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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333811444.jpg-(653 KB, 1600x1200, stalker_wp_01_1600.jpg)
    653 KB Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:10 No.11297761  
    Let's get a stalker thread going.

    >New game
    >Only have sawn off and makarov
    >Have lots of money and supplies, going to garbage
    >Dumbfuck soldier asks for 500r for passage
    >Him and his buddies no longer have faces.
    >Such is life in zone.
    >> /K/aden !!AzlY51jp56m 04/07/12(Sat)11:20 No.11297799
    >that feel when I couldn't torrent Call of Pripyat
    >that feel when no STALKER
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:27 No.11297824
         File: 1333812438.png-(139 KB, 250x293, 1310121230197.png)
    139 KB
    >Torrenting STALKER
    No, just No.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:28 No.11297828
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:29 No.11297830
    Shit games don't deserve to be bought
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:29 No.11297835

    It's what, $10-20 on Steam?

    >> /k/untmando 04/07/12(Sat)11:29 No.11297836
    >Torrenting STALKER
    You are the cancer that is killing independent gaming corporations.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:32 No.11297842
    I will share my experience with ZoA.
    Shot guns are truly deadly and at close range can kill every thing.
    Weapons are more accurate but have much more recoil.
    Anomalies are mostly invisible and very deadly.
    No zooming in when Aiming down the sights.
    Darker nights
    Stealth has been improved(Read: made possible)
    And having to load magazines make it extremely /k/ related.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:32 No.11297844
    Who cares? It's cancer and cancer /k/ills which is good.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:32 No.11297847

    >be playing misery
    >have all 5 rounds for the mosin you get
    >Stalking around at night
    >bushes rustle
    >snork jumps out with rape face
    >Snork slaps me in the face then runs into bushes
    >keep walking
    >hear rustling again
    >"oh not this fucker again"
    >dump all 5 mosin rounds into bushes
    >wait a few seconds
    >out comes a blood sucker with an angry expression

    The zone is a strange and mysterious place
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:33 No.11297850

    >cancer /k/ills which is good

    wait, what?

    No. No, don't explain yourself.

    Get out, that sentence was retarded and you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:34 No.11297854
         File: 1333812856.gif-(1.14 MB, 305x350, 1278722821298.gif)
    1.14 MB
    Don't listen to these people. I torrent everything and never seed.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:35 No.11297860

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:39 No.11297874
    what's the best mod pack for weapons?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:39 No.11297875
    >Cancer /k/ills
    >/k/illing is good
    >/k/illing the independant gaming industy is also good
    >anything that /k/ills is good
    >Torrenting is good because it /k/ills
    Everyone on /k/ should worship the act of /k/illing
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:42 No.11297883
         File: 1333813325.png-(599 KB, 720x540, 480136_371365446230249_1000007.png)
    599 KB
    >be walking back to bridge with 2 fellow stalkers under it, going to stay there until rain stops also guitar is awsome
    >arrive but somthing is off
    >slowly move around the bridge to not be spotted by whatever
    >both stalkers dead
    >move closer to bodys to search them (no reason for it to go to waste)
    >suddenly game glitches
    >super heavy bleeding
    >super high rads

    such is life in the zone
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:42 No.11297886
         File: 1333813379.jpg-(112 KB, 291x384, FO3_poster.jpg)
    112 KB
    Better game fewer bugs
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:45 No.11297893
    But that fucking mood, that fucking graphics, that fucking animations, that fucking gunplay is just horrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:46 No.11297899
    Sure if you like boring games. Plus the weapons are just stupid.
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)11:47 No.11297900
         File: 1333813641.jpg-(85 KB, 1024x768, End of a day in STALKER.jpg)
    85 KB
    >Be ZoA
    >Be doing second mission with agroprom
    >Have Polymer AKS-74 M with lightened polymer mags and ultra-reliability.
    >Have 5.45 silencer and PSO-1 scope attached that came with the rifle.
    >All goes smooth with saving Mole.
    >Fucking destroy the military thoroughly.
    >Then get to other area where documents are.
    >Attempt to find documents.
    >Get clusterfucked by military.
    >Somehow kill them all.
    >Tactically operate up the stairs.
    >Somehow kill the military.
    >Running out of ammo.
    >One mag left.
    >Get documents and start to leave.
    >Hear helicopters.
    >Be all NOPE.
    >Sneak down.
    >Wait for alarms to end.
    >Get clusterfucked by military again.
    >5 soldiers in the door at once.
    >Kill them and loot the bodies for mags instead of reloading the magazines.
    >Finish up--feel badass.
    >Start to leave after unloading bakelite mags and reloading polymer.
    >See about 5 military patrols up the road.
    >There's about to be an emission.
    >NOPE again.
    >Ninja run the fuck out of every military soldier and unload on them at close range from hip.
    >Make way to Duty camp.
    >Take out whole hoard of boars from long range.
    >Get into Bar just as emission happens.
    >Drink shitloads of vodka.
    >Such is life in the zone.

    Obligatory greentext wall.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:48 No.11297902
         File: 1333813688.jpg-(329 KB, 1600x900, 1328162785656.jpg)
    329 KB
    Would hate to kill that stalker mood.

    What mood would you call this...oh another valley full of monsters...great
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:48 No.11297906
    Sure is /v/ in here today
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)11:48 No.11297908

    >Vanilla CoP

    You can take 'em easy.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:49 No.11297910
    Is there anything to actually do in Prypiat in SoC?
    It just seems like a place of rape and death. I don't want to move onto the NPP yet beacuse I fear it will end the game.
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)11:50 No.11297914

    Kill, loot, and get rich.

    And stop getting your ass handed to you by monolith.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:50 No.11297915
         File: 1333813812.jpg-(54 KB, 500x407, tiffanyasananimal.jpg)
    54 KB
    ugh, just started a new save w/ complete 2009 mod few days ago.

    >Be travelling to X18 labs, get faggoty kill, save faggoty prisoner, etc.
    >Go through entrance, spookier than I remember it being
    >Get out the sawn off w/ shot loaded, be creeping down staircase
    >Usual strange noises, check corner
    >Uncrouch, begin assessing missin requirements



    >run up stairs, wtf was that, strange noises end, calm down
    >walk back down stairs

    MOAR BOXES EVERYWHERE, HITTING ME CONSTANTLY. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffu

    and I die. Such is life in the zone.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:50 No.11297916
    >be stalking inna SoC
    >find my way to some kind of compound
    >grey dots, grey dots errywhere
    >dead bandits and stalkers alike
    >hear some ak's going off
    >run to find it, see two stalkers firing at a doorway
    >think it's a bandit
    >"Hold on guys, I got this!"
    >charge through doorway
    >die in approximately .75 seconds
    such is life in the zone
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:51 No.11297923
         File: 1333813873.jpg-(39 KB, 256x365, ShadowHearts.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:51 No.11297926
    They have RPGs and gauss rifles man. All I have is an FAS2000 and a deagle
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:52 No.11297929
         File: 1333813942.jpg-(389 KB, 640x2268, 1331171346801.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:52 No.11297931
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)11:53 No.11297933

    You didn't grab the gauss rifle out of the helicopter in the Army Warehouses yet? Why?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:55 No.11297943

    LOL same shit happened to me, except the first bloodsucker I encountered was (no fucking lie i kid you not) under that tunnel w/ the abandoned van ... right in the fucking first 200 yards you travel in the game.

