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  • File: 1334873366.jpg-(19 KB, 400x255, red-october.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:09 No.11422400  
    Where is a good place to live in the USA? If I want a house with a white fence, a loving wife, a pick up truck and a freedom gun?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:09 No.11422403
    I always wanted to see Montana...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:11 No.11422410
    Most states will let you have the first three without trouble, and even the most commie states in the union haven't completely gutted the second amendment, though not for lack of trying.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:13 No.11422436
         File: 1334873603.jpg-(216 KB, 800x532, bozeman.jpg)
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    Montana kicks ass. Pic related, the view from where my new house was being built.
    >> Deadpool !!kBsp4Ukt12d 04/19/12(Thu)18:15 No.11422443

    So much jelly.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:15 No.11422447
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:15 No.11422452

    what happened?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:15 No.11422454
         File: 1334873749.jpg-(712 KB, 3409x1000, panow.jpg)
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    and another, after it was finished. here's the view from the backyard at sunset on 28 acres of land.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:16 No.11422456
    gotta love big sky country
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:16 No.11422457
    just kidding. fuck you. so madjelly right now

    doesnt it get real fuckin cold tho?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:16 No.11422458
    it finished being built?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:17 No.11422469
    Arizona. You can carry a firearm without a license. It's the same with Alaska and Vermont.

    When I finish school, I'm moving to northern Arizona to work for the feds.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:17 No.11422470
    You can have all of these plus a backyard range, go innawoods and have a low cost of living with a decent job market in Southern Indiana.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:18 No.11422472
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:18 No.11422476

    My buddy just moved to Montana. He said its really fucking expensive. Land, houses, gas, everything.

    Of course he's a oil guy working where all the other oil guys live.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:19 No.11422487
    I'd avoid Florida, if you hate hot weather, sunshine, old people, and shitty range choices. I hate that all my family lives down here, but not sure I want to abandon them.

    But damn is the urge to leave strong after seeing Montana....
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:19 No.11422490
         File: 1334873990.jpg-(443 KB, 1024x845, Montana.jpg)
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    it gets pretty cold in january, it's not unheard of to get 0 degree fahrenheit weather constantly during the winter. the summers are very nice though, up to the mid 80s during the day with low humidity. amazing place.
    here's a cool photo i took basically out my backdoor
    >> Deadpool !!kBsp4Ukt12d 04/19/12(Thu)18:20 No.11422498


    That's beautiful.

    All that land, that view, and nobody to fuck with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:22 No.11422521

    Or West Virginia
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:22 No.11422523
    yeah, pretty much a 30 minute drive was completely innawoods at this spot where people obviously went to shoot because the ground was littered with shotgun shells, brass, empty beer cans and lots of stuff to shoot at in the field haha
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:24 No.11422538
         File: 1334874293.jpg-(95 KB, 360x281, florida.jpg)
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    Dude you're fucking retarded. Florida is fucking beautiful.

    The cool thing about Florida (i'm not from there, but ive been there twice) is that they have mad 'innawoods' rural areas but you drive maybe 35 minutes and you can have a very serene empty world-class beach right in front of you.

    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:25 No.11422541
    The only thing I wouldn't like about living in the middle of nowhere is you can't just pop out for a pint of milk, you need to be fully stocked at any given moment.
    >> Deadpool !!kBsp4Ukt12d 04/19/12(Thu)18:27 No.11422556

    I would just pile up a bunch of dirt somewhere on the property and shoot there.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:29 No.11422572
         File: 1334874549.jpg-(772 KB, 1024x968, Sunset 3ap.jpg)
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    yeah, i dunno. didn't want to scare the neighbors too much, 28 acres isn't really as big as it seems so they'd certainly get tired of hearing rifles day in and day out although before hunting season i would hear my neighbor sighting his rifle in on his property.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:29 No.11422582

    Did you not see where I said " if you hate hot weather, sunshine, old people, and shitty range choices,"?

    I realize a lot of people love Florida, but I'm a cold-weather and clouds kind of person. And I love mountains, which Florida lacks. (If you didn't know.)

    I might be wrong about the shitty range choices part for the more northern parts of Florida, but down where I am, the largest range is only 200M. And the rest are shitty indoor ranges.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:30 No.11422584
    Any place they refer to as "flyover country".

