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  • File : 1325509613.jpg-(115 KB, 400x500, anders.jpg)
    115 KB Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:06 No.10443328  

    >A Mount Rainier National Park ranger was fatally shot following a New Year's Day traffic stop

    >Benjamin Colton Barnes, a 24-year-old believed to have survivalist skills, was a "strong person of interest" in the slaying of Margaret Anderson

    >Authorities recovered his vehicle, which had weapons and body armor inside, Troyer said.

    >Barnes was also a suspect in the early Sunday morning shooting of four people at a house party south of Seattle, police said.

    OK, roll call! Who's missing?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:13 No.10443339
    >non weapon threads all over the front page
    >mad /k/lansman on the loose and shooting people gets no replies

    /k/, I am severely disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:14 No.10443341

    khm, there are some:
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:21 No.10443354
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    >/k/ome at me bro
    >> Why is this a big deal? Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:22 No.10443357
    Someone put a bullet in this welfare whore's head. The only reason this thing is chimping out is because it feels the VA didn't give it enough of the American people's tax dollars.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:24 No.10443364

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:25 No.10443366
    Welfare whores killing other welfare whores

    Sounds familiiar
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:26 No.10443368
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    Any updates on the situation? It's already hit the local media even here in eastern europe.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:27 No.10443372
    >Random scribbles on his gyna
    FUCK YOU MOM!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:29 No.10443379
         File1325510970.jpg-(45 KB, 468x617, img-1288645757009..jpg)
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    Sure seems like an intelligent gentleman with all those tattoos.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:30 No.10443383
    No one understands how unique I am. Better get an extra scribble thrown on
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:31 No.10443387
    i gotta say, the bell on the belly-button is amusing at least
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:33 No.10443391
    The cuffed hands stand for Rangers CRAMPIN HIS STYLE

    What actually happened
    >Sir, could you please stop feeding the elk Monster and put your Ed Hardy shirt back on

    And then he shot the ranger in the face. Poor park rangers, they are like the animal loving pussy version of a state trooper.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:33 No.10443392
    >shitty gangland tattoos

    Barely even qualifies as tattoos. More like stamps of retardation.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:34 No.10443394

    This bloke looks like the archetypal chimp.

    Note how the firearms look supersized alongside his stunted neanderthal form.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:34 No.10443395
    But that is the exact definition of a tattoo.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:36 No.10443400
    >still looking for a live scanner in the area
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:38 No.10443403
    Any reason behind that prejudice?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:38 No.10443405
    Park Rangers aren't even cops, they are just an animal defense force right? Please don't litter here, please don't urinate there. Are they even armed?

    This guy is a right cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:39 No.10443406
    some are armed they = park police the other majority = that
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:40 No.10443409
    As the other anon pointed out, some are actually law enforcement officers, and those guys are (usually) ninjas. The others are hippie tree huggers.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:40 No.10443410
    Are you like the furries now? Consider yourselves an ethnic group because you have a silly habit of doodling on yourself. I wonder if kids who eat glue should start throwing around the word "prejudice" when their mother tells them they look like an imbecile.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:41 No.10443411

    Puyallup and Tacoma Police, Fire, and EMS Live Audio Feed

    Closest to Mt. Rainier. Enjoy komandos
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:41 No.10443414
    I just looked at a picture of the Margaret woman whose face he blew off. She looks like a friendly animal lover who gives kids tours. She was likely unarmed.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:42 No.10443417
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:42 No.10443418
    The search team is probably using an encrypted channel un available over the internet so this is going to be the next best thing over the next couple of hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:42 No.10443422
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    as far as i know some are and some aren't

    those that are probably have them for if they get attacked by a pissed off bear while out looking for lost hikers
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:43 No.10443425
    Yep. They'd have to... I'm willing to bet a box of .40 that the guy has a radio that can listen to whatever they're using.