    >start save game
    >talk to trader
    >walk 200 yards
    >gee a tunnel lets esplore adventure time
    >invisible thing running
    >decloak, evil vampire with mouth of cthulu and a thousand teeth attacks

    and i stopped playing for a month.

    reloaded, never happened again. Such is life in the zone?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:55 No.11297945
         File: 1333814143.jpg-(265 KB, 1080x1080, 1333793187491.jpg)
    265 KB
    take your video games to the video games board, kids
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:56 No.11297946
    dat ass
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:57 No.11297949
         File: 1333814232.jpg-(9 KB, 300x168, images.jpg)
    9 KB
    While we are talking about video games.

    Faster, no health regen or magic items.
    pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:59 No.11297955
    So where is the best place to get 7.62x54 in SoC
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:02 No.11297961
    No you're mom
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)12:02 No.11297962

    Traders. Otherwise the general in Duty's camp.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:02 No.11297963
         File: 1333814547.jpg-(112 KB, 1018x571, s11337b11d9ee2bc427a29dc751d26(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:03 No.11297966
         File: 1333814609.jpg-(22 KB, 300x232, 1040940-scud_large.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:05 No.11297972
         File: 1333814709.jpg-(31 KB, 400x300, FUCKINGSERIOUSLY.jpg)
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    Oh precious child, STALKER is always /k/ related. Daytime /k/, you're so faggoty.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:07 No.11297981
    Then why is this argument universal to all stalker threads no matter the time
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:08 No.11297985

    I wish I'd saved the screencap from the last thread of the guy who whined about STALKER not being /k/-related, reported the thread, and got banned for it. Shit was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:08 No.11297988
    Well it is less at night...but that's also when you get zombie threads, is that famas thread, and Trayvon threads
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)12:09 No.11297991

    Because it's true, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:09 No.11297994
         File: 1333814994.jpg-(70 KB, 750x253, 1333003223831.jpg)
    70 KB
    Or it happened the other way around
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:10 No.11297995
    get this shit off my /k/. fucken saged
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:11 No.11298000
    no, what happened was people dont want and havnt wanted stalker on /k/ for a long time, and the /v/idiots who reported it got banned.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:11 No.11298002
    you're agreeing that it isn't /k/ related?

    wouldn't have thought you were on that side of the fence
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:13 No.11298014
    says the kid who just got here
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)12:13 No.11298017

    First post states:
    >Stalker is always /k/ related

    Second post:
    >Why is this argument always in STALKER threads?

    Third post:
    >Because the statement (STALKER is always /k/ related) is true, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:15 No.11298029
    I'll give you that grammatically it's ambiguous...but the direct object was the arguments in reference to people arguing against stalker.
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)12:16 No.11298032

    Oh no, it's the child who calls everyone kid in STALKER threads.

    This one's fucked. Abandon thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:17 No.11298039
    The irony.
    Stalker has about a dozen of fanatic defenders on it's /k/ relatedness
    Paintball and airsoft which at least makes you get out of the house and actually innawoods is denounced by stalker defenders.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:18 No.11298043
    >complains about people saying kid, ends posts with faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:19 No.11298050
         File: 1333815571.jpg-(219 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_12-13-11_13-42-31_(l(...).jpg)
    219 KB
    Stalker screen shot dump.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:20 No.11298053
         File: 1333815621.jpg-(48 KB, 500x281, call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:21 No.11298059
         File: 1333815672.jpg-(86 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_12-16-11_18-40-49_(l(...).jpg)
    86 KB

    Who dis is?
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)12:21 No.11298062
         File: 1333815680.jpg-(358 KB, 600x750, Oh my god..jpg)
    358 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:21 No.11298067
         File: 1333815716.jpg-(337 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_01-23-12_10-56-45_(m(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:22 No.11298070
         File: 1333815766.jpg-(516 KB, 2560x1600, 1333336543968.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:22 No.11298071
         File: 1333815777.jpg-(454 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-24-12_15-38-56_(g(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:23 No.11298075
         File: 1333815833.jpg-(326 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-25-12_18-20-52_(y(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:24 No.11298079
    I must admit that the number of STALKER threads has increased in the past few months.
    We used to have maybe one or two per month, now we almost have one per day.
    Even I start to find them annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:25 No.11298084
         File: 1333815907.jpg-(261 KB, 1024x768, 1255281752889.jpg)
    261 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:25 No.11298085
         File: 1333815911.jpg-(358 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-25-12_18-58-17_(m(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:27 No.11298092
    >fallout 3
    >fewer bugs
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:27 No.11298093
         File: 1333816052.jpg-(257 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-26-12_16-41-17_(m(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:28 No.11298097
    this. I used to tolerate them. not anymore. reported
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:28 No.11298098
         File: 1333816090.jpg-(271 KB, 800x536, 1221115873_hahahaha-hahahaha.jpg)
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    forgot my face
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:28 No.11298101
    Played it. not one bug whole game through
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:28 No.11298102
         File: 1333816122.jpg-(194 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-26-12_18-25-46_(r(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:29 No.11298104
         File: 1333816197.jpg-(230 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-26-12_18-26-39_(r(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:30 No.11298106
    I know you're lying because the game made it impossible for me to progress because of the sheer number of bugs.
    >> The Magnificent Colonel Gentlemen 04/07/12(Sat)12:30 No.11298107
         File: 1333816219.jpg-(63 KB, 1475x122, Untitled-13.jpg)
    63 KB
    Sent an E-mail to M♥♥t.
    Until the response I suggest everyone just ignore the trolls.
    >> Your /k/ommandant 04/07/12(Sat)12:31 No.11298114

    That seems to happen with the Fallout series. Some players get innumerable bugs that make the game impossible. Others have no problems. Ever. They can corrupt the code and it would still work fine for them. Nobody knows why.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:31 No.11298115
         File: 1333816295.jpg-(233 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-28-12_18-45-54_(m(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:31 No.11298116
    same can be said for stalker bro.
    Glass houses and all that
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:33 No.11298118
    Yeah whatever, doesn't change that Fallout 3 sucks anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:33 No.11298120
         File: 1333816417.jpg-(245 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_03-31-12_21-21-53_(y(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:34 No.11298126
         File: 1333816496.jpg-(426 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_04-01-12_16-01-59_(d(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:36 No.11298128
         File: 1333816563.jpg-(387 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_04-06-12_06-29-45_(z(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:36 No.11298131
    Actually, there's more to STALKER than that.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:36 No.11298132

    That's all fol/k/s.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:37 No.11298134
    STALKER is /k/ - The Game because it's a game where the shit is always hitting the fan and it's normal for people to be walking around with surplus guns and gear on them.

