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  • File : 1327579020.jpg-(101 KB, 637x362, 1327578047113.jpg)
    101 KB Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.10637488  
    Operators assemble
    Are you a bad enough dude to haul the PM past scream hordes of sub human savages?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:02 No.10637502
    lol austria
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.10637513
    gypsie + niggest nigger = abo

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.10637514
    Lol'd at the cops beating back the bitch that threw herself at the car. Your vagina won't protect you if you try that shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.10637516
    you know she will now take out her anger on other Australians
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.10637520
    link please ?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:25 No.10637562
    Look at any intl news, I verified on bbc
    this happened, and it's all the white man's fault
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:31 No.10637587
    I like how it was a comment form the opposition leader that caused the subhumans to attack them, stay classy, brown centerlink sidewalk people
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:37 No.10637606
    To be honest I would have joined the mob and given her a cunt punt. I know I didn't vote her in.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:39 No.10637610
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    >not implying anything
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:45 No.10637624
    dirty fucking abos, they should have been wiped out 200 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:51 No.10637633
    I like the look of tony in the back ground. Someone make something funny from that. I prefer other peoples humour than my own. He kinda looks black
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:56 No.10637640
    It's OK if she gets lynched, she's left wing and cancer always grows back.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)09:50 No.10637945
    They fuckin deserve it, after what scumbag Abbot was saying about the Aboriginal tent embassy, complete bullshit. Aboriginals are still treated like shit, the stolen generation was still happening only 30 years ago. Kill whitey.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)10:03 No.10637979
    requseting video of that if I google "bitch throwing herself at car gets cuntpunched" i found nothing
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)10:06 No.10637987
    He was a scumbag. I hope someone shits on his grave.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)10:08 No.10637997
    aussies are fucking dumb

    whore couldda got out without 1million inbred pigs overreacting
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)10:11 No.10638004
    Someone sum up what she said?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)10:22 No.10638037
    Fuck me, you two think the left are bad? Take a look at yourselves.
    Threats of physical harm and condoning violence against someone who had done nothing wrong by you?
    And you call yourselves Australians?
    Grow the fuck up.
    I have handed out how to vote cards for labor at elections and all you right wing cunts threaten, spit at, and literaly put curses on us.
    You could just say 'no thanks', but no, you've got to be childish.
    Should be ashamed of yourselves.
    Sage for off topic post.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:05 No.10638202
    WTF are people talking about, the "protesters" are harmless ( 0:17 secs). They overreacted..

    BBC video:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:09 No.10638214
    Abbos are fucking dangerous mate, don't underestimate them.
    They will claim land rights on you and call there cussies and stab you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:12 No.10638232
    Banned importation of pocket knives.
    Effectively banned importation of .338 Lapua & 50 BMG
    Banned importation of greater than 10 rond mags.
    Closed ANZAC rifle range in Sydney that serviced 16 clubs and some 25000 shooters.

    Thats just /k/ related.
    Lets not forget the carbon tax she promised not to have, cutting a deal with big resource companies to screw little ones, keeping thief and brothel creeper Craig Emerson both in the party and in parliament, fucking huge waste of money on schools was run out of her department, as was the pink batts fiasco which she made chrome dome wear the blame for, huge deficits, promising 3% per year increase in defence funding then cutting the budget by 5% instead. Conroys internet censorship and the NBN so the govt can control the nodes.
    The only honoiurable thing she agreed to, restrictions on pokies (which she had no constitutional authority to deliver) she tossed as soon as she had her own corrupt Mal Colston in the form of 'expense account' Slipper.
    Oh yeah, overthrowing an elected prime minister from her own party.

    She is a disgrace to the human race and the coons of the tend embassy are more up front about their true intentions and probably more honourable about their dealings with the public.

    FWIW I voted for Rudd but not the Ranga. She is bad news.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:13 No.10638237

    >I have handed out how to vote cards for labor at elections

    Thanks for ruining the country, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:13 No.10638240
    Nope. It's dune coons that do the stabbings with theoir cousins. Who are probably also their brother and their uncles due to clan inbreeding.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:14 No.10638242
    Can't wait to see what will be banned after this. Probably testicles.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:16 No.10638258

    You know what? No one got arrested. Not a person. The police just shrugged it off because they were abbo.