    >random beeping over the internet radio
    What in the actual fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:45 No.10443426

    you're going to hear a lot of those since that station montiors fire/ems too.
    They are used to alert the firefighters/EMTs and activate their pagers.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:45 No.10443427
    In the article it states that this particular ranger was tasked with LE, and would have been armed. But apparently she blocked the guy's path with her car and he simply shot her in the face before she even exited her vehicle.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:45 No.10443428
    And there's the ad hominem.

    I suspect you lack any real argument and you think tattoos are retarded simply because that's what your mommy told you on the way to Church. Is getting a tattoo on your face retarded? Yes that could be called retarded because you will never get a job, but in general getting a tattoo is about as retarded as someone getting their ears pierced and wearing earings.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:45 No.10443429
    How fucking small is this guy?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:46 No.10443431
    He's a fucking wigger hobbit, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:46 No.10443433
    Actually, a lot of the armed rangers are pretty damn OPERATOR. You have to be to catch poachers and find hidden drug labs. They also see a lot of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:47 No.10443436
    >getting a tattoo is about as retarded as someone getting their ears pierced and wearing earrings.

    Yes, yes it is that retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:47 No.10443438
    >getting a tattoo is about as retarded as someone getting their ears pierced and wearing earings

    I agree with this. Getting piercings is fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:48 No.10443441
    Oh fucking what the fuck ever. lol

    >hur dur i passed the federal forestry exam, now I can operate
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:49 No.10443447
    She doesn't look like an operator more like a tour guide.
    20 bucks on him being a belligerent asshat, and she asks him to stop doing whatever (listening to loud shitty music, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:49 No.10443448
    Aw shit, I goofed.

    >park ranger
    I meant game wardens
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:51 No.10443455
    Ok anon, tell that to your girlfriend the next time you see her.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:51 No.10443456
    Welp, get ready for the militarization of park rangers. If they weren't all armed to the teeth they soon will be.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:52 No.10443457
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    Look guys, if it was an actual OPERATOR park ranger this story wouldn't have even happened.

    The suspect would have appeared and then the ranger would have gone all fucking doomguy on his ass and that'd be that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:53 No.10443461
    >opening holes in your flesh to insert metal
    >put ink under your skin to make fancy pictures
    sounds like what intelligent people do
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:54 No.10443463
    She could have screamed for her squirrel friends to help her. Honestly this is pretty sad since most park rangers I have encountered have the personality of a middle school science teacher.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:54 No.10443465
    I thought you'd be more up In Rms over the media description of him holding his saiga and Uzi as "assault style weapons"
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:54 No.10443466
    You don't understand art or freedom of expression, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:55 No.10443468
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    At least they didn't call them AK47s
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:56 No.10443469
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    What would you have done if you would have been the Park Ranger and the guy took out his gun ?
    You have no gun with you !
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:56 No.10443470
    Park rangers are usually pretty shitty, bro. You have to take quite a few college courses and get all sorts of licensing, but they don't go to fucking SERE school or anything.

    Against a combat veteran (which this guy SUPPOSEDLY is) they wouldn't have much chance.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:59 No.10443475
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    If i was a Park Ranger the only weapon I would have at my disposal is facts about snakes and lizards.

    So i would try to amaze him with science and hopefully that will calm him. He will be happy to learn how to identify every reptile or squirrel species in the NorthWestern Unites States.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:59 No.10443476
    I'd assume my werewolf form and because he's a poorfag that cant afford silver bullets I'd pwn his ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:59 No.10443480
    Tattoos are on the same level of shit-in-a-can "art", if you can even call it that
    >freedom of expression
    If I don't have tattoos or piercings I'm burdened by institutional racism and hindered with conservative western civilization values, I know

    Have fun with something that can mark you for the rest of your life
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:00 No.10443481
    All they do is take kids on tours, so just grab a kid and hurl it at him
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:01 No.10443485
    ahhh fucking lold

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:02 No.10443490
    >killing female park ranger
    Whats next shooting old librarians?