    We don't get any respect but we are the backbone of 'Merica.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:30 No.11422590
         File: 1334874632.png-(1.23 MB, 907x648, annesbeach.png)
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    also this

    shits awesome. imagine living in the lazy keys and having your own floating shooting range.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:31 No.11422596
    just ask them if its okay if u shoot on your property. by the sound of it, they all shoot anyway and owuldnt mind. maybe as a "bribe" just invite them to shoot with you/ shoot your guns/ give them ammo

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:32 No.11422605
         File: 1334874730.jpg-(335 KB, 1024x789, 4214996592_c6614501f4_b.jpg)
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    more montana and alt process photography
    i don't actually live there i liked it but i moved for work
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:32 No.11422607
         File: 1334874737.jpg-(22 KB, 355x474, annes beach.jpg)
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    where are you in FL
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:32 No.11422609
    New Jersey
    NYC (NY is debatable)
    Rhode Island

    Besides these states and district, it's all relatively the same. Some states will have more handgun laws, waiting periods, more restrictive carry laws, etc. If you avoid the states listed above though, you'll be pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:32 No.11422614
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:32 No.11422616

    Fort Myers.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:33 No.11422620
    Oregon if you want to smoke weed

    Texas if you don't give a fuck about smoking weed.

    Florida if you want to be the hero during the upcoming chimp-out-apocalypse.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:33 No.11422628
    dude you live in a city. wtf are you even posting in this thread for?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:33 No.11422629
         File: 1334874836.jpg-(192 KB, 1024x820, 4204270714_b68d4567d3_b.jpg)
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    k im out, hope these were cool insights into big sky country
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:34 No.11422635
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:35 No.11422643
    Ohio ain't so bad. Decent gun laws. Bipolar weather. I'm kinda stuck here because I have decent job and my family and friends live here.

    Lake Erie, Appalachian Trail ain't far. It's got a little bit of everything but the 'everything' isn't all that. No one vacations in Ohio if you want I mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:37 No.11422651

    >want I mean.

    Our schools aren't great either.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:40 No.11422676
         File: 1334875222.jpg-(203 KB, 498x750, k burgs in n out.jpg)
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    California (not even trolling)

    10+ round magazines are for people who cant aim for tha dome
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:41 No.11422688
    in-n-out burgers are overrated bullshit


    fucking califags.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:43 No.11422702
         File: 1334875403.png-(149 KB, 500x334, 1326128492621.png)
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    So since you're not trolling, we now know you're just stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:44 No.11422714
    Agreed, we have better burger places anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:45 No.11422724
         File: 1334875532.jpg-(304 KB, 940x600, circ.jpg)
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    dont move to america, OP, they will mutilate your penis with a knife for jehovah
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:47 No.11422740
    Currently, Montana's the best place to live, in terms of relative freedom.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:47 No.11422749
    They didn't mutilate mine, and i was born here.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:48 No.11422759
    If you just count gun laws, that position is tied between New Hampshire and South Dakota for the best.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:50 No.11422772
         File: 1334875804.gif-(408 KB, 160x120, my life.gif)
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    They're the best fast food burgers. Not the best burgers. They're still really good though. Wendy's burgers seem similar to In-n-Outs burger now. Don't give me that Five Guys shit either, I've had it multiple times and didn't feel it was to special. In California they have this Bar-B-Que place, but it has a different name in every city. Like in Cambria it's "Mainstreet grill" and in Fresno it's "Doghouse grill" or in San Luis Obispo it's "Firestone grill." They have the absolute best burgers.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:51 No.11422784
    Stop pushing California, califags. Hope you like that total gun registration coming into effect in two years. Worked so well for Canada.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:51 No.11422791
    You ever been to a Kinder's bro? Find the nearest one and go there at the earliest available opportunity.
    >> b00ce !s9oBJdL9GA 04/19/12(Thu)18:52 No.11422799
         File: 1334875958.gif-(2.05 MB, 480x271, even-possible.gif)
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    Same here.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:52 No.11422800
    wait what? link please?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:55 No.11422818
    There is no link. He made it up.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:55 No.11422828
    Pretty much all of my high school friends moved to Cali or a beach city from Midwest. Their mentality was if you can't go to the beach, party and have sex with strangers all the time you are living in the wrong area. I get their point, but I enjoy the comfort of land.

    Think I'll enjoy my land, guns and can manage fucking the same female the rest of my life. Deal with it. I shall.
    >> b00ce !s9oBJdL9GA 04/19/12(Thu)18:55 No.11422829
         File: 1334876147.jpg-(133 KB, 771x566, WASHINGTON.jpg)
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    Also, OP, come to Washington state.

    It's awesome here, you have access to every sport imaginable within an hours drive.