    If anyone in /k/ has to be told this then they don't belong in /k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:38 No.11298139
         File: 1333816688.jpg-(484 KB, 1600x900, ss_thomas_04-06-12_06-31-45_(z(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:38 No.11298142
    You realize that sounds like Fallout
    >> The Magnificent Colonel Gentlemen 04/07/12(Sat)12:38 No.11298144
    Please do not feed the trolls.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:40 No.11298151
    Agreed. Stop making Stalker posts
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:41 No.11298155
    Fallout has weight limits. around 300 pound maxed out
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:41 No.11298157
    stalker used to be related to /k/. every now and then a stalker thread would appear. now there are 3-10 a day, along with other video game threads.

    its not acceptable, even the mod agrees thats its not.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:43 No.11298167
         File: 1333817008.png-(550 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2010-12-02-02h48m54s23(...).png)
    550 KB
    Yeah, if you mean not at all. Fallout is more like Mad Max.

    STALKER is more akin to...

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:44 No.11298173
    I picked up my game of CoP yesterday that I started many months ago, this time with the complete mod installed since I already beat it on normal.

    > Be in Yanov/ the area around Jupiter plant
    > Go to investigate area with zombies around
    > Sneak by them without them noticing
    > Go down into little underground parking deal
    > 5 mutated rats swarm me
    > Pull out knife and start swinging
    > die in like 4 seconds

    Shit this mod makes you die a lot faster.

    >Be in the buildings at the jupiter plant
    >Grab documents, a few mercs suddenly appear and start shooting
    >fight the first few and kill them with my AKS-74
    > Merc with LR-300 nails me in the head and I die


    >load last safe
    > fight whole battle with grenades and cautious sidestepping from stairwell
    > success.jpg

    What a game.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:46 No.11298181
         File: 1333817164.jpg-(162 KB, 1239x1058, 1332608209316.jpg)
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    s/k/s used to be related to /k/. every now and then a s/k/s thread would appear. now there are 3-10 a day, along with other slavshit threads.

    its not acceptable, even the mod agrees thats its not.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:46 No.11298184
    sks is a weapon, stalker is a video game, kid
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:47 No.11298186
    Only vidya that I remember being /k/ related are STALKER, Red Orchestra, and Arma. I know there's a small group of /k/ommandos who play Battlefield together, but I haven't seen a thread about that in quite a while
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:48 No.11298197
    You forgot Jagged Alliance.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:48 No.11298198
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:50 No.11298207
    All of the Complete series are great. I just installed the Misery mod. Now awaiting the official release of the PGR mod.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:51 No.11298215
         File: 1333817502.jpg-(426 KB, 1920x1200, stalker-clear-sky.jpg)
    426 KB
    8:34:02 hours
    Military Warehouses

    It's Monday, which means it's time to check on my artifact recipes. I picked the village between the Duty camp and the Merc checkpoint for several reasons.

    1: the density and variety of anomalies
    The clusterfuck of electro, vortex, and burners is actually very handy for the artifact production process. I can make several different kinds of artifacts all in a relatively close proximity.

    2: the density and variety of anomalies
    Yes, I'm repeating myself, but i just thought of another reason why this is handy. This little town doesn't get much human traffic, aside from the occasional careless bandit, which don't last very long. Those who don't know the safe paths, like me, usually don't make it halfway through before getting fried, incinerated, imploding....or eaten.
    The Bloodsuckers posed a problem at first, but after I learned of their strange weakness for Vienna Sausages it became a matter of time before an unspoken agreement was formed between us. I leave 25-30 kg. of the canned food every week, they leave me alone.

    3: Close proximity to Bar and other trade venues
    It's not that long of a walk to the Bar from here, and while I'm on good terms with Duty and Freedom, they don't mind me coming in and trading with the men from time to time. I just hope they don't figure out I'm giving the same "special deals" to the other faction.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:52 No.11298223
         File: 1333817564.jpg-(213 KB, 1067x830, 1332616388024.jpg)
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    > implying going inna woods with SKS is any less of a game
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:54 No.11298231
    this JUST fucking happened to me! Literally, it happened and I alt+tabbed over
    >walking around in SoC
    >coming up on trainyard with crashed chopper where you save that scientist
    >for some reason does that cutscene you can't skip, where it pans out over the entire area
    >see some dogs running around
    >annoyed cause can't skip
    >it gets back to me
    >see three fucking cloaked bloodsuckers running past my corpse
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:57 No.11298244
    >a majority of /k/ either likes STALKER or is indifferent
    >people come into popular threads and start frothing at the mouth
    >calling other people manchildren
    You realize you can't do shit to stop the STALKER threads, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:57 No.11298246
    >Buttfurious newfags acting like they're oldfags and screeching what's not /k/-related
    >/a/-raid beginning to start
    Yup, it's weekend alright.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:58 No.11298251
         File: 1333817897.jpg-(38 KB, 241x230, 1322044326369.jpg)
    38 KB

    Reported for NSFW. Enjoy your b&. It's a fucking game you goddamn fiddle. Aren't you too fucking old to even understand how to use the internet. Fucking fiddles.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:58 No.11298252
    He might not be able to but he's perfectly justified in his rage, just as much as you would be justified in telling a COD kiddie that guns and gunfights don't work that way.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:59 No.11298255
    >berates others on liking a game
    >has gay shit eating porn on PC
    okey dokey
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:01 No.11298263
    Except /k/ isn't trying to pretend that this game is some kind of SHTF simulator. For certain reasons, a large portion of /k/ deemed this game to be related content. How about you just ignore and/or hide the threads rather than running in and going full aspie in them?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:03 No.11298274
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    How much of this shit do you have saved on your computer?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:05 No.11298282
    Also, if you're trying to shock us. This is 4chan, we've seen way, WAY worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:09 No.11298295
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    >enter STALKER thread
    >usually enjoy stories about life in the zone
    >scroll through
    >COD fags

    Sure is fucking youngfags in here.