    Vietnam vets at least picked fair fights, Iraqi vets just pick on people who don't even do anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:02 No.10443491
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:03 No.10443495
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    >STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM! Did you know that snakes can expand to over 3 times their own size to swallow a meal?!

    "Uh, what?"

    >Did you also know there are over 365 species of squirrels in seven families. They include the tree squirrel, ground squirrel, and flying squirrel. Plus many squirrel-like mammals such as the gopher, ground hog and prairie dog.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:03 No.10443498
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    So you 3 agree that you are fucked from the start in this situation .
    You would die what ever you do ?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:04 No.10443499
         File1325513041.jpg-(213 KB, 1282x1600, LHO (Backyard Picture).jpg)
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    Anyone who takes a picture of themselves like this will inevitably be pursued by police inna woods.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:05 No.10443504
    That's fine, but the way you're an arrogant douche with a stick up his ass isn't. I mean I know we're on /k/ but if you go around with the attitude that you're always right and people who do things you don't like are retards then you're pretty much a confirmed cunt and everyone will know it.

    Just a bit of advice for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:08 No.10443515
    The news makes him out to be some sort of super elite supersoldier
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:09 No.10443516
    >stop liking what i dont like
    It's not a case of this, more like tattoos and piercings are a bad lifestyle choice. Are you getting angry because you probably have both?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:12 No.10443522
    Benjamin Retard Colton Barnes - a true /k/ afficionado.

    This is the type of psycho fuck that /k/ loves. This man is a true hero of /k/.

    /k/ - because guns don't kill people, white-trash redneck scum do.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:12 No.10443523
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    How long to do guys think he can Rambo out innawoods until the authorities get him? My guess is he won't make it through today. Taken out by a sharpshooter.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:13 No.10443525
    Here's what apparently happened:

    -guy goes to Iraq, gets some good PTSD
    -comes home, beats up baby momma, gets restraining order
    -goes to news year party and shoots 4 people when told he has to leave, cuz he has a gun, and guns are dangerous
    -flees to mt rainier
    -hits tire-chain checkpoint (cuz federal commies be hatin')
    -drives past checkpoint screamin' FUCK DA POLEES
    -busy-body Imma Da Bawz split-tail park ranger pursues, eventually blocks guy's car with her own
    -PTSD-boy suddenly explodes into cowadooty fury and shoots her in the face for trying to oppress his tires' right to free expression
    -goes innawood, hides in rivers and streams, eats own poop and drinks squirrel blood
    -eventually becomes king of squirrels, marries squirrel princess, has more babbies
    -first-born squirrel-man-babby overthrows dad, who regrets not going to college
    -split-tail park ranger's cunt kids turn into muslims and blow up convoys in Iraq
    -Circle of Life
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:13 No.10443526

    You fucker. You made me laugh!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:13 No.10443528
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:13 No.10443529

    >sharpshooter inna woods

    are you serious
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:14 No.10443532
    How is getting a tattoo a bad lifestyle choice? Does it turn you into a criminal? No. Does it make you unemployable? No, not unless you get them on you neck, hands or face. And even then that's only because the employer is a faggot who judges people on appearance rather than how they conduct themselves.

    Face it, there's no logical reason why it would be a 'bad lifestyle choice' unless your brain is stuck in the 1950s and you think it would disqualify you from being a fine upstanding gentleman and member of the community.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:15 No.10443533
    Someone post some ranger smith from Yogi Bear.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:15 No.10443534
    He's apparently all suicidal and shit. So either he's already painted some pine trees with his brains, or the FBI's HRT are putting two through his dome as we speak.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:16 No.10443536
    Someone post that story about the guy that killed the cop and was then hunted inna woods, the cops that caught him shot him like 70 times and one said that they did that because that's all the ammo they had.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:17 No.10443537
    They will send the dogs after his scent and snuff him out of the woods. It's not like he can camp out, he has to continue moving or else be caught. It's not like they don't know he needs water and to be near a water source.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:17 No.10443539
    The fuck is wrong with her face? Is this an autopsy photo?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:18 No.10443542

    They have a heli doing runs over the park with thermal. You think they are going to walk up on him rather than try and take a shot at distance?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:19 No.10443543
    He'll die in prison, hopefully, aged 97 or something. By then his asshole will be like a doughnut from all the forced buttsecks.