    You can go hiking in the mountains then an hour or less later be chilling on a beautiful sandy beach. You name it, you can do it, also there's lots of innawoods.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:56 No.11422831
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:56 No.11422836
    >Hurr I'm just a troll hurr

    Fuck off. And don't live in California.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:57 No.11422839
    I really wish he did.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:58 No.11422849
    You seem upset.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:00 No.11422866
    Washington beaches are shit tier. Western Washington ranges tend to be full of retards (owners and customers). Only good shop is Kesselrings
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:04 No.11422899
    >Virginia hasn't been mentioned
    >At all
    >Even once


    I've lived in a ton of states, including plenty of the ones mentioned. Texas, Florida, been to the Northwest for a time but never lived there. Virginia is my favorite state by a long shot. Regardless of the state's laws, if they have a bunch of bullshit people, they're not a good place to raise kids. The south west has a bunch of Mexicans, Texas is unbearably hot and also full of Mexicans (Inb4 "hurr durr no it not. WITE PPL") The deep south is either full of redguards or hicks, or is like Florida and full of old white liberals. The north is too gun-unfriendly, and the midwest, while not bad, is completely empty.

    I've lived in Virginia for 10 years or so, and I have no complaints. It's a great place to raise a family, especially since the people tend to mind their own god damn business.

    For example: I was carrying my Mini on a sling to my car the other day, and the local soccer mom two houses down was outside with the 5 fucking kids that she has. She looked at me, smiled, waved, and went about her merry way.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:04 No.11422902
    fuck this goddammned state. im so glad im going back to utah next year for school

    fuck im gonna miss nice south orange county too... its been like 75 degrees all winter

    inb4 "lol u mad" of course im fucking mad i am so angry right now. straw that broke the fucking camel's back
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:11 No.11422983
         File: 1334877066.jpg-(28 KB, 350x400, 1329462247389.jpg)
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    >good place to live in the USA
    >If I want a loving wife
    >loving wife

    >califags pushing California as if it's not controlled by smog Nazis, nogunz liberal faggots, and the most disloyal wives in the entire country.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:12 No.11422990
    I would have to agree on the retards, but that's why I avoid ranges as much as possible. Only go to a local one sometimes to rent a pistol now and then to try it out before buying. Speaking of buying though, after hearing from my Commiefornia friends, Washington is pretty bro-tier when it comes to buying guns. Pretty much just walk in, walk out, aside from handguns which have a few days waiting period.

    Thing is though, you can just drive 30-40 minutes in most any Easterly direction, find some backwoods road innawoods to shoot in. It can be hard to find more than 200m open space, but it's worth it to have nothing but the bright sunshine and forest to keep you company. Just don't be a dick, and remember to pick up after yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:17 No.11423044
    If the guy with the montana place (or someone similiar) could answer this.

    My only worry with living in awesome places like this is how quickly could you get medical help? In case of stroke or heart attack how quickly would the medics get there and could get you to a hospital?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:18 No.11423054

    Try Oregon, it has everything great about Commifornia with nothing that makes it suck. Well unless you don't like a fuckton of redwood trees and rain in certain areas.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:19 No.11423067
    >having the same pros as san clemente

    pick one and only one.

    but yeah california really sucks sometimes
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:22 No.11423087
    I feel like california has terrible laws in order to compensate for how awesome it is in every other regard. It's only fair, because otherwise other states wouldn't stand a chance.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:24 No.11423106
    that makes way too much sense... i wanna win the lottery and buy a shit ton of land in idaho or utah or the like. i'd invite /k/, too
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:36 No.11423203
    OP here, So I don't want-

    >Anywhere too south
    >Anywhere too northeast
    >Not Cali

    I think the midwest sounds nice, I think I can put up with a lack of 'things to do'. Which midwest states are teh bestest?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:41 No.11423247

    I've heard really good things about Utah. Up to and including the Mormons. Kinda creepy sometimes, but all around fun people.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:41 No.11423253
    There are three states with complete firearm freedom. They are Arizona, Vermont and Alaska. However, not everyone is keen on living in those states so they go for second and third best options. In Texas, you can drive around with a loaded shotgun, rifle or pistol sitting right next to you. In other states, open carry is completely legal and requires no permit. Off the top of my head, Michigan and Virginia. Others considered their states firearms friendly because they have the Castle Doctrine laws in effect. But no states can beat AZ, AK and VT.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:49 No.11423313
    Is Vermont cold compared to say, Utah or southern Idaho?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:50 No.11423319
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:05 No.11423450
    Sooo.. yes?