    Why don't you all go back to /b/ and fag that place up some more?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:10 No.11298300
    Deagle brand Deagle
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:18 No.11298343
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    Today marks the end of the 5th week I've been trying to create the legendary "Pudding" artifact. These damn electro anomalies keep rendering the fire dummies inert. Spits them back out as useless cobblestones. Sure, the scientists in Yantar will pay good money for those, but who wants to haul 50kg of that crap through the Wild Territory? It took me over 15 tries to finally make a Moon Dummy artifact. Took all the patience and self control I could muster not to sell the damn thing that instant, but I HAD to have that Pudding artifact.

    It's been almost 8 hours since I threw the Moon Dummy into the Fruit Punch anomaly last night. For such a anomaly heavy area it's strange there is only one spot with these glowing slime pits. Truth be told, I wasn't even looking for the FP when I stumbled upon them.

    The blowout had taken me by surprise while I had been waiting for Fire Tears to form in a Burner. My PDA had run out of batteries, so I never heard the alert come from Antov at the Bar. Couldn't risk sprinting through the town in a mad dash to the Duty camp. If I'm not careful one of these Vortex's will swallow me up.

    Found a stable enough looking house to hole up in, right as the first emission hit. As luck would have it, this particular home had a basement with a ladder. Started climbing down without even checking, and almost landed right in the damn Fruit Punch. I don't know how these cursed things manage to put themselves in such advantageous spots, like at the foot of a Goddamn ladder in a Goddamn dark basement where I can't see shit.

    Nevertheless, made a good hiding spot, and found another piece of the Pudding recipe.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:31 No.11298405
    OP here.

    What mods do you have?

    I've never heard of ZOA. Sounds awesome. I have stalker complete; it just feels good man. And jezuz. Fuck trying to firefight in the dead of the night. I just run to the nearest fortified spot and fucking sleep. I already freak the fuck out at *SUDDENLY RAPE MONSTER*, so I don't know how this is going to go. Have HK MP4, 300 rounds of 9x19mm gun snacks. Not ballsy enough to play only with guns I own; am not willing to place my life on my player char's ability to rack bolts.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:33 No.11298419
    >implying I don't like STALKER
    >implying the quality of most STALKER threads hasn't reduced dramatically
    2/10, made me respond
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:35 No.11298425
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:44 No.11298471
    Guys, If you are tired of this shit I suggest you send an e-mail like mine to moot. go ahead and use mine if you like. my proposed e-mail to moot (still working on it)
    Dear moot,

    There has been many videogame threads (specifically stalker) on /k/ the past few months. They are appearing several times a day now instead of what used to be a bi-monthly thing. Stalker threads used to be tolerated but it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore them. We /k/ommandos ask that you please ban those who continue to post videogame threads on /k/.
    Also, I suggest a sticky with an introduction to the board, guns and knives. There are always a lot of newcomers asking for advice on what gun/weapons they should get, I feel that a sticky would be very helpful to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:59 No.11298581
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    On the roof of the Fruit Punch house I have a good view of the town. Nice day out. Feels about 58. Partially cloudy. Not supposed to have another Blowout for another day or so. As the transmutation times are usually off by an hour or so, I figured I could catch some shuteye. Curled up in a corner of the attic and wrapped myself in a blanket. Didn't take long for me to nod off.

    Awoke to the sound of a Vortex imploding. Wide awake with my 1911 out in seconds. Peaked through a hole in the ceiling to look out over town. Spied the source of the commotion near the outskirts of town. Two Bandits were making their way in, not by the main road, but the east side of town, where the derelict structures concealed their approach better.

    For a moment I thought they might have lost a 3rd party member, but the lack of bloody giblets around the Vortex center said otherwise. Then the man in front did something that explained why. He tossed a bolt 45degrees to his left, turned a bit, and tossed another one straight out. The metal triggered a Whirligig and gave away it's location. Carefully they stepped around the anomaly hotspot the bolt exposed and made their way further in.

    These Bandits obviously knew what they were doing. And had a goal in mind. They were looking for something IN the village. If they wanted to pass through, they could have easily gone around the north perimeter where the anomalies were less frequent, or cut through the main road, where it was easier to see them.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:02 No.11298606
    that's actually a good one
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:07 No.11298646
         File: 1333822054.jpg-(353 KB, 1600x1200, stalker-and-beasts-wallpaper_1(...).jpg)
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    I have a bad feeling about this. Most of the bandits steer clear of this place. Has a nasty enough reputation, and everyone knows anything of value had been looted out years ago. Did they find out about my little "project" somehow? I loosen my FAL from my pack and quietly rummage through my bag to find the Doster scope. While I'm attaching it to the rifle I look up once in a while to check on their progress. Currently they're peaking inside of a half-dilapidated structure that may at one time have been a butcher's shop.

    They're about 65 yards out when I ease my FAL onto a makeshift shooting post and point it through the 6 or so inch wide hole in the roof. Mind you, I don't actually poke the barrel out through the roof, that's a stupid amateur move. I keep back from the hole about 3 feet, to make sure there isn't enough light reflecting off my person to give me away.


    btw, if this is seriously bothering you guys, let me know and I'll stop
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:15 No.11298700
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    They're coming towards my direction now, poking their heads in houses here and there, checking for signs of life. If they're looking for something in particular, they aren't doing a good job of it. Maybe just scouting? The lead guy looks across the road and points at my house. Oh bugger all! This is too much for coincidence. They start to make their way across the road coming right at me. They might not come inside, they might just poke their heads in a make a quick check like they did for the other houses. But, if they do come in, I'm not going to have a distinct advantage. One of them has what looks like a AKS-74u, and the other a sawnoff Toz shotgun.

    This could get nasty. If I take the shot now, I could probably drop them before they even new what hit them. Right now they're out in the open, in the middle of the road, and clustered 2 feet from each other like a couple of idiots. But what if backup is waiting right outside of town, or they have a sniper watching. Unlikely, but possible. While I'm trying to come to a decision, that's when the unthinkable happens.....
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)14:28 No.11298803
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    Go on.....
    >> The Magnificent Colonel Gentlemen 04/07/12(Sat)14:31 No.11298818
    You copied my E-mail except you are making demands and have the opposite bias, how cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:43 No.11298895
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    I must have either the worst luck, or the unexpectedly best luck in the world. As the bandits were making their way towards me from 40 yards out, that's when the anomaly in the basement decided to complete it's transmutation and spit out the artifact, causing it's telltale blinding flash and accompanying FWWOOOSH!

    This surprised the bandits and for a moment they stood in awe of the intense light emitting from the house. "SHIT, WHAT IS THAT?!?" one of them said.
    "I don't know, a mutant?" said the other. The one who just spoke readied his AKu and began backing up cautiously. "We should get out of here man, I don't like this" he said in a shaky, obviously pisspants scared voice. The other, apparently braver, bandit was easing towards the house.