    But seriously, this man is a model /k/ave dweller.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:19 No.10443544
    Some guy about ten miles away form me shot his whole family, fled innawoods, was found hiding in the bottom of a dry-docked boat, and the local sheriff's department shot him 36 times.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:24 No.10443556
    >How is getting a tattoo a bad lifestyle choice?
    Because it's permanent and attention whoring. For what reason would you want to mark yourself other than a cry for attention? After some time you probably realize what kind of a tool you are.

    >hurrdurr 1950s bigotry
    It doesn't make you a criminal, it makes you a person likely to make bad choices generally. That's why I'm always alert around tatooed people, you never know when they're going to try some stupid shit. Just face it man tatooed people are generally retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:28 No.10443571
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    Eric Rudolph begs to differ.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:32 No.10443585
    cover yourself with mud or fire extinguishing foam or liquid nitrogen
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:33 No.10443590
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    Guys halp me im the woods how to avoid heilcopter with Thermo scan and keep runing ?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:34 No.10443592
    >Because it's permanent and attention whoring. For what reason would you want to mark yourself other than a cry for attention? After some time you probably realize what kind of a tool you are.
    >tattoo under my shit
    >never take my shirt off in public aside from the beach
    >attention whoring


    And there again is you arrogant assessment that people who have tattoos are more likely to make bad choices. This seems to be based solely on your dislike of tattoos. So therefore everyone who has tat = bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:37 No.10443599

    >Thermal Imaging

    Deer, Deer, Deer, Turkey Flock, Deer, Deer, Elk, Bear, Deer, Deer, Deer, Fox, Deer, Deer, Deer, Deer, Elk, Deer, Deer, Deer, Deer, Sasquach, Deer, Deer, Deer, Deer, Bear, Deer, Deer, Deer, Deer....
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:37 No.10443601
    You watch to many bad movies .
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:39 No.10443609
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:39 No.10443610
    A human has a different shape then a animal because of his way of walking .
    We dont have that much wildlife.
    You do realize they even work in town full of people ?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:39 No.10443611
    ur dum
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:40 No.10443612
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    Get on all fours and look like a durr.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:40 No.10443618
    Would the mud not reach body temperature quickly ?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:41 No.10443619
    For the most part, body modification of any kind from genital mutilation to tattoos is disgusting and often fueled by "values" like religion, body "art" or just plain shock value.

    Seriously, that's tribal behaviour. Why the fuck would anyone civilized want to do that?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:41 No.10443621
    I have a tattoo of an Ouroboros curled into the infinity symbol on my right arm. You fucks are just jealous.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:42 No.10443623

    >believed to have survivalist skills

    So they're just throwing that in there to make people that have survivalist skills seem like murderers?

    Way to be classy media.

    Are no media outlets reporting on the NDAA being passed by Obama?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:43 No.10443625
    I think he'll hideout in a cave until they call in the National Guard. They'll lay siege to the cave eventually shooting a LAW Rocket collapsing the cave and the suspect inside forever... MUHAHAHA!!!
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 01/02/12(Mon)09:44 No.10443630
    I bet they're gonna send this guy to Afghanistan after this mess blows over.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:44 No.10443631
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:45 No.10443637
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    Guys halp me a crazy guy killed my Girlfirend and now he is hiding in the woods .
    I can use our Dog to find him but what Gun should i use to kill him ?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:47 No.10443645
    Why don't they call in his former commander in the Army? Colonel what's his name in Ft Bragg.
    >> Dongcopter !!nZieiPllAEl 01/02/12(Mon)09:48 No.10443650
    deagle brand deagle
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:48 No.10443654
    Well he has a Saiga you better take a .50. That way when your bullets collide with eachother your bullet will overpower his and kill him.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:49 No.10443655
    The FCC is pretty crazy in the US.
    Run by a bunch of soccer moms and nearly every show on TV is made with the kids in mind because the fucktarded parents wont parent and expect the TV to entertain, teach, bathe, and blow the noses of the kids for them.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:51 No.10443663

