot the Redguard in the shouler, and he runs off.
    >Check on dog, head back inside, and sleep for 12 hours.
    Fucking Redguards.
    >> the beard !!KrRwP+CMPIQ 05/13/12(Sun)00:45 No.11638351

    i dont even care if its true. i believe it more than jesus.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:04 No.11638517
    After that story, the original poster said she left the PS3 at the shop and apparently never came back for it, and I guess foisted a handful of money on him, and drove off in some luxury car or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:07 No.11638546
    I've never used my gun for good.

    Or evil.

    Only annoyance.

    >redguards whooping it up at 3 in the goddamn morning
    >blue wizard needs sleep, badly
    >S&W 915 to the front porch
    >potshot at the crowd down the street
    >PANNNNNG, 9mm JHP hits a street sign next to them
    >scatter like los cucarachas
    >neighborhood quiet the rest of the night

    I now defend truth, justice, and all that noise with my CHL, but the funny thing is, I havrn't carried since I got it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:09 No.11638574
    Yea he said it was in Boca Raton (rich jew populated area). If someone carried $800 cash here in New York they would get beat down and mugged
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:15 No.11638640
    Tch. I live outside of Youngstown, Ohio. Carry $800 cash on you, and you'll be lucky to survive long enough to hear the police cracking shit about you and running your pockets.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:16 No.11638650
    >Police will beat you down and rob you

    Wait no...
    >Ohio is in America

    Well in that case it sounds legit.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:17 No.11638666

    saved, liked, favorited, subscribed, shared
    ill use it in the next soccer mom thread
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:27 No.11638779
    Why don't any of you call the police after these incidents?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:28 No.11638799
    Because when shit is done, it's done. You only call the police if you lost money or property in the confrontation, really.
    >> Venerable War God of the Planet Nuggetania !!jmZbx7PaUeM 05/13/12(Sun)01:30 No.11638811
    >shoot assailant
    >present family with invoice for 1 bullet

    Gold Dots are kinda expensive.

    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:30 No.11638820

    The police get mad when you call to tell them there's been shots fired at the shooting range.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:33 No.11638850
    Wouldn't it look better, in the case of a fatal gunshot, to call yourself in?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:39 No.11638898
    Well, duh. But if no one's going to the hospital or the morgue, no one needs to know about it.

    Except the internet.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:43 No.11638932

    Unless there are other victims/witnesses at the scene, who's going to identify you? The attacker? "Oh, why yes officer, I was just minding my own business, gangbanging and whatnot, when this surly, uncouth fellow assaulted my person."
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:47 No.11638959
    Your gun needs to be taken away.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)01:52 No.11639008
    If that was the case, the local police wouldn't have told me multiple times to fucking kill anybody I shoot at.

    Yeah, holy shit.


    Hahaha, my poor city, I love her so.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)08:31 No.11640719
    Lul'd, call the police, where the fuck do you live?

    >Good cops

    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:08 No.11640792
    >in parking lot of shady ass car dealership/strip mall with my poorfag bro
    >be helpan him look at cars and stuff
    >suddenly niggers show up, they shout some shit at him like I guess he knew them
    >try to keep car shopping, ignore them
    >Draw P7, panic dump magazine
    >it worked, they pile into old civic and speed off
    >I carry a spare mag now
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:10 No.11640800
    No, faggot.

    Youngstown is full of redguards but it's not nearly detroit.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:17 No.11640821

    That story is bullshit.

    No one would do that or act like that even if she hates firearms.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:19 No.11640825
    Wayne County isn't constantly in the papers for rampant police and elected official corruption. Detroit is just a shithole, but you can stride right through it because it's nearly abandoned.

    Meanwhile the most prominent building in Youngstown is the damn prison.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:23 No.11640835
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    mfw i actually live there
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:30 No.11640863
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:34 No.11640870
    dat muzzle sweep
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:37 No.11640881

    that was a damn good thread

    no homo
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:38 No.11640884
    Hmmm, a Glock. Looks like hes about to...
    ...blow it out his ass
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:40 No.11640892
    Handguard on an AK-47? I though that those ones don't overheat enough for needing one.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:43 No.11640900
    >This year
    >Feral dogs attacking people in the area
    >Area is a small rural town so cops take a while to show up
    >One of them tries to attack my friends when he comes over later in the night
    >Decide that I won't put up with these fucking dogs
    >Load up Mosin with bayonet ready
    >Wait outside at night waiting
    >Suddenly, hear barking and hissing
    >I look on the road
    >The two dogs are chasing my cat, Gordon, who got out somehow
    >"Don't kill Gordon!"
    >Aim at the first dog
    >Fire and hit it in the chest
    >Dogs freaking out now, begin running away
    >"Fuck you, you tried to kill my cat"
    >Chamber another round and shoot at the other dog
    >Also hit it
    >Both collapse in the road after a minute
    >Drag corpses out of the road, go inside, clean myself and clean Mosin, play with cat.

    Fucking ferals, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:56 No.11640941


    >man who owns cats
    >no mentions of gf so single
    >single man living with cats
    >did not say "no homo" so its implied "full homo"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:58 No.11640948
    Really? I've seen shit like that happen almost monthly.

    In Maine no less, but York county is like northern Mass, everyone flips their shit over guns.
    >> Blackadder !hDddafoU.A 05/13/12(Sun)09:58 No.11640951
    You're implying a man who guns down feral dogs in the street with a bayoneted nugget is "unmanly" in some way?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)09:59 No.11640954
    I live in Newark/Heath-fag here, I have had the displeasure of driving through Youngstown on more than one occasion and would not be disappointed if it were wiped off the face of the eart.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:00 No.11640963
    >Be 21
    >Went to gun shop with father
    >pick up a Springfield Armory Colt 1911 double stack single action
    >I have big hands, it fit perfectly
    >Went to range to try it out same day
    >Father taught me to clean and oil
    >First time shooting, was doing some drills my father used in the Marines
    >Great, not excellent groupings
    >200 rounds later, he watches me clean weapon
    >He brings something out for a fun shoot in celebration of my first handgun
    >Type-39 Arisaka Rifle w/ almost full chrysanthemum with 40 rounds
    >Turns out the weapon was captured by my grandfather in pacific theater
    >One of the happiest days of my life.
    >Be 26 still remember that day.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:01 No.11640969

    I reject the implication that being full homo means you're less manly. I'm straight but I know gay dudes that are way tougher than me, and own cooler guns.
    >> Blackadder !hDddafoU.A 05/13/12(Sun)10:02 No.11640973
    Did they all have cats?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:02 No.11640974
    Not unmanly, just homosexual.

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