    During this confusion I was frantically trying to decide if I should fire or let it play out. At the same time my imagination was running wild, and anticipation raged war with adrenaline as I thought about what artifact awaited me below. Could the Pudding artifact have finally been produced? It was then the frightened bandit, who was still backing away, made the all too well known mistake of "not watching where you are stepping". He should have heard the rustling of leaves behind him, as they were pulled endlessly around in tiny whirlwind, or felt the slight pressure on his eardrums where the air pressure changed. But the commotion going on in the basement was too distracting, and by the time he felt the invisible tug on his backpack, it was too late.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:50 No.11298938
    >making demands
    how? did I say, "get those fuckers outta here or I will fuck your shit?" no, I asked moot politely to do something about this problem. I did copy your idea of sending moot an email, yes, something should be about this.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:52 No.11298947
    >should be about this.
    should be done about this
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:58 No.11298964
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    The Vortex pulled him in with relentless force, like a spider getting sucked into a vacuum cleaner. The other bandit spun around and watched in horror as his companion was mercilessly flung around and around like a ragdoll, until he was gradually lifted into the air. The sound of the Vortex gaining speed and pressure was almost deafening, like standing behind the engine of a 747.

    The vortex, like the whirligig, is a gravity-based anomaly. When triggered these dangerous anomalies emit a sudden gravitational burst, in either a push or a pull form. The whirligig will push outwards in great force when you step into it's trigger zone, like getting hit with an air cannon at close range. The Vortex however.....

    The main difference between a Whirligig and a Vortex is pretty simple: size and strength. The Vortex has a much larger range, much harder to escape from than a Whirligig, and it deals a hell of a lot more damage. Escaping the Vortex anomaly, once dragged in, can range in difficulty from easy (if you know what you are doing) to downright impossible, depending on the strength of the anomaly and the person trapped. The type of armor worn is also very important, as the odds are that you will take at least one gravitational burst.

    A person equipped with ceramic plate armor backed with kevlar might make it out alive. If they're lucky enough to have inertia force dampening artifacts they have a pretty good chance. A bandit like this guy though, wearing only a heavy raincoat, doesn't stand a chance......
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:16 No.11299060
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    The vortex was reaching its climax. The roar was so loud the victim's frantic screams were a mere whisper, and the wind so intense, even in the attic, my coat was flapping wildly, and I had to shield my eyes from the dust. The other bandit was trying to hold onto a broken fence post to avoid getting sucked in along with his partner.

    As the gravitational pull sucked in all the matter trapped in its field the bandit went from being violently flung around, to spinning blindingly fast in a tight ball at the center. Even over the roar of the vortex you could hear his bones snapping. Finally, the vortex reached the boiling point, and discharged.

    For a split second, everything went quiet. The deafening roar of the wind stopped instantly, and it seemed the only sound in the world was my own heavy breathing. Then the gravity burst.
    Body parts, guts, and pieces of clothing went flying in all directions. The force was so immense I could feel the whole house shake, and what looked like part of the AKu gastube lodged itself in a support beam right next to my head.

    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)15:21 No.11299092
    Since this thread's going so slowly, I'll retell popping my X18 cherry.
    >Load up my Oblost save
    >I'm inna Wild Territory, trying to get my fucking sleeping bag back since marked one's a pussy and can't go a day without sleep
    >had to drop it where that one dude's family rifle was, so I could pick it up because LOADS AH LOOT
    >Remember that Barkeep will probably sell me one, give my old bag the middle finger, not worth slogging through mercs and all the critters just for a sleeping bag
    >tactical retreat while pissing myself
    >make it back to the bar, sell/unload my gear
    >go to my stash next to the info-guy, put away my balanced L85, grab Sig 550 and slap a scope and suppressor on it because fuck the guy shooting at me and fuck his buddies that can't hear me shooting at them
    >grab the rest of my 12 gauge buckshot, all 300+ shells, for my Saiga 12K
    >grab Sig 220 and 100 rounds of .45 FMJ, I don't have anything else at the time
    >look at map, see how long of a run it is to the lab
    >frustrated sigh, just get a move on I'll be there eventually
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)15:24 No.11299114
    >goin' inna garbage, then inna dark valley
    >before I go to the lab, I try to find the duty-fag's gun, it's not there
    >wat then leave, decide to stop stalling and be a man
    >go to X18, clear out the bandits with my glorious buckshot, swapping to my 550/220 to save my shotgun ammo because I know of the horrors that lie ahead
    >alt+tab, turn on some :Wumpscut: for effect
    >dat German EMB
    >enter the lab, shits getting thrown at me
    >the fuck's this pussy shit? It's not scary, I'm having FUN!
    >banging noises and shit, but audio jumpscares don't bother me
    >find the code for the door, fight the first couple snorks
    >the last sound they ever heard was of a the charging handle of a Saiga 12K being actuated
    >I've fought them before, so they didn't even bother me. gottam codes, went back to the door
    >open door, accidentally select the keypad again
    >I'm stuck in the keypad screen for a sec, hit f and there's a zombie trying to push open the door
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:27 No.11299133
    You know it's the weekend when you come back from shooting and a Stalker thread is up and running strong for the last few hours.

    Kids out of school and nogunz flooding in on the weekend
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:31 No.11299150

    its not just weekends anymore...
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)15:32 No.11299154
    >go down stairs, dwarf bumrushes me obviously wanting a piece of marked one's fine ass
    >wanting none of that, and with jimmies thoroughly rustled, I mag dunp 6 rounds of buckshot in to/around him
    >he claws at me, I NOPE, draw 220 and magdump in to his face/back
    >pop pop pop watchin mofukas drop
    >dwarf goes down, I put another 2 rounds of .45 in his head for his troubles because fuck him
    >continue down the stairs into the rest of the lab, kill a few more zombies/those floating bastards that remind me of those fuckers that throw themselves at you and shock you with their ass in return to castle wolfenstein
    you get a gold star if you thought the same.
    >getting boxes and shit constantly thrown at me, jimmies and medkits are getting rustled
    >blunder down to where the pseudo-giant is, he rears his ugly face at me and stomps the ground
    >get point blank in his face and dump an entire 12 round mag of buckshot in his face
    >that was a direct quote from me.
    >running really low on 12 gauge and 5.56, homestetch
    >get the last codes, pick up rpg and unload it, I already have one in my bar stash
    >plan to sell it, and keep the missile for a rainy day/after a blowout
    >go to the locked door, dodging boxes and shit
    > forgot the code, go to pda and look for it
    >getting hit in the face with two small barrels
    I hate barrels.
    >unlock door, use an army first aid because THAT HUWT CHARRLEEEEYY
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:33 No.11299166

    Wait. You... think Stalker is not /k/ related, or something?

    Even /o/ plays racing games.
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)15:34 No.11299171
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    You two seem....upset.