    >paint yourself up in blackface
    >physically threaten sitting PMs/ opposition leaders
    >get away scot free
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:16 No.10638259
    Aussies, what the fuck happened to your balls? When were they nipped?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:16 No.10638261
    I remember there was a video where this teenager ran up to John Howard (our former leader who banned our guns) and gave him a hug. He had a big screwdriver in his hand at the time.

    Imagine if that had been in the US.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:18 No.10638269
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:18 No.10638271
    On topic, back in 2003 I was visiting Canberra and got hugely drunk with some fellow shooters from DFAT, DOD & AFP. None are allowed to talk about their jobs, so they tend to get divorced a lot and drink too much with mates.

    There was a general complaint about the tent embassy and their complete lack of hygene (shitting on the grass, pissing public, boozing, broken botttles ands assaults on the public. One commented how they'd love to burn it down. A month later it did. Hmmm....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:21 No.10638291
    At least she's better than faggot Abbot
    You do have a valid argument, but don't be a cunt about it.
    Should bring In Rudd back or give Stephen Smith a go.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:22 No.10638294

    I guess 40 years isn't long enough to expect them to erect a shitter, have someone haul it away and generally appear to be respectable.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:24 No.10638307
    My enfield is still siting in my cupboard.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:24 No.10638309
    >better than faggot Abbot

    That's not difficult enough to be much praise.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:25 No.10638316

    >Should bring In Rudd back or give Stephen Smith a go.

    Why do you people like being rammed up the arse by career politicians over and over again? These people have no ideology, they just make judgements based on what polling says or the political landscape forces them to do.

    If you vote Liberal, Labour or Green, you're sending the country down the toilet.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:25 No.10638318
    You know what, I'm half aboriginal and I'm fucking ashamed of it.
    The scum that were "protesting" were whiter than my fucking bed sheets for the most part.
    They're also happy to take handouts all year round and then scream that they're treated poorly.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:28 No.10638329
    Honestly, its a lesser of two evils scenario.
    I'm not the greatest fan of gillards, but im a labor voter. Always have been, always will be.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:28 No.10638331
    >doing anything for political scum

    brotip: all politicians are filth. they are a huge drain on tax money, and the "services" they provide are largely useless and could be better provided by many middle schoolers.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:28 No.10638332
    What a strange strange outline in the jacket....
    Guess the aim needs to be higher.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:28 No.10638333

    >I'm half aboriginal

    Poor guy. Hey, this isn't to be mean or anything, but you're obviously in a bit of a unique situation with your ancestry...

    Have you ever thought of founding a group comprised of Aboriginals that just completely oppose the drain on society that the Aboriginal people have become?

    Oh, and petition your local MP to push for a right to own firearms for some made up "dream time" religious reason, plz.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:29 No.10638338
    I'm not being a cunt about it, as thta was my first post in this thread.
    My only issue with Abbot is he is anti gun and as much a weasel as Gillard. But he isn't likely to destroy the economy the way Gillard & Swan are attempting to do.

    Smith is gone. The ALP will not have a single member of parliament left in WA after the election.

    Rudd is an egomaniac, at at least it was all about his personal legend and not about destroying the country. If he is brought back then the ALP will still lose, just not as badly.
    Face it, the ALP machine has screwed up four times in picking a leader. Beazley was unelectable, ditto Latham. Rudd was electable but can't govern. Gillard is unelectable and is trying to drive the country into the ground.
    I'll still vote Liberal at the next election simply so the economy diesn't get crashed.

    You guys should go to primaries to sort out your leadership. At least that way they mayh get vetted.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:31 No.10638356
    Sometimes I half wish someone did do that, it'd spark something akin to the Eureka Stockade, our Ruby Ridge or Waco, if you will.