    mfw real life rambo

    Shooting the park ranger is inexcusable.
    But I can understand killing his; girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, wife or ex-wife in this case.
    Bitches be bitches.

    If I was looking for this guy, pre park ranger murder I wouldn't have been looking very hard because I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:52 No.10443670
    this crowd is too young yo remember mr rudolph
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:55 No.10443680
    Haha wikipedia is doing a thriving business now.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:55 No.10443681

    Still, that is what the thermal image operator is seeing.

    Deer, Deer, Deer, Deer... Oh wait, think I see something... A fucking Deer.

    >You do realize they even work in town full of people ?

    That's because normal people don't try to hide behind a bunch of garbage cans. And Sasquach walks like a man. How you gonna rule out Sasquach!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:57 No.10443685

    He knows this.
    I bet he's running around on all fours.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:58 No.10443689
    You're not getting it. People with tattoos generally make stupid shit because they generally make bad lifestyle choices and tattoos prove this. Someone who is dumb enough to put ink under his skin is dumb enough to stick his fingers in a socket. Are you angry that statistics are proved real? I'd be mad too if I had some "witty" phrase tattooed in calligraphy all over my abs.
    Friend of mine has a tatoo of his favorite football team on his leg, needless to say he has regretted it.
    I wanted to have a tattoo as well, fortunately I grew out of that phase quite fast.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:05 No.10443715

    Of course it would. which is why that picture is a JOKE.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:06 No.10443717
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:18 No.10443762
    WAfag checking in with an update from the local news:

    >She was shot when the driver apparently stepped out of the vehicle with a shotgun and opened fire. It took authorities nearly 90 minutes to get to her because the assailant continued to fire an assault rifle at Pierce County SWAT team officers as they tried to assist the injured ranger, officials said.
    >Nearly eight hours earlier, King County sheriff's deputies responded to shots fired at a party in Skyway, where an early-morning session of "show and tell" with guns among several armed partygoers devolved into a shootout, according to detectives.
    >Pierce County sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said they know the suspect is carrying an assault rifle because shell casings were found at the scene, but no assault rifle was found in the car.
    >Barnes is the father of a 1-year-old daughter, and custody documents filed in Pierce County Superior Court by the child's mother describe him as an Iraq war veteran plagued by anger and depression who was hospitalized after threatening suicide last January.
    >West said at least one person at the party appears to have returned fire, although it was not believed that the assailant was injured, she said. The man left the scene afterward.
    >West said numerous rounds were fired: "It was quite a shootout," she said.
    Guns ans alcohol
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:21 No.10443764

    Wow, you're a faggot and you're stupid.
    Unfortunately no amount of lifestyle choices can change that.
    Still at least living in a closet means noone outside of the internet will notice.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:22 No.10443766
    Damn it. I need to get more rifles before they ban the "assault" ones.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:24 No.10443772
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    Awesome SWAT team they've got there.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:24 No.10443773
    >Nearly eight hours earlier, King County sheriff's deputies responded to shots fired at a party in Skyway, where an early-morning session of "show and tell" with guns among several armed partygoers devolved into a shootout, according to detectives.

    Smells like unrelated to the rambo dude and darkies to me.

    >Barnes is the father of a 1-year-old daughter, and custody documents filed in Pierce County Superior Court by the child's mother describe him as an Iraq war veteran plagued by anger and depression who was hospitalized after threatening suicide last January.