    Maybe you should deal with it.

    >go up the stairs of the last part of the lab, find the fucker in the white coat forgot his name
    >claws me, I fly down the stairs
    >AWSHIT.JPG, time to get to cover
    >he fires his laser, I get knocked forward, use another first aid
    >take cover behind some sort of grouping of air tanks, he's derping around the corner of the room
    >swap to 550, spray him down with 5 mags of 5.56
    >down to 100 rounds of 5.56, and 70 of buckshot, with 30 rounds of .45 that I'm rationing and 15 grenades
    >I lob 8 frags over my cover
    >he finally goes down, marked one passes out like a bitch
    >search the rest of the room when he wakes up, military radio chatter's going batshit
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:36 No.11299184
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    (sorry this is taking so long, I'm kinda just writing this as I go)

    Blood was splattered everywhere. Limbs and other identifiable parts of the human body were scattered around the site. The other bandit was still on the ground, gripping the fence post. A gasmask covered his face, but I could imagine the horrified look on his face at that moment. He slowly started to come to his senses, and it was beginning to sink in what had happened. He noticed the blood covering him, and picked an ear or something off his pant leg. Then he started raving like a madman, kicking wildly in an attempt to get away from the spot where his partner once stood. He scrambled to his feet and sprinted back the way he came. I half expected him to end up the same way his partner did, the way he carelessly ran through the town, but I suppose the powers that be have some sense of mercy.

    As I watched him leave I suddenly remembered the artifact. I was so excited I left my FAL where it lay, half climbed half jumped down the steps, and made for the basement. Despite the horrific scene I had just witnessed, I was running through this derelict house like a little boy on Christmas morning. I slid down the ladder, gripping the sides with hands and feet, and jumped at the last second to avoid the boiling Fruit Punch. At first I didn't see anything, and for a second I thought the anomaly might have completely broken down the artifact into nothing, but then I saw it in the corner, half hidden behind an old stove.

    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)15:51 No.11299302
    >mentally spit on the head dwarf, backtrack through lab
    >get to the stair case, shoot the mil-fag at the top in the fce with my 220
    >i hear more of them in the next room, peek around the corner and get a burst of 5.45 next to my head for my effort
    >crouch, spray fire my babby seeking death boolits from the hip
    >5 round burst hits the asshole that shot at me in the sternum, he drops
    >peek to the left of me, another mil-fag's hiding in the corner
    >he gets a single round to the head, because i felt merciful for him
    >exit the lab, REALLY low on 5.56 now, almost bone dry
    >the aspect of me trying to stealth it out of a military ambush with only a Sig 220, and a 12 gauge was not appealing
    >put sig 550 on semi-auto, crouch walk
    >hang a right, go up the stairs on the facility outside of the lab
    >slowly walk up the stair, flip on my scientist suit NVGs
    >see two flashlights, pop them both in the head
    >another mil-fag comes through to door in the right, and starts to yell
    >I swing around and COD360720TRICKSHOTGRIZZNOSCOPE him
    >THAT felt good.
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)15:54 No.11299310
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    >climb the ladder up to the guy with the RPG, he's dead
    >take it, unload it
    >go to the fire escape, see three faggots hiding around the pile of concrete pipes
    >they go down without making a peep
    >I go to loot them, the rest of their buddies storm the gates, i pick two off before they notice me
    >they start to lay down suppressing fire
    >bullets flying around my head, I don't care. I just want to make it back to the bar.
    >take them down, down to half a mag of 5.56
    >pick up an AN-94, slap a suppressor on it from my 550
    >haul ass out of there, sneaking past military in the field to my right
    >run all the way to the bar, constantly getting fatigued from all the gear and loot I'm carrying
    >slurping down energy drinks like a college freshman before finals
    >finally make it to the bar, sell all of my spare shit before I turn in the mission
    >repair broken suit and my 220
    >remember how much this suit sucks at stopping boolits, put on Monolith suit
    >no NVG, but I can manage
    >see that barkeep is selling 9X39 and VOG-25s
    >cream my pants, I've had a Groza in my stash for forever, but no ammo
    >turn in mission, Barkeep tells me to go to Yantar
    >check map, see where Yantar is

    >mfw it's in the middle of nowhere past the Wild Territory
    >mfw i was just there in the first place
    >> Evil 04/07/12(Sat)15:55 No.11299314
    where are mod when you need him
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:57 No.11299323
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:57 No.11299328
    I fucking love fallout.
    Who else nuked megaton?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:58 No.11299336
         File: 1333828728.jpg-(774 KB, 1600x1200, 16536_stalker.jpg)
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    (I actually just got back from shooting
    capthca: eachpr menstrual


    The soft glow it emits makes it hard to miss. A bright orange and white light, almost other-worldly. It's quite beautiful to look at, but aside from that the Cobblestone is essentially useless. Created from artifacts that have gone inert and lost its anomalous properties, these heavy spheres of condensed base materials and minerals are nothing more than a paperweight. Through my little experiments here, I've gained quite a collection of them, as the glowing well at the edge of town will attest.

    I plumbed down in the dirt in helpless disappointment. So many hours or preparation, so many artifacts used when they could have been sold for a fortune.
    All wasted.
    I shout as I slam the wall next to me in frustration. I should have known this was a fruitless endeavor. The Scientist I saved from that pack of wild dogs had warned me that the Moon-to-Pudding recipe he gave me had only a 10% chance of success, and that was if I could get it this far.

    I decided I had enough. There was more money to be made gathering artifacts in Pripyat, or doing tasks for the scientists at Yantar. Killing zombies was better than going insane from boredom and frustration here.

    I collected my things and prepared to head back to the Bar, but before I could leave there were a few minor artifacts I had brewing in whirligigs and electros that I had to collect.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:00 No.11299345
    I did just because that junker chick was annoying as fuck.

    The fuck when the bitched survived.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:02 No.11299358
    I just wanted it to live up to it's namesake. Does that make me a bad person
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)16:06 No.11299388
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    yes it does.

    You did all that because you hated....Moira?
    The fuck's wrong with you?
    She's awesome! She's one of my favorite NPCs in FO3.

    I don't like you. My jimmies are rustled.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:07 No.11299399
    I didnt, but i methodically murdered everyone there with an AK.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:16 No.11299466
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    The sun is beginning to set by the time I finally leave the house. I'd better get a move on. It gets pretty hairy around here at night. Check to make sure my FN FAL and Colt 1911 are loaded and one in the chamber. Sling my backpack on and hit the road. There are a few anomalies on the way back I had thrown a couple of cheaper artifacts into to see if they produced anything, so I check on them as I leave town. One of them had apparently been dissolved, or hadn't finished, another spit out the same as it went in (I bag that), and the last had Cobblestoned. Go fucking figure. Today is just not my day.