    Englishman here by the way, making plans for the future because I hate this place.
    >> noko 04/19/12(Thu)20:11 No.11423520
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:15 No.11423557
         File: 1334880906.jpg-(89 KB, 600x544, buenoface.jpg)
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    >mfw I live in Texas and have a nice home with a wooden fence, a loving girlfriend, a pickup truck, and half a dozen freedom guns
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:16 No.11423574
         File: 1334880986.png-(164 KB, 442x303, 1334194860309.png)
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    Utah, just gotta wade through the Mormons...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:17 No.11423585
    North Carolina is best Carolina
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:18 No.11423588
    Virginia, as long as you stay out of the northern part (which are basically just shitty suburbs of DC). Not the tippy-top of the gun rights list, but still plenty good, plus nice weather, good people, and plenty of job opportunities.
    >> KooKooKaDenim !gqxLBN5QDI 04/19/12(Thu)20:19 No.11423599
         File: 1334881190.jpg-(68 KB, 720x536, 398612_389348971079353_1000001(...).jpg)
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    As long as you're white and not Californian, then I'll welcome you to Idaho.

    We scored a 2 on the Brady Campaign's Safety quiz, #5 safest state in the country, loads of gunshops, and plenty of innawoods for stalkan.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:20 No.11423601
    South Dakota here. Everybody forgets me. That's okay after my evil plot you will all remember thy name.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:20 No.11423605
         File: 1334881247.jpg-(33 KB, 400x302, Community.jpg)
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    Buffort, South Carolina

    You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:23 No.11423622
    sorry, didn't realize you wouldn't know.

    Yes, Vermont and New Hampshire are quite chilly, and downright COLD in the winter. That said, they're both beautiful in the summer, and if you like skiing the winters are fine too.

    I'd advise you to look into Virginia as well. Good gun rights, lots of local industry, good place to raise a family (as long as you avoid the DC suburbs). Got mountains and beach within driving distance of one another if you like variety.

    Grew up a little west of Richmond, and constantly want to get back - I live in the greasy shitstain that is Massachusetts now.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:27 No.11423653
         File: 1334881631.png-(135 KB, 535x524, Screen shot 2012-04-19 at 7.30(...).png)
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    I thought you guys were joking about assault clips...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:28 No.11423666
    I really hate to say this with all you guys, but if you have the money for it I'd say you can't beat California. I just like my sunshine and cultural melting pot too much.

    I won't disagree with anyone that California's gun laws are shit and it's 10x harder to purchase a firearm here than say Arizona, but even then it's a liveable hassle for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:29 No.11423672

    nigger, you'd best be kidding me. first, BEAUFORT is a shithole full of country rednecks surrounded by niggers.

    charleston is the last bastion of awesome in south carolina.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:29 No.11423676
    Ah I see, I would prefer a warmer climate, but not silly hot. I like it to be warm and breezy if that helps. Above 15 degrees C in spring/autumn would be a good start.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:30 No.11423680
         File: 1334881811.jpg-(20 KB, 385x383, baby.jpg)
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    >implying America wouldn't be better off if California broke off at the San Andreas Fault and sunk into the Pacific
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:31 No.11423686
    It's spelled Beaufort and its a fucking shit hole HURR MUHREEN ARE THERE AT PARIS ISLAND MUST BE GOOD
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:32 No.11423693
    (VAfag again - for everyone else's benefit, that's about 60 F)

    yeah, you'll want to avoid anything further south than around VA, as the summers can get pretty muggy. If you're up in the western part of the state towards the mountains I think the climate might be more to your liking.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:34 No.11423705
    Parris island.

    plus the beaufort marine air corps base.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:36 No.11423721

    You prob have a point. My first instinct was to recommend Sumter, Camden or Greenville but I like the coast so much so I went with Bufort. At least it isn't Charleston. I mean Charleston is awesome but in order to enjoy it you need tons of cash to live where you can walk on the street at night.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:36 No.11423723
    tennessee. seriously go to the notheast.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:43 No.11423784
         File: 1334882592.jpg-(45 KB, 334x274, 1334633460932.jpg)
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    I'd go Wisconsin or South Dakota.

    >mfw when your vote would actually matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:47 No.11423834
    Virginia is looking like a safe bet. Really what I'm looking for is living among like minded white folk with traditional values. I'm 22 and can't stand people my own age, the cult of stupidity they live in keeps me awake at night.

    I'm planning on this move in perhaps 5 years, after I finish my computer networking degree and get some money together. I will bring my crazy wife (will be married in like 4 years, planned anyway) along with me, I want to live somewhere with fresh air, fields etc. but not too far removed from civilisation. Also I'd like to shoot gunzzzz
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)21:00 No.11423973
    Anything to add before I commit to this American dream, /k/?

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