    Well fuck, this doesn't bode well for War Veterans.
    inb4 TNG: Man Hunt in real life.
    >> Drewsifer !y4yHFhYEKg 01/02/12(Mon)10:25 No.10443776

    >where an early-morning session of "show and tell" with guns among several armed partygoers devolved into a shootout

    WTF am I reading? This sounds more like an invitation for gay sex went horribly wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:25 No.10443777

    I either saw airshitters or our local SWAT team practicing at a closed gas station.

    It's currently winter and there was snow on the ground, they wore brown and tan camo winter military uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:26 No.10443780
    >describe him as an Iraq war veteran plagued by anger and depression who was hospitalized after threatening suicide last January.

    I bet the faggot never even fired a shot.
    The depression is from getting ripped on by his buddies for being a wannabe street punk.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:31 No.10443797
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    I'm sorry man the truth hurts.
    By the way this is the tattoo I wanted to get
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:36 No.10443814

    Looks like an old burn scar. Fucked up face and still smiling like that. Not a person who deserved to get killed by dirty pieces of toilet paper lint like this guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:40 No.10443822
    More people than you probably think have tattoos. For many cultures it is part of the right of passage or status proclamation.

    I will agree that tattoo choice I.E. placement and material are probably somewhat decent indicators of possible bad decision making.

    I wouldn't call a WWII or Vietnam vet with his units designation tattooed on his are a possible deviant because of his choice
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:46 No.10443842
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    >Meanwhile, a tactical team was trying to track the assailant through nearly 2 feet of fresh snow as temperatures fell. More than 100 law-enforcement officers from the National Park Service, FBI, Pierce County and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife were on the scene.
    >"We believe we have a good track on him," Troyer said. "But he's way out ahead of us."
    >The gunman's tracks went into creeks and other waterways, making it more difficult for crews to follow. "He's intentionally trying to get out of the snow," Troyer said.
    He could hide out from planes under a tree next to a snowdrift, but he is going to leave tracks.
    My guess is the local police have changed the ROE to identify & kill on site. Accused cop killers don't do too well in WA state.
    His options are pretty limited. Where he started on foot there is: Fuckoff difficult during the summer Mt. Rainer foothills to the north. Die in an avalanche grades to the south and only the narrow pass that goes E-W. If he is not setup specificaly for winter hiking he is certain to be found in the spring or just plain frozen solid. The forecast says temps will only get colder w/ highs a few above freezing and more snow/rain. He's fucked if he can't get out in the next 48.
    Pic related it the terrain of the area.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:46 No.10443844
    >For many black/brown/colored cultures it is part of the right of passage or status proclamation

    How many tattoos did heorge Washington have again?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:48 No.10443849

    Who the hell is heorge Washington?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:50 No.10443857
    sorry, I meant Heorge, Georges half armenian brother
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:52 No.10443863

    George Washington's Mexican half-brother.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:55 No.10443871

    >he gunman's tracks went into creeks and other waterways

    insta frostbite tonight
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:57 No.10443873

    Winston Churchill had a well as his mother oddly enough

    Teddy Roosevelt
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:57 No.10443875

    >calls a park ranger a welfare whore

    >doesn't know the United States military is the largest welfare system on the planet

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:58 No.10443879
    He could cause an avalanche on purpose
    >> /K/im Jong Lulz !!c2EKq3cax4k 01/02/12(Mon)11:02 No.10443889
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    Police should just find him, bulldoze his house and let him die in the rubble or just shoot him then, he looks like a useless shit smeared wigger mongoloid THAT NEEDS TO WEAR A FUCKING SHIRT.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:15 No.10443927
    What are the chances he had a bug out bag with clothes, socks, sleeping bag? If he is carrying that and the firearms...and ammo. Surviving the cold is hard enough, then he has to be on the move all the time.