    On the way out I stop near the edge of the Bloodsucker territory and cautiously approach. I'm sure they're out there somewhere, watching me, but they know who I am by now. The Vienna Sausage guy. Sure enough, the bag of canned sausages I had left on the usual stump that morning was gone. Bits of tin cans littered the area. Funny creatures, those Bloodsuckers. I wonder if they remember being human?

    I'm about to turn and leave when something catches my eye.....
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:19 No.11299485
    uhh that voice and the forever perky optimism.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:26 No.11299546
    >get mission early on to investigate that tunnel full of electros
    >pattern is way too complex for me, and I don't have enough medkits to tank it
    >fuck that
    >walk up the east side of the hill
    >drop an RGD6 at some poor bastard's feet
    >as the rest of them charge up the hill, pick them off with my shotgun
    >take two steps into the tunnel
    >walk through the checkpoint
    >step into the other end of the tunnel
    >> England !!5adrXskpGSV 04/07/12(Sat)16:27 No.11299554
    You know EXACTLY what i mean, then.

    She was a blast to talk to during the wasteland survival guide.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:29 No.11299569
    Maybe if she didn't have the disposition of a 12 year old. She would make a good wasteland girlfriend but that unnatural naivete made me feel guilty for thinking that and then my guilt turned to loathing...for her.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:31 No.11299585
         File: 1333830662.jpg-(565 KB, 1600x1200, free-wallpaper-14.jpg)
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    There is a structure just inside the Bloodsucker territory, a rec center or something. Never really noticed before, but just a second ago I thought I saw a light flash inside. The windows are mostly boarded up, and the door barred and sealed. This must be a radioactive hotspot. My Geiger counter confirms when I take three steps closer, going from 60 microroentgen per hour, to 440 microRph. Unusually high amounts, but not deadly. Against all common sense I decided to take a look. How much worse could this day get anyway?

    Though the conventional entrances were sealed, a portion of the wall had collapsed on the south end of the building, hidden by overgrown brush and fallen trees. It's unlikely anyone made it past the anomalies and bloodsuckers to find this entrance, so I'm very likely to be the first person to set foot in the building in over 20 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:32 No.11299606
    Who else was extremely disappointed in the living conditions of Tenpenny Tower
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:42 No.11299679
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    The sun has dipped below the horizon now, and night is beginning to set in. The interior of the building is extremely dark. I switch on the flashlight attached to my vest and make my way in. I've entered what seems to be a shower room. The walls have been almost completely eaten away by nature. Mold, rust, and dust covers everything. I take a moment to stay still and hold my breath, listening for signs of life. A constant *drip* *drip* is coming from one end of the room. Aside from that, there isn't a sound.

    Satisfied that I am the only one in the building I continue on. A fallen locker has blocked the door leading out, so I am forced to move it. I try to be as quiet as possible, but only succeed in making a very loud grinding and creaking sound as I lift and move the heavy piece of metal. Someone or something was sure to have heard that, if they were here. I ready my 1911 pistol. The FAL is slung over my shoulder. The semi-auto battle rifle won't be as effective in these tight quarters.

    (is anybody reading these? should I go on?)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:44 No.11299707

    Yes, I am reading and quite entertained. Please continue. In fact, copy them down so you can repost them later in the event that I pass out. I love STALKER fiction.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:45 No.11299716
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:46 No.11299729
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:52 No.11299801
    I'm reading
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:57 No.11299854
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    Now I'm in a hallway that connects to the lobby. I can see light coming from gaps on the boarded up windows, also, there is a sizable hole in the roof. I'm not sure where the light came from exactly, I'm not even sure what I'm doing in here, but I'm here, so might as well make the most of it. there is another hallway a little further down and on the right, I decide to head there. After a few moments of stumbling over debris in another dark hallway, I come out into a indoor pool area, much like the Azure in Pripyat.

    For a moment I am awed by its haunting beauty. There are sunroofs pouring in dazzling orange light from the setting sun. dust and insects floats through the beams of light like fairies dancing, or some gay shit like that. Nature has started to reclaim the land even in here. weeds poke up through broken tiles, and entire shrubs are growing in the empty swimming pool. There is a beautiful, tree growing in the center of the pool, right where the light seems to collect. It has been gnarled and twisted by radiation, yet somehow seems to have flourished and bloomed an amazing array of colorful flora.

    It is there, at the foot of the tree that I find what I am looking for.....
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:13 No.11299990
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    Dark, twisted roots are seemingly plunging from the earth, to break through concrete and tiles to give the tree life. The amount of roots and area they fan out are more than the head of the tree itself. Some of the roots are peculiarly strange looking. One looks to be about a foot thick, and spans 5 feet across the pool bottom to jut out into the air and impale the pool wall. One such root, nearer to the tree, actually starts from halfway up the trunk, comes out a foot or so into a loop, and branches out into 20 or so smaller roots that delve into he ground. It is in this loop that hangs one of the strangest things I have ever seen.

    From here it looks like a glowing bushel of grapes, only longer and thinner. I'll have to get closer to see. In my amazement I forget myself and begin walking towards the pool, my gaze drawn by this strange wonder of nature and pollution. The modified Geiger counter's sudden beeping and clicking is all that saves me from walking into a whirligig I failed to notice. Thank God I spent the money on a advanced anomaly detector. It's then I notice the entire pool area is flooded with anomalies.

    >> Kilo Foxtrot 04/07/12(Sat)17:16 No.11300014
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    Want more.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:21 No.11300046
    How many times do I have to pray to Tzeentch for a stealthy approach to be fucking successful? Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:31 No.11300149
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    This could be a bit tricky. It's not just whirligigs, I can see electros and fruitpunches at the bottom of the pool, a vortex floating above the tree, burnt fuzz hanging from the diving board and ceiling, and burners along the sides of the pool. Anomalies aren't my only problem. The radiation levels have spiked tremendously. I'm reading 465.7 roentgens per hour. I can't stay here long.

    But whatever is in that pool is too amazing to pass up. I don't care if it kills me. I carefully begin to pick my way to a ladder leading down into the pool. I ease between the hotspots of two burners. I can feel the immense heat on my face and hands. A single misstep could cause them to erupt. Using a handful of washers and bolts I find a patch through the whirligigs and burners. When I get to the ladder I find burnt fuzz covering the top rung. If I can just cut the top layer away I might be able to get down.

    I draw my knife, and after a few moments of gingerly cutting away at it while holding it down with a piece of an bio hazard suit I manage to free most of it from the ladder. The knife is completely ruined though. I can see it rusting and disintegrating before my eyes. I make my way down the ladder, but it doesn't quite reach the bottom, forcing me to drop down about few feet. I land safely, and turn to meet the tree.