    But then reality sinks in and I realize that people in Australia are too apathetic and non-militant for that to happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:32 No.10638367
    Federal politics are a mess that the media created.
    I've been heavily involved in politics (state and local) for years, and I personaly know the labor members I vote for, and there great mates. That's why I vote for them.
    this isn't very /k/ related
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:33 No.10638371
    This. Back in the day I had to deal with minsters at the Fed & state level over gun control and range access.

    They are all lying sleezy weasels. Even Tingle. At least he was our lying sleezy weasel.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:36 No.10638387
    So, what you're suggesting is that I start up a group similar to the KKK comprised entirely of half-castes and try to eliminate as much scum as possible?
    The dreamtime excuse won't work because I'm not known to the aboriginal councils etc, if I was involved in that bullshit, the claim would have authenticity and thus more push. Still wouldn't work for shit though due to the fact that our entire government is OHMYGODBLACKGUNSHEATSEEKINGINCENDIARYBULLETSSHOULDERTHINGTHATGOESUP retarded. I could go and buy any old rifle, put it in a tacticool stock and suddenly it'd be rape time from the police, solely because of its appearance. Example: HK R8 (straightpull SL8) was almost banned for being scary looking.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:36 No.10638391
    You do realise that most Australians know that Labor Mate = Organised crime figure, just the same as Prominent Sydney Businessman?
    Fun fact: Neville Wran and Abe Saffron both went to my school. The two biggest crooks in NSW during the 80s.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:36 No.10638392
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    Liberals - ban our shit.
    ALP - bans our shit.
    Greens - would ban our shit and our piss too.

    I still don't understand why such obvious scumbags lead in the Liberal Party. Compare with the US where there is generally an effort to pick guys "you could have a beer with."
    Who voted for this prick?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:36 No.10638393

    >and I personaly know the labor members I vote for, and there great mates. That's why I vote for them.

    Yes, voting for people based on personal relationships rather than adherance to an ideology, perfect. You are everything wrong with the modern electorate.

    Sometimes I think people are just too fucking dumb for a democracy to work and need to be dictated to that they'll be free and the government can't legislate away social and economic ills.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:37 No.10638401
    surpluses are not a good thing.
    It means tax money is not being spent and the economy isn't being reinforced.
    Liberals think it's a good thing. So do kings and queens.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:39 No.10638413
    >Liberals think it's a good thing.

    Of course they do. Because a surplus means they have successfully sold off more of the nation's assets.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:39 No.10638414
    It means I can trust them you stupid cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:39 No.10638415
    Pretty sure it was de-facto banned, as in no longer approved for import.
    HK Systems are in Vic and Vic Pol are pretty much the source of any gun ban in the country in the last 30 years.
    They banned military semi autos before any other state, tried to ban pump action Remingtons among other things.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:44 No.10638454
    It means there is money in the bank when the shit hits the fan. Like the Brisbane Floods. Or East Timor. Or the Ash Wednesday fires. Or when the Kanimbla Manoora & Tobruk were found to be unseaworthy.

    It means that we don't end up like the Greeks.
    My neighbour went to greece because his mother was in hospital. If you didn't have cash to pay the docctors, buy food, buy medicine then you were left to die. There was an old lady ewith maggots eating her left in the hall of the hospital because she had no family to pay for her. The country ran deficits for so long that they could no longer cover their medicare costs.
    The problem with socialists is they always run out of other peoples money. With their embrace of abortion they will also eventually run out of other people to pay the taxes when they are too old to work. Like Spain & Italy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:44 No.10638455

    >So, what you're suggesting is that I start up a group similar to the KKK comprised entirely of half-castes and try to eliminate as much scum as possible?

    Thanks, now I'm going to be dreaming about you wandering the outback Mad Max style looking for natives.

    NO. I meant a public affairs group that advocates for responsible behaviour for Abbos and an easing down of welfare. Hell, ANYTHING would be better than what currently happens. Look at Aboriginal groups around the Western world, find out what works. The American Indian model isn't so bad, with the casinos. Not sure how the theme would go though.