    Like on Man Tracker, they use horses as advantage. The cops would need snow mobiles to contain him and get ahead.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:28 No.10443974
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:31 No.10443986
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    How can you classify the military as welfare queens when they are protecting the country?
    Someone butt sore?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:34 No.10444002
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    Pic related. Though this is more forgivable than some of the shit I've seen.

    P.S.; Is that a Valtro PM5? I love those things. Part of me thinks it's just a Saiga though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:36 No.10444010
    Have you ever spoken to someone in the military? I mean a lifer, not some poor idiot who fucked up and regrets it. They go on and on about the benefits, and how it's the "easiest job in the world" and other stupid shit. It's a shit mentality.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:41 No.10444032
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    don't think so
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:45 No.10444045
    I agree with you there are sure to be some that look at it that way. I'm sure there is waste and corruption involved too, like jobs that are essentially useless.
    However, the military is it's own mirror of regular society, they need cops, garbage men, carpenters, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:49 No.10444060

    When was the last time the military protected the US from invasion? 1812?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:50 No.10444063
    And a lot of military ends up sitting on their asses for the majority of their service.
    >> god !!FSbiyqIKn6l 01/02/12(Mon)11:52 No.10444080
    If he ain't from /k/ or opchan I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on.
    >> paris !JGpbUljp5U 01/02/12(Mon)11:59 No.10444121
    forgot my trip
    >oh no!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:02 No.10444140
    >we never got attacked by anybody
    >we need no military
    >/k/ids logic
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:03 No.10444152
    Attu and Kiska, 1945. If you don't count the Mexicans or the Cartels.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:06 No.10444176

    Should have known, he's not nearly classy enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:47 No.10444346
    Why do so many people talk about shit like this but no one talks about important stuff like SOPA killing the internet?
    >> Franky 01/02/12(Mon)12:52 No.10444370

    because we liek guns
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:07 No.10444452
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    Yea mother nature will murder him within 24 hours if the police don't do it first.

    >Fled from house party (not prepared for innawoods)
    >Fled from park troopers and abandoned his vehicle
    >left all his shit in his vehicle as he fled on foot
    >Potentially crossed a river/creek and now has wet clothing

    At best the only survival gear this guy has is a pocket knife. If he had wet clothing he wouldn't survive the night out there.
    >> /k/alashnikov !!DVfXEE2Q9GF 01/02/12(Mon)13:12 No.10444477
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    Because SOPA isn't /k/ related, go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:18 No.10444504

    but it's more important than the 2nd amendment that /k/ likes to circlejerk about
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:20 No.10444512
    >>Wet clothing
    >>survival expert

    I'm not sure how they can say some of their BS with a straight face.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:24 No.10444531
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    this guy looks pretty much like how I imagine every single /k/tard looks

    funny how no one here ever looks in the mirror
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:27 No.10444551
    Who wants to bet he'll freeze to death and they never find his body?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:27 No.10444552
    I am quite sure there was a time gap from when the party shootout happened and the blockade at the mountain. Wouldn't he have gone home, packed some clothes and survival gear? He knew he was headed towards the mountains and inna woods. Not hard to think he would have a dufflebag, a backpack with ammo and the guns on his shoulders.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:29 No.10444560
    fucking retard, GTFO

    I guess, you look too much into it, eh eh eh :D
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:31 No.10444571
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    umad, guns and bibles fag?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:33 No.10444577
    Oh no, some of us (try to) look like normal, mentally stable, civilized human beings - just like Breivik did!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:36 No.10444595

    Calling ME Jesusist but uses pictures of children for propaganda.
    Just couldn`t hide it.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:38 No.10444603
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    >most of the people I know around here

    I have never told them about /k/ though.
    >> A38966 01/02/12(Mon)13:39 No.10444612
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:39 No.10444613
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    We got ourselves a fugitive.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:42 No.10444625
    Some park rangers are Peace Officers, and some just patrol the park. Some get select fire M14s in California.
    >> molot0v !CocKTAILBg 01/02/12(Mon)13:42 No.10444629
    Just got a news text that he was found dead, no other info though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:45 No.10444642