    >> sage 04/07/12(Sat)17:41 No.11300217
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    Go on
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:53 No.11300311
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    Though Fruitpunches and electros dot the bottom of the pool, it doesn't take long to find a path to the tree. It's even more beautiful close up. Though the roots and branches and grotesquely gnarled and misshaped, there are formed in such a way that only adds to its wonder. The leaves are in different odds and shapes, and in the brightest shades of green and darkest shades of blood red I have ever seen. They seem to catch the sunlight, and almost emit their own glow. On the ones where the light shines through I swear I can see the veins pumping a purple fluid through them, like blood.

    There are these amazing flowers of multiple brilliant colors, and what seems to be fruit hanging down in one or 2 places. They are the most delicious looking fruits I have ever seen, like something out of the Garden of Eden. But something tells me if I eat of this tree I wouldn't be getting knowledge, most likely a slow and painful death.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:59 No.11300357
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)18:03 No.11300379
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    As I round the tree I finally get my first good look at the strange glowing object hanging from the root. It's not just hanging from it, it's growing from the tree. It looks like a string of strange glowing pearls, or berries, I'm not sure. Whatever the little orbs are, they glow with the most dazzling light.

    I can't look away.

    I just want to stare at it forever.

    The more I look at them the more brilliant they look

    as if I'm falling into their light into a galaxy of stars.
    The Geiger's sudden clacking snaps me back to reality. The radiation levels have jumped again. HOLY FUCK! 845.8 roentgens! Gotta go. Now! I look at the glowing wonder, which can only be an artifact, and I hesitate. What would happen if I just grabbed it? Instant death? Slow and painful radiation poisoning? IMMORTALITY?!?

    I make my decision. I grab it, and give it a good yank. For a moment, it doesn't budge. It's warm to the touch, and I can swear i can feel it pulsing, squirming in my hand. Is it alive? Too late to worry about it now. I give it one last good hard yank and it snaps free. The moment it breaks free of the tree, I hear a deep, painful sounding moaning, and groaning. It sounds like it's coming from the tree.

    To my amazement, I witness the color, the light, the very life ebb from the tree. The leaves shrivel, and fall. The fruits rot and turn to black raisins. The branches droop, the bark turn grey. The roots seem to writhe in agony. Within moments, what was once the most beautiful tree that ever existed, had turned to a withered, dead, pitiful thing.

    But the artifact still glowed in my hands, I could still feel its warmth, its power.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)18:17 No.11300496
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    Also can you really make artifacts by throwing other artifacts in anomalies?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)18:21 No.11300543
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    Sometime later I sit in the attic of my little hovel, gazing at my new found artifact. It's still warm, though it glows slightly less that it had when bonded with the tree. I wonder what it could be. It looks sort of like the glassbeads artifact. Could this be some sort of transmutation of that? I have heard of a rare strand called ancient glassbeads, which is said to give the user incredible healing abilities, a healthy body, and even makes them bulletproof somehow. How much is fact and how much is fiction no one can be sure. No one at the bar has ever even seen the ancient glassbeads, though it's said a certain STALKER that came through here had one....

    What was that noise?!?

    Something's outside. It sounds like voices. I peak through the sniper hole and take a look. It's almost too dark to see anything, but thankfully it's a clear night and a full moon. After a moment I spot him. A bandit, or a stalker, I'm not sure. He comes around a house and stops to take a look around. Then I notice another one a couple yards away from him come out into the open. Then another. Suddenly there's 10+ men gathering in the town about 85 yards away.

    I can see the obvious leader in the middle of the group. I get out my binoculars and take a look. He's a tough looking one. Wearing a heavy trenchcoat, air filtration system, armor, probably kevlar. Oooooh, has himself a Colt M4 carbine does he. Aw shit, underbelly nade launcher too. Looks like he's talking to one of the men. Well well well, if it isn't our old friend. Looks like you changed your underwear and came back for more. Guess he was just a scout afterall. Wait a sec, now he's talking to someone else....who's......what the?!? YOU SON OF A BITCH!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)18:38 No.11300688
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    you can in the Oblivion Lost mod, which SMP uses and that's the best mod IMO


    Galya Borov, aka "Whitesnake"

    Well the treacherous bastard lived up to his name. He was a member of the Duty squad who I often did business with. Started off selling looted weapons to him, and then occasionally an artifact or two when I started the experiments here. Once, at the Bar, after a couple of drinks I let slip the details of my little "project". I thought he was too drunk to remember, but I guess I was wrong. Last I heard he got discharged for striking a superior officer. I guess he had no where left to go but the bandits.

    So, he figured he could bring some of his new found friends and bust up my operation. Too bad for him I'm done here, and I got something that will probably make me richer than Putin. Once I slip out those bastards can look all they want. Hopefully they'll trip in a few anomalies along the way.

    I quietly ready my gear and get ready to move. When I next check on them I see old peehispants pointing at my place again. FUCK! Guess he remembered that light in the basement. Better get moving. Whitesnake pulls out a radio and says something over it. Wonder what that's abou-
    Noises from behind the house.....

    (I'll be back in a bit, going into town to get food, again, sorry for the wait)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)18:48 No.11300761
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    Not stalker per say- stalker RP,
    I thought it was a funny screenshot though.

    Duty doesn't like me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:32 No.11301066
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    No hole to peak out the roof on the northern end of the house. Have to go down to 2nd floor and a window. Through the window I spot another group of bandits creeping through the houses and rubble on my flank. Now I'm looking at 15+ baddies.


    This isn't going to be a walk in the park as I thought. A quick check on the first group confirms my fear, they're converging on my position. The second group is close to the front door now. Luckily, the steps from the attic are close to the exit, so I might be able to sneak by them once they come in and go for the basement, unless they immediately go upstairs, in which case I'm fucked. I can try to crawl out the second story window, but a 15 foot fall can leave me in a rougher spot if I'm not careful.

    Time to make a decision, they're coming in. I stand at the top of the staircase on the 2nd floor, peering down into the hallway where the front door is. I can see their dim shadows as they enter. This is it, moment of truth. Go left go left go left. For fuck's sake go left. The shadow of the lead man stops on the floor. He would be standing in the hallway just inside the door, faced with the decision to go left, or right. If he goes left, towards the kitchen and basement, I might have a chance. If he goes right, all he'll find is the stairs, and me.
    The shadow begins to move.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:34 No.11301081

    this shit is gold, keep it coming!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:36 No.11301090
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:37 No.11301106
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    stalker art is surreal and purty
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:43 No.11301169
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    bumping to keep thread alive for more stalker story
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:48 No.11301226
    OP I am very entertained please keep going
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:49 No.11301233

    I am buying this game tonight

    Tell me some tactics / overall wat do

    I wanna live, is there any multiplayer on this game?

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