    Liberals are Labor lite on all the wrong issues, and Labor are Liberal lite on all the wrong issues again. There is no ideological split between the two parties in how they should govern.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:45 No.10638458
    Does joh bjelke-petersen ring any bells?
    Typical corrupt as fuck conservative
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:46 No.10638470
    Not the half aboriginal gentleman. Such a movement already exists with Noel Pearson.
    Labouyr and the media won't listen to him becasue they needed drunken abbos to feel superior to and require nannying by lots of labor voting public servants.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:46 No.10638473
    Yep, thanks for that little bit extra proving my point, hadn't looked into it in a while.
    Someone needs to go on a murderous rampage with a fucking cricket bat full of spikes. Then they'll ban nails and cricket bats too. See how popular that makes them with the general population.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:46 No.10638474

    >surpluses are not a good thing. It means tax money is not being spent and the economy isn't being reinforced. Liberals think it's a good thing. So do kings and queens.

    Actually, surpluses are good because you're not wasting taxpayer money on maintaining the debt. You can take your Keynesian economics and shovel and refill some ditches for nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:49 No.10638498
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    >Someone needs to go on a murderous rampage with a fucking cricket bat
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:50 No.10638504
    Mad Max style wouldn't really work for me, too beardly for leather.
    Such movements here are already in place but do fuck all because to me, it seems like the population ENJOY supporting the fuckers.

    >aboriginal themed casinos: shitty buildings made from sticks and mud paintings all over the walls. games available: pokerstabbed, roulettemobbed and goonbag bonanza.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:51 No.10638514
    He's been dead for years and Labor have misruled QLD for ten years. They will be destroyed in exactly the same way that NSW Labor was.
    Fun fact: 2003 Pistol ban? Beatty stated it was just a PR exercise, but he was quite happy to go see us all jailed if we didn't comply with it.

    Liberal politicians are about distributing social power (social conservatives), they tend to already have money.
    Labor: About distributing the treasury.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:51 No.10638519

    >Then they'll ban nails and cricket bats too.

    Yeah, I think state law has it if you modify everyday sports equipment to harm or kill it instantly makes the bat a prohibited weapon along with...flick knives (?).

    Anyway, yeah, they have been banned. Technically ANYTHING on you that you say is for self defense is a weapon and thus you're breaking the law.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:53 No.10638532
    take it to >>>/pol/ ye Ausfailians
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:55 No.10638542
    think about it, it combines something most of the country can't shut up about and something they're all retarded about. They all love cricket, god knows why. They are all horrified of any sort of weaponry like a knife will just magically jump off a counter and stab them in the face.
    Side note: the knife comment was related to work. I use a 4 inch folder to cut boxes open, etc in a small warehouse, cunt co-worker saw the knife sitting on the bench and almost had a nervous breakdown.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:57 No.10638553
    I am aware of this, I still want to see it happen though, or at the very least have a bunch of nails sticking out from their fist and punch people in the kidneys and then cave in their groin with the bat.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:59 No.10638565
    Who cares about the Abbot or the PM. What pissed me off is that they pulled this during a awards ceremony for emergency services personel. People who actually do something good for the community don't deserve to be harassed by a mob of idiots.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:00 No.10638566
    Goodnight Gentlemen. Its 4am and I need some sleep before work tomorrow.

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:01 No.10638572

    Eighth quote.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:03 No.10638581
    Labors done a fine job.
    I think the rebuilding of the Logan and gateway motorway speak for themselves.
    Nsw labor was just a huge mess, they had to lose to get there shit together.
    I don't like liberals cause they are all born with a silver spoon stuck up their arse.
    The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:07 No.10638606

    >The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

    Your socialist roots are showing. I hope you realize socialism has no basis for individual property, as nothing is sacred for redistribution or elimination.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:10 No.10638625
    Same, take care mate.
    I'm not a big fan of it as I used to be, but Id hate to see it go. My bat as illegal as my enfield, lolwut
    I work in a small diesel mechanics workshop and carry a kershaw storm on my belt around the place. Scares the fuck out of people when I go get smoko .
    just forget to take it off.
    Knives, fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)12:13 No.10638644
    Full socialism is full retard.
    I just think everyone should get a fair share.
    Someone who sits on their arse all day at a computer shouldn't deserve as much as someone who works hard all day.

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