    From whom?
    >> molot0v !CocKTAILBg 01/02/12(Mon)13:48 No.10444654

    I assume you were talking to me, the news text came from MSNBC. I get news texts from CNN, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC; I've only gotten one so far, so don't rage if it's wrong and MSNBC is jumping the gun (huehue).
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:53 No.10444671
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    >crazed war vet with a ton of weapons and extreme survivalist skills on the run from an army of cops after killing a cop, hiding in the woods

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:54 No.10444679

    Some of us of can live without the interwebs fucknugget.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:55 No.10444688
    Because this is A. interesting, /k/ related news and B. SOPA has already been and continues to be discussed to death. Get the fuck out of here.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:03 No.10444738
    And he is dead.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:14 No.10444791
    park rangers are not forest rangers or game wardens.

    park rangers are employed by parks to supervise and maintain the parks and the people in them.

    forest rangers and game wardens are police officers employed by the state to enforced laws and do search and rescue missions.

    park ranger= no guns or training

    forest ranger/game warden= guns and training
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:15 No.10444796

    wow you must be really dumb
    >> Nerkleton !utGyCpwL6A 01/02/12(Mon)14:16 No.10444797
    Don't worry guys, I have yet to go postal.

    But the chance of me actually buying stamps grows larger with each passing day...

    I give this guy four days before he's captured DOA.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:17 No.10444801

    Sauce? No one is reporting that they found him or he is dead.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:21 No.10444823
    text message from msnbc

    Go use google...
    >> Turtle (SLAUGHTER NORV TURNER) !9Rx1l5SVtU 01/02/12(Mon)14:26 No.10444844
    >pops a cop
    >goes innawoods

    Mah nigga. No reason to shoot the cop but, nice innawoodsin'
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:28 No.10444853

    Yeah MSNBC saying body found, good riddance to this asshole.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:28 No.10444855
    no cops were harmed in the making of this film
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:28 No.10444856
    Sources say the body, believed to be that of Benjamin Colton >Barnes, was found about 10:20 a.m., but other details, including where exactly the body was found, weren’t immediately available. Authorities coordinating the search for Barnes had said they believed him to be in the Paradise area of the park.
    Found at 10:20 am so the local PD and Feds waited until sunrise to go chase after him. Wouldn't be surprised if he was found naked after experiencing hypothermia.
    >> /K/im Jong Lulz !!c2EKq3cax4k 01/02/12(Mon)14:32 No.10444873

    Except it wasnt a was a park ranger...a person hired by the parks to maintain the people and nature.

    Basically good riddance to this fucking tard, hope he froze to death.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:33 No.10444877

    >kills a korupt pig

    >get's called an asshole

    this guy is a fucking hero
    >> /K/im Jong Lulz !!c2EKq3cax4k 01/02/12(Mon)14:36 No.10444882

    Park Ranger =/= Cop.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:36 No.10444884
    He was our Dark Knight.
    He could have been our patron Saint.

    >watch this turn out like the ending of rampage
    >hey buddy, glad you came all the way out here for some winter camping
    >lemme tell you why I'm so out of breath and what delayed me
    >try on my clothes first
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:37 No.10444889
    He didnt kill a pig, he killed a park ranger.

    I dont know about you or anyone else but I for the most part like park rangers, they make the fucking hippies clean up their trash after their meetings when they used to leave the place a mess. That rainbow gathering that one year was a bunch of shit, left the place trashed, worst was the drug stuff left behind. My ass hippies are for clean environment.
    >> /K/im Jong Lulz !!c2EKq3cax4k 01/02/12(Mon)14:42 No.10444905
    Who cares.

    Brevik is still the top dog on the leaderboards!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:57 No.10444983
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    he's off to fight bigger